Weaving Best Practices and Technology Integration Best Practices Tech Strategies & Ideas Web Sites & Web 2.0+ Apps Identify Similarities and Differences *Synthesize and restructure Information Venn Diagrams (WORD TEMPLATE) Comparison Matrix Classifying (Word sort/Analogies) www.quia.com Interactive: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroomresources/ www.wordle.net Summarizing and Notetaking *Synthesizing and re-stating the “essence” of information Sequencing/Timelines Main Idea and Details www.preceden.com www.timetoast.com www.tiki-toki.com Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition *Addresses attitudes and beliefs *Differentiate in connecting between effort and achievement Productivity tools: Certificate Makers Templates in WORD http://www.crayola.com Interactive quizzes/activities Wordles-Vocabulary http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/quiz_list.htm Homework Help-Discovery Education http://www.discoveryeducation.com/students/index.cfm Interactive quizzes http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/quiz_list.htm Wordles – www.wordle.net CPS – Classroom Performance System-practice quizzes Blogs CPS – Team Activities http://www.dentonisd.org/Page/4981 - Blog Photos-Writing prompts www.eInstuction.com Classroom Performance System Survey Monkey ePortfolio Rubrics http://www.einstruction.com/solutions/k-12 www.surveymonkey.com www.edmodo.com http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php?ts=1372538414 Homework and Practice *Practice *Review *Apply knowledge Cooperative Learning *Interaction with others -formal -informal Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback *Establish a direction for learning Hollye Knox, M. Ed, Master Technology Teacher 2013-2014 1 Weaving Best Practices and Technology Integration Best Practices Tech Strategies & Ideas Web Sites & Web 2.0+ Apps Generating and testing a Hypothesis *Analysis, invention, experimentation, decision making and problem solving *Key question: What if? You Be the Historian Maps http://americanhistory.si.edu/springer/ How maps solve problems: http://chnm.gmu.edu/worldhistorysources/unpacking/maps q1.php www.gind.k12.va.us/resources/graphicalorganizers Question, Cues, and Advanced Organizers *Connecting to what is known and what is needed to be learn. http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/graphic-organizers.html Graphic organizers Anticipation Guides Textbook resources-Holt http://my.hrw.com/nsmedia/intgos/html/igo.htm http://www.readwritethink.org/classroomresources/printouts/anticipation-guide-30578.html Nonlinguistic Representations *Enhance ability to represent and elaborate on knowledge using mental images Graphic representations Mental pictures Video Physical models Drawings Kinesthetic activities Hollye Knox, M. Ed, Master Technology Teacher 2013-2014 www.animoto.com www.mentormob.com (playlists) www.prezi.com http://www.drawastickman.com/ Wordles – www.wordle.net http://printcutfold.com/activities.html 2