Immigrant Issues in Language Learning and Teaching

The International Research Foundation
for English Language Education
(last updated 9 November 2015)
(Please note: There is also a TIRF reference list on refugee concerns.)
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for English Language Education
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for English Language Education
Bosher, S., & Rowekamp, J. (1998). The refugee/immigrant in higher education: The role of
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Chiswick, B. R., Lee, Y. L., & Miller, P. W. (2006). Immigrants' language skills and visa
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Education, 7(4), 356-370.
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for English Language Education
d'Anglejan, A., & Renaud, C. (1985). Learner characteristics and second language acquisition: A
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James, D.C.S. (1997). Coping with a new society: The psychological problems of immigrant
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Jia, G., Aaronson, D., & Wu, Y. (2002). Long-term language attainment of bilingual immigrants:
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for English Language Education
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