Secondary Urban Education Capstone Project Grid Intern Name: This grid is designed to help you reflect on your coursework and activities in the Urban Education Program as you progress in your attainment of the outcomes for the Capstone Project. What understandings will you take away from course activities? How will certain activities impact your teaching? What else do you need to know or do to more fully attain a particular outcome or proficiency? Think about all of the assignments and activities that you have completed throughout the program, including both informal experiences such as class discussions and more structured activities completed in class and as assignments. In column two of the grid, list possible activities/assignments (evidence) related to each outcome. (Note: You may not have evidence for every outcome yet, but you will likely have more than one piece of evidence for each outcome by the due date of the Capstone Presentation). In the second column, list possible activities/assignments (evidence) related to each particular outcome and a description of the evidence: In two or three sentences, explain HOW the piece(s) of evidence indicates your achievement of the proficiency/outcome. In the third column, write a reflection about the evidence: The reflective part of the grid communicates areas you have identified as strengths and areas on which you want to gain more experience. Consider using some of the following stems when writing your reflections. What I learned from this is… What I know now… What I would do differently and why… What I need to work on… What else I wish I knew about this… After hearing or seeing ___, it made me think_____ This is an ongoing document that should be sent to your supervising teacher and university supervisor during the weeks stated for your bi-monthly report of progress on your Capstone Project. The purpose of this document is to enhance communication and feedback between you, your supervising teacher, and university supervisor. For each bi-monthly report, you should continue to add evidence and reflections for each outcome until you have evidence and reflections for each outcome. Outcomes/Proficiencies Evidence Selected/Description (Are you demonstrating the proficiency? Explain!) Reflection (Action Steps or Help Needed to meet proficiency during Student Teaching). OUTCOME 1: CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE PEDAGOGY Proficiency 1: Communication of high expectations 1. 1. Proficiency 2: Engaging all learners 2. 2. Proficiency 3: Relationships with learners 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. Evidence Selected/Description (Are you demonstrating the proficiency? Explain!) Reflection (Action Steps or Help Needed to meet proficiency during Student Teaching). Proficiency 4: Dispositions towards learners Proficiency 5: Dispositions for supporting learners Proficiency 6: Understanding of linguistic and cultural backgrounds of linguistically and culturally diverse learners Outcomes/Proficiencies OUTCOME 2: LANGUAGE AND LITERACY Proficiency 1: Application of first and second language acquisition 1. theory 2. Proficiency 2: Embedding of applied linguistics into lesson planning and 3. delivery 4. Proficiency 3: Vocabulary Development Proficiency 4: Development of both interpersonal communication skills & academic language for the content areas 1. 2. 3. 4. Outcomes/Proficiencies Evidence Selected/Description (Are you demonstrating the proficiency? Explain!) OUTCOME 3: FAMILY ENGAGEMENT Proficiency 1: Use of family-friendly language in correspondence with 1. families 2. Proficiency 2: Sustained implementation of two-way 3. communication with families that is specifically connected to student 4. learning Reflection (Action Steps or Help Needed to meet proficiency during Student Teaching). 1. 2. 3. 4. Proficiency 3: Involvement of families in making decisions about behavioral and academic strategies to use with their child Proficiency 4: Exploration of student and family access to technology beyond the school day and promotion of equitable access to technology for students and families Outcomes/Proficiencies Evidence Selected/Description (Are you demonstrating the proficiency? Explain!) OUTCOME 4: TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION Proficiency 1: Alignment of the context of classroom technology with 1. research-based best practices for promoting deep understanding, 2. transfer, and retention of learning standards Proficiency 2: Promotion of safe, ethical, and legal uses of technology Reflection (Action Steps or Help Needed to meet proficiency during Student Teaching). 1. 2. Outcomes/Proficiencies Evidence Selected/Description (Are you demonstrating the proficiency? Explain!) OUTCOME 5: DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Proficiency 1: Use of appropriate skills and research-based strategies 1. to differentiate CONTENT to maximize academic success for all 2. learners 3. Proficiency 2: Use of appropriate skills and research-based strategies 4. to differentiate PROCESS to maximize academic success for all learners Reflection (Action Steps or Help Needed to meet proficiency during Student Teaching). 1. 2. 3. 4. Proficiency 3: Use of appropriate skills and research-based strategies to differentiate PRODUCTS and ASSESSMENTS to maximize academic success for all learners Proficiency 4: Use of technology to differentiate content, process, product and accommodate student diversity Outcomes/Proficiencies Evidence Selected/Description (Are you demonstrating the proficiency? Explain!) OUTCOME 6: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Proficiency 1: Organizing the physical space 1. Proficiency 2: Management routines and procedures Proficiency 3: Culture and classroom management Reflection (Action Steps or Help Needed to meet proficiency during Student Teaching). 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. Proficiency 4: Building community Proficiency 5: Data Management 5. 5.