Date Adopted Committee Review Date Summer 2014 Education Summer 2015 Disability Equality (Students) 1. Statutory Policy Ref - SCHOOL ETHOS, VISION AND VALUES Gordano School is committed to ensuring equal treatment of all its employees, pupils and any others involved in the school community, with any form of disability and will strive to ensure that disabled people’s needs, even if this requires more favourable treatment, are met, and they are not treated less favourably in any procedures, practices and service delivery. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free to disclose their disability and to participate fully in school life. The achievement of disabled pupils and students will be monitored and we will use this data to raise standards and to ensure inclusive teaching. We will do everything possible to make sure that the school environment is as accessible as possible. At Gordano School, we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by those who learn, teach and visit here. We will not tolerate harassment of disabled people with any form of impairment and this includes pupils who are carers of disabled parents (Ref: Equal Opportunities Policy). 2. COMPLIANCE WITH THE SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT 2001 (SENDA) The Special Educational Needs and Discrimination Act 2001 (SENDA) amended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. In addition to creating new rights for disabled pupils in schools, it created a duty for all schools to produce a Buildings Accessibility Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy to demonstrate how the needs of disabled children would be met. Accordingly, Gordano School’s Disability Equality Policy should be read in conjunction with its Accessibility Policy which reflects how the physical and learning needs of our pupils are currently being addressed and how their needs will continue to be part of our School Improvement Plan. Gordano School’s Accessibility Policy is compliant with SENDA, the Schools Code of Practice 2001 and Government guidance. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH THE DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT 2005 The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA 2005) did not create any new rights for disabled people. It built on those rights established in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and SENDA. It established the ‘Disability Equality Duty’ creating an obligation on schools to take a more proactive approach to promoting disability equality and eliminating discrimination in respect of all disabled people at the school, including its pupils, staff, parents and visitors. Accordingly, this policy aims to reflect this duty. Document1 4. DEFINITION OF DISABILITY The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA) defines a disabled person as someone who has ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial or long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The DDA 2005 has also extended the definition of disability as follows: People with HIV, multiple sclerosis and cancer (although not all cancers) are deemed disabled before they experience the long-term and substantial adverse effect on their activities Section 18 has been amended so that individuals with a mental illness no longer have to demonstrate that it is “clinically well-recognised”, although the person must still demonstrate a long-term and substantial adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Disability Equality in Education (DEE) recommends that all pupils with SEN and those with long term medical needs be treated as disabled for the purposes of the Act and for equality. This is in addition to all pupils with long-term impairments, which have a significant impact on their day-to-day activities. 5. THE DUTY The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 places a general duty on schools, who need to have due regard for the following when carrying out their functions: Promoting equality of opportunity between disabled people and other people; Eliminating discrimination that is unlawful under the DDA; Eliminating harassment of disabled people that is related to their disability; Promoting positive attitudes towards disabled people; Encouraging participation in public life by disabled people; Taking steps to meet disabled people’s needs, even if this requires more favourable treatment. This is also known as the Disability Equality Duty (DED) and applies to all disabled pupils, staff and those using services provided by schools. Gordano School understands that the definition of disability under the Act is different from the eligibility criteria for special educational needs. Disabled young people currently experience unequal outcomes in education, e.g.: 21% of disabled people aged 16-24 have no qualifications whatsoever compared to 9% of non-disabled people of the same age Disabled young people are 40% less likely to go into higher education aged 18 as non-disabled 18 year olds Document1 Although the number of disabled pupils participating in higher education has increased year on year the gap has continued to widen as participation by nondisabled people has grown much more rapidly over the same period Taking into consideration the wider issues facing young disabled people today, low attainment of qualifications, poor prospects of employment and further study, and lower life chances across the board in comparison to their non-disabled peers, it is essential that we monitor aspects of school life to identify whether there is an adverse impact on children and young people with disabilities 6. MONITORING 6.1 General Duties: We will actively seek to: Promote equality of opportunity between disabled persons and other persons; Eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Act; Eliminate harassment of disabled persons that is related to their disabilities; Promote positive attitudes towards disabled persons – This means not representing people in a demeaning way, and it also means not pretending they don’t exist and not representing them anywhere at all; Encourage participation by disabled persons in public life – It is important to respect the wishes of disabled children in an educational setting so that they do not feel pushed into activities they do not wish to take part in; Take steps to take account of disabled persons’ disabilities, even where that involves treating disabled persons more favourably than other persons (DDA 2005 S.49A) The production of this Disability Equality Policy makes us aware of the need to integrate disability equality into all aspects of school life. The Policy demonstrates how we are seeking to meet the specific duty. 6.2 Specific Duties 6.2.1 Achievement of pupils by disability In compliance with our Equal Opportunities Policy and Buildings Accessibility Policy we have created a curriculum that is/can be personalised and accessible to the particular needs of our pupils and future pupils. This personalised programme will ensure that the curriculum is available and appropriate for all children. 6.2.2 Participation and involvement rates of pupils Disabled pupils are/will be encouraged to participate in all aspects of school life. Gordano School will endeavour to offer all pupils (disabled and nondisabled) the opportunities, (where appropriate) to participate in extracurricular clubs and school trips. They are/will be encouraged to participate fully in the House and School Councils and Student Leadership Document1 Teams to express their views and opinions in a safe and supportive environment 6.2.3 Disabled staff Disabled staff are/will be provided with special resources to enable them to carry out their role. The provision for disabled staff starts by identification of specific needs on appointment and these will be monitored and amended as required throughout the term of employment. They are/will be encouraged by their line manager to report any concerns they have in respect of their disability and how it impacts on their work. All staff will be encouraged to suggest and implement systems that will particularly assist disabled colleagues, for example, the creation of disabled parking spaces, erection of low level notice boards for wheelchair users and use of large font sizes for email communications for staff with visual impairments. 6.2.4 Disabled parents In order to support disabled parents we will ensure that we are fully informed about our disabled parents, in particular their particular needs and how we can support them in their role as parents of children at our school. This may include allocating sufficient parking spaces for known disabled parents at particular school events, holding events such as Parents Evenings in venues as close to the Main School Hall as possible, producing visually enhanced letters/web material and support to dyslexic parents wishing to support their children with their school work. 6.2.5 Implications for Gordano The role of the school as a service provider We need to be aware of the additional implications when we hire out rooms or parts of the building, ensuring that buildings are as accessible as possible Contact with parents and carers When providing newsletters and information for parents and carers, we should make this information available in an accessible format so that parents or carers who may be, for example, visually impaired, can access the information Additionally, events for parents and carers such as open evenings, meetings with teachers, should be held in accessible parts of the building Hiring transport School staff will need to be aware of Section 6 of the Act when hiring transport as it puts new duties on transport providers, including the bus and coach companies, and the taxi and private hire car trade. The requirement to provide accessible vehicles is extended to include these Document1 transport providers. Bus companies will not be able to refuse a job because, for example, it may take longer to pick up disabled students 7. Election of parent governors The election of parent governors is not covered by the DDA 2005, and governors will need to ensure that the procedures for candidates to stand for election and for parents to vote for candidates are accessible to disabled people. However, the result of the election is not covered and disabled candidates will not be able to claim that they were not elected simply because they were disabled. Once a disabled parent governor is elected, the school governing body functions in relation to that parent are covered, and the school must ensure that they can participate fully in school life. INVOLVEMENT AND CONSULTATION Disabled pupils, staff, parents and disabled members of the community who may use school facilities will be involved in developing this Disability Equality Scheme. We will consult with these groups to determine their priorities for the school with regards to disability equality over the next three years via: Focus Groups Questionnaires Feedback slips Drop-in sessions We will use the feedback from these groups to make appropriate adjustments to our current practice, where at all possible. 8. IMPACT ASSESSMENT We will assess the impact of new and existing policies at regular intervals (12 months). We will use: 9. Pupil Voice; Parent Satisfaction surveys to do this; Participation rates in out of school activities; Behaviour 4 Learning statistics; Attendance Rates; Uptake on GCSE course; and Examination results Staff Survey REVIEW/MONITORING Information gathered and action plans will be reported on at the Governors’ Education Committee on an annual cycle. Document1 Training needs will be built into the annual training plans for teaching and support staff Document1 ASPECT Involvement in Extra Curricular Trips & School Visits Development of voice for disabled pupils, staff, parents/carers Equal Opportunity Accessibility ISSUE BEING ADDRESSED HOW WILL IMPACT BE WHO? MONITORED Are there appropriate Analyse extra-curricular Disabled/ non-disabled School visits: Katie Watts opportunities for disabled participation figures and participation rates Extra-Curricular pupils to participate in school visit applications monitored Activities: extra-curricular activities All Staff and school visits? Encouragement of Disabled people to be Analysis of participation HLMs disabled people to positively encouraged to rates Governors participate in public life join House and School Council, GSPA, Governing Body, etc. Elimination of harassment Student Surveys HLMs Promote in of bullying assemblies Analysis of data collected (bully register, school life survey, etc) Identify outside agencies Gaynor Hastings (GH) to GH to report back to GH who book facilities and monitor Governor Community gather data on number of Committee disabled users START (each year) Sept each year Areas of school that Surveys to be carried out disabled people are unable to access July Exam Results + Underachievement Destination disabled pupils Figures Post 16 Routes ACTION TO BE TAKEN - CS by Analyse results of pupils Check progress & MCJ + HLMs identified as disabled achievement using results attained by individual pupils Analyse Option Choices at Comparison with non- Connexions Document1 Sept May Sept Sept Sept COMPLETE 14, 16 Awareness Raising disabled pupils + School Careers staff March Connexions to analyse Are any courses not SJR/JMF + destination figures accessible? ie not TWI inclusive Ensure all staff working in Information to be presented Staff feedback sheets RB Jan the school are aware of the at staff meeting and future Disability Equality Duty Induction Meetings (DED) Identification of disabled Under Common Assessment Overall statistics to be The Centre Jan people at Gordano Framework (CAF) all analysed and discussed staff and disabled pupils to be placed at joint meetings of MCJ on Stage 3 or 4 of “The HLMs and Centre Staff Centre” databank and SEN Staff Identify pupils who have HLMs to gather information (a) disabled parent(s) Statistics to be HLMs presented at HLM meeting and analysed under Pastoral SelfEvaluation Gardener’s Calendar Readmission Into Admissions/Transitions/Exc Analyse exclusion (fixed Comparison SB/RB School lusions term & permanent exclusion disabled/non-disabled Are children with figures) exclusion figures disabilities overrepresented in exclusion figures Employing, Are there equal Analyse appointments and TP promoting and opportunities for disabled training opportunities training disabled staff? staff Working Group Involve children and adults Set up cross year/staff Recommendations to be Student in prioritising the action working group written into 3 year DED Leadership Document1 Jan Jan Sept Sept Ongoing the school wishes to take and the outcomes after 3 years Action Plan Policy adopted ………………………………………………. Chair of Committee …………………………………… Headteacher Document1 Teams