Paper No: STRATEGIC PLANNING AND CHANGE HANDOVER REPORT Project Title: From: Author: Creation Date: Last Updated: Version: To: Change Record Date Author Version Change Reference Distribution Copy No Name Location Consultation Name Service/School Title 1 Contents 1. 2. 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 3.1. Project Objectives............................................................................................................................................................ 5 3.2. Expected Benefits ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 3.3. Project scope ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.4. Scope Change/Exceptions ............................................................................................................................................... 5 3.5. Project Activities.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 3.6. PROJECT RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 a) Staff ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 a) Finance ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 b) Support & Training .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 3.7. ASSESSMENT OF PROJECT DELIVERY TO DATE ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.8. Project objectives met/not met to date .......................................................................................................................... 8 3.9. Project activities completed to date................................................................................................................................ 8 3.10. Benefits realised to date ............................................................................................................................................. 9 3.9. LESSONS LEARNT ................................................................................................................................................................... 10 a) Positive lesson learnt ........................................................................................................................................................ 10 b) Constructive lessons learnt ............................................................................................................................................... 10 4. ACTIONS TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT............................................................................................................................................. 11 4.1. Resources ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12 4.2. Budget ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12 4. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13 a) Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 2 1. Executive Summary What was the project brief? Cut and paste a high level section from each of the following sections: Objectives Budget Lesson learnt Actions to complete this project 3 2. Introduction The aim of this document is to provide sufficient information for the project to be handed over from the current project manager and to reassure the board that the handover is thorough. This document will cover the following areas: - Background Project objectives Original resources and budget - An assessment of the project delivery to date Project objectives, activities and benefits achieved to date Lessons learnt to date - Actions to complete this project Project plan Ongoing resources & budget Project governance 4 3. Background This can be cut and pasted from the introduction in the PID or business case 3.1. Project Objectives List the project objectives as bullet points 3.2. Expected Benefits What are the expected benefits from the project? These may be financial or non financial 3.3. Project scope What did the project sponsor agree as being in scope for this project? 3.4. Scope Change/Exceptions Have any changes occurred to the scope of the project so far? How did the changes come about? (A remedial action or addition to scope?) What effect have they had on resources, timescale, cost or quality? 3.5. Project Activities What activities were planned to be carried out to meet the project objectives? 5 4. Project Resources a) Staff The project team to date: This should be taken from the PID and updated to show the actual staff resource used to date Job Title Name Days required or % of time b) Finance The current spend against the original budget: T his should be taken from the PID and updated to show the actual spend against forecast spend Project Setup Costs Original Budget Month Variance If the project was under or over budget explain why. Highlight any savings made that are in addition to the financial benefits expected 6 c) Support & Training What support and training was provided in preparation for go live? What support and training is outstanding? What are the future requirements? Who is providing the support and training? (Internal or external supplier) Is there a cost associated? (Project cost or operational cost 7 3.7. Assessment of Project Delivery to date 3.8. Project objectives met/not met to date List the project objectives and enter a tick to show whether they have or have not been met Objective 3.9. Met Not met Project activities completed to date List the project activities and enter a tick to show whether they have or have not been completed Project activity Met Not met 8 3.10. Benefits realised to date List the project benefits and enter a tick to show whether they have or have not been realised Expected benefits Met Not met 9 3.11. Lessons Learnt Key lessons learnt to date are: Enter the key lesson learnt a) Positive lesson learnt What went well? Add information that can be valuable to future projects i.e. “Would recommend the supplier” b) Constructive lessons learnt What didn’t go so well? Why didn’t it go well? What would you do differently next time? 10 4. Actions to complete this project Insert an updated project plan to take the project through to completion 11 4.1. Resources What additional resources will be required? Include staff support 4.2. Budget Insert the budget details entered on page 7 and add forecast spend and any saving to date Project Setup Costs - Year 1 Budget Month Forecast Total Saving Total 4.3. Project Governance Who will be responsible for the completion of this project? Will the Project Board continue to meet? What frequency? Will there be any regular meetings with the supplier to manage relationships and performance 4.4. System Ownership Who is the “owner” of the system Who is the supplier of the hardware and software support Who will support any Interface 12 5. Conclusions a) Acknowledgements i. Project Board ii. Others Author: Title: Date: 13