REASONS FOR DECISION TO EXERCISE POWER OF INTERVENTION UNDER SECTION 20(4) OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 CASEY PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C117 FRANKSTON PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C55 GREATER DANDENONG PLANNING SCHEME C142 KINGSTON PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C114 The Planning and Environment Act 1987, the Heritage Act 1995 and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 provide for the intervention of the Minister for Planning in planning and heritage processes. In exercising the Minister’s powers of intervention, including action taken under delegation from the Minister for Planning, the Minister has agreed to: Make publicly available written reasons for each decision; and Provide a report to Parliament at least every twelve months detailing the nature of each intervention. REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION 1. VicRoads has requested this intervention pursuant to section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. WHAT POWER OF INTERVENTION IS BEING USED? 2. Under delegated authority from the Minister for Planning I have decided to exercise the power to exempt the Minister from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the regulations in respect to Amendment C117 to the Casey Planning Scheme, Amendment C55 to the Frankston Planning Scheme, Amendment C142 to the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme and Amendment C114 to the Kingston Planning Scheme. 3. Section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 enables the Minister for Planning to exempt an amendment which the Minister prepares from any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act or the regulations. 4. In seeking to exercise this power, section 20(4) of the Act requires that the Minister must consider that compliance with any of those requirements is not warranted or that the interests of Victoria or any part of Victoria make such an exemption appropriate. BACKGROUND 5. VicRoads have requested amendments to four planning schemes which will: Rezone parcels of declared freeway and arterial road to Road Zone – Category 1; Rezone appropriate parcels of declared municipal road to Road Zone – Category 2; Rezone small parcels of land for the Pound Road realignment to the adjoining Urban Growth Zone; and, Removes parcels from a Public Acquisition Overlay where the parcel is to be rezoned Road Zone – Category 1 or for which the Public Acquisition Overlay is no longer required. 6. Ministerial Direction 7(5) Form and Content of Planning Schemes identifies that a road which is declared as a freeway or an arterial road under the Road Management Act 2004 must be shown as a Road Zone Category 1 on the planning scheme maps. The parts of the land recently identified as arterials roads need to be rezoned to a Road Zone Category 1 to reflect the current use and ownership by the Roads Authority. 7. In accordance with Practice Note Public Land Zones – June 2011, only land to be used for a public purpose should be included within a public use zone. Land no longer required for road use needs to be included with a more appropriate zone, usually the adjoining zone. 8. Where the Roads Authority has acquired the land, the redundant Public Acquisition Overlay is to be removed to ensure the efficient operation of the planning scheme. 9. VicRoads has consulted with Casey, Frankston, Greater Dandenong and Kingston City Councils regarding the proposed changes. All Council have indicated support for their respective amendments. BENEFITS OF EXEMPTION 10. The amendment delivers on the planning objectives set out in Section 4 of the Act, by providing for the fair, orderly, economic and sustainable use, and development of land. 11. Including the various parcels of land within an appropriate zone, and removing redundant overlays, will improve the operation of the planning scheme, resulting in more efficient and clearer planning controls. EFFECTS OF EXEMPTION ON THIRD PARTIES 12. VicRoads has sought the views of affected local Councils regarding the proposed amendments. All Council’s have indicated they have no objections to the changes. 13. The amendment will have a limited effect on third parties as the changes are to reflect the status of the road or to remove redundant overlays. ASSESSMENT AS TO WHETHER BENEFITS OF EXEMPTIONS OUTWEIGH EFFECTS ON THIRD PARTIES 14. The intervention will facilitate the removal of a redundant planning provision and will include the land in a zoning that properly reflects its status – where it has been either declared an arterial road under the Road Management Act 2004 and gazetted or identified as no longer being required for a road. 15. The views of the relevant local Council are known. 16. Accordingly I, acting under delegation from the Minister, consider that the benefits of exemption from sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act outweigh any effects of the exemption on third parties. DECISION 13. Under delegated authority from the Minister for Planning I have decided to exercise the power to exempt the Minister from all the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the regulations in respect of Amendment C117 to the Casey Planning Scheme, Amendment C55 to the Frankston Planning Scheme, Amendment C142 to the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme and Amendment C114 to the Kingston Planning Scheme. REASONS FOR INTERVENTION 14. I provide the following reasons for my decision under delegated authority to exercise the power under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. 15. I, acting under delegation from the Minister, am satisfied that Compliance with any of the requirements of sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Act and the regulations is not warranted because: Anomalous provisions apply and simple inconsequential corrections are required. The views of affected parties are known. Signed by the Delegate David Hodge Executive Director State Planning Services and Urban Development Date: 31 January 2012