24. (StIII-STAN) DENTAL ANESTHESIOLOGY STUDY PROGRAMME Integrated studies of dentistry DEPARTMENT Department for surgery NAME OF SUBJECT STATUS OF THE SUBJECT DENTAL ANESTHESIOLOGY Compulsory Conditio n General Pharmacology, Special Pharmacology (exam) Year of studies Winter term (No.of the lessons per week third Summer term (No.of the lessons per week) Lectures Exercises Lectures. Exercises - - 1 3 Methods of conducting teaching No.of tests No.of seminars seminara No.of seminars POINTS 2 3 4,0 Theoretical, practical and Seminars GOA L Mastering the theoretical knowledge and practical skills application of general, regional and local anesthesia in dental practice. PURPOSE Knowledg Adoption of theoretical knowledge in the domain of dental anesthesia in preparation for practical work in dental e practice. Skills Learning practical skills in the application of local, regional and general anesthesia in dental practice. Theoretical teaching – methodical units CONTENT OF THE SUBJECT:: 1. Local anesthetic solutions 2. Applied anatomy 3. Clinical application of local anesthesia 4. Infiltracione (terminal) anesthesia, mandibular anesthesia 5. Anesthesia 6. Application of local anesthesia in children 7. Complications of local anesthesia 8. Application of sedation in dentistry (concept, goal, sedation techniques, indications, contraindications, assessment of sedation, monitoring) 9. Intravenous sedation. veinpunction, Means for sedation. Monosedation benzodiazepines. Analgosedation. Complications. 10. General anesthesia (the term, preoperative preparation, premedication, the specifics of anesthesia in the orofacial region) 11. General intravenous and inhalation anesthesia, monitoring, surveillance postanesthetic 12. Complications of general anesthesia 13. Acute delay heart and core measures KPCR 14. Complex measures KPCR; postreanimation disease 15. Pain and Pain in dentistry Practical teaching – methodical units 1. Accessories for the implementation of local anesthesia (Injectors, needles, ampoules and karpule) 2. Preclinical use of terminal anesthesia (work on model) 3. Preclinical use of mandibular anesthesia (work on model) 4. Clinical application of terminal and mandibular anesthesia (the patient work) 5. Preclinical use of other sprovodnih anesthesia in the lower jaw. Seminars 6. Application of other sprovodnih anesthesia in the lower jaw. Seminars 7. Application sprovodnih anesthesia in upper jaw. Seminars 8. Clinical application of sedation in dentistry (to work with patients) 9. Clinical application of intravenous anesthesia; venepunkcija (working with patients) 10. Clinical application of general anesthesia 11. Clinical application of general intravenous and inhalation anesthesia 12. Complications of general anesthesia 13. Training KPCR 14. Training performance of complex measures KPCR 15. Pain in dentistry RECOMMANDE D READING Compulso ry Additional 1. 2. Lalević P. Anesteziologija, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 1999. Vučović D. Intenzivna terapija, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 1998. 1. Todorović Lj. Anestezija u stomatologiji, Nauka, Beograd, 2004. 2. Gvozdenović Lj. Šok, JP"Informatika", IP"Zora", Novi Sad, 2000. Evaluation of students' work – No.of points per individual activity Lectures Exercises 10 20 Pre-exam obligations Test Seminar paper 2h5 Final exam Written Oral The rest 3h4 - - Total 100 48 List of teachers and assistents Associate 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assistent Lecturer 2 Prof dr Miroslava Pjević Prof. dr Vesna Peković-Zrnić Prof. dr Ljiljana Gvozdenović Prof. dr Radmila Kolak Prof. dr Biljana Drašković Doc. dr Biljana Daničić Professor PhD Associate prof. Professor 1 1 4 7. 8. 9. 10. Scientist As. dr Milanka Tatić As. dr Dragana Radovanović Dr Sanja Vicković, Associate u nastavi Dr Gordana Jovanović - Kalezić, Associateu nastavi Chief of department Prof. dr Miroslav Milankov ensuring