Young Authors’ Faire Hello teachers! This letter is to share and explain the spring writing competition called Young Authors’ Faire. All over the diocese, teachers collect and submit a variety of student writing pieces so that they can be celebrated. This year’s fair will be on Saturday, May 16th, 2015 from 12pm- 3pm at St. Mary School in Walnut Creek. All teachers are welcome to come and see the wonderful student work. Laura and I are your coordinators for the fair. We will help make sure that your pieces make it to the fair on time. How Your Students Can Participate: * Teachers can save samples that students are doing right now. Students can then edit/ revise these pieces for submission to the fair. * Classes can create a book of similarly themed writing, but these works must be bound and have a cover (please come see me or Laura for help with this if you need it). * Holiday themed pieces can also be used for the fair. * Prayers, poetry, or parables also make great entries. * Writing submission can also come from subjects such as math or science! * More detailed fair guidelines are included in this letter (see following pages). Other Important Information to Keep in Mind * Submissions must be given to Laura or me no later than April 13th. We must make sure that entries are packaged and brought to the judges in a timely fashion. * Please make sure the pieces you are submitting are proofread- Laura and I will not be proofreading your submissions. Check for appropriate spelling and writing mechanics such as capitalization and punctuation. * Class books should be bound with a cover and a table of contents. Page numbers in your class book should correspond with the numbers on your table of contents. Books that are unbound will not be accepted at the fair. * All entries should be labeled with the class/ student/ teacher information so that it may be returned. * Other important, detailed entry information follows below. Please make sure you review it as you prepare your entries. Please feel free to contact Laura or myself if you have any questions. We will be sending you updates and reminders as the due date draws nearer. Enjoy being creative with your entries! Krista and Laura DIOCESE OF OAKLAND TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL YOUNG AUTHORS FAIRE DATE: Saturday, May 16, 2015 TIME: 12:00-3:00 p.m. LOCATION: St. Mary School 1158 Bont Lane Walnut Creek YOUNG AUTHORS FAIRE GUIDELINES 2015 All students in grades pre-K to 8 inclusive who are attending diocesan schools are eligible to submit individual entries. Students may submit work only via a teacher or school librarian. The teacher/librarian must initiate the process, disseminate information to students, and carry through the project. • No more than three students may collaborate on a book submitted under the fiction category. If a book is a collaboration, each person’s contribution must be clearly specified (i.e. writing, illustration). A book written by four authors from the same grade level is considered a class book. • Students must do original manuscripts and illustrations. Technology drawing programs, like KidPix, can produce original artworks. When using technology, please insure that the drawing or image is created by the student. If an adult assists with binding and/or typing, there must be a clear statement on the entry as to the type of assistance given. Books submitted must follow the accepted format of published books. (i.e. They must include title page, copyright information, bound cover, pagination, etc.) The shape of the book, number of pages, type of binding, and the material in the book are up to the creativity of the author. ALL BOOKS MUST BE BOUND. TEACHERS MUST MONITOR APPROPRIATE BINDING OF ALL BOOKS. BINDING KEEPS ALL PAGES ATTACHED AND TOGETHER. YOU CAN USE PLASTIC SPIRAL, BOOK COMBS, RIBBON, PRE-MADE BOOKS, ETC. EXAMPLES OF BOOKS NOT BOUND ARE STAPLED ESSAYS WITH CONSTRUCTION PAPER COVERS OR PAGES IN PLASTIC REPORT COVERS. UNBOUND BOOKS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. BOOK SUBMISSIONS: CATEGORIES FICTION: Any type of fictional short story or collection of short stories in any genre (mystery, science fiction, adventure, realistic fiction, etc.) authored by an individual may be submitted; the book may, as noted above, be written in collaboration with up to two other students. AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WRITING / FAMILY BIOGRAPHY: Any story of an autobiographical nature authored by an individual may be submitted; biographical writing about a relative or friend is also included in this category. • POETRY: Any poetry collection written by one or up to three authors. BOOKS WITH A RELIGIOUS THEME: Any book with a religious theme written by an individual may be submitted; the book may, as noted above, be written in collaboration with up to two other students. CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOK/EASY READING BOOK: Any book written by a sixth to eighth grader for enjoyment by a younger student may be submitted; this book may, as noted above, be written in collaboration with up to two other students. SPECIAL GENRE BOOKS: Non-fiction books written in a content area—Spanish, history, science, and the like—may be submitted; these books may be authored by one to three students. Examples of previously submitted books that exemplify this category include a very detailed ABC book about Thailand, an archaeology magazine, an ABC mythology book, and a book of European restaurant reviews. Please note: Straight research reports do NOT qualify as special genre books. Biographies or autobiographies do not qualify in this category. •BUDDY BOOKS: A classbook written collobaratively by two grades. For example, a classbook written with first and seventh grade buddies. Two buddy books may be submitted from each school. CLASS BOOKS: Any book written by more than three students in any of the above categories may be submitted. GRAPHIC NOVELS: Graphic novels are books written and illustrated in the style of a comic book. The illustrations which, when viewed in order, tell a story. The term graphic novel is now generally used to describe any book in a comic format that resembles a novel in length and narrative development. Below are some authors who have published Graphic Novels: For Younger Readers • Captain Underpants series by Dav Pilkey Magic Pickle series by Scott Morse Pilot and Huxley series by Dan McGuiness • Bird & Squirrel On the Run! by James Burks Detective Blue by Steve Metzger, illustrated by Tedd Arnold Middle Grade Readers • Bone by Jeff Smith BOOK SUBMISSIONS: LIMITATIONS PRE-KINDERGARTEN Two class books in any genre KINDERGARTEN THROUGH EIGHTH GRADE One fiction book written by an individual student per grade level One autobiographical book/family biography written by an individual student per grade level One poetry book written by an individual student per grade level Two class books in any genre per grade level Two special genre books written by individual students per grade level One book with a religious theme written by an individual student per grade level Two buddy books from each school One graphic novel book written by an individual per grade level ADDITIONAL SUBMISSIONS FOR SIXTH THROUGH EIGHTH GRADE Two children’s picture/easy-reading books per grade, sixth to eighth; these are books written by an individual sixth to eighth grade student for a younger child; these books may, as noted above, be written in collaboration with up to two other students TO SUBMIT ENTRIES A fee of $75 per school is due on or before February 27th, 2015. Checks should be payable to St. Mary School. School address is 1158 Bont Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. Any payment after February 27th, is $85. Please honor the participation fee deadline. • Should any school need financial assistance, please contact Suzanne Edwards at Entry labels will be emailed to your school Young Authors coordinator in the first week of March. They are to be filled out and attached to every book submitted. A Master List on which to catalogue ALL books submitted to the faire will also be emailed to the Young Author Coordinator. It is imperative that this list is sent along with books submitted. It is used to check books in when they arrive and to check them out when they are picked up. All books must be mailed or delivered to St. Mary School, 1158 Bont Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 between 8:00 a.m. Monday, April 20th to Thursday, April 23rd before 4:00. BOOKS RECEIVED AFTER 4:00 PM ON April 23rd WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR JUDGING.