Intermediate Shared Reading Planner (Five-Day Cycle) Based on Text Savvy: Using a Shared Reading Framework to Build Comprehension By Sarah Daunis and Maria Cassiani Iams 3 Day Plan because of holiday Text: Unit of Study Connection: Monday: Having a First Glance Previewing the text and having expectations previewing text scanning page and pointing out features defining genre confirming genre after text is read setting expectations for the text setting a purpose for reading Planning for Each Day… Using Nonfiction features Text Introduction: I chose this article because we are working on non fiction writing in Writers Workshop and learning about immigration in social studies. You will be reading the passage from the book, Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman (show book). . Direct Readers’ Listening of the Content of the Text (I’d like you to look and listen for…”) As I read the article, I want you to pay attention to how the author presents the information. ***Teacher Reads Entire Text Aloud. I want you to pay attention to how the text is structured. If you figure out how a section is structured it will help you organize your thinking as you read. I will pause after each paragraph to give you time to think and reflect. When reading nonfiction, it is impotent to read through the next sentence or two to better understand earlier information given. Example The passage opens with the phrase in the years around the century, the next sentence tells the span of the years. ***Text Discussion Connection When you are a writing research report, you will have gone through several steps before you use a reference source. You will have chosen a topic narrowed it down and decided on the purpose and audience for your writing. Then you are ready to begin your research. Teaching Point Today as I read the text, I want you to pay particular attention to how this nonfiction article is structured differently than other nonfiction articles we have read. Many of the books and text that we have read, have photos, diagrams, and graphics . Active Engagement Teacher Demonstration (TO) Teacher reads the article to the students. Teacher and Students Collaborate (WITH) Let’s look at the article together. Remember, we are going to look for features that are different from other nonfiction articles we have read(give example) First paragraph tells about numbers and facts about the immigrants. What else do you notice? Students should point out the differences in each section. Second paragraph tells about why they came over. Third paragraph tells about the boat. Fourth paragraph tells about the conditions on the ship. Firth paragraph talks about food. Last paragraph sums it up with the reader wanting to learn more. Student to Student Work (BY) Students will work with partners and log in their Readers Notebook what they notice and why they think it is included. Are there any other text features that stand out in this article? Why do you think they are included? T chart What I notice about each paragraph. Why it is being used in this article. Tuesday Filling in the Picture Creating a graphic organizer Teaching Point: Today I want you to look at the text and identify key vocabulary. . identifying key vocabulary use reading strategies to help make sense of reading creating a movie in your mind thinking about what you see in your mind’s eye creating graphic organizers you can see in your head reading and “filing” information Sketching a picture or diagram thinking, “What do I know about this topic already?” Wednesday Connection Yesterday we read an article about immigration and found out that it gave us a background about immigration. Thinking, “What might be new information for me?” Explaining, “These connections help me understand the text because…” Explaining, “These questions help me understand the text because…” Reading and thinking, “What is the text mostly about?” Reading and thinking, “What information is important and what information is interesting?” Active Engagement Teacher Demonstration (TO: Hmm. I see some words that are new to me. I am going to highlight the word impoverished because it is a word that is unfamiliar to me. Teacher highlights and tries to decide what it means, using the word poverty as a key. Teacher and Students Collaborate (WITH) Students and teacher work to find other words and how to decipher them. Student to Student Work (BY) Students will work on last three paragraphs to locate words and attempt to decipher them. After they had some time doing this, teacher will bring class together to discuss words and word background. Possible words: impoverished, fervent, passage, penniless, steerage, steep, hold, fair, compartment, foul, lounges, kettle, deck, ordeal Connection Yesterday we. Yesterday we looked at the article, Immigrant Kids and worked on deciphering the vocabulary. Teaching Point: Today we are going to use strategy of asking questions as we read to help us make sense of the text. We’re going to use the strategy we worked on before, writing in the margin-Active Engagement Teacher Demonstration (TO) Teacher first section and notes question or thoughts: Hmm. Wow! What would possess people to want to move without knowing where they were going and what would happen to them: How can you be prepared? Looking at the photo, I wonder how people survived or prepared for themselves years ago. Teacher and Students Collaborate (WITH) T&T to your partner and share some questions or thoughts you have as you read the second paragraph. Pick out a few to share. Student to Student Work (BY) Today we reviewed how to ask questions as you are reading to help makes sense of what you are reading and to push your thinking to new heights. When you are doing a research paper, this is a strategy that is important for you to do-read, question and reflects as you are reading. Now I would like you to try it with the rest of this section. Thursday Filling in the Picture choral reading Creating a graphic organizer creating a movie in your mind thinking about what you see in your mind’s eye creating graphic organizers you can see in your head reading and “filing” information Sketching a picture or diagram thinking, “What do I know about this topic already?” Friday MAKE INFERENCES The author says this, but means … If I read between the lines, the author is telling me that … The clues to prove my inference are … Because of what the author said, I know that … From the clues or information the author gives, I can conclude that … I think that ____________ will happen next because the author says ____________. Connection Yesterday we talked about asking questions as we read and pushing our thinking Teaching Point . Today I want you to think about the emotions that were felt as the people faced the voyage, Active Engagement we will do this by reading the text chorally, pausing at the end of each paragraph to ask a question or pose a comment or thought, paragraph by paragraph Teacher Demonstration (TO) teacher models Teacher and Students Collaborate (WITH. students read together Student to Student Work (BY) students read with their partners. Students will sketch a picture of a movie in their mind. Connection: Yesterday we read chorally Teaching Point Today I want to teach you that as a reader, it is important to infer what the writer is saying by “reading between the lines” Active Engagement Teacher Demonstration (TO). Teacher demonstrates showing clues Teacher and Students Collaborate (WITH) teacher and students infer means in the next paragraph. Student to Student Work (BY) send students with partners to think and give evidence about their inference. I think that ____________ _____