PROJECT 2 SEASONS SEASONS COME AND SEASONS GO!! 57 ACTIVITY COVER SHEET 58 PRE- QUESTIONNAIRE 59 ANALYSIS MARKS OBTAINED OUT OF 10 1-2 marks 3-4 marks 5-6 marks 7-8 marks 9-10 marks Number of Students 0 1 7 55 46 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION 1-2 marks 3-4 marks 5-6 marks 7-8marks 9-10 marks 1% 0% 6% 42% 51% 60 S T U D E N T S 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ACTIVITY 1: PROFILE MAKING TOPIC: MAIN SEASONS OF INDIA AND U.K 61 TEACHER’S REPORT ACTIVITY 1: Profile Making-Depicting and comparing the main seasons of India and U.K DATE: 2nd Week of April, 2014 OBJECTIVE: To study the characteristics of the different Seasons in India and U.K comprehensively. OBSERVATION: The students made creative Profiles individually after a brief discussion of the salient features of the seasons of India and U.K and illustrated them well with pictures wherever possible. They were keen to know about how the seasonal weather conditions in U.K differed from India and were especially intrigued by the British snowy winter conjuring up visions of snow fights and the alluring snowman!! OUTCOME : It was gratifying to see “Learning By Doing” literally as the characteristics of each season became very clear while illustrating them and comparing them among the two countries. Imagination played a key role in facilitating learning too as each child used his/her creativity to make their profiles. The students hence benefited with enhancing their Environment Sciences knowledge as well as learning the Social Studies lesson on “Seasons” incidentally. Language development and Creative development were facilitated as well. LONG TERM BENEFITS: As the students need to be Globally Conscious Citizens in the Future, the project gave them a brief perspective of the weather conditions during different seasons differing across the world and fuelled their curiosity to learn more and become aware of life from a global perspective. 62 ACTIVITY2: CELEBRATING WORLD DAY TO COMBAT DESERTIFICATION AND DROUGHT,17TH JUNE,2014 POSTER MAKING POSTER MAKING I MUST NOT WASTE ANY WATER !!!! 63 POSTERS MADE BY STUDENTS 64 STUDENT’S FEEDBACK Teacher’s reporT ACTIVITY 2: Poster Making on “Celebrating World Day To Combat Desertification and Drought” DATE: 17th June, 2014 OBJECTIVE: Create Awareness about the impact of Global Warming on Seasons and Life in general. Understand what is desertification and drought and how climatic changes cause it. Realize practical ways in our day to day life to prevent and combat it. OBSERVATION: After a brief explanation by the teacher about the complex topic and overall discussion among the students, they enthusiastically made a creative collage of pictures pertaining to Celebrating World Day To Combat Desertification and Drought observing each picture carefully and seeking explanation from the teacher wherever they could not comprehend. OUTCOME : Though the topic was difficult to understand, the students came up with some practical solutions to avoid drought and desertification and curb Global Warming like preserving water, curbing carbon emissions from vehicles by asking all around to obtain PUC (Pollution Under Control)Certificates and initiating tree plantation drives in their locality. LONG TERM BENEFITS: Eco-Consciousness being the pressing need today, the simple activity sparked off serious concern for their environment and laid the seeds for adopting a responsible lifestyle to preserve the same. These tender minds will be the citizens of tomorrow and also help in spreading awareness around them. 65 ACTIVITY 3 : GROUP DISCUSSION- SEASONS (1) SUMMER Some hot summer topics!!! MMM..WISH THE MANGO SEASON WOULD LAST FOREVER!!! IN THE MONTHS INDIA EXPERIENCES SUMMER, AUSTRALIA EXPERIENCES WINTER!!! 66 QUESTIONNAIRE 67 (2) MONSOON We would like to see how a rain gauge measures rainfall. Cherrapunji , in India , experiences the highest rainfall in the world!!! 68 QUESTIONNAIRE 69 (3)WINTER Blizzards are a terrible winter natural disaster!!! Can you tell me any one country which experiences winter in June?? 70 QUESTIONNAIRE Teacher’s reporT ACTIVITY3: Group Discussion on some of the characteristics of the Seasons of India and U.K DATE: 1 Week in July and 1 Week in September and 1 week in December OBJECTIVE: To reinforce the facts learnt during Activity 1 (Profile Making )about some of the characteristics of the seasons of India and U.K. in an interesting and interactive session. OBSERVATION: The students were curious to read the few facts provided in their questionnaire and it fuelled further discussion and sharing of knowledge as each group member enthusiastically added his/her own snippets of information and the group leader confidently filled out the questionnaire prompted by the team. OUTCOME : Team Work and sustained interest in the topic as well as exchange of ideas among the group members facilitated imbibing new information and processing previous knowledge systematically hence reinforcing what was learnt about the characteristics of different seasons and adding some novel facts to it too. LONG TERM BENEFITS: With their insatiable thirst to learn something new and intriguing, the activity instilled the desire to discover more via reading and discussing among each other. Some students shared informative links such as current T.V programmes which provide interesting information and this propelled the others to watch them and widen their learning circle more. Useful information about natural disasters such as cyclones, flash floods and hurricanes made them more conscious and prepared for such events in the future. 71 POST QUESTIONNAIRE 72 ANALYSIS MARKS OBTAINED OUT OF 10 POST QUESTIONNAIRE 1-2 marks 0 3-4 marks 0 5-6 marks 7-8 marks 9-10 marks 0 7 102 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION 120 7-8marks 9-10 marks 6% 94% S T U D E N T S . . 100 80 60 40 20 0 73 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MARKS OBTAINED IN PRE AND POST QUESTIONNAIRES ANALYSIS MARKS OBTAINED OUT OF 10 1-2 marks PREQUESTIONNAIRE Number of Students 0 POST QUESTIONNAIRE Number of Students 0 3-4 marks 1 0 5-6 marks 7 0 7-8 marks 9-10 marks 55 46 7 102 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION 120 PREQUESTIONNAI RE 100 S T U D E N T S 80 POST QUESTIONNAI RE 60 40 20 0 1-2 MARKS 3-4 MARKS 5-6 MARKS 7-8 MARKS 9-10 MARKS 74 INTERPRETATION 6 out of 109 students scored under 60% i.e 6 marks and below out of 10 marks ,55 out of 109 students scored 70%-80% i.e 7-8 marks out of 10 marks and 46 out of 109 students scored 90% and above i.e 9-10 marks out of 10 marks in the Pre-Questionnaire showing a fair knowledge of the topic, Seasons. It was heartening to see 7 out of 109 students obtain 70% - 80% marks i.e 7-8 marks out of 10 marks and a majority of 102 students out of 109 students scored above 90% i.e 9-10 marks out of 10 marks in the Post Questionnaire showing a good acquisition of knowledge during the course of the Project and an excellent application of concepts learnt. CONCLUSION The activities in the Project were mostly based on learning by doing and observing and drawing an inference about the different seasons of India and U.K and the students imbibed knowledge, dispersed via questionnaires throughout the year, well and were able to apply it in the final questionnaire confidently. They learnt many facts beyond textbooks which will help them to make a fair understanding of basic seasonal phenomenon worldwide. 75 76