Name_____________________________________________Teacher________ _________________ Spelling Choice Board November 2015 Directions: Keep this paper in your homework folder every day for the current month! Choose three activities to complete each week (Monday-Wednesday) for homework for ALL your weekly spelling words. The last activity (Thursday) must be a spelling practice test signed by your parent. Please be sure your name and number are on each assignment! Alphabetical Order Triangle Spelling Three Times! First, write your spelling words in a list. Then, write them in alphabetical order. Write one letter at a time on each line. Add a letter to each line until the word is complete. Example: school Write each spelling word three times. First, write each word in pencil. Second, write each spelling word in crayon. Third, write each spelling word in color pencil/marker. Dictionary Dig Multiply by 3’s Other Handed Use a dictionary (You can use an online dictionary too!) to define at least 12-15 of your spelling words. Assign each letter the number 3, and then multiply 3 by how many letters are in the word. For example, handle 3x6=18 First write your spelling words the s sc sch scho schoo school way you usually do it. Then, try writing the list with your other hand! Scrambled Words Making New Words Newsy Words Fold a piece of paper three times lengthwise (making three long rectangular columns). Write your words in the first column. Then write them again with the letters all mixed up (scrambled) in the second column. Put your words Write each spelling word. Next to each word, write two additional words of at least three letters that can be spelled using the letters in the word. Example: the word pickle can be used to make the words lick, Use old magazines, catalogs, or newspapers to cut out letters. Glue the letters down on a piece of paper to spell your words. Choose at least 10 words. *Helpful Hint: Cut out lots of extra letters aside. Come back later to unscramble your words. Write the unscrambled words in the third column. pick, like, and lip. and store them in a zip lock bag. This is a huge timesaver.