Part 1 Revision - yr11englishlanguage2014

Year 11 English Language Revision: Part One
Please use your workbooks, text books, and worksheets to revise the following
1. Explain 2 major functions of human language.
2. Why is the study of language essential?
3. What five key elements do all language users need to understand?
a. ______________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________
4. Match your above key concepts with their definitions below.
________________________ refers to the addressee(s) of the words, phrases and
________________________ refers to the actual words, phrases and sentences.
________________________ refers to the intended purpose of the words, phrases
and sentences.
________________________ refers to the meaning of the words, phrases and
________________________ refers to the social situations in which the words,
phrases and sentences are used.
5. Explain the function, audience, mode and context of the following:
I told you a million times but you still didn’t listen!
Like I met this guy, ya know. And I mean he’s totally feral. And he like comes up to
me and goes, ‘Do you wanna hang out together?’ and I’m like, ‘Gimme a break!’
And he goes, ‘Well d’ya wanna?’ And I’m like, ‘Oh just rack off will ya’ and he goes
like totally ballistic!
What is the mode of the text?
Identify the lexical, prosodic and syntactic features that support your response:
Lexical features:
Prosodic features:
Syntactic features:
6. Language is ‘arbitrary’. What does this mean?
7. What is mode? Explain the difference between spoke and written language. Give
at least 2 examples for each.
8. What is register?
9. Define the following prosodic features.
a. stress
b. pitch
c. intonation
10. What is MORPHOLOGY?
11. What is a lexical item?
12. What is a lexicon?
13. What is a morpheme?
14. What is a root/ stem morpheme?
15. Identify the root in the following words:
a. unbelievable
b. hospital
c. ridiculous
d. impossible
e. courageous
16. What is a free morpheme? Give an example.
17. What is a bound morpheme? Give an example.
18. In the following examples, is the underlined morpheme free or bound?
a. Punctuality
b. Incompetent
c. Establish
d. Dismissal
e. Establishing
19. What does an inflectional morpheme do? Give an example.
20. What does a derivational morpheme do? Give an example.
21. In the following words, are the underlined morphemes inflectional or derivational?
a. swimming
b. runner
c. situations
d. absolutely
e. compassionate
_____ ______________________
f. government
1. 19. Divide the following words into their component morphemes by placing a +
between each morpheme. How do the added morphemes change the meaning or
class of the word
a. government
b. unspeakable
c. unbelieveable
d. teachers
23. What is SYNTAX?
24. What is a PHRASE? i.e. what does it always have?
25. Identify the subject in the following sentences.
a. The budgie fell from its perch.
b. The boy in the red hat was angry!
c. The accommodation was paid for by the St Kilda Football Club
d. A chocolate mud cake is the best type of desert
e. Recently, Victoria has experienced some horrible floods.
26. What is CLAUSE?
27. What is MAIN CLAUSE?
28. What is SUBORDINATE CLAUSE? Explain the two types: relative and adverbial.
Give an example for each.
29. Which one is the adverbial clause and adverbial phrase? Explain.
On the weekend I drove to the shops
When she entered the room I jumped on the chair
30. Identify the main clause in the following sentences.
a. When we got to the airport, the plane had gone.
b. Recently, Victoria has experienced some horrible floods.
c. Before we can do the SAC, we must complete some revision.
31. Identify the subordinate clause in the following sentences.
a. The boy in the red hat was angry because of his sister.
b. After the girl sneezed all over her salad, she threw her food in the bin.
c. Until Mr Jones has his first cup of coffee in the morning, you don’t want to annoy
d. If you don’t do your homework, you will have to suffer the teacher’s wrath in class
32. List and define the four SENTENCE STUCTURES.
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
33. Provide an example of each SENTENCE STRUCTURE.
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
34. List and define the four SENTENCE TYPES.
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
35. Provide an example of each SENTENCE TYPE.
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
36. What does ambiguity mean?
37. Explain the ambiguous nature of the following sentences in regards to the lexical or
syntactical structure
The lady hit the man with an umbrella.
He gave her cat food.
37. What is SEMANTICS?
38. What are CONTENT WORDS?
39. What are FUNCTION WORDS?
40. Identify whether the following words are FUNCTION words or CONTENT words?
a. I
b. always
c. do
d. the
e. homework
f. that
g. the
h. teacher
i. sets.
41. What is the DENOTATIVE meaning of a word? Give an example
42. What is the CONNOTATIVE meaning of a word? Give an example