Margaret Mester, Milena Williamson, Kara McGee, Caitlin

Margaret Mester, Milena Williamson, Kara McGee, Caitlin Vanderwolf
Dansker Characterization quote list
“in his ascetic way”
“few word, many wrinkles, and some honorable scars”
“he was an Agamemnon man”
“old man’s eccentricities, sometimes bordering on the ursine”
“vein of dry humor”
“the salt seer”
“he might be the sort of person to go to for wise counsel”
“the old merlin”
“the wrinkled one”
“the grizzled one”
“in fact, being the originator the name by which the foretopman eventually became known
aboard the ship (Baby Budd)”
“patriarchal irony”
“small fair eyes”
“small weasel eyes”
“small ferret eyes”
“the old sea-Chiron”
“the pithy guarded cynicism that was his leading characteristic”
“his wizened face, time-tinted and weather-stained to the complexion of antique parchment,
here and there peppered blue by the chance explosion of a gun cartridge in action”
“eccentric sentimental old sapience”
“a long, pale scar like a streak of dawns light falling athwart the dark visage”
“now there was a veteran aboard…”