Schedule of Sacramental Celebrations St. Joseph Church Office 74 Spring St., Fairhaven, MA 02719 Hours: Monday & Tuesday 8-5, Wednesday & Thursday 1-6, Friday 1-5 Rev. Robert Charlton, SS.CC., Pastor Rev. Deacon Robert Lorenzo, Pastoral Assistant Rev. Deacon Douglas Medeiros, Pastoral Assistant Mr. Paul Cabral, Music Director Mrs. Tracy Travers, Secretary/ Bookkeeper Mr. Paul Renaux, Janitor Phone: 508-994-9714 Fax: 508-979-4659 Email: Web Site: St. Joseph School 100 Spring St., Fairhaven, MA 02719 Mrs. Faith Piazza, Principal Mrs. Isabel daCosta, Secretary Mrs. Caroline Murphy, Bookkeeper Liz Rogers, Administrative Assistant Phone: 508-996-1983 Fax: 508-996-1998 Web: Faith Formation Office 74 Spring Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 Margie Copeland, Dir. Of Faith Formation Phone: 508-245-8724 Eucharist Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Daily Mass on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: at 8:00 a.m. No 8:00 a.m. on Tuesdays Penance (Confession) Saturday 3:30- 4:15 p.m. and any time by appointment. Seasonal Penance Services as announced. Baptism Schedule an appointment with the parish priest or deacon to begin preparations. Ordinarily Baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month at 11:30 a.m. Matrimony Schedule an appointment with the parish priest or deacon to begin preparations at least one year prior to the projected wedding date. Anointing of the Sick Please contact the Rectory concerning parishioners who are ill and/or homebound who are in need of this Sacrament. We visit the area hospitals regularly, but the hospital chaplains administer the Sacraments to patients. The Pastoral Care of Saint Joseph’s is entrusted to The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (SS.CC.) ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH FAMILY FAIRHAVEN, MA VISIT THE PARISH WEB-SITE ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL NEWS ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL students are collecting can tabs for Shriners International. Collection box and informational poster are by the main door. St. Joseph School JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY students are collecting used cell phones to be recycled and donated to victims of domestic violence and to soldiers. There will be a collection box at the church’s main door. Thanks. Wednesday, November 26th is a 1/2 day with 11:30 dismissal– No Extended Care Thursday, November 27th, Thanksgiving and Friday, November 28th-No School November 23, 2014 START WITH GRATITUDE Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe FAITH FORMATION NEWS Youth Ministry, Confirmation candidates, and grade 7 & 8 young people will be sponsoring the Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Mass on Tuesday, Nov. 25th at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome! Please bring canned goods or non-perishable food items for the pantry. Also all bread/rolls for your Thanksgiving dinner will be blessed. NO Faith Formation on November 24 & 25th for grades 1-9. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA at the Knights of Columbus Hall, (Lower level) Route 6, Mattapoisett on Sunday, Dec. 7th from 8 a.m.—11 a.m. $5.00 per person (Plain, Blueberry, and Chocolate Chip Pancakes, Sausage, Orange Juice and Coffee. We are also collecting unwrapped toys for needy children. Southcoast Visiting Nurse Association If you know of anyone facing a serious or life-limiting illness, the Southcoast VNA offers Palliative Care and Hospice Care. They can be contacted at 508-973-3200 or CHURCH OFFERING Oct. 26 4,277.44 Nov. 2 3,655.75 Nov. 9 4.777.57 Nov. 16 4,481.83 ANNUAL COLLECTION—Thank you to those who have contributed thus far. A total of $ 21, 861. has been received. WORKBOOKS for LECTORS are available. Please pick up your workbook in the sacristy. Thank you. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION DAY—The Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Fall River will accept applications and administer an Entrance Examination for new students on Saturday Dec. 6th with the make-up exam on Saturday, Dec. 13th. Students wishing to enter any of these schools next September should report to the school of their choice at the dates and times listed below. Bishop Connolly High, Fall River—Dec. 6 & 13 Bishop Feehan High, Attleboro— Dec. 6 & 13 Pope John Paul II High, Hyannis—Dec. 6 & 13 Bishop Stang High, No. Dartmouth—Dec. 6 & 13 Coyle and Cassidy High, Taunton— Dec. 6 & 13 Arrive at 7:45 a.m.—Testing 8:00 a.m. There is a $20. fee, payable at the time of application. Bishop Stang, a Catholic, college preparatory high school in Dartmouth, MA, will administer the High School Placement Test (HSPT) for incoming 9th grade applicants. Students may choose to take the exam on either Saturday, December 6th or 13th from 8:00 am – 11:30 am. Visit for more details or to pre-register. Walk-ins are always welcome on exam day. Merit scholarship incentives are available. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICE Are you facing foreclosure? Don’t wait to seek help. Get FREE housing counseling today. Catholic Social Services, a non-profit, HUD Approved Housing counseling Agency, provides free and confidential foreclosure prevention counseling to homeowners facing difficulties in making their mortgage payments. Local area: 238 Bonney St. New Bedford (tel. # (508) 9977337) ST. JOSEPH/ST.MARY CYO BAKSETBALL has a few openings on both boys and girls 7/8th grade teams. If you are interested in playing basketball this winter, contact Bob Demanche at (508) 984-7468. All games are played at he Kennedy Youth Center on County St. in New Bedford. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEMBER 23, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Saturday, Nov 22 4:30 p.m. Jeannete Kenyon, Margaret A. (Peggy) Griffiths Sunday, Nov. 23 8:00.a.m. 10:00 a.m. Cecile Bowers, Irene Smith, Juliana Grace Riquinha Avelino Miguel, Dorothy Ramos, People of the Parish Monday, Nov. 24 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 25 7:00 p.m. People of the Parish Wednesday, Nov. 26 8:00 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 27 8:00 a.m. Rene Gadbois Friday, Nov. 28 8:00 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 29 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 30 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. James and Irene Mawn People of the Parish Ambrose Hogan, Timothy P. Hogan, Lila Hogan Trott, Roger Saraiva MEMORIALS The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in loving memory of Doris Dawes at the request of Carol. The Altar Candles will burn this week in loving memory of Doris Dawes at the request of Carol. The Altar Bread used at our Holy Masses this week was provided in loving memory of Doris Dawes at the request of Carol. The Altar Wine used at our Holy Masses this week was provided in loving memory of Doris Dawes at the request of Carol. GIFTS TO GIVE, a children’s charity. We all have gifts to give. Volunteers needed. Individuals and families may just “drop in” at the mill and we’ll put you to work. Hours: Monday—Saturday 9 a.m. Close Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p.m. Other days at 5 p.m. Located: Titleist Dr. Acushnet. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet on Monday, December 1st from 9-11a.m. in the chapel and on Tuesday, December 2nd from 6-8p.m. in the Conference room. Future meeting dates include Monday December 15th and Tuesday, December 16th. There will be no meeting between Christmas and New Years. CONGRATULATIONS to Deborah Osuch as she receives the Marian Medal Sunday, November 23rd. PRAYERS for those in hospitals, in nursing homes throughout the area, the sick, those undergoing medical testing, the homebound and for all those who have lost a loved one this past week. If you or a loved one enters the hospital, please contact the rectory so we can visit with you. Hospital—Because of the privacy act we will not publish the names of parishioners who are in the hospital, unless otherwise notified. Irene Vieira, Geraldine Aguiar (The Royal) Prayers for: Caiden Barnes, Kim Scieszka, Ryan Newman, Beverly Machado, Diane Leclair, Judy Sorell, Marilyn Leger, Margaret Pauline, Emily Rose Prezner, Lillian St. Jean, Pat Gallagher, William Machado, Emelda Cardozo, Joseph Begnoche, Sheila Lemieux, Stan Wojcik, The Bergeron, Family, Carol Dube, Fr. Gabriel Healy, Bill Kennefick, Debra Hardy, Maryann Daigle, Mary Cappuccio, Charlie Foley and Doris Sullivan. Please call the church office if you would like to have a person’s name mentioned. MASS INTENTIONS Greeters and ushers make their best effort to identify the family members of those being remembered at Mass in order to ask if they would like to present the offertory gifts. It would be greatly appreciated if family members identified themselves to the ushers or greeters before Mass. If there is more than one person being remembered, a representative from each family is welcome to participate. RADIO CORMARIAE, the Diocese’s only Catholic radio station, would like to invite you to participate in the PROCLAIM & MAGNIFY 2014 conference being held at St. Julie Billiard Church, 494 Slocum Rd., Dartmouth on Saturday, Nov. 29th from 9 a.m.—3 p.m. Keynote speaker, renowned author and philosopher, PETER KREEFT will be presenting two dynamic talks: The Culture Wars and The Winning Strategy of the New Evangelization. We will also be featuring ALLISON GINGRAS, show host of the station’s Catholic 24/7 program. Tickets are $25. per person with a luncheon provided. The day will also include the Rosary and Confession. This promises to be an amazing experience!