Electronic Supplementary Material for Direct Analysis of Large Living Organism by Megavolt Electrostatic Ionization Mass Spectrometry Kwan-Ming Ng, Ho-Wai Tang, Sin-Heng Man, Pui-Yuk Mak, Yi-Ching Choi, Melody Yee-Man Wong Department of Chemistry, and State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Correspondence to: Kwan-Ming Ng; e-mail: kwanmng@hku.hk Experimental Procedures and Materials Chemicals, Solvent and Others The explosives (2,4-ditnitrotoluene at >99.9% purity and 2,4,6-trinitrophenol at >99.0 % purity) and cocaine (> 97 % purity) standards were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Toluene (AR grade) was purchased from VWR International (Radnor, PA, USA). Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) was purchased from Scharlab S.L. (Sentmenat, Barcelona, Spain). Water (HPLC grade) was purchased from RCI Labscan (Pathumwan, Bangkok, Thailand). Formic acid (ACS grade, > 98 % purity) was purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Red wine (Vintage 2009, Reserve Shiraz, Jacob’s Creek, South Australia, Australia), mint flavored chewing gum (Airwaves, Wrigley, IL, USA) and painkiller tablet (each contain 500 mg acetaminophen, Panadol, GlaxoSmithKline, County Waterford, Ireland) were purchased from a local supermarket. Mass Spectrometry All mass spectrometric measurements were performed using a hybrid quadrupole-time-of-flight (Q-TOF) tandem mass spectrometer (Q-TOF Premier, Waters Micromass, Manchester, UK). The original ion extraction cone in the ion source was replaced by an extended ion source, which extended the mass spectrometer inlet away from the ion source block for easier sampling. The extended ion source was electrically grounded to prevent the accumulation of electrostatic charge. In addition, to prevent possible electrostatic damage, the mass spectrometer was shielded from electrical charges using several electrically grounded metal plates. Instrumental control and data acquisition were performed using MassLynx 4.1 system software (Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA). The experimental settings of the mass spectrometer were as follows. Ions collected from the inlet would pass through an ion source block which was set at 80 °C. No pneumatic assistance, including cone gas or nebulising gas, was used. The sample cone voltage was set at 30 V. In TOF-MS experiment, the ions were guided through an argon-filled collision cell with collision energy of 2 eV for better ion transmission. For tandem mass spectrometry experiment, ions of interest would be selected by a quadrupole mass filter and then guided into the collision cell with collision energy from 2 – 14 eV (laboratory frame), depending on the extent of fragmentation of the respective analyte ion (except for [Toluene - H]+ which required a higher collision energy of 35 eV). The ions were then mass analyzed by a reflectron TOF mass analyzer and detected by a microchannel plate detector set at 2.1 kV. The mass resolving power of the TOF mass analyzer was tuned to ~6,500 (at m/z 304.1, Full-width at Half Maximum, FWHM). For the general TOF-MS experiments, the mass accuracy of the Q-TOF mass spectrometer was calibrated to be within 20 ppm (at m/z 304.1468) with an external calibration. For accurate mass measurement of volatile compounds in human breath gas, TOF-MS experiment was performed immediately after mass calibration, the mass accuracy was within 6 ppm (at m/z 90.9772). The vacuum pressure of the source, collision cell and TOF mass analyzer regions were 1.68, 6.22 × 10-3, 8.73 × 10-7 mbar respectively. In general, each TOF MS spectrum was a combination of 30 – 60 scan. The scan time for each scan was 1 s and the interscan time was 0.1 s. The acquisition mass range was m/z 10 – 1,000. Electrostatic Generators The positive (+0.2 megavolt) and negative (-0.4 megavolt) electrostatic potential were generated using two Van de Graaff generators (Science First, Yulee, FL, USA). The Van de Graaff generators used in all our experiments were the same type, but the model adopted for the positive ion mode study is different from that adopted for the negative ion mode study. The difference between the two models is size of the domes (that used for the accumulation of the electrostatic charge). Both domes (for the positive and negative electrostatic generators) are spherical in shape, but their diameters and circumferences are different. The circumferences of the domes used for the Van de Graaff generators generating positive electrostatic potential (+0.2 megavolt) and negative electrostatic potential (-0.4 megavolt) were 56.5 cm and 100.8 cm respectively. The diameters of the domes used for the Van de Graaff generators generating positive electrostatic potential (+ 0.2 megavolt) and negative electrostatic potential (-0.4 megavolt) were approximate 18.0 cm and 32.1 cm, respectively. Direct Analysis of Explosives on Latex Glove A laboratory latex glove was worn on a hand of a healthy individual, and then a small amount (< 1 mg) of the explosive compounds was deposited on the fingertip region of the glove. The individual was electrically floated to megavolt potential by putting one of his hand on the metal ball of the Van de Graaff generator for the gradual accumulation of charge for about 2 seconds, then the gloved hand of the individual was moved in front of (~ 8 cm away from) the extended inlet of the mass spectrometer. The Van de Graaff generator (with negative potential at 0.4 MV) was switched on only when the individual had put his hand on the metal ball. Ions of the explosives were readily detected upon the electrostatic charging of the individual. The individual was isolated from the surrounding to avoid charge leakage. A diagram showing the experimental setup is depicted in Figure 1. Direct Analysis of Explosives and Flammable Solvent on Cloth/ Tissue Paper Explosive powder/ a drop of toluene was deposited on a piece of cotton cloth/ tissue paper. The cloth/ paper was held by an individual, and then put in front of the mass spectrometer inlet after the individual was electrostatically charged by a Van de Graaff generator. Negative electrostatic potential was applied for the detection of explosives, and positive electrostatic potential was applied for the detection of toluene. Direct Analysis of Cocaine on Bare Hand The experimental procedure was essentially similar to that of the analysis of explosives on a glove, except that cocaine (< 0.5 mg) was deposited directly on the fingertip of an individual, and also a Van de Graaff generator which generated a positive electrostatic potential (0.2 MV) was employed. Direct Analysis of Acetaminophen in Painkiller Tablet The experimental procedure was essentially similar to that of the analysis of cocaine on bare hand, except that a painkiller tablet instead of powder was directly held by an individual, with the addition of 200 μL of an aqueous solution (containing 50% acetonitrile and 0.1 % formic acid) onto the tablet. Direct Analysis of Human Breath after Drinking Red Wine and Chewing Mint Flavored Gum For the analysis of human breath after drinking red wine, a healthy individual first drank a cup of red wine. After 3 minutes, breath gas of the individual was directed to the extended inlet via a glass tube (~ 20 cm long), and he was then electrostatically charged by a Van de Graaff generator generating a positive electrostatic potential (0.2 MV). The breath gas analysis of the individual after chewing the mint-flavored gum (for 5 minutes) was performed with the same procedure. Direct Analysis of Normal Breath of Individuals For the direct analysis normal breath of four healthy individuals, the procedure was essentially the same as that in the analysis of breath after drinking red wine, except that the breath of the individuals can be directed to the extended inlet of the mass spectrometer, without the intake of any special food or drink prior to analysis. Supplementary Figures (d) Blank glove without the explosive compound 2,4,6-TNPh (a) Blank glove without the explosive compound 2,4-DNT Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 227.2 100 100 50 157.1 0 150 199.2 171.1 160 170 180 190 m/z 200 210 227.2 228.2 227 50 213.2 228 220.1 229 241.2 228.2 0 210 220 230 240 m/z 250 [2,4,6-TNPh – H][2,4-DNT – H] 181.0 50 199.2 157.1 0 150 171.1 160 170 180 190 m/z 200 210 [2,4-DNT – H]- Relative Intensity (%) 88.0 50 80 0 50 [2,4-DNT – H – NO2]135.0 116.0 [2,4-DNT – H – NO]151.0 160 120 100 m/z 150 200 227.2 228.0 228.2 227 50 228 229 241.2 213.2 220.1 0 210 100 (f) Relative Intensity (%) 181.0 (c) 100 228.0 227.2 (e) 100 Relative Intensity (%) (b) 100 Relative Intensity (%) - 220 230 m/z 240 [2,4,6-TNPh – H – NO]198.0 [2,4,6-TNPh – H – NO2]182.0 227.2 250 227.2 228.0 [2,4,6-TNPh - H]228.0 50 180 0 50 210 100 150 m/z X10 240 200 250 Figure S1. Direct detection of explosives on latex glove by megavolt electrostatic ionization mass spectrometry, while the individual was electrostatically charged up to 0.4 megavolt potential at negative polarity. Mass spectra showing the background of a blank latex glove in the absence of explosive compounds (a) 2,4-DNT and (d) 2,4,6TNPh. Mass spectra showing the detection of (b) [2,4-DNT - H]- at m/z 181.0; and (e) [2,4,6-TNPh - H]- at m/z 228.0 from latex glove containing the explosives, both in form of deprotonated ions, and their respective MS/MS spectra in (c) and (f). The collision energy used in the MS/MS experiment for [2,4-DNT - H]- and [2,4,6-TNPh - H]- were 2 and 13 eV respectively (laboratory frame). (2,4-DNT: 2,4-Dinitrotoluene; 2,4,6-TNPh: 2,4,6,-Trinitrophenol) (a) Blank cloth without the explosive compound 2,4-DNT (c) Blank cloth without the explosive compound 2,4,6-TNPh 50 100 157.1 Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 100 171.1 199.2 0 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 227.2 227.2 228.2 50 227 220.1 213.2 0 210 228.2 220 230 m/z 181.0 Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 0 150 199.2 160 171.1 170 180 m/z 241.2 240 250 [2,4,6-TNPh – H]- 100 (d) 50 157.1 229 m/z [2,4-DNT – H]100 (b) 228 190 200 210 227.2 227.2 213.2 228.0 220 228.2 227 220.1 50 0 210 228.0 230 228 241.2 240 229 250 m/z Figure S2. Direct detection of explosives on cloth by megavolt electrostatic ionization mass spectrometry, where an electrostatic potential at 0.4 megavolt at negative polarity was applied on the cloth. Mass spectra showing the background of a blank cloth in the absence of (a) 2,4-DNT; and (c) 2,4,6-TNPh. Mass spectra showing the detection of (b) [2,4-DNT - H]- at m/z 181.0; and (d) [2,4,6-TNPh - H]- at m/z 228.0 from cloth containing the explosives. Both explosives were detected in form of deprotonated ions, (2,4-DNT: 2,4-Dinitrotoluene; 2,4,6-TNPh: 2,4,6,Trinitrophenol) (a) Relative Intensity (%) 100 [(Men)2 + H – Men – H2O]+ 139.1 [(Men)2 + H – Men]+ 157.2 [(Men)2 + H – C10H18]+ 175.2 [(Men)2 + H – H2O]+ 295.3 50 100 0 [Men + H + Men]+ 313.3 50 200 100 150 300 200 250 300 m/z (b) Relative Intensity (%) 100 350 [Men + H + Bg]+ 263.2 [Bg + H]+ 107.1 – [menthol] - (C10H20O) 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 m/z Figure S3. Characterization of menthol-related ions in the breath of a healthy individual after chewing mint flavored gum. (a) MS/MS spectrum of protonated menthol dimer ([Men + H + Men]+) at m/z 313.3, showing the detection of several menthol-related fragment ions, such as [(Men)2 + H – H2O]+, [(Men)2 + H – C10H18]+, [(Men)2 + H – Men]+, and [(Men)2 + H – Men – H2O]+. (b) MS/MS spectrum of protonated adduct of menthol with background molecule ([Men + H + Bg]+) at m/z 263.2, showing the neutral loss of a menthol molecule. [Bg + H]+ at m/z 107 is the protonated ion of the background molecule. The collision energy used in the MS/MS experiment for [Men + H + Men]+ and [Men + H + Bg]+ were 12 and 10 eV respectively (laboratory frame). (Men: Menthol) [DiEtBu + H – C2H5OH]+ 129.0 Relative Intensity (%) 100 50 [DiEtBu + H – C2H5OH – H2O]+ 101.0 0 50 100 m/z * [DiEtBu + H]+ 175.1 150 200 Figure S4. Characterization of ions of red wine volatile organic compounds in the breath of a healthy individual after drinking red wine (50ml). MS/MS of protonated diethyl butanedioate [DiEtBu + H]+ at m/z 175.1 detected in the breath after drinking red wine. Neutral loss of ethanol (C2H5OH) and subsequent loss of water (H2O) was observed, which conformed to the structure of the [DiEtBu + H] + precursor ion. Diethyl butanedioate is a reported volatile component found in red wine. * the ion peak at m/z 149 is the fragment ion of an interference ion at m/z 177.0. The collision energy used in the MS/MS experiment for [DiEtBu + H]+ was 5 eV. (DiEtBu: Diethyl butanedioate). Relative Intensity (%) 100 (e) 163.1 151.1 169.1 50 163.0 155.1 0 150 158.1 155 167.1 160 163.1 100 165 Relative Intensity (%) (a) 170 50 163.0 0 162.8 162.9 (b) 151.1 169.1 163.0 155.1 0 150 158.1 155 167.1 160 165 170 50 0 162.8 162.9 50 155.1 158.1 155 167.1 160 165 Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 163.0 163.3 170 163.2 163.3 163.2 163.3 163.0 50 0 162.8 162.9 m/z 163.0 163.1 m/z (d) (h) 151.1 163.0 163.1 169.1 50 155.1 155 158.1 167.1 160 165 163.0 100 170 Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 163.2 163.1 100 163.1 0 150 163.1 (g) 151.1 169.1 100 163.0 m/z (c) 0 150 163.3 163.0 m/z 100 163.2 163.1 100 50 163.1 (f) 163.1 Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 100 163.0 m/z m/z 163.1 50 0 162.8 m/z 162.9 163.0 163.1 m/z Figure S5. Chemical profiling of the breath of four healthy individuals electrically floated at 0.2 megavolt at positive polarity. Mass spectra of selected m/z range from m/z 150 to 170 of the breath profile of (a) volunteer 1, (b) volunteer 2, (c) volunteer 3, and (d) volunteer 4, which show that the breath profile in the selected m/z range for the 4 individuals were generally similar. However, for the ions at m/z 163.0 and 163.1, their relative abundance among the breath profile of the 4 individuals were quite different ((e) volunteer 1, (f) volunteer 2, (g) volunteer 3, and (h) volunteer 4), suggesting the megavolt electrostatic ionization MS technique may help reveal the difference among the breath profile of different individuals. 100 217.2 50 211.1 0 210 215.1 213.1 212 219.2 214 216 218 220 214.1 (e) 50 213.1 0 212.5 213.5 100 217.2 50 213.1 215.1 219.2 0 210 212 214 216 218 220 m/z 213.1 214.1 (c) 215.1 211.1 219.2 0 210 212 214 214.1 213.1 0 212.5 213.5 216 218 220 217.2 0 210 213.1 212 215.1 219.2 214 216 m/z 218 220 214.5 213.5 (h) 214.1 217.15 0 216.9 m/z 217.1 217.3 (k) 217.16 50 217.09 0 216.9 100 213.2 213.5 217.08 217.1 217.3 m/z 50 0 212.5 217.3 50 100 214.1 0 212.5 217.1 m/z 50 100 50 211.1 (j) m/z Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 214.1 (d) 214.5 (g) 213.1 m/z 100 0 216.9 100 50 100 217.2 50 217.08 m/z Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 100 (f) Relative Intensity (%) 211.1 50 217.15 m/z Relative Intensity (%) 214.1 Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) (b) 214.5 (i) m/z m/z 100 100 Relative Intensity (%) 214.1 Relative Intensity (%) (a) Relative Intensity (%) Relative Intensity (%) 100 214.5 (l) 50 0 216.9 217.15 217.09 217.1 217.3 m/z Figure S6. Chemical profiling of the breath of four healthy individuals electrically floated at 0.2 megavolt at positive polarity: Mass spectra of selected m/z range from m/z 210 to 220 of the breath profile of (a) volunteer 1; (b) volunteer 2; (c) volunteer 3; and (d) volunteer 4, which show that the breath profile in the selected m/z range for the four individuals were generally similar. However, for the ions at m/z 213.2, it has a significantly higher relative abundance in the breath of (g) volunteer 3 than that of (e) volunteer 1, ( f) volunteer 2 and (h) volunteer 4. In addition, difference in the breath profile among the four individuals was also observed in the relative abundance of ions at m/z 217.09 and m/z 217.15, where the relative abundance of ions at m/z 217.15 was 2 – 4 times of that of ions at m/z 217.09 for (i) volunteer 1, (k) volunteer 3 and (l) volunteer 4. But for the breath profile of (j) volunteer 2, the relative abundance of ions at /z 217.15 was almost the same as that of ions at m/z 217.09.