Complaints Procedure - Oxford Tutorial College

Procedure for
Date to be reviewed: April 2015
Complaints Procedure
1. The senior managers at Oxford Tutorial College are very keen for students to
feel that they can talk to us about anything that concerns or worries them.
We cannot promise automatic confidentiality because we are required by law
to discuss or act on some things; but we are keen to do all we can to support
everyone in the College community. We can do this best if you bring
problems to us. This procedure is to let you know what will happen when you
do speak to us.
2. Framework of Principles
We will:
• let everyone know about this procedure through induction and through
Personal Tutors
• do our best to explain everything straightforwardly
• be impartial
• not favour one side against another
• deal with things quickly within established time limits
• keep people informed of what is happening
ensure a fair investigation by an independent person, where necessary
• ensure a fair investigation by an independent person, where necessary
• respect people’s desire for confidentiality, wherever possible
• say at the end of the process what we have found out and what we have
decided to do, and why
• keep records
3. Making an informal Complaint
Stage 1
It is always best to start by just talking to someone: your P/T, Charles, Mary
or David. Our doors are usually open; otherwise just ask us when you can
come to talk. Never try to take matters into your hands!
When you have spoken to one of us, the Director of Student Services and
the Director of Studies will:
• work out what has happened so far, and who has been involved
• work out what the problems are and what needs investigating
• ask you what you would like to happen
• most likely get you to write down what you have said to us
• talk to everyone involved to establish as best we can what actually
happened or is happening, not taking anyone’s side; if they want we will
allow people to have someone with them during the interview
• keep notes of any interview.
4. Resolving the Complaint
We will always try to sort things out fairly and justly, so that everyone feels
safe and supported. We might say that the complaint is fair and explain what
we are doing to make things right. This might include one or more of the
• an apology;
• an explanation;
• an admission that the situation could have been handled differently or
• an assurance that the event complained of will not recur;
• an explanation of the steps that have been taken to ensure that it will
not happen again;
• an undertaking to review college policies in light of the complaint.
An admission that the college could have handled the situation better is not
the same as an admission of negligence. It is also of importance to clarify any
misunderstandings that might have occurred as this can create a positive
atmosphere in which to discuss any outstanding issues.
If we feel that you have misunderstood things we will continue to support you
through discussion.
5. Stage 2 complaint
If you feel that an informal approach has not worked, you are welcome to
write the Director an email asking for a formal review. In this case the Director
will look at what you have been saying and at our response so far. He will
write a formal email in reply giving his judgement on what has happened and
explaining what further work will be done or why he agrees with the original
decision. You are always welcome to talk to him as well.
6. Stage 3 complaint
If you still feel that you are not being treated properly or that people are not
addressing your difficulty seriously, you should approach your parents,
guardian or agent and ask them to write to the Director. Either he will answer
directly or he will invite them to lodge a complaint under stage 3 of our
Complaints Policy for Parents: this means that a meeting will be called where
people outside the College will review everything.
7. Timescale
We will always see you as quickly as possible. We will let you know within a
week what we have found out and what we have decided to do. If things take
longer, for instance because we have to begin a formal process within the
law, we will keep you informed every two days or set a new deadline by which
you will know what is happening. A formal stage 3 complaint has its own
timetable, set out in the Complaints Policy for Parents.
7. Monitoring Complaints
We are always trying to improve the College and will look at complaints and
concerns to help us do that.
Complaint is made to member of staff or Trust
Is complainant satisfied with the informal resolution?
Mediation considered
Mediation takes place within 10 working days if
Is the complainant completely satisfied?
Complainant is given copy of the complaint form and offer
of support in completing it
Stage 1
Form received by college. Is complaint about areas of
Head of College’s
Trust’s responsibility
Head of College deals with matter
Or designates senior member of staff.
Chair deals with matter
Complainant satisfied?
Complainant expresses wish to evoke Stage 2.
Stage 2
Complaint form passed to Director within 5 working
days of complainant expressing wish to go to Stage
Director contacts the complainant to request for any
further information.
Decisions within 15 working days of Director receiving
Annex 1
Oxford Tutorial College
Please complete and return to …………………………………………………… who
will acknowledge receipt and explain what action will be taken.
Your name:
Daytime telephone number:
Evening telephone number:
If applicable, name of student/s at Oxford Tutorial College:
Please give details of your complaint:
What action, if any, have you already taken to try and resolve your complaint?
(Who did you speak to and what was the response?)
Your relationship to the college, e.g. parent,
What actions do you feel might resolve the problem at this stage?
Are you attaching any paperwork? If so, please give details.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Official Use:
Date of acknowledgement sent:
By Whom:
Complaint referred to: