TICKET ORDER FORM VS. Marvelous Medinamos (Featuring teachers and principals from the Medina City Schools) Tuesday, October 6th 6:30pm Medina High School Gymnasium Order Your Tickets Now! Go to www.harlemwizards.com & click “Buy Tickets” or complete this form and Return it to your school today. Student Name_____________________________________ Phone #_____________________________ School____________________ HR Teacher_________________ Email___________________________ # of General Admission Tickets _________ @ $10.00 each ($12 at door) TOTAL $ ________ Court Side Plus Tickets are $25.00 each and include premium reserved courtside seating, special pre-game meet & greet with players, and collector souvenir. Available online only at www.HarlemWizards.com, “buy tickets.” Checks must be made out to Medina City Schools Foundation. *Advance ticket sales end Oct. 5. After that tickets must be purchased at the door. * Limited # of CSPtickets * *We will notify you if tickets are sold out. * Tickets also sold online at www.HarlemWizards.com * ***PAY TO PLAY*** One lucky fan (Mom? Dad? Grandparent? Neighbor?) will join the team to play against the Wizards! Winning ticket (Names will be on tickets.) will be pulled at the start of the game so come ready to play! No experience necessary; just be prepared to have fun! Must be 18 or older to enter and play. Name of Player______________________________ _____# of chances @ $1.00 each Total $ ________ Please return this form to your school marked Harlem Wizards Tickets. Make checks payable to: The Medina City Schools Foundation. Please note: Tickets ordered through the schools will be sent home with your child. THIS IS NOT A DROP OFF EVENT – K-6 STUDENTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY ADULT.