FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS GRADING ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND TRACKING 1. Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 1.1.1 Quickly and accurately discern their learners’ strengths and needs and are proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure appropriate progression for individuals and groups, including those from underperforming groups 1.1.2 Have an astute understanding of how effective different teaching approaches are in relation to the impact on learning and engagement of learners Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 1.2.1 Consistently adapt their teaching to meet the needs of individual and groups of learners to support progression in learning REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT 1.2.2 Know how to secure progress for learners and how to identify when groups and individuals have made progress 1.1.3 Are able to use effective strategies to support the learning and progress of all learners, including those with additional learning requirements 1.2.3 Have a range of effective strategies that they can apply to reduce barriers and respond to the strengths and needs of their learners 1.2.4 Clearly recognise how to deal with any potential barriers to learning through their application of well-targeted interventions and the appropriate deployment of available support staff 1.3.2 Are aware of a range of factors that are potential barriers to achievement and understand how experienced teachers use a range of strategies to reduce these barriers 1.3.3 Show awareness of how learners develop and take account of this in their teaching Trainees demonstrate that they: 1.3.1 Know the learners well enough to recognise the different needs and strengths of individuals and groups and are beginning to adapt their teaching to address those needs and strengths so that learners are supported towards achieving their potential INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 1.4.1 Adapt their teaching to meet the needs of the individual or groups of learners to support progression 1.4.2 Recognise potential barriers to learning or how to support with the appropriate deployment of available support staff 1.3.4 Have some understanding of the challenges and opportunities of teaching in a diverse society 1.3.5 Have a developing understanding of the needs of all learners and are able to articulate distinctive teaching approaches and strategies needed to engage and support learners with particular needs, including EAL and SEND, and learners from minority ethnic backgrounds 2. Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 2.1.1 Are critically aware of the need to extend and update their subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge and have made excellent progress with appropriate professional development strategies in their early career 2.1.2 Are highly reflective in critically evaluating their practice Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 2.2.1 Are critically aware of the need to extend and update their subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge and have made good progress with appropriate professional development strategies in their early career 2.2.2 Are reflective in evaluating their practice EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 2.3.1 Are aware of the need to extend and update their subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge and have started to employ appropriate professional development strategies in their early career 2.3.2 Demonstrate some skills in reflection but can be descriptive in evaluating their own practice INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 2.4.1 Develop professional values and beliefs 2.4.2 Adequately reflect on their own successes and failures in their teaching practice 3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge NOTE: This is a ‘Priority Standard'. If a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in this standard they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall. Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 3.1.1 Constantly motivate learners to participate and contribute in an atmosphere highly conducive to learning 3.1.2 Consistently set high expectations which challenge all learners in different training contexts 3.1.3 Show high levels of mutual respect between the trainee and learners 3.1.4 Are very effective in promoting learners’ resilience, confidence and independence when tackling challenging activities Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 3.2.1 Are reliable in motivating learners to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning 3.2.2 Have set appropriately high expectations, believing that all learners have the potential to make progress 3.2.3 Are well respected by learners and effectively promote learners’ resilience, confidence and independence when tackling challenging activities. As a result of this most learners are enthused and motivated to participate 3.1.5 Generate very high levels of enthusiasm, participation and commitment to learning REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 3.3.1 Are developing the ability to motivate learners to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning 3.3.2 Sometimes set high expectations of learners in their different training contexts 3.3.3 Are beginning to develop a rapport with a range of individuals and groups. As a consequence of this most learners are engaged in their learning 3.3.4 Are developing the ability to demonstrate professional behaviour, showing respect for learners 3.3.5 Demonstrate enthusiasm for working with young people and for teaching and learning INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 3.4.1 Encourage learners to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning 3.4.2 Set appropriately high expectations to allow all learners to reach their full potential 3.4.3 Develop a rapport with individuals and groups. As a consequence of this most learners are not fully engaged in their learning 3.4.4 Demonstrate professional behaviour, respect for learners, colleagues, parents and carers and support the ethos of the setting 3.4.5 Demonstrate enthusiasm for working with children and young people and for teaching and learning 4. Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn NOTE: This is a 'Priority Standard’. If a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in this standard they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall. Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 4.1.1 Plan lessons that often use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies, and that match individuals’ needs and interests 4.1.2 Take risks when trying to make teaching interesting, are able to deal with the unexpected and ‘grab the moment’ Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 4.2.1 Show a willingness to try out range of approaches to teaching and learning, including new technology 4.2.2 Know how to learn from both success and ‘failure’ 4.1.3 Select and use new technology to effectively support learning 4.1.4 Teach lessons that invariably capture the interest of learners, are inclusive of all learners, and feature debate between learners and between learners and the teacher 4.2.3 Know when/who to ask for support both in trying out new approaches and in evaluating how well they work EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 4.3.1 Tend to have a limited, but adequate, range of teaching and assessment strategies, but use these competently and with confidence 4.3.2 Use new technology to enhance learning INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 4.4.1 Have a willingness to try out a range of approaches to teaching and learning 4.4.2 Utilise new technology effectively 5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion NOTE: This is a 'Priority Standard’. If a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in this standard they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall. Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 5.1.1 Fully exploit possibilities to promote learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity 5.1.2 Frequently employ effective and innovative approaches to the integration of social and cultural diversity Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 5.2.1 Make links with and explore possibilities to develop learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity 5.2.2 Employ a range of approaches to the integration of social and cultural diversity 5.1.3 Are able to use effective strategies to support the learning and progress of all learners, including those with ‘Protected Characteristics’ as stated in the Equality Act (2010) 5.1.4 Are highly skilled in meeting the learning requirements of a wide range of learners 5.2.3 Ensure that all learners are included in all learning activities REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 5.3.1 Are beginning to develop learners’ wider understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity 5.3.2 Have a developing understanding of the needs of all learners and are able to articulate distinctive teaching approaches and strategies needed to engage and support all learners, including those with ‘Protected Characteristics’ as stated in the Equality Act (2010) 5.3.3 Are able to meet the needs of all learners most of the time INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 5.4.1 Exploit opportunities to promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion 5.4.2 Employ a range of strategies to integrate social and cultural diversity in their teaching 5.4.3 Meet individual learning requirements 6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 6.1.1 Build strong professional relationships and demonstrate that they are able to work collaboratively with colleagues and learners on a regular basis 6.1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the range of professionals that contribute to learners’ overall development and their place in the ‘bigger picture’ – wellinformed discussion about individual/groups of learners and particular needs Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 6.2.1 Are effective in building good professional relationships with colleagues and learners and demonstrate that they can work well collaboratively when required to do so 6.2.2 Can give examples of working with a wider range of professionals to secure the overall development of learners EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 6.3.1 Are starting to build effective professional relationships with various colleagues and learners and have the skills required to work collaboratively 6.3.2 In most cases, they know who they should turn to for expert advice on particular aspects of learners’ overall development, specifically safeguarding issues INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 6.4.1 Build professional relationships with colleagues and learners or work collaboratively when required to do so 6.4.2 Understand the importance of collaborative working 7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 7.1.1 Consistently explore and exploit opportunities to maintain and update knowledge of their own subject specialism Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 7.2.1 Are proactive in maintaining and updating knowledge of their own subject specialism REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 7.3.1 Are beginning to recognise the need to maintain knowledge of their own subject specialism INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 7.4.1 Maintain and update knowledge of their subject specialism 8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 8.1.1 Consistently seek out opportunities to maintain and update knowledge of educational research 8.1.2 Draw on their in-depth subject and curriculum knowledge to plan confidently for progression and to stimulate and capture learners’ interest 8.1.3 Consistently review their professional learning and practice to successfully identify and employ strategies for improvement Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 8.2.1 Have well-developed knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject/curriculum areas and subject specialism they are training to teach and use this effectively to maintain and develop learners’ interest 8.2.2 Apply detailed subject and curriculum knowledge to plan for progression and to stimulate and capture learners’ interest 8.2.3 Review their professional learning and practice to successfully identify and employ strategies for improvement REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 8.3.1 Have reasonably secure knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject/curriculum areas and subject specialism to teach effectively in the age phase for which they are training to teach 8.3.2 In most situations, are able to apply subject and curriculum knowledge to plan for progression and to stimulate and capture learners’ interest 8.3.3 Review their professional learning and practice to identify and employ strategies for improvement, although this review sometimes lacks depth INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 8.4.1 Have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject/curriculum areas and subject specialism they are training to teach 8.4.2 Apply subject and curriculum knowledge to plan for progression and to stimulate and capture learners’ interest 8.4.3 Review their professional learning and practice to identify and employ strategies for improvement 9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 9.1.1 Use their in-depth and highly developed theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment and draw on research and other evidence to employ highly effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies 9.1.2 Successfully use understanding gained through engaging with research to test out new approaches to practice Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 9.2.1 Have a well-developed theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment and draw on research and other evidence to employ effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies 9.2.2 Use understanding gained through engaging with research to test out new approaches to practice EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 9.3.1 Are developing a level of secure theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment and are beginning to draw on research and other evidence to inform teaching, learning and assessment strategies 9.3.2 Are beginning to engage with research to test out new approaches to practice INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 9.4.1 Have sufficient theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence to employ effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies 9.4.2 Use understanding gained through engaging with research to test out new approaches to practice 10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 10.1.1 Can accurately judge the impact of their practice on individual and groups of learners and can use their evaluation to inform future planning, teaching and learning Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 10.2.1 Know how to learn from both successful and less effective lessons through their systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of their practice, including its impact on learners REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT 10.1.2 Actively seek guidance and support from mentors and other colleagues and use the feedback very effectively to improve practice 10.1.3 Are highly reflective in critically evaluating their practice 10.1.4 Can demonstrate high-quality self-evaluation with clear focus on learners and setting challenging targets for their own professional development 10.2.2 Seek guidance and support from mentors and other colleagues and use the feedback effectively to improve practice 10.2.3 Can provide clear evidence of understanding the need to take responsibility for their own professional development through evaluating performance and setting challenging targets 10.3.2 Seek guidance and support from mentors and other colleagues and are beginning to use the feedback to improve practice 10.3.3 Are developing an understanding of the need to evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching and its learners and are beginning to link this to their own professional development EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 Trainees demonstrate that they: 10.3.1 Are beginning to review and reflect on their own planning and teaching to prepare future activities and tasks that build on and sustain progression in learners’ learning INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 10.4.1 Review and reflect on their planning and teaching 10.4.2 Seek out guidance and support from mentors and other colleagues or use the feedback effectively to improve practice 11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour NOTE: This is a 'Priority Standard’. If a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in this standard they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall. Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 11.1.1 Rapidly adapt to the different circumstances in which they train, working confidently within the frameworks established in different settings and applying rules and routines consistently and fairly Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 11.2.1 Work within the setting’s framework for behaviour and apply rules and routines consistently and fairly, including those related to tackling bullying, including cyber and prejudicebased bullying 11.1.2 Consistently have high expectations and understand a range of strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour and apply these very effectively, including use of setting sanctions, rewards, and use of praise, in order to create an environment highly supportive of learning 11.1.3 Manage learner behaviour with ease so that learners display very high levels of engagement, courtesy, collaboration and co-operation 11.2.2 Always have high expectations and understand a range of strategies that teachers use to promote positive behaviour and apply these effectively, including use of setting sanctions, rewards, and use of praise, in order to create an environment supportive of learning 11.2.3 Manage behaviour effectively so that learners demonstrate positive attitudes towards the teacher, their learning and each other allowing lessons to flow smoothly so that disruption is unusual 11.2.4 Actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of learners where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated 11.1.4 Actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of learners where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated 11.1.5 Understand how to tackle bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 11.3.1 Are developing the practice of working within the setting’s framework for behaviour and are learning how to apply rules and routines consistently and fairly, including those related to tackling bullying, including cyber and prejudicebased bullying 11.3.2 Usually have high expectations, are aware of the range of strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour, but are not yet consistently applying these 11.3.3 Are developing the skills to be able to apply these appropriately, in the context of the settings policy using sanctions and rewards, including praise, in order to create an environment supportive of learning 11.3.4 Understand when to seek additional support in addressing the needs of learners where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated but do not always implement this 11.3.5 Recognise that planning appropriate lessons that challenge learners, teaching using a variety of strategies to address learners’ needs and employing appropriate assessment strategies will all contribute to successful behaviour management but are not yet consistent in applying this 11.3.6 Show an understanding of how barriers to learning can impact on learner behaviour and have begun to apply strategies to address these, working alongside experienced teachers and support staff as appropriate 11.3.7 Understand that behaviour management is context-dependent and are beginning to articulate which factors may contribute to more challenging behaviour being exhibited within their sessions INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 11.4.1 Work within the setting’s framework for behaviour or apply rules and routines 11.4.2 Have high expectations or understand the strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour 11.4.3 Manage behaviour effectively or encourage learners to demonstrate positive attitudes towards the teacher, their learning and each other to allow lessons to flow smoothly 11.4.4 Seek additional support in addressing the needs of learners where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated 12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 12.1.1 Are proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and ethos of the setting Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 12.2.1 Are proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute to the wider life and ethos of the setting 12.1.2 Take responsibility for deploying support staff in their lessons and for seeking advice from relevant professionals in relation to learners with individual needs 12.2.2 Take responsibility for deploying support staff in their lessons and for seeking advice from relevant professionals in relation to learners with individual needs 12.1.3 Deliberately seek out opportunities to develop their own professional learning and respond positively to all the feedback they receive 12.2.3 Are proactive in relation to their own professional learning and value the feedback they receive from more experienced colleagues, using it to develop their own teaching further 12.1.4 Communicate very effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents, carers and other professionals in relation to learners’ achievements and wellbeing when required to do so formally, but are also proactive in communicating in relation to individual learners’ emergent needs 12.2.4 Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents, carers and other professionals in relation to learners’ achievements and well-being and assume some responsibility for doing so in response to individual learners’ emergent needs EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 12.3.1 Are beginning to understand and support the ethos of the setting and show an inclination to contribute to the wider life of the setting in appropriate ways 12.3.2 Are developing communication with support staff but appear to lack the confidence to always direct any support staff deployed in their lessons, to assist in supporting the progress and achievement of individuals and of groups of learners 12.3.3 Understand when to ask for information and advice from specialist staff about individual learners with specific needs but do not always action this 12.3.4 Are not yet always proactive in seeking out and responding to advice from more experienced colleagues 12.3.5 Are generally able to identify personal professional development targets and identify opportunities to address and meet these targets 12.3.6 Are developing the ability to communicate effectively with parents, carers and other professionals in supporting learners’ achievement and monitoring learners’ well-being but are not yet able to do this independently in response to individual learners’ emergent needs INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 12.4.1 Seek opportunities to contribute to the wider life and ethos of the setting 12.4.2 Deploy support staff in their lessons or seek advice from relevant professionals in relation to learners with individual needs 12.4.3 Proactively seek to enhance their own professional learning or value the feedback they receive from more experienced colleagues 12.4.4 Communicate effectively at set points in the setting year, including at open events, parents’ evenings and through written reports 12.4.5 Communicate effectively with parents, cares and other professionals in relation to learners’ achievements and well-being 13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression NOTE: This is a 'Priority Standard’. If a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in this standard they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall. Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 13.1.1 Assume a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of all learners they teach Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 13.2.1 Assume responsibility for the attainment, progress and outcomes of the learners they teach 13.1.2 Demonstrate confident judgement in planning for learner progression both within individual lessons and over time 13.1.3 Are able to articulate a clear and well-justified rationale as to how they are building on prior achievement 13.2.2 Demonstrate a sound understanding of the need to develop learner learning over time 13.1.4 Actively promote engaging and effective methods that support learners in reflecting on their learning 13.2.4 Regularly provide learners with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with other forms of assessment, to inform their future planning and teaching 13.2.5 Use their knowledge of effective teaching strategies to encourage independent learning and offer a rationale for choices made in the context of practice 13.1.5 Are able to set appropriately challenging tasks, drawing on a sound knowledge of the learners’ prior attainment, which has been obtained through systematic and accurate assessment 13.2.3 Short-term and medium-term planning consistently takes into account the prior learning of the learners EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 13.3.1 Support learners in reflecting on their learning and identifying their progress and emerging learning needs but do not always demonstrate this consistently 13.3.2 Are beginning to devise suitable opportunities for learners to evaluate and improve their performance 13.3.3 Are able to demonstrate a limited range of teaching strategies which are informed by an understanding of how learners learn and offer a rationale for choices made in the context of practice INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 13.4.1 Assume responsibility for the attainment, progress and outcomes of the learners they teach 13.4.2 Have an understanding of the need to develop learner learning over time 13.4.3 Take into account the prior learning of the learners 13.4.4 Provide learners with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with other forms of assessment, to inform their future planning and teaching 13.4.5 Encourage independent learning 14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment NOTE: This is a 'Priority Standard’. If a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in this standard they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall. Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 14.1.1 Plan lessons that often use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies that match individuals’ needs and interests 14.1.2 Quickly and accurately discern their learners’ strengths and needs and are proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure appropriate progression for individuals and groups, including those from underperforming groups Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 14.2.1 Plan lessons that take account of the needs of groups of learners and individuals, through the setting of differentiated learning outcomes, carefully matching teaching and learning activities and resources to support learners in achieving these intended learning outcomes 14.2.2 Can make links with and explore possibilities to develop learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 14.3.1 Generally maintain the pace of the learning, are usually able to respond flexibly to what is happening in the classroom and are developing the confidence to adapt their teaching in order to respond to the needs of the learners 14.3.2 Are beginning to develop learners’ wider understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity 14.1.3 Fully exploit possibilities to promote learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 14.4.1 Plan lessons that take account of the needs of groups of learners and individuals 14.4.2 Secure appropriate learner progress 14.4.3 Challenge inappropriate behaviour 15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 15.1.1 Select and use a wide range of new technologies to maintain engagement and participation 15.1.2 Use new technology effectively to promote the development of academic skills and autonomous learning Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 15.2.1 Select and use a range of new technologies to maintain engagement and participation 15.2.2 Use new technology to promote the development of academic skills and autonomous learning EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 15.3.1 Are developing the use of new technology to maintain engagement and participation and are beginning to understand how technology can be used effectively to promote learning INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 15.4.1 Use a range of new technologies to maintain engagement and participation 15.4.2 Use new technology to promote the development of academic skills or autonomous learning 16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning NOTE: This is a 'Priority Standard’. If a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in this standard they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall. Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 16.1.1 Successfully identify and exploit naturally occurring opportunities to develop learners’ skills in communication, reading, writing and mathematics (as appropriate) 16.1.2 Draw on their very strong knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of teaching mathematics and English to select and employ highly effective teaching strategies (as appropriate) 16.1.3 Can promote high standards of communication, reading, writing and mathematical skills for all learners (as appropriate) Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 16.2.1 Model good standards of written and spoken communication, and mathematical skills, in all professional activities and encourage and support learners to develop these skills in their lessons (as appropriate) 16.2.2 Have a very secure knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of teaching mathematics and English and employ effective teaching strategies (as appropriate) REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees demonstrate that they: Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 16.3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the need 16.4.1 Model good standards of written and to promote high standards of communication, spoken communication in all professional reading, writing and mathematical skills for all activities or encourage and support learners to learners and are beginning to build this into lessons develop these skills in their lessons (as appropriate) 16.3.2 Understand the principles and practices of 16.4.2 Know and understand the principles and teaching and assessing mathematics and English, practices of teaching and assessing English and are beginning to be able to apply these and mathematics, and are unable to apply this effectively (as appropriate) effectively 16.2.3 Have an understanding of how to overcome barriers to learning such as low levels of literacy and numeracy (as appropriate) 17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 17.1.1 Set learners challenging tasks and regularly create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning. As a result the majority of learners make very good progress 17.1.2 Actively promote engaging and effective methods that support learners in reflecting on their learning Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 17.2.1 Set appropriately challenging tasks and create opportunities that enable independent learning. As a result the majority of learners make good progress 17.2.2 Regularly provide learners with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with other forms of assessment, to inform their future planning and teaching EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 17.3.1 Generally set tasks that challenge most learners and encourage independent learning. As a consequence all groups of learners make at least satisfactory progress 17.3.2 Are beginning to support learners in reflecting on their learning and identifying their progress and emerging learning needs INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 17.4.1 Set appropriately challenging tasks that enable learners to make progress. As a result the majority of learners fail to make good progress 17.4.2 Encourage independent and autonomous learning. As a consequence, learners do not make at least satisfactory progress 17.4.3 Provide learners with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with other forms of assessment, to inform their future planning and teaching 18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement NOTE: This is a 'Priority Standard’. If a trainee only achieves a 'Good' in this standard they can only achieve a Grade 2 overall. Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 18.1.1 Confidently and accurately assess learners’ attainment against national benchmarks or other appropriate grading criteria Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 18.2.1 Are able to assess learners’ attainment accurately against national benchmarks or other appropriate grading criteria 18.1.2 Use a range of assessment strategies very effectively in their day-to-day practice to monitor progress and to inform future planning 18.2.2 Employ a range of appropriate formative assessment strategies effectively and can adapt their teaching within lessons in light of learners’ responses 18.2.3 Maintain accurate records of learners’ progress and use these to set appropriately challenging targets 18.1.3 Systematically and effectively check learners’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and do so with notable impact on the quality of learning 18.1.4 Assess learners’ progress regularly and work with them to accurately target further improvement and secure appropriate progress 18.2.4 Assess learners’ progress regularly and accurately and discuss assessments with them so that learners know how well they have done and what they need to do to improve EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16 REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 18.3.1 Have a developing understanding of the assessment requirements for the subject/curriculum they are teaching and are able to make broadly accurate assessments against national benchmarks or other appropriate grading criteria 18.3.2 Generally use of a range of formative and summative assessment strategies, designed to support learners in making progress 18.3.3 Are not yet consistently effective in deploying these strategies in every lesson in order to evaluate the impact of teaching on the progress of learners and to use this as a basis for modifying their teaching and classroom practice when necessary 18.3.4 Are able, with guidance from experienced teachers, to monitor learner progress and maintain accurate records, and set new targets for individuals and groups 18.3.5 Are developing the skills to mark learners’ work constructively and provide appropriate oral feedback to learners to help them to make progress INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 18.4.1 Have an understanding of the assessment requirements for the subject/curriculum they are teaching. They are unable to make accurate assessment against national benchmarks or other appropriate grading criteria 18.4.2 Make use of formative and summative assessment strategies in their planning to support learners in making progress 18.4.3 Evaluate the impact of teaching on the progress of learners and as a basis for modifying their teaching and classroom practice 18.4.4 Know how summative data are used to set targets for groups and individuals 18.4.5 Monitor learner progress and maintain accurate records, even with guidance from experienced teachers 18.4.6 Mark learners’ work constructively and provide appropriate oral feedback to learners 19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 19.1.1 Build strong professional relationships and demonstrate that they are able to work collaboratively with employers (as appropriate) 19.1.2 Seek out and exploit opportunities to involve themselves in the wider professional role via extracurricular activities and CPD activity Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 19.2.1 Are effective in building good professional relationships with colleagues and demonstrate that they can work well collaboratively when required to do so 19.2.2 Regularly involve themselves in the wider professional role via extra-curricular activities and CPD activity REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 19.3.1 Are developing the skills to build effective professional relationships with various colleagues in order to work collaboratively INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 19.4.1 Build professional relationships with colleagues or work collaboratively when required to do so 19.3.2 Are starting to involve themselves in the wider professional role via extra-curricular activities and CPD activity 19.4.2 Involve themselves in the wider professional role via extra-curricular activities and CPD activity 20. Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others Grade 1: OUTSTANDING - MEETING STANDARDS AT A HIGH LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 20.1.1 Are proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and ethos of the setting 20.1.2 Show initiative in contributing to curriculum planning and developing and producing effective learning resources in their placement settings Grade 2: GOOD - MEETING STANDARDS AT A GOOD LEVEL Trainees demonstrate that they: 20.2.1 Seek out opportunities to contribute to the wider life and ethos of the setting REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Trainees demonstrate that they: 20.3.1 Are beginning to seek out opportunities to contribute to the wider life and ethos of the setting INADEQUATE - FAILING TO MEET THE STANDARDS Trainees do not demonstrate that they: 20.4.1 Seek opportunities to contribute to the wider life and ethos of the setting 20.2.2 Make a positive contribution to the development of curriculum and resources in their placement settings 20.3.2 Are starting to work collaboratively with more experienced colleagues to make a positive contribution to the setting 20.4.2 Make positive contribution to the development of curriculum and resources in their practice settings EHU Further Education and Training Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16