St Fillans Community Council

St Fillans Community Council
Minutes of the St Fillans Community Council Meeting
Wednesday 15th July 2015
Sandison Hall, St Fillans
Chairman Steve Howell welcomed 5 villagers, PC D Florence, Owen McKee and Community
Councillors Don Forrester (Vice Chair), Isobel Howell (Treasurer), Frances Brown, Richard
Graham and Trish Forrester (Secretary).
Apologies were received from Eric and Lorna Kennelly, Dave and Lynda Pryde, Sally Watson,
Liz and Russell Cunningham, John Murray and Carol Graham.
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed as a true record by Johnston Brown
and seconded by Brad Sol.
Police Report
PC Florence informed the meeting of one theft in the village of a parcel taken from an
unlocked porch.
744 hours of work have been undertaken so far this year on project Ironworks that is now in
its 10th year. As usual Ironworks will run until October.
Matters Arising
In order to progress with the private road behind the Achray, Brad needs contact details for
those people who live on the road. Frances Brown to supply the details.
Railway line clearing – Geoff Hardman-Carter will be asked for an update at our next
Community Futures Plan – the second meeting will be held on Wednesday 29th July at Carol
and Richard Graham’s house at 7.30pm. Everyone interested in becoming involved are very
welcome to attend.
All whisky barrels obtained with the NP grant have been allocated and the 2 picnic tables
have been placed, one on the zig-zag path and one at the football pitch.
Correspondence – nil
Planning applications – nil
Village groups updates
Garden group – knotweed has been found in the field at Dundurn Walk in 2 areas. National
Park has been informed and will treat when the other areas in the village are treated. Owen
McKee to inform the planners at NP of the presence of the weed. Drummond Estates have
given their permission as the landowner for the knotweed to be treated.
Richard Graham has chopped the fallen trees on the old railway line. The garden group to
be asked if they would consider clearing the goats’ path and the railway line as they are
becoming overgrown.
Paths group – Scottish National Heritage have agreed to fund TP&E costs for putting out to
contract and management of the next stage of the Path project , Tynreoch to Station Road.
Ian Moncrieff expressed concern that no one has contacted him regarding the path behind
his home. TP&E need to be aware of the pollution issues in the area of the Moncrieff’s
house. Johnston Brown to contact TP&E.
Festive Committee – weekend plans are progressing. Please put 15th and 16th August in
your diary. Tickets are available from those on the committee.
Play Park – P&K liked the plans submitted to them of the natural play park but say they are
willing to supply 4 pieces of equipment (similar to other village paly areas), which they
would build separate from the natural play park. This section would be maintained by P&K.
The group are now lobbying for support from MPs and Councillors.
Loch Issues
Richard reported that due to media hype the Loch was much quieter than in previous years.
Overnight parking signs are in place at the Lay-bys and they are replaced as soon as they are
taken down. It has been noticed that people are back to picnicking on the shores. Richard
has been undertaking various interviews on the Loch issues and the most recent was with Dr
Aileen McLeod (Minister for the Environment) with the NP convener Lynda McKay in
attendance. They were shown human excrement in a ditch, and trees that had been
vandalised with names carved into them. The Minister has the final say in the NP proposals
for the area. Owen informed the meeting that there are many groups against the NP plans
and that they were a loud voice.
Roddy Ross (P&K) has forwarded a proof of the flyer which is being printed for distribution
in and around the village asking for peoples views on the alcohol bylaw proposal and
explaining what it mean to us as a village.
De-fib – this is now housed in Richard and Carol’s unlocked porch. Richard is happy to bring
it round to anyone’s house should it be required and he is in. Brad Sol informed the
meeting that he has an oxygen supply at the Achray should anyone require it.
Broadband – there are 5 stages to getting faster broadband. We are now at stage 3, which
is in the right direction. Don Forrester to supply details of who to contact to businesses in
the village.
Dundurn field – it was requested that a letter be written to Mr Salter to ask if the field in
Dundurn Walk is to be maintained and is there a timeframe for this? Are the notices to be
Next Meeting is on Wednesday 23rd September 2015
Trish Forrester
Secretary St Fillans Community Council
21st July 2015