Phonics and English 1 Scope and Sequence Unit 1: God’s Colorful Creation Lesson Number Phonics & English 1 TE Pages Phonics 1 Practice Pages Phonics & English 1 Worktext Pages Phonics Storybook Toolkit CD English Skill Phonics Skills suffix s /s/ t /t/ i /i/ s /s/ n /n/ w /w/ Word Families Service Words _it I here a 1 2 3 4 2–5 6–9 10–13 14–17 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 5 18–21 9–10 Mr. & Mrs. Short 6 7 22–25 26–29 11–12 13–14 h /h/, ss /z/ d /d/ _is /z/ _id come e /e/ _ed, _en, _et this 1–2 3–4 8 30–33 5–6 15–16 9 34–37 7–8 17–18 10 38–41 9–10 19–20 period, exclamation point 11 42–45 11–12 21–22 12 46–49 13–14 23–24 digraph ck 13 50–53 15–16 25–26 14 54–57 17–18 27–28 15 58–61 19–20 29–30 16 62–65 21–22 31–32 17 66–69 23–24 33–34 70–73 25–26 35–36 19 74–77 27–28 37–38 20 78–81 29–30 39–40 21 82–85 31–32 41–42 22 23 24 25 86–89 90–93 94–97 98–101 33–34 35–36 37–38 39–40 43–44 45–46 47–48 49–50 26 102–5 41–42 51–52 27 106–9 43–44 53–54 28 29 110–13 114–16 45–46 47–48 55–56 57–58 the b /b/ Sid, Wit, and Win uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences 18 _in Beds u /u/ love p /p/ _ip, _up for c, k, ck /k/ Uncle Short _eck, _ick, _uck _ack, _ad, _an, _ap, _as /z/, _at a /a/, s /z/ question mark Beck and Pip Pat’s Cat Peg’s Wig comma, exclamation point Nell Sits what l, ll /l/ _ell, _ill, _ull they nt /nt/ _ag, _eg, _ig, _ug _ent m /m/ _am, _im do, mother o /o/ _ock, _od, _om, _op, _ot of initial /st/ r /r/ v /v/ f, ff /f/ Tim’s Gift said to off _ast, _est, _ist, _ust _ift, _uff suffix -ed suffix -er are _and, _end final /st/ Kim’s Socks you final blend /nd/ g /g/ compound words color _ub, _un, _us, _ut want one father your brother j /j/, final blend /mp/ _amp, _ump give x /ks/, ss /s/ _ass, _ax, _ess, _iss, _ix, _ox have y /y/, z /z/ qu /kw/ was many, any Phonics and English 1 Scope and Sequence Unit 2: Creatures Great and Small Lesson Number Phonics & English 1 TE Pages Phonics 1 Practice Pages Phonics & English 1 Worktext Pages Phonics Storybook Toolkit CD 30 118–21 49–50 59–60 Camp 31 122–25 51–52 61–62 32 126–29 53–54 63–64 33 130–33 55–56 65–66 The Fastest Fox 34 35 36 134–37 138–41 142–45 57–58 59–60 61–62 67–68 69–70 71–72 In the Bed 37 146–49 63–64 73–74 38 150–53 65–66 75–76 39 154–57 67–68 77–78 40 158–61 69–70 79–80 41 162–65 71–72 81–82 English Skill Phonics Skills suffixes -es and -est capitalize the names of people and the pronoun I short vowel review final l blends Word Families picture _elt, _ept other initial r blends would, could s blends sh /sh/ ch /ch/ -ing ng /ng/ nk /nk/ Chad’s Lunch pretty initial l blends _ask _ash, _ish -es (with sh) Grandma Sat Service Words _inch, _uch, _unch _ang, _ing, _ung _ank, _ink from, away two put, who where some, water there, music th /th/ hear wh /hw/ eyes Uncle Short; -er, -est; double final consonant Uncle Short; -ed, -ing; double final consonant 42 166–69 73–74 83–84 43 170–73 75–76 85–86 44 174–77 77–78 87–88 45 178–81 79–80 89–90 46 182–85 81–82 91–92 two-syllable words consonant and -le as a separate syllable money, does 47 186–89 83–84 93–94 describing words (adjectives) -le were 48 49 190–93 194–97 85–86 87–88 95–96 97–98 Winning live something 50 198–201 89–90 99–100 The Ranch -ed as /t/ -ed as /d/ short-vowel review 51 202–4 91–92 101–2 The King’s Men door floor ch, sh, th, wh review Thunder naming words (nouns) action words (verbs) Bible, people once school, heard Phonics and English 1 Scope and Sequence Unit 3: Special Deeds and Inventions Lesson Number Phonics & English 1 TE Pages Phonics 1 Practice Pages Phonics & English 1 Worktext Pages 52 206–9 93–94 103–4 53 210–13 95–96 105–6 54 214–17 97–98 107–8 55 218–21 99–100 109–10 56 222–25 101–2 111–12 57 226–29 103–4 113–14 58 230–33 105–6 115–16 59 234–37 107–8 117–18 60 238–41 109–10 119–20 61 242–45 111–12 121–22 62 246–49 113–14 123–24 63 250–53 115–16 125–26 64 254–57 117–18 127–28 65 258–61 119–20 129–30 66 262–65 121–22 131–32 67 68 266–69 270–73 123–24 125–26 133–34 135–36 69 274–77 127–28 137–38 70 278–81 129–30 139–40 71 72 73 74 282–85 286–89 290–91 292–95 131–32 133–34 135–36 137–38 141–42 143–44 145–46 147–48 75 296–99 139–40 149–50 76 300–301 141–42 151–52 77 302–5 143–44 153–54 78 306–9 145–46 155–56 Phonics Storybook Toolkit CD English Skills Phonics Skills Word Families introduce longvowel characters ā with Marker e Fun on the Branch ī with Marker e ō with Marker e ū with Marker e long-vowel review adding -ing and -ed to long-vowel words long-vowel review Uncle Tim The Fire Luke’s Flute Skating _ade, _ake, _ale, _ame, _ane, _ape, _ate, _ave _ide, _ike, _ile, _ime, _ine, _ire, _ite, _ive _oke, _ole, _one _ule, _une, _ute Dan’s Day Here and There Sailing Shy Dwight ā as in ai, introduce Miss Long with Miss Silent ā as in ay ē as in an open syllable family pull _ail, _ain war, son _ay been _e learn _eam, _eat, _ee, _eep, _eet friend buy again don’t warm heart, Christmas ie as ī _ie thought y as ī _igh as ī review review ī _y _igh, _ight Christ children oa, oe ow, own compound words sentences; sentence word order done full ee, ea, ey review adding -ed and -ing to long- and short-vowel words y as long e review Miss Long and Miss Silent The Beaver work their ee, ea The Steamboat every, everybody capitalize the days of the week reading commas Service Words _oast, _oat, _oe _ow, _own front 79 310–13 147–48 157–58 80 81 314–17 318–21 149–50 151–52 159–60 161–62 82 322–25 153–54 163–64 83 326–27 155–56 165–66 84 328–31 157–58 167–68 85 332–35 159–60 169–70 86 336–38 161–62 171–72 Snow Last Tuesday The Ladybug ō in an open syllable review ū review -le long- and short-vowel review review adding -ed and -ing words beginning with soft c soft c within a word hard c _o wash _ue great another watch America _ace, _ice very quiet Phonics and English 1 Scope and Sequence Unit 4: Adventures Lesson Number Phonics & English 1 TE Pages Phonics 1 Practice Pages Phonics & English 1 Worktext Pages 87 340–43 163–64 173–74 88 344–47 165–66 175–76 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 348–51 352–55 356–59 360–63 364–67 368–71 372–75 167–68 169–70 171–72 173–74 175–76 177–78 179–80 177–78 179–80 181–82 183–84 185–86 187–88 189–90 96 376–79 181–82 191–92 97 380–83 183–84 193–94 98 384–87 185–86 195–96 99 388–91 187–88 197–98 100 392–95 189–90 199–200 101 396–99 191–92 201–2 102 103 104 400–403 404–7 408–11 193–94 195–96 197–98 203–4 205–6 207–8 105 412–15 199–200 209–10 106 416–19 201–2 211–12 107 420–23 203–4 213–14 108 424–27 205–6 215–16 109 428–31 207–8 217–18 110 432–35 209–10 219–20 111 436–39 211–12 221–22 112 440–43 213–14 223–24 Phonics Storybook Toolkit CD English Skills Phonics Skills Word Families ar _ar, _ark, _arm, _art Service Words synonyms Princess Nancy contractions Space ar or _ore, _orn review ar, or er ur ir _irl, _irt synonyms Karl’s Cart Running review er/ur/ir Curt’s Surprise A Birdfeeder gone obey busy through laugh review er/ur/ir Pedro review Bossy r year Cowboy Day only capitalize the months of the year opposites shoe, push Dr. oo _ool, _oom, _oon, _oot The Cat oo oo oo _ood, ook won The Barnyard review oo, oo _ow, _own _our, _ouse, _out, _ound special, ear synonyms and antonyms ow A Party Dish ow, ou The Clown Act prepositions 113 444–47 215–16 225–26 A Hole in the Road 114 115 116 448–51 452–55 456–58 217–18 219–20 221–22 227–28 229–30 231–32 A Noise initial soft g soft g within words and final soft g review hard and soft c and g oi, oy answer four _age should, easy together _oil, _oy oi, oy woman sure contractions Clown Day au/aw al _aw,_awn _all Christian Phonics and English 1 Scope and Sequence Unit 5: Making Melody Lesson Number Phonics & English 1 TE Pages Phonics 1 Practice Pages Phonics & English 1 Worktext Pages 117 460–63 223–24 233–34 118 464–67 225–26 235–36 119 468–71 227–28 237–38 120 472–75 229–30 239–40 121 476–79 231–32 241–42 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 480–83 484–87 488–91 492–95 496–99 500–503 504–7 233–34 235–36 237–38 239–40 241–42 243–44 245–46 243–44 245–46 247–48 249–50 251–52 253–54 255–56 Phonics Storybook Toolkit CD English Skills Phonics Skills days of the week; contractions al, au, aw, oi, oy, ow, ou The Drawing Book Balls o /ô/ Word Families eight _oft, _ong, _oss, _ost consonant + -le -dge -tch brought _edge, _udge _atch, _itch Fudge review oo air, are ph, silent gh Mitch’s Fall 508–11 247–48 257–58 130 512–15 249–50 259–60 131 516–19 251–52 261–62 132 520–23 253–54 263–64 133 524–27 255–56 265–66 Exploring 134 135 528–31 532–35 257–58 259–60 267–68 269–70 Who Am I? 136 536–39 261–62 271–72 137 540–43 263–64 273–74 138 544–47 265–66 275–76 139 548–50 267–68 277–78 A Jog What Am I? move capitalize the names of special places compound words A Long Line 129 Service Words suffixes -ed, -ing; comparison with -er, -est suffixes -ly, -ness, -ment alphabetical order; homonyms comparison with -er, -est suffixes -ing, -ed, -ly; rhyming words with different spellings analogies punctuation prefixes un-, aprefixes re-, bereview suffixes and prefixes _off, _og, _oth _air, _are word tear(s) dear, near y as long e or i Phonics and English 1 Scope and Sequence Unit 6: Treasures Lesson Number Phonics & English 1 TE Pages Phonics 1 Practice Pages Phonics & English 1 Worktext Pages 140 552–55 269–70 279–80 141 556–59 271–72 281–82 142 560–63 273–74 283–84 143 564–67 275–76 285–86 144 568–71 277–78 287–88 145 572–75 279–80 289–90 146 576–79 281–82 291–92 147 580–83 283–84 293–94 148 149 584–87 588–91 285–86 287–88 295–96 297–98 150 592–95 289–90 299–300 151 596–99 291–92 301–2 152 600–603 293–94 303–4 153 604–7 295–96 305–6 Phonics Storybook Toolkit CD Helping Farmer Joe English Skills Phonics Skills Word Families Service Words describing words; alphabetical order air, are _air, _are won’t ie as in field and chief review Miss Silent before Miss Long changing y to i before suffixes ea as ĕ ī in closed syllables ō in closed syllables lf as in calf and lk as in walk silent w silent k Mrs. Hill’s Day The Cookie Bake She Cries Gold Hunt paragraph formatting, main idea, and supporting details 154 608–11 297–98 307–8 155 156 612–15 616–19 299–300 301–2 309–10 311–12 157 620–23 303–4 313–14 158 624–27 305–6 315–16 A Walk 159 160 628–29 630–33 307–8 309–10 317–18 319–20 Howie Howls 161 634–37 311–12 321–22 162 638–41 313–14 323–24 163 642–45 315–16 325–26 164 646–49 317–18 327–28 165 650–51 319–20 329–30 Drew’s Stew The Letter syllable generalizatio ns with double consonants contractions capitalization syllable generalizatio ns with two consonants _ild, _ind guess _old, _oll, _olt treasure _alf, _alk _ew _umb enough guard review _ong, _oss, _ost review y as ī classifying dividing compound words and double consonants capitalization _ead silent b oo spelled as ew oo spelled as ew review silent b, k, l, w On the Porch _ief, _ield review l and r blends r review long vowels review final blends