Supervisor: Eva Carlestål & Åsa Nilsson Dahlström

Language and culture in Europe
Master’s thesis spring 2013
Supervisor: Lars Ahrenberg
Topics related to discourse analysis of machine translation output or, corpus-based studies of
translations into Swedish, English, or German
Supervisor: Eva Carlestål & Åsa Nilsson Dahlström
Cultural heritage:
Research interests include cultural heritage, cultural memory, collective memory, traditional
knowledge and the cultural politics of identity, ethnicity and minority languages. Possible
thesis topics include the efforts made by indigenous peoples or ethnic minorities to save
their languages and culture, the role of postcolonial literature for national identity
processes, museums as symbols and agents for social change, the establishment of World
Heritage sites to protect cultural heritage, etc.
Supervisor: Asta Cekaite & Mina Kierkhah
Bilingualism with focus on talk-in-interaction, and code-switching with a conversation
analytical approach
Supervisor: Leelo Keevallik & Nazli Avdan
Leelo’s subjects a - c
a. Grammar in interaction: the emergence and use of any feature of grammar or lexicon in
recorded interaction
b. Embodied interaction: the use of the body in real-time face-to-face communication
c. Identities and epistemics: the emergence of any social identity and its relationship to
mutual calibration of knowledge
Nazli’s subjects d-f
Media discourse analysis in political texts.
Recommended questions:
d. How competing meanings are constructed in political texts in the media
e. How political and national identities are positioned in media texts
f. How is power performed in political texts in the media
Language and culture in Europe
Master’s thesis spring 2013
Supervisor: Francoise Monnoyeur-Broitman
a. Gender issues in colonialism, post-colonialism, literature, society
b. Any subject related to French or English Literature
c. Any topic at the intersection between literature, philosophy and social sciences
d. Any subject in Ancient Greek and Latin literature
e. Any literature or philosophy of the Italian Renaissance.
Supervisor: Karin Mårdsjö Blume
Data in Swedish and/or English
a. Discourse analysis of text and talk, interaction analysis from a contextual perspective,
b. Comparative/constrastive/qualitative analysis including case studies (but not purely
quantitative approaches using lots of statistics).
c. Analysis of oral communication (be it mono-, dia- or polylogical) in everyday or
institutional settings such as education, professional interaction, institutional
d. Analysis of written communication (discourse analysis, linguisitic text analysis):
institutions communicating with citizens, journalistic texts, marketing material, plain
language initiatives, internationalisation/localisation of graphical user interface text
and other software related texts.
Supervisor: Ann-Sofie Persson
Postcolonial perspectives in literature
Gender perspectives in literature
Francophone literature
Supervisor: Jenny Malmqvist
Aspects of intertextuality and /or narratology.
Supervisor: Victoria Thörnryd
a. Studies of novels or short stories in which parody, satire, irony, etc. are involved
b. Studies of literary discourse analyses in novels or short stories in English, Swedish or
c. The vision of women in historical novels in English, Swedish or Spanish
d. Studies of memory related to the Spanish Civil War