Nursing 1207 The Childbearing Family Associate Degree Nursing Program College of DuPage Glen Ellyn, Illinois Spring, 2013 Revised by Maureen Waller, RN, MSN December, 2012 College of DuPage Associate Degree Nursing Program Course Syllabus Spring, 2013 Course Title and Number: The Childbearing Family: Nursing 1207 Course Description: Nursing care of the woman and family during the reproductive years. Focus on the childbearing process and wellness of the family in the childbearing years. Women's health and wellness is emphasized. Adverse outcomes of pregnancy are presented. Care of the well and hospitalized child and family are discussed. Clinical experiences include acute and ambulatory care settings, as well as community based experiences. Semester Credit Hours: 5 Semester credit hours Lecture 2.5 Lab 1.0 Clinical 6.0 Pre-enrollment Criteria: Nursing 1104 and 1105, Psychology 2237 or concurrent enrollment General Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Analyze the role of the nurse in assisting patients and families during the childbearing process 2. Assume the role of team member or team leader in the maternal-child nursing care setting 3. Communicate with patients, significant support persons, and members of the healthcare team to promote the safe and effective care of women and their families 4. Assess the teaching-learning needs of patients and families during the childbearing and early childrearing years 5. Deliver ethical care based on nursing standards and evidenced-based practice 6. Analyze the components of optimal health care of families and young children 7. Describe physiological and psychological changes of clients and families during the antenatal, intrapartal and postnatal periods 8. Identify common pharmacological agents utilized during the childbearing years 9. Explain the effects of hospitalization on the child and family 10. Demonstrate competency in the performance of nursing skills 11. Apply critical thinking when providing patient care to childbearing/childrearing families 12. Apply the nursing process in promoting an optimal level of wellness in women and their families 13. Deliver safe, compassionate, and culturally sensitive care to diverse populations to maintain or enhance the wellness of women and their families 14. Utilize the electronic medical records and additional technical resources to promote safe processes of patient care 15. Identify actual and potential health care problems to promote an optimal level of wellness for women and their families Course Map Unit Topical Outline/Content* Antepartal Care Intrapartal Care Postpartal Care Learning Activities (This includes class, lab and clinical learning activities, as well as those done outside of the course such as reading assignments) Lecture, lab, reading assignments, prenatal class observations, completion of perinatal guidelines, evidence based practice assignment Lecture, lab, prenatal/midwifery clinic observations, reading assignments labor and delivery observation assignment, completion of perinatal guidelines, evidence-based practice assignment Lecture, lab, reading assignments, completion of perinatal guidelines, evidence-based practice assignment Newborn/High Risk Lecture, lab, reading assignments, low fidelity simulation activities, evidence-based practice assignment High Risk Perinatal Care Lecture, lab, reading assignments; low fidelity simulations, evidence-based practice assignment Well Child/Hospitalized Child Women’s Health Lecture, well-child observation clinic, evidence-based practice assignment Lecture, evidence-based practice assignment Assessment Activities By each unit. These are intended to document student attainment of the outcomes.** Teaching presentations in clinical, concept map;longitudinal testing Concept map;SLS learning module;longitudinal testing Postpartum care plan, concept map, patient data sheets;SLS learning module;longitudinal testing Concept map, neonatal assessment, patient data sheets;SLS learning module;longitudinal testing Concept map;SLS learning module;longitudinal testing Neonatal care plan; wellchild case studies Patient data sheets;case study (Evidence-based practice assignment can relate to all content areas) * Unit objectives are derived from the general course objectives and contextualized to each topical outline/content area. **Student Learning Outcomes 1. Utilizes critical thinking skills in the application of the nursing process to provide safe, quality care. 2. Demonstrates effective communication utilizing technology, written documentation and verbal expression 3. Incorporates empathetic, compassionate, caring interventions and behaviors. 4. Demonstrates professional nursing care that incorporates sensitivity to culturally diverse clients across the lifespan. 5. Utilizes data to ensure quality improvement and support of evidence-based practice. 6. Demonstrates knowledge of basic delegation and leadership management skills. 7. Demonstrates and utilizes information systems in the healthcare system. 8. Demonstrates knowledge of professional development and incorporates evidence-based practice in the nursing Objectives for Community Based Activities: 1.Observe antepartal care in the outpatient setting 2. Describe the role of the certified nurse midwife in perinatal care 3. Identify the educational needs of expectant families 4. Describe the role of the professional nurse in perinatal education 5. Observe well-child care in the community setting 6. List immunizations to be given to children of various ages based on Center for Disease Control recommendations. 7. Identify benefits of the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Program for families Textbooks / Materials: Required: Ackley, B. J. & Ladwig, G. B. (2010). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-323-04826-2 American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC : Author. (3rd printing) ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 Craig G.P. (2009). Clinical calculations made easy: Solving problems using dimensional analysis (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.ISBN: 978-0-7817-6385-1 Lewis, S.M., Heitkemper, M.M., Dirkenson, S.R., O’Brien, P. G., & Bucher, L. (2011). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment & management of clinical problems (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.ISBN: 987-0-323-03690-0 Perry, S., Hockenberry, M., Lowedermilk, D., & Wilson, D. (2010). Maternal Child Nursing Care. Maryland Heights, MD: Mosby/Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-3230-7415-5 (includes SLS Access Code). *Some materials may be web based. Additional materials may be on reserve in the library. Program Policies and Procedures: This course will be conducted according to the policies and procedures of the college, as described in the College Catalog and Nursing Department policies, as described in the ADN Student Handbook. The ADN Student Handbook is available via the ADN webpage. This handbook contains policies on testing, grade computation/grading scale, absence/make-up, and uniform requirements. The handbook also includes reference for college-wide policies on academic dishonesty, professional behavior, grade grievance, and withdrawal/readmission. Students are required to abide by the policies as stated in the handbook. Additional policies and procedures may be required by specific instructors and/or clinical facilities. Any additional policies and procedures will be identified by such instructors. Clinical absences are only allowed for emergencies, and all absences will be made up at the discretion of the clinical instructor. Withdrawal Policy: The last day to withdraw from this class is 2/21/2013. After that date, students may file a Petition for Late Withdrawal through the Registration Office. Petitions for Late Withdrawal will be granted for extenuating circumstances only, including student illness, death in the immediate family, family emergencies, call to active duty, or other appropriate extenuating circumstances. The students will be required to provide appropriate documentation for all requests for Late Withdrawal. Prior to withdrawing from this class, students are encouraged to speak with the instructor. Course Calendar: A course calendar with the location and lecture topics is located in the appendix of this syllabus. Please refer to MyAccess for class/laboratory/lecture times and locations. Clinical calendars will be distributed by clinical faculty as appropriate. Dosage Calculation: Students must pass a math 1dosage calculation test with a score of 100% by the deadline noted on the course calendar. SLS Learning Modules: SLS (Simulation Learning System) modules are a vital part of the laboratory component of this course. Student are expected to complete the Pre-Simulation Readings, Exercises, and quiz prior to the laboratory session. Students must also review the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) for the assigned simulation scenarios prior to attending laboratory. Uniforms with nametags as described in the Student Handbook must be worn to all laboratory sessions in the course. Please bring all equipment that you bring to clinical. IMPORTANT NOTE: Each student must purchase an access code for SLS for the Perry/Lowerdermilk textbook. No sharing of codes is allowed. You will be using this access code for NUR 2109/2201. The SLS product is also a valuable study tool for NCLEX. The completed Pre-simulation exercises and quizzes are your ticket to the simulation laboratory on your scheduled l day. Students will not be allowed to participate without the completed paperwork (printed directly from the website The paperwork will be submitted at the beginning of the lab session; students who do not complete the lab compone of the course cannot meet the objectives of the course. Longitudinal Testing: Elsevier longitudinal testing will be conducted in Week 7 of the course. The testing will take place in the HSC Computer Lab at 5-9PM (please . Details on this testing process will be provided in lecture. On the day of the event, please plan to arrive 30 minutes early, have a photo ID, and bring your EVOLVE username/password. No late admissions will be allowed. Please adjust your schedules to attend this testing session. Grading Scale: Percentage Grade 90.0% - 100% 84.0% - 89.9% 78.0% - 83.9% 70.0% - 77.9% Below 70.0% A B C D F The numeric value of exams and final course grades will not be rounded. Grade Worksheet: Item Description* Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Unit 1 blog entry Unit 5 blog activity Labor and Delivery Summary Postpartum Care Plan Newborn Assessment Discussion Board activities Total Points Possible 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 160 Your Score *Item Description: As needed specific information about and guidelines/rubrics for will be found in appendices. ** Test questions are developed from lecture content, laboratory content, class discussion, assigned readings, handouts, and assignments. Quiz questions will be taken from the readings assigned for that week. Quizzes will be given at the beginning of the scheduled class session; no quizzes will be distributed after 0905 on the day of the quiz; there will be no make up dates for missed quizzes. The syllabus is subject to change. Students will be notified of any changes as soon as possible. Written assignments will be evaluated and returned to students one week after submission. Email is the official communication route for this course. Students can expect email responses within twenty-four hours after email contact. All communications in this course are expected to be respectful. Blogs and discussion boards will be Monitored. APPENDICES General Information: Faculty Contact: Faculty Member Maureen Waller Office HSC 2207C Email Clinical Site LaGrange Tues/Fri Clinical Lecture Nursing Department Links Nursing Department ADN Handbook Lecture Reading Assignment Nursing 1207 Week 1 Topic Perry Chapters 11 Antepartal Care Chapter 18 2 3 Intrapartal Care Exam 1 Postpartal Care 4 Newborn / High Risk Newborn Chapters 21 Chapters 25 Chapters 13, 14 5 High Risk Perinatal Care Guidelines for Writing Assignments A. Postpartum Care Plan/Newborn Assessment The purpose of these assignments is to provide a learning experience which will enable the student to: 1) Integrate theoretical concepts and scientific principles when applying the nursing process when administering nursing care and; 2) Develop and implement a plan of nursing care for an assigned client based on his/her holistic needs. The student will select a client and follow the instructions on the care plan forms provided in the syllabus. Due date will be one week after selecting your client. All written assignments must be presented in a professional manner. Assignments must be legible, complete and submitted on time. A one-point deduction from your total grade will be made each day that the assignment is late. Your clinical instructor will give you instruction, guidance and feedback as needed. Your implementation and evaluation of the developed nursing care plans will assist in the assessment of your clinical performance. B. Labor and Delivery Observation A form is provided in the syllabus for your observations during clinical of one client. Forms should be complete, legible and due one week after selected observation. C. Patient Data Sheets Patient data sheets should be submitted on each mother/baby couplet cared for. Data should be submitted within one week of caring for your patient. All medications ordered for the client must be included on the data sheet, including prn medications. In the lab section, you must indicate if the lab values are normal, high or low, and give an explanation as to why the labs may be abnormal. D. Perinatal Nursing Guide Each student will complete a perinatal nursing guide; it is to be submitted to your clinical instructor at the start of the first clinical day. Electronic submission of all written assignments vis Blackboard is strongly encouraged. All written assignments are due one week after caring for the patient. One point will be deducted per day that an assignment is late. Student Portfolio: Each student is required to maintain a portfolio of all written work in the course. It will be kept in a pocket folder. Please bring the portfolio to the midterm and final evaluation sessions. Guidelines for Clinical Presentations A. Evidenced Based Practice Each student will select an article from a professional nursing journal that reflects evidencebased practice related to the clinical practicum. Each student will present and discuss the article in clinical post-conference. The presentation should include: Overview of topic Why the topic was selected The impact on nursing practice Potential impact on nursing practice at the clinical agency NOTE: Please be certain that your article is from a nursing (not medical) journal. Articles selected should be no longer than five years old The article needs to reflect evidence based practice. A copy of the article will be given to the instructor at the time of the presentation. B. Community Teaching Presentation Guidelines Each student will develop a 10-15 minute presentation on a topic related to maternal-newborn or family centered care. This presentation should be directed to clients and families. Students will present during post-conference. The presentation should include appropriate teaching aids such as handouts, posters and other material related to the topic. These teaching aids must be developed by the student and be at a highly professional level. Suggested topics include: Bathing your baby (tub bath) Bathing your baby (sponge bath) Caring for the breasts while nursing Techniques for breastfeeding Post partum care Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Shaken Baby Syndrome Bottle feeding your baby Infant care for fathers Child proofing the home Post-partum depression Comfort techniques for labor Sex after pregnancy Contraception Programs in DuPage County for new families Circumcision; pros and cons (include care of the circumcised and uncircumcised male infant) Signs of illness in the neonate Newborn/Infant Safety Infant massage Signing with your baby Immunizations: Pros and Cons *Other topics may be appropriate; please consult your clinical instructor. Guidelines for Concept Map Presentation Each clinical group will do a formal poster presentation utilizing a concept map. Students will work in groups of three and will choose a patient from clinical. Utilizing HIPPA guidelines, the group will highlight a high risk maternal or neonatal condition. Guidelines for the concept map will be presented on the first lab day and students will present their research on the second lab day. Guidelines for Community Activities Each student shall complete 3 community activities. The student will complete. 1) A nurse-midwife clinic session or a WIC clinic 2) A well-child observation session through DuPage Medical Group 3) A childbearing/childrearing education session Objectives for Community Activities 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Observe the role of the registered nurse in the community health setting Describe the role of the nurse in the well child pediatric setting Discuss nursing implications for administration of vaccinations to infants and children List the components of a well child clinic visit Identify the role of the certified nurse midwife in the antenatal setting Observe the professional nurse in community education settings Discuss services offered through the WIC program Registration for the nurse-midwife, WIC clinic and well-child observations will take place at the first lecture session. The student will contact the health care agency to register for the childbearing education class. The student must receive permission from the class instructor prior to attending the class. The criteria for class selection are as follows: 1) The class must be taught by a registered nurse. 2) The class must be at least two or three hours in length. Suggested classes include: prenatal, breastfeeding, infant safety, C-section, VBAC, sibling, grandparenting, and infant care; contact your clinical instructor for approval for other classes. *A signed verification of attendance form must be submitted for each community activity. This form is submitted to your clinical instructor. Students must submit a blog entry in Blackboard (minimum of six lines) for each community activity. The blog entry must be completed within one week of the community activity. Students will be in full uniform with name tag (as described in the student handbook) for each of these activities. All students will be required to make blog entries in Blackboard for their community activities (under Community Activity Blog in Blackboard). These entries must be made for all three community activities; they are to be completed within one week of the activity. The student should summarize the experience as related to the stated objectives for the activity. OPTIONAL BLOG POINT ACTIVITY In addition, students have the opportunity to earn Blog Points through participating in the Blog Point Activity. Blog points are extra credit points. They can be earned by participating in blog entries related to the QSEN Competencies and/or National Patient Safety Goals. In order to earn Blog Points, students must participate in the Blog Point Activity each week from weeks 2 through 7 in the course. Guidelines for the Blog Point Activity are listed below. NOTE: Blog points cannot be used to raise a student’s grade to 78 per cent. They will only be applied to a student’s point total if a grade of 78 per cent or higher has been earned. Guidelines for Blog Activity Point Project Students must participate in the project from weeks 2-7;entries must be posted for each week in order to obtain points This is an optional extra credit activity The purpose of the activity is to explore the National Patient Safety Goals and QSEN competencies, and how they relate to clinical nursing practice. All entries must be posted by 1159 PM on Saturday of each week Entries will be placed in the “Blog Activity” section of Blackboard (not in the community blog section) All entries must be a minimum of ten lines Each entry must reflect a topic from the National Patient Safety Goals or the QSEN Competencies as they relate to the practice of nursing in the area of Maternal-Child nursing. Ideally, the postings will relate to a situation or practice you are observing in clinical. It may just describe a safe practice you are observing, or one that needs to be improved upon Blog points cannot be utilized to raise your grade above 77.9, as stated in the syllabus Your entries will be evaluated by your clinical instructor Please use the following chart as a guide to the National Safety Patient Goals and the QSEN competencies Goals/Competencies by Organization NPSG* QSEN** NLN*** Patient Identification Patient-Centered Care Human Flourishing Improve Communication Teamwork and Collaboration Nursing Judgment Medication Safety Evidence-Based Practice Professional Identity Health-Care Associated Infections Quality Improvement Spirit of Inquiry Reduce Falls Safety Pressure Ulcers Informatics Risk Assessment *National Patient Safety Goals. Goals for 2011-2012. The Joint Commission. **Quality & Safety in Nursing Education. ***National League for Nursing. (2010). Outcomes and competencies for graduates of practical/vocational, diploma, associate Degree, baccalaureate, master’s, practice doctorate, and research doctorate programs in nursing. New York: National League for Nursing. Grading Rubrics and Verification Form Community Teaching Presentation Grading Rubric Name of Student ______________________________ Possible Points Date ____________ Your Points Objectives clearly presented (1) _____ Content and delivery of presentation (1) _____ Presentation style (1) _____ Teaching Aids (2) _____ Total _____ Comments: Points earned ______ Instructor Signature ______________________________ Date _________________ Concept Map Grading Rubric Group Participants: ______________________________________________________ Possible Point (s) Your Point(s) 1. Provided objectives for the concept (1) _______ 2. Presentation/design (1) _______ 3. Oral communication (1) _______ 4. Stated application/relevance to practice (1) _______ 5. Group participation (1) _______ Comments: Points earned ______ Instructor Signature ______________________________ Date _________________ Postpartum Care Plan Grading Rubric Name of Student ______________________________ Area Date____________ Possible Point(s) Your point(s) General Assessment (1) ______ Nursing Diagnoses (1) ______ Nursing Process (3) ______ Comments: Points earned ______ Instructor Signature ______________________________ Date _________________ Newborn Assessment Grading Rubric Name of Student _____________________________ Area Possible Point(s) Date________________ Your point(s) Student assessment findings (2) ____ Analysis of assessment findings (2) ____ Growth and Development (1) Comments: ____ Points earned ______ Instructor Signature ______________________________ Date _________________ BLOG ACTIVITY POINT GRADING RUBRIC Name of Student _______________________________________________ Item Total of six entries present All entries submitted by deadline All entries a minimum of ten lines All entries reflect either a National Patient Safety Goal or a QSEN Competency Content of each entry reflects thought process relative to clinical practice Points awarded Yes_____ Present Absent No_________ Signature of Faculty Member _________________________________Date____________________ ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION FORM (To be used for each community experience) NURSING 1207: THE CHILDBEARING FAMILY COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PROGRAM Name of Student Date and Time of Activity Name of Activity Location of Activity Name of Contact Person Signature of Contact Person Phone number of Contact Person Please submit completed verification forms to your clinical instructor. Perinatal Nursing Guide DIRECTIONS: Please complete the following norms for the areas of intrapartal, postpartum, and neonatal nursing. This assignment is to be completed by the beginning of your second clinical day (or as directed by your instructor). Please bring the completed assignment with you on the first of your clinical experience in obstetrics. Definitions: Define the following terms: Gravida Para T P EGA AGA SGA LGA IUGR EDD EDC LMP I. A L Intrapartal Nursing A. Describe the three phases of the first stage of labor. 1. Early (latent) 2. Active 3. Transition B. Define the cervical changes that occur during labor. C. Describe ways that the patient can cope with the discomforts of the first stage of labor. D. List aspects of the role of the labor support person (coach). E. Nurses assess the frequency, duration, and intensity of uterine contractions. Describe how you would assess contractions in each of these areas. 1. Frequency 2. Duration 3. Intensity F. G. Describe the nursing assessment/management of a client with an epidural anesthesia in labor Define the second stage of labor and list its characteristics. H. Describe the third stage of labor. I. Describe four signs of placental separation: 1. 2. 3. 4. J. Describe 4 nursing assessments in the fourth stage of labor. 1. 2. 3. K. 4. Fetal Monitoring 1. What is a fetal monitoring tracing? 2. What are the signs of a reassuring fetal heart rate pattern? 3. What are the causes of the following fetal heart rate decelerations? a. early b. variable c. late 4. List the appropriate nursing interventions for the following fetal heart rate decelerations. a. early b. variable c. late II. Postpartum Nursing A. What are the normal pulse and blood pressure ranges for postpartum women? B. Where should the uterine fundus be palpable one hour after delivery? Where should the uterine fundus be palpable one day after delivery? When does it become a pelvic organ? C. Identify and describe the three types of lochia present in the postpartum period. 1. 2. 3. E. D. What is the normal hemoglobin for a newly delivered postpartum woman? List three ways a nurse can promote comfort for the postpartum woman? 1. 2. 3. F. Identify and describe three positions for breastfeeding. 1. 2. 3. G. III. Why is it important to know the mother’s Rh status and status of immunity to rubella prior to discharge? Neonatal Nursing A. What is the normal range of heart rate for a neonate? B. What is the normal respiratory rate for a newborn? C. Are newborn respirations usually even and rhythmical? D. What is the normal range for a newborn’s temperature? (Centigrade and Fahrenheit) 1. Rectal 2. Axillary E. Define meconium. F. Describe the normal stool pattern for a newborn infant. G. How often should a newborn be fed? 1. Breastfed infant 2. Formula fed infant H. What is acrocyanosis? I. What is an Apgar score? J. What is Ilotycin (erythromycin ophthalmic ointment)? What is it used? K. What is Aquamephyton? Why is it used? L. What is the first immunization given to the newborn? When is it typically given? M. What are three signs of respiratory distress in the newborn? 1. 2. 3. Maternal – Infant Nursing Student’s Name: _____________________ Room Patient’s Initials Age Patient Data Sheet Allergies Physician’s Orders Date: _____________ Nursing Activities (orders/Interventions) (please include your own) Diet Current Diagnosis Gravida Para T P A L Concurrent Medical Conditions and their Relationship to current diagnosis Activity IV Additional Physician’s Orders Type/ Date/Time of Delivery T ___________ P ____________ R ___________B/P LOC and orientation Ability to follow commands Pupils (PERLA) Senses: Vision Hearing Touch Speech Pain Skin: Color Condition Mucous membranes Respiratory status: Quality O2 Lung sounds Use of accessory muscles Cardiac status: Apical purse Regularity Appetite Nausea Vomiting Bowel sounds Bowel Movements Abdomen Surgical incision Dressing Voiding Foley LAB/Diagnostic tests(include results and interpretation) Blood Type _____ Rh _____ Hep B__ STS/VDRL/RPR _______Rubella_____ HIV______ Peripheral IV: ml/hr Saline lock Extremities: Upper: Color site site Warmth Capillary refill Lower: Color Warmth Capillary refill Pedal pulses Peripheral edema Mobility status Gait Transfer Ability to perform ADL Muscle strength Emotional status/concerns: Verbal communication Nonverbal communication Spiritual concerns/needs Ethnic/cultural concerns/needs Maternal/Infant Bonding Assessment Other comments: Postpartum Assessment: Nursing Diagnoses Breasts: Soft _____ Full _____ Fundus: Firm? _____ Midline? _____ Location _____ Lochia: Type _____ Postpartum (3) Amount _____ Episiotomy/incision: Type Condition Bladder Palpable _____ Non-Palpable_____ Voiding________________ Assessment for signs of DVT________________ Neonatal Assessment: Sex _____ Birthweight _____ Kg. Gestational Age _____ Length_________in___ Head Circumference_________cm Neonate (3) Vital signs – T______ P________R_________ Respirations -__________________________________ Color -________________________________________ Feedings -_____________________________________ Teaching presented: Urination -_____________________________________ Stooling -______________________________________ Circumcision -__________________________________ Vitamin K Given Erythromycin Ointment Given_________ Summary of Newborn Physical Assessment Current Medication (include PRN Medications) ____________________________________________ Discharge Planning Hep B __________ RhoGam ________ Circ ___________ Rubella Vaccine _________ Picture _________ tDap_______________ Newborn Screening __________ Discharge Teaching___________ Pertussis Vaccine_____________ NAME OF DRUG/ DOSE/ CLASSIFICATION FREQUENCY ACTION SIDE EFFECTS NURSING IMPLICATIONS (use additional sheets if necessary; include maternal and newborn meds;ALL PRN MEDS NEED TO BE INCLUDED) Nursing 1207 Guidelines for Medication Administration All medications must be administered with the clinical instructor Students cannot administer medications with staff nurses Students cannot administer medications in labor and delivery Students must be prepared for medication administration by knowing the following prior To the administration of each drug: -Name of drug -Classification -Action of the drug at the cellular level -Side effects -Adverse effects -Nursing implications -Patient education -Is it safe to give? -Correct documentation Students must know patient allergies at the beginning of each shift Please be sure that supplies needed for medication administration are available prior to administration time(fresh water, cup, straw, etc., unless contraindicated) Postpartum Care Plan COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ADN PROGRAM DATE NURSING 1207 INSTRUCTOR NAME __________________________ POSTPARTUM ASSESSMENT AND CARE PLAN Mother's Initials____ Age____ Gravida____ T_____ P._____ A_____ L_____ EDD____ Delivery Date____ Time____ Postpartum day____ Type of delivery_________________ Wound__________________ Diet______________ Activity____________ Breast or formula feeding_________ Current Physician's Orders (Include All Postpartum orders) Rationale Relevance for this Client I. Collection of Data A. Significant Social, Psychological, Medical History 1. Social a. education _____________ marital status __________________ career plans _________________________________________ b. family (who is living at home, extended family in area) __________________________________________________ 2. Cultural/Spiritual Please identify any cultural/spiritual concerns that may affect nursing care ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3. History mental health/ emotional conditions _______________ ___________________________________________________________ 4. Medical history (not related to reproductive system) a. previous illnesses _____________________________________ b. previous hospitalizations ______________________________ c. previous surgeries _____________________________________ d. family history (genetic disorder, cancer, diabetes, etc.) _______________________________________________________ e. B. other __________________________________________________ Significant Reproductive and Obstetrical History a. previous surgeries, hospitalizations ___________________ _______________________________________________________ b. previous labor and delivery experiences ________________ _______________________________________________________ c. age of onset of menses ______ duration of menses _______ L.M.P. _________ abnormalities _______________________ d. date of first prenatal visit ____ number of visits ____ e. wt. gain _____ medications taken during pregnancy ______ ________________________________________________________ Name C. D. E. f. preparation for childbirth _____________________________ g. diagnostic tests done during pregnancy (include Blood type, Rh, RPR, or STS, Rubella, and Hep B, ultrasound exams, Genetic Studies, and other tests should also be included) (see prenatal record) Date Results Norms Significance Identified Medical, Obstetrical, or Genetic Risk Factor Events Precipitating this Hospital Admission (why did she come to the hospital when she did: contractions, ruptured membranes, etc.) Labor and Delivery 1. 2. length client normal range evaluation length first stage _______ ____________ __________ length second stage _______ ____________ __________ length third stage ____________ __________ _______ Medications (identify drug classification, name route, dosage, time etc.) analgesic anesthetic oxytocic first stage ___________ __________ __________ second stage ___________ __________ __________ third stage ___________ __________ __________ other medications used: 3. Fetus/Neonate FHR range during labor ________ Monitor leads used ________ Signs of distress _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Sex of baby _____ 1 minute Apgar _____ 5 minute Apgar _____ Anomalies? _________________ Resuscitation needed (other than bulb syringe) ________________________________________ Condition now _____________________________________________ 4. Mother Complications during labor and/or delivery? _______________ ___________________________________________________________ Her description of the experience _________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Her contact with neonate in delivery room (see, touch, hold, etc.) ___________________________________________________________ support system ____________________________________________ other relevant information ________________________________ F. First 2-3 hours postpartum complications _________________________________________________ comments or significant data __________________________________ II. Current General Assessment A. Circulatory Status B. Respiratory Status C. Mental Status D. Emotional Status E. State of Rest and Comfort III. F. Sensory Perception G. Mobility Status H.. Nutritional Status I. Elimination Status J. State of Skin and Mucous Membrane K. Family Involvement Assessment Specific to the Postpartum Client A. B. C. Vital signs (Today's) Your client's Normal Significance Temperature _____________ ___________ ____________ Pulse _____________ ___________ ____________ Respiration _____________ ___________ ____________ Blood Pressure _____________ ___________ ____________ Pain Score _____________ ___________ ____________ Fundus 1. Present location in relation to umbilicus____ firmness _____midline? 2. Expected location and firmness for this postpartum day _____ Lochia 1. Flow today (rubra, serosa, alba) _______________ 2. Expected flow for this postpartum day ______________ 3. Amount (none, scant, mod., heavy) ________ Expected ________ D. Perineum 1. Wound (type)___________________ Appearance _________________ Expected appearance ________________________________________ Deviations from normal: ____________________________________ 2. Describe present care of wound ________________________ Is she complaining of discomfort due to her wound?________ If yes, what is being done to decrease this discomfort?_______ 3. Does she have hemorrhoids? ______ Are hemorrhoids expected at this time?_______ Why? _____________________________________ What is/can be done to reduce discomfort due to hemorrhoids? ____________________________________________________________ 4. E. other ______________________________________________________ Breasts 1. Describe appearance and consistency (soft, firm, engorged, painful, redness, lumps, etc.) ____________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2. Expected appearance and consistency for this postpartum day ____________________________________________________________ 3. Condition of nipples (red painful, inverted, cracks, etc.) ____________________________________________________________ 4. Expected condition for this postpartum day _________________ ____________________________________________________________ 5. Deviations from normal:_____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 6. If she is breastfeeding, describe degree of success: _______ ____________________________________________________________ 7. If breastfeeding, describe present breast care being given: ____________________________________________________________ 8. Does this patient need a referral to a lactation consultant? _____________________ Why?_______________________________________________________________ F. Elimination 1. Time of first voiding after delivery _______ Amount ________ 2. Expected length of time between delivery and first voiding: ____________________________________________________________ 3. G. Deviations from normal: ____________________________________ If delivered by C/S 1. Condition of incision/dressing _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. Deviations from normal: ____________________________________ 3. Type of incision (classical, low cervical transverse)_______ 4. Abdomen (soft, distended) ________ Bowel sounds ____________ Flatus ___________________ 5. Urinary Catheter _________________ 6. I.V. ___________________ 7. Lungs __________________ 8. Legs (tenderness, Homan's sign) _______________ 9. Activity: __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 10. H. Level of comfort: __________________________________________ Bonding 1. Is mother at "taking in" or "taking hold" phase? ___________ (Support answer with examples) ________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Expected phase for this postpartum day _____________________ Comments ___________________________________________________ 2. Identify factors which might be significant in interfering with bonding between this mother and baby (consider prenatal, labor & delivery, support system, gender of child, comfort of mom, etc.) 3. Identify signs that indicate a healthy mother-baby relationship (remember, baby should be included). 4. Identify signs that indicate that mother and baby are having some difficulty establishing a positive relationship. Please identify any referrals that need to be made for this patient and family (WIC, social service, pastoral care, home health nursing, etc). I. Current Medication (include PRN Medications) NAME OF DRUG/ DOSE/ ACTION SIDE EFFECTS CLASSIFICATION FREQUENCY (use additional sheets if necessary; include maternal and newborn meds) NURSING IMPLICATIONS Nursing Diagnoses (list actual and potential and include "related to" and "manifestation" factors can be wellness-related) List in order of priority. A minimum of 5 diagnoses are required; Additional diagnoses constitute a stronger care plan. Please include the entire family in the development of the nursing diagnoses. Develop one diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis Goal Nursing Diagnosis: Related to: As manifested by: Nursing Intervention Scientific Rationale Evaluation Objective Outcome Criteria Subjective Conclusion Develop one diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis Goal Nursing Diagnosis: Related to: As manifested by: Nursing Intervention Scientific Rationale Evaluation Objective Outcome Criteria Subjective Conclusion Develop one diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis Goal Nursing Diagnosis: Related to: As manifested by: Nursing Intervention Scientific Rationale Evaluation Objective Outcome Criteria Subjective Conclusion Develop one diagnosis: Nursing Diagnosis Goal Nursing Diagnosis: Related to: As manifested by: Nursing Intervention Scientific Rationale Evaluation Objective Outcome Criteria Subjective Conclusion Newborn Assessment College of DuPage ADN Program NURSING 1207 NAME _______________________ NEONATAL ASSESSMENT DATE _______________________ INSTRUCTOR _______________________ Age of Neonate at time of assessment ____Mother's Initials _________ Date of Birth __________ Time of birth __________ Sex _____ Instructions: Using the assessment guide provided, do a complete assessment on your client. In the first column, write the data for your neonate. In the second column, the expected or normal findings have been provided. This information was referenced from your textbook. In the third column, write your evaluation of the comparison between the expected data and your infant. Remember to be descriptive, specific and objective to evaluate the newborn in relation to: gestational age, anomalies, central nervous system function, peripheral nerve function,etc. Do not put WNL! Your neonate Expected or normal range Significance A. Nutritional Status 2500 – 4000 grams 1. Birth weight and length 18” - 22” (48-52 cm.) 2. Weight now (% lost) 10% or less 3. Intake per 24 hours Breast feeding – q 2-3 hours Bottle feeding – q 3-4 hours 4. Type of feedings (Calories) 5. General Appearance (sub q fat, etc.) tone Pink skin is elastic and returns to normal shape after pinching; acrocyanosis may be normal. 6. Regurgitation, emesis Occasional spitting of mucus or feeding normal; emesis should not exceed 10-15 ml. Calculate based on type of formula or breast milk. Your neonate B. Physical Characteristics 1. Head Circumference 2. 3. Expected or normal range 32-37 cm a. anterior fontanel size (approximate) 3-4 cm long by 2-3 cm wide; diamond-shaped b. posterior fontanel size (approximate) 1-2 cm at birth; triangle-shaped. May not be palpable due to molding. c. other (caput, cephalhematoma, etc.) Chest a. circumference May be present in first 48 hours 32.5 cm on average b. cm. difference between head and chest 1-2 cm less than head c. shape Normal shape without depression Genitalia a. appearance Male: Testicles descended Female: Labia majora covers labia minora b. discharge c. any abnormalities White discharge and bloodtinged discharge may be present in females N/A Significance Your neonate C. Temperature Status (State whether baby asleep, awake, etc.) D. Respiratory Status 1. Rate, rhythm, depth E. 2. Muscles used 3. Symmetry of movement 4. Breath sounds 5. Patency of nose 6. Presence and characteristics of mucous Circulatory Status (State whether awake or asleep) 1. Apical pulse rate, rhythm, strength 2. Presence of abnormal sounds, rubs, murmurs Expected or normal range Axillary – 36.5-37.2 Rectal – 36.6-37.2 Significance 30-60 per minute. Irregular breathing normal; pauses do not exceed 15-20 seconds No accessory muscles can be used. Abdomen and chest movements are synchronous. Clear and equal bilaterally. When mouth is occluded by nipple, infant breathes easily through nose. Small amounts, clear and thin. May see more in C-section babies soon after birth. NA 120-160 BPM Asleep – greater than 100 BPM Crying – up to 180 BPM No abnormal sounds present. NA Your neonate F. Elimination Status (State whether breast or bottle) 1. 2. Bowel a. color, consistency, amount b. flatus c. deviations from normal Bladder a. frequency b. color, consistency, amount, odor c. deviations from normal Expected or normal range NA First 24 hours – Black, tarry meconium. Transitional stool – greenish, soft. Occasionally present N/A 6-8 wet diapers/day Should void within 24 hours of birth Yellow, non-offensive, mild odor. Child may void scant to moderate amounts per void. N/A Significance NA Your neonate G. State of Skin and Mucous Membrane 1. Skin a. texture 2. b. color (pallor, cyanosis jaundice, acrocyanosis) c. intactness/lesions d. turgor/dryness e. rashes, birthmarks, Mongolian spots, etc. f. vernix/lanugo Mucous Membranes a. color b. teeth, gums c. intactness Expected or normal range Smooth; occasional dryness after initial bath; peeling on hands and feet in post-term infants. Pink; acrocyanosis may be normal. Jaundice pathologic in first 24 hours. No lacerations; no lesions. Elastic over abdomen; returns to normal after pinching. All may be present as normal. May be present on infants born prior to term; assess in axillary & groin areas for vernix and over scapulae for lanugo. Pink – Assess oral membrane. Moist Precocious teeth may be present; assess gums for lesions; Epstein’s pearls. No lesions or lacerations present. Significance Your neonate 3. 4. 5. Umbilicus a. appearance b. no. vessels c. discharge Hair (include eyebrows and eyelashes) a. texture b. length c. distribution Nails a. texture b. length Expected or normal range Cord clamped for first 24 hours; drying; changing in color from white to a dark color. 3 (2 arteries; 1 vein) None Smooth; fine variations may be present due to ethnic background. Varies Even over scalp Soft, smooth May be long and peeling in postterm infants Significance Your neonate H. Anomalies (describe) I. Lab and Diagnostic Studies 1. Blood type and Rh 2. J. Emotional Status 1. Reactions to discomfort (wet diapers, pain, etc.) 2. K. Other Reactions to comfort (being held, etc.) State of Rest and Comfort 1. Sleep pattern – 24 hrs a. time duration b. 2. reactions to noise Awake, alert state a. activity – describe Expected or normal range NA Any human blood type, Rh Coombs test should be negative Responds to uncomfortable stimuli by crying. Quiets with comfort measures 16-20 hours Startle response Turns head toward sound if awake. Sleeps 16-20 hours per day. Refer to text for sleep states Significance Your neonate 3. Pain, discomfort, restlessness a. time occurs, location b. L. duration, frequency, how relief obtained Neurological and Reactivity State 1. Level of consciousness a. alertness-quick to respond b. drowsy-slow to respond c. 2. difficult to arouse Expected or normal range N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CNS Status Reflexes (describe expected response and how elicited) a. Babinski Fanning and extension of all toes when one side of foot is stroked from the heel upward across ball of foot. b. Moro c. Stepping Systemic extension and abduction of arms with fingers extended; return to normal relaxed flexion. A response to sudden movement on loud noise. When held upright and one foot touching flat surface, will step alternately. Significance Your neonate Expected or normal range d. Palmar grasp Fingers grasp adult finger when palm is stimulated and held momentarily. e. Feeding a. rooting While awake and hungry, stroke side of cheek. Infant will turn in that direction and open mouth. b. sucking Infant will suck when gloved finger is inserted into mouth. c. swallow Infant will swallow in response to sucking or fluid in mouth. d. gag Infant will gag in response to hypopharyngeal stimulation. f. Protective a. vision Tracks objects to midline. Fixed focus on objects at t distance of 10-20 inches. b. hearing Attends to sounds; sudden or loud noise elicits Moro reflex. c. sneezing, coughing Sneeze or cough in response to stimuli. Significance Your neonate 3. M. Muscle tone a. symmetry of movement of extremities Gestational Age 1. Scarf Sign Expected or normal range Symmetrical spontaneous movements. Place supine; draw arm across chest toward opposite shoulder. Compare to midline of chest. 2. Areolar Tissue Areolar and nipple development increases as infant nears term. 3. Popliteal Angle 4. Heel-to-ear maneuver Degree of knee flexion: Place on back, thigh is flexed, the abdomen flat. Assess angle of flexion on back of knee. Thing is flexed on the abdomen and chest. Place finger behind ankle to extend the lower leg until resistance is met. 5. Posture 6. Foot creases One crease at top of toe at 36 weeks; increase in number of creases as approaches term. 7. Genital development Labia majora covers minora as term approaches. Scrotum develops rugae and testicles. Descend near term. Muscle tone increases as infant approaches term. Significance Your neonate N. Medications 1. Given in DR 2. II. Given in Nursery Expected or normal range Significance Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment to both eyes; vitamin K 1 mg IM; both given within 1 hour of birth. Above medications if not given in DR; Hepatitis B vaccine may be ordered. Developmental stage as described by Erikson: ________________________________________________________ Cognitive stage as described by Piaget: _____________________________________________________________ Describe the rationale for each of the following stimuli for the neonate: black and white mobile, reading to neonate, listening to classical music. Explain how each stimulus will assist the neonate to accomplish developmental tasks. Labor and Delivery Observation LABOR AND DELIVERY OBSERVATION Name _____________________________ Instructor _________________________ Date ______________________________ I. Identify nursing interventions which you observed in the 4 stages of labor and the rationale for each. Intervention Rationale Stage 1 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. Stage 2 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. Stage 3 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. Stage 4 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. II. Develop 2 Nursing Diagnoses specific to each stage of labor (physical and psychological). Stage 1 1. 2. Stage 2 1. 2. Stage 3 1. 2. Stage 4 1. 2. III. List all the medications used on your unit for each stage of labor and the primary action of each. Include the medications used in the epidural, IV push meds, augmentation meds, etc. Medication Action Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 IV. Identify any of the fetal monitoring patterns that you observed. Describe the nursing implications related to the observed patterns. (Variability, Bradycardia, Tachycardia, Early Decelerations, Late Decelerations, and Variable Decelerations). TEST ITEMS Query Form Student may appeal a test question following the format below. Query forms must be submitted within one week after test results are distributed All queries will be evaluated on an individual basis. If an appeal is granted, there will not be any group distribution of points. Student Name: __________________________________________________________________ Exam # _________ Date of Exam _____________ Appeal Submitted (Date) ______________ Submitted to: (Instructor) _________________________________________________________ 1. Write the # of the test question below. # Question 2. What concern do you have about this question? What was the rationale for your choice? 3. 1. Cite Three References using the required materials for this course to support your rationale. 2. 3. Add any additional comments in this section that support your appeal on a separate sheet of paper Faculty Response: ________ Accepted ________ Denied Rationale: Faculty Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________________ Students who have a query-denied should make an appointment with the faculty member to discuss any concerns about the appeal. Submission of a test item query does not guarantee a change in grade. SUN WK 6 1 13 JAN MON TUE 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 Lab 001 Intrapartal Care 23 24 Lab 003 (7AM) Lab 004 (3PM) Exam I Postnatal Care 30 31 In-Service Professional Days-No Classes In-Service Professional Days-No Classes 21 22 Legal Holiday M.L.KING NO CLASSES 3 27 28 29 CLASSES BEGIN Antenatal Care In-Service Professional Days-No Classes Newborn Care 4 3 4 5 6 7 FRI 11 SAT 12 18 Lab 002 19 25 26 1 FEB 2 Math Deadline 8 9 15 Lab 002 16 22 23 2 High Risk Perinatal Care 5 10 11 12 6 17 18 19 7 24 25 26 8 3 9 THUR 7 2 20 WED 4 5 13 14 Lab 001 Exam II Well/Hosp Child Care 20 21 Lab 003 (7AM) Lab 004 (3PM) Last Day to Withdraw 1st 8-wk Women’s Health 27 HESI 28 1 Exam 3-7PM HSC 2301 Exam III MARCH 6 7 8 End of 1st 8-Wk Classes In-Service Day/Professio nal Day (No Classes) 9 CLASSES BEGIN 2nd 8-wk 10 11 12 10 17 18 19 11 24 12 SPRING BREAK 31 13 25 SPRING BREAK 7 1 26 SPRING BREAK 2 13 14 Lab 005 (7AM) Lab 006 (3PM) Antenatal Care 20 21 Lab 007 Intrapartal Care 27 28 29 30 SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK 3 4 5 6 APRIL 8 15 7 22 6 9 10 11 16 17 18 12 21 22 23 16 28 29 30 24 Math Deadline 19 5 6 7 26 Lab 005(7AM) 006(3PM) Exam II Well-Hosp Child Last Day to withdraw for 2nd 8 wk 1 2 3 MAY Women’s Health 8 3 20 2 25 Lab 007 HESI Exam 5-9PM HSC 2301 17 27 1 4 0 9 10 Final Exam III Eval.Culminating Activities -- Commencement 18 13 High Risk Perinatal Care 15 5 4 Neonatal Care 15 23 Exam I Postpartal Care 14 14 16 11 Pinning Ceremony Clinical Evaluation Tool College of DuPage Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Evaluation Tool Course Number and Name: NUR 1207 The Childbearing Family Key: Rating: GCO: General Course Objective SLO: Student Learning Outcome KSA: Knowledge, Skills, Attitude S: Satisfactory U: Unsatisfactory NO: not observed (can only be used at mid-term) Learner/Graduate Outcome A: CRITICAL THINKING - Utilizes critical thinking skills in the application of the nursing process to provide safe, quality care. SLO and related KSAs GCO SLO # SLO and examples behaviors Mid Final Applies critical thinking. 7,11,12 A.1 Satisfactory: Describes the nursing process and applies critical 12 A.2 thinking when planning care to women and their families. Needs Improvement: Has difficulty describing the nursing process and application of critical thinking to women and their families. Unsatisfactory: Fails to describe the nursing process and apply critical thinking when planning care to women and their families. Utilizes systematic, sequential thinking process. Satisfactory: Develops an individualized plan of care that 11,14 A.3 prioritizes nursing diagnoses for the childbearing /childrearing family. Organizes safe patient care effectively. Needs Improvement: Demonstrates difficulty developing an individual plan of care that prioritizes nursing diagnoses for the childbearing/childrearing family. Needs occasional guidance in the organization of patient care. Unsatisfactory: Unable to develop an individualized plan of care that prioritizes nursing diagnoses for the childbearing/childrearing family. Consistently requires guidance in the organization of patient care. Examines subjective/objective data. Satisfactory: Values objectivity in the collection and analysis of data. Needs Improvement: Needs guidance in valuing objectivity in the collection and analysis of data. Unsatisfactory: Unable to value objectivity and collection of data. Learner/Graduate Outcome B: COMMUNICATION - Demonstrates effective communication utilizing technology, written documentation, and verbal expression. SLO and related KSAs GCO SLO # SLO and examples behaviors Mid Describes different communication styles. 3,9, 4 B.1 Satisfactory: Describes different communication styles when working 3,9,4 B.2 Final with patients, families, and members of the health care team. Needs Improvement: Has difficulty describing different communication styles when working with patients, families, and members of the heath care team Unsatisfactory: Is unable to describe different communication styles when working with patients, families, and members of the health care team Applies strategies to augment therapeutic communication. Satisfactory: Demonstrates confidence and accuracy in therapeutic 6,12 B.3 communication Assess the teaching-learning needs of patients and families during the childbearing and early childrearing years Needs Improvement: Needs instructor assistance in therapeutic communication Needs assistance in the assessment of the teaching-learning needs of patients and families during the childbearing and early childrearing years. Unsatisfactory: Does not engage in therapeutic communication Unable to assess the teaching-learning needs of patients and families during the childbearing and early childrearing years Values the observation of health care situations from a patient’s perspective Satisfactory: Reflects on the patient’s perspective and the impact of their current condition. Needs Improvement: Has difficulty reflecting on the patient’s perspective and the impact of the current condition. Unsatisfactory: Unable to reflect on the patient perspective and current condition. Learner/Graduate Outcome C: CARING – Incorporates empathetic, compassionate, caring interventions and behaviors. SLO and related KSAs GCO SLO # SLO and examples behaviors Mid Final Integrates understanding of the care concept in nursing 5,13 C.1 Satisfactory: Describes planned interventions specific to identified 5 C.2 problems for the childbearing family. Lists priorities when administering caring interventions. Needs Improvement: Needs assistance in describing planned interventions specific to identified problems for the childbearing family. Has difficulty listing priorities of caring interventions Unsatisfactory: Unable to describe planned intervention specific to identified problems for the childbearing family. Unable to list priorities when administering caring interventions. Demonstrates awareness of communicating a genuine caring attitude Satisfactory: Consistently demonstrates a caring attitude when caring for patients and families. Needs Improvement: Inconsistent in demonstrating a caring attitude 5 C.3 when caring for patients and families Unsatisfactory: Does not demonstrate a caring attitude when caring for patients and families. Appreciates the significance of a caring attitude Satisfactory: Values the importance of sensitivity to the childbearing family. Needs Improvement: Needs reminders regarding sensitivity to the childbearing family Unsatisfactory: Does not value the importance of being sensitive to the childbearing family Learner/Graduate Outcome D: DIVERISTY – Demonstrates professional nursing care that incorporates sensitivity to culturally diverse clients across the lifespan. SLO and related KSAs GCO SLO # SLO and examples behaviors Mid Final Describes limits and boundaries of caring relationships in relation 5,13 D.1 to diversity. Satisfactory: Describes safe, compassionate and culturally sensitive 5,13 D.2 13 D.3 care to diverse populations. Needs Improvement: Has difficulty in describing safe, compassionate and culturally sensitive care to diverse populations. Unsatisfactory: Cannot describe safe, compassionate and culturally sensitive care to diverse populations Demonstrates a respectful attitude and nonjudgmental attitude of care. Satisfactory: Consistently demonstrates a respectful attitude and non-judgmental demeanor Needs Improvement: Inconsistent in demonstrating a respectful attitude and non-judgmental demeanor Unsatisfactory: Does not demonstrate a respectful and attitude and non-judgmental demeanor Accepts and respects cultural differences Satisfactory: Recognizes own beliefs related to diversity Needs Improvement: Needs assistance in recognizing own beliefs related to diversity Unsatisfactory: Is unable to recognize own beliefs related to diversity Learner/Graduate Outcome E: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT – Utilizes data to ensure quality improvement and support of evidence-based practice SLO and related KSAs GCO SLO # SLO and examples behaviors Mid Final Describes the quality improvement process 6 E.1 Satisfactory: Identifies the initial steps in the quality improvement process Needs Improvement: Has difficulty identifying the initial steps in the quality improvement process Unsatisfactory: Unable to identify the initial steps in the quality 6 E.2 improvement process Seeks quality improvement projects in the health care setting Satisfactory: Utilizes the nursing process to enhance quality in the health care setting. . Needs Improvement: Needs assistance in utilizing the nursing process to enhance quality in the health care setting Unsatisfactory: Does not utilize the nursing process to enhance quality in the health care setting s 6 E.3 Values measurement and its role in quality care. Satisfactory: Appreciate the value of obtaining accurate data when caring for families. Needs Improvement: Needs guidance in recognizing the value of obtaining accurate data when caring for families. Unsatisfactory: Does not value the importance of obtaining accurate data when caring for families. Learner/Graduate Outcome F: LEADERSHIP – Demonstrates knowledge of basic delegation and leadership management skills. SLO and related KSAs GCO SLO # SLO and examples behaviors Mid Final Explain the healthcare institutional chain command in respect to 1,2 F.1 the nurse Satisfactory: Identifies different levels in the chain of command. Needs Improvement: Needs assistance in identifying different 1,2 F.2 levels in the chain of command. Unsatisfactory: Cannot identify different levels in the chain of command. Initiates plan for self-development as a team member Satisfactory: Assumes the role of team member in the clinical setting; 1,2 F.3 identifies tasks that can be delegated. Needs Improvement: Needs assistance in assuming the role of team member in the clinical setting and in identifying tasks to be delegated. Unsatisfactory: Does not assume the role of team member in the clinical setting. Does not identify tasks that can be delegated. Respects the different attributes that members bring to the team Satisfactory: Fosters an attitude of mutual respect when working with others. Needs Improvement: Inconsistent in fostering an attitude of mutual respect when working with others. Unsatisfactory: Does not have an attitude of mutual respect when working with others. Learner/Graduate Outcome G: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT – Demonstrated and utilizes information systems in the healthcare system. SLO and related KSAs GCO SLO # SLO and examples behaviors Mid Final Describes the role of the nurse in information management 14 G.1 Satisfactory: Describes the use of electronic medical records and 14 G.2 other technological systems. Needs Improvement: Inconsistently describes the use of electronic medical records and other technological systems. Unsatisfactory: Unable to describe the use of electronic medical records and other technological systems. Utilizes valid resources for data collection Satisfactory: Consistently utilizes valid resources for data collection. Needs Improvement: Needs assistance in utilizing valid resources for data collection. Unsatisfactory: Does not utilize valid resources for data collection. 3,14 G.3 Values the need for accurate communication of data. Satisfactory: Appreciates the importance of accurate communication of data. Needs Improvement: Inconsistently demonstrates an appreciation for accurate communication of data. Unsatisfactory: Does not demonstrate an appreciation for accurate communication of data Learner/Graduate Outcome H: Professionalism – Demonstrates knowledge of professional development and incorporates evidence-based practice in the nursing profession. SLO and related KSAs GCO SLO # SLO and examples behaviors Mid Final Examines nursing roles that contribute to coordination and H.1 integration of care 1,8,10 Satisfactory: Identifies professional behaviors in the student nurse 1,12,15 H2 1 H.3 role. Verbalizes the need to coordinate patient care with the health care team. Needs Improvement: Needs assistance in identifying professional behaviors in the student nurse role. Does not consistently verbalize the need to coordinate patient care with the health care team. Unsatisfactory: Does not identify professional behaviors in the student nurse role. Does not verbalize the need to coordinate patient care with the health care team. Apply the nursing process and methods of health promotion and maintenance Satisfactory: Applies the nursing process in promoting an optimal level of wellness in women and their families. Identifies actual and potential health care problems to promote an optimal level of wellness for women and their families. Needs Improvement: Inconsistently applies the nursing process in promoting an optimal level of wellness in women and their families. Needs assistance in identifying actual and potential health care problems to promote an optimal level of wellness for women and their families. Unsatisfactory: Does not apply the nursing process in promoting an optimal level of wellness in women and their families. Does not identify actual and potential health care problems to promote an optimal level of wellness for women and their families. Seeks professional opportunities Satisfactory: Demonstrates an eagerness for learning and a sense of inquiry. Needs Improvement: Occasionally demonstrates an eagerness for learning and a sense of inquiry. Unsatisfactory: Does not demonstrate an eagerness for learning or a sense of inquiry. General Comments Date Comments Faculty signature Mid-term review signatures and date Student __________________________________________ _________________ Faculty __________________________________________ _________________ Final review signatures and date Student __________________________________________ _________________ Faculty __________________________________________ _________________