Enrich Directions Initial Eval

Enrich Directions – Initial Evaluation
Evaluation Planning – once your referral packet has been approved by your DSEC, you
can begin the process; the information can be added at any time prior to the eval
planning meeting, saved, and clarified/added to after the meeting.
1. Start Program
a. Special Education
b. Item – Referral/Evaluation Planning
c. Reason – choose which
2. Create a new meeting
a. Notice of Meeting (nothing new)
3. Student Participation
4. Referral/Evaluation Planning Meeting (your review of existing information that is
contained in the referral packet and discussed at this first meeting)
a. Referral Information
i. Reason(s) for Referral – list all instructional, behavioral, and
parental concerns that led to the referral
b. Review of Existing Information – you must put something in each of the
first 8 categories (9 if the student is transitional aged); if there are no
concerns in the area, state why there are not concerns (ex: Motor/Sensory
may say “John demonstrates age-appropropriate gross and fine motor
skills. No sensory issues have been noted.”)
i. Health, Medical, Developmental
1. Vision – put the date of the vision assessment, by whom (if
it’s the functional vision checklist, put who completed it), and
the result (pass/fail)
a. Enter detailed data? - if you administered a formal
vision screen, you can choose yes and enter the results
(Distance R, L, B; Near R, L, B)
b. Notes section for anything that needed to be noted
such as referred to ophthalmologist, wears glasses, …
2. Hearing (same options as vision)
3. Other Medical and Developmental History – anything
noteworthy from the developmental history parents
4. Additional data needed? Y/N
ii. Educational Background – put in information about academic/
preacademic history, current placement, retention, attendance, …
1. Additional data needed?
iii. English Language Proficiency
1. Additional data needed?
iv. Cognitive Processing
1. Additional data needed?
v. Academic Achievement – enter information about current levels of
achievement and any interventions/response to interventions
1. Reading (grades, teacher observations, CBMs, intervention
2. Math (grades, teacher observations, CBMs, intervention data)
3. Writing (grades, teacher observations, CBMs, intervention
4. Additional data needed?
vi. Adaptive Behavior – information about daily living skills, self-help
skills, communication and socialization skills in the home setting;
must have parent input for this, but may also have teacher input
1. Additional data needed?
vii. Motor/Sensory
1. Gross motor – large motor movement (running, jumping,
climbing, walking,…)
2. Fine motor – small motor movement (handwriting, buttoning,
zipping, manipulating smaller objects,…)
3. Sensory – response to environmental stimuli
4. Additional data needed?
viii. Social/Emotional/Behavioral – discipline data, anecdotal data,
response to interventions (behavior intervention plan), attention,
concentration, organizational skills, work completion rate,
socialization skills, peer and adult interactions,…
1. Additional data needed?
ix. Transition/Vocational – interests, preferences, required for all who
will turn 13 and up
1. Additional data needed?
x. Parent/Outside Agency/Private Provider Information
xi. Other/Miscellaneous
1. Additional data needed?
c. Form Return Instructions
i. Return Consent for Evaluation to
5. Prior Written Notice – describe the team’s decision (proposing to gather additional
information to determine eligibility for special education services) and reasons
a. Will there be any enclosures? Yes, procedural safeguards
You can begin a draft of this document prior to the meeting, then at the conclusion of
the Evaluation Planning meeting, enter any additional information that was shared. Print
the Consent for Evaluation. It will autopopulate as you answer the “Additional data
needed?” question for each area.
Print the Referral/Evaluation Planning document and the Consent for Evaluation from
the menu on the left hand side under Documents. SAVE. Have the evaluation planning
team sign the Referral/Evaluation Plan and give/send parent the consent to eval, the
PWN, and the procedural safeguards.
6. Once you received the signed consent to evaluate, go into your pending tab –
Referral/Evaluation Planning and Edit Details
a. Outcome
i. End date is the date you received the signed consent to evaluate
ii. Choose Recommendation – Continue
iii. Finalize
Your Programs tab now has 3 pending actions – Evaluation Report, Eligibility
Determination, and IEP (any)
Evaluation Report – as you gather your additional information, you can begin entering
the data into the Eval Report.
1. Click Pending: Evaluation Report – Create
2. Reason – Initial
If you did not request additional information in an area, you can, but do not have to
check Y/N under each area (Health, Educational Background, ELP,…). If you don’t check
anything, nothing will print on the Eval Report. You do have to check Yes for all areas
in which you requested additional information during the Eval Planning meeting (in
other words, all areas on the Consent to Evaluate form).
3. When you check Yes for Was additional data gathered in this area, additional
boxes will appear:
a. Evaluator(s)
b. Name of Assessment(s)
c. Date Completed
d. Results – put both narrative results and quantitative results (scores) here;
if a compuscore program was used (for example a WISC compuscore by a
school psych), you can copy and paste the info into this section
4. Results must be entered for every area in which additional information was
5. Evaluation Summary – briefly describe the strengths and weaknesses shown in
the additional information gathered.
a. Include evaluator signature page on Evaluation Report? No
6. Compliance Checks – if the evaluation (gathering of all additional information
requested by the team) was not completed within 60 calendar days of the receipt
of the signed parent consent, you must describe why.
7. Outcome
a. End date is the date all additional information requested by the team was
gathered, scored, and interpreted.
b. Recommendation – continue
Eligibility Determination - Once all additional information has been gathered, scored,
and interpreted, go back to your Programs tab.
1. Click Pending: Eligibility Determination – Create
2. Reason – Initial
3. Create a new meeting
4. Parent Receipt of Evaluation Report – at or shortly after the eligibility meeting,
the parent must receive a copy of the Evaluation Report (this is where you will
document that)
5. Disabilities Considered During Meeting
a. Add Disability – choose the category from the drop down menu
b. Enter worksheet data? YES for all initial eligibility determinations for
that category (even if during reevaluation)
i. Required evidence will vary by disability category; all taken directly
from SEED
ii. Additional information required – some categories have an
additional information required section - each box must be checked
iii. Additional information which may yield evidence, but is not
required - some categories also have this section and you can check
anything else you have
iv. There may be a “rule out” like with AU that says “The characteristics
identified as consistent with Autism cannot be attributed to an
emotional disturbance.”
c. Based on the information from a variety of sources that have been
documented and carefully considered, the team has determined:
i. The student demonstrates characteristics consistent with ____ ?
ii. The disability has an adverse effect on educational performance?
1. If yes, you must describe HOW the disability adversely affects
education and/or functional performance – this is your
disability statement for the IEP.
iii. The student requires specially designed instruction due to the
1. If yes, you must describe the evidence that supports the need
for specially designed instruction.
d. Does the student meet the criteria to be eligible for the selected disability?
– this is the final certification of eligibility
6. Additional Considerations – The team has also concluded:
a. The determination is not the result of lack of appropriate instruction in
reading, including the essential components of reading instruction. The
term 'essential components of reading instruction' means explicit and
systematic instruction in: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary
development, reading fluency (including oral reading skills), and reading
comprehension strategies - Yes/No
b. The determination is not the result of lack of appropriate instruction in
math – Yes/No
c. The determination is not the result of limited English proficiency of the
student – Yes/No
Note: All three must be yes in order for the student to be eligible for special education
and related services.
7. Conclusion – the student is eligible as a student with a disability
8. PWN will describe the team’s proposal/refusal to identify the student as a student
with a disability and reasons for the decision
a. Enclosures will include procedural safeguards and copy of evaluation
9. Outcome
a. End date is date of eligibility determination
b. Recommendation – Continue
10. Print Eligibility Determination and all sign it
11. Save and Finalize
Parent receives copy of signed Referral/Evaluation Planning, Evaluation Report, and
signed Eligibility Determination. Parent does not have to (but can) receive Eligibility
Consent for Initial Provision of Services - Once eligibility has been determined and
you’ve finalized Eligibility Determination, your Programs tab has a new pending action Consent for Initial Provision of Services.
1. Click Create
a. Complete return information
2. End Date is the date you received the signed consent for the initial provision of
services back,
a. Recommendation – Continue
b. Finalize
You will either move directly into an IEP meeting at this point or schedule the IEP meeting
within 30 calendar days of eligibility determination. Click the Create button on the
Pending: IEP (any)
Remember that consent for the initial provision of services is obtained before an IEP is