Market Report for Week of October 9, 2015 TOMATOES: I don’t believe you will see many changes in the tomato category in the coming week. We have yet to see the fall crop get going from Baja, and to make matters worse, the California gas green season is quickly coming to an end, with most shippers finishing up next week. Heavy rain on the Eastern seaboard has wreaked havoc in the Virginia and Carolina growing areas which has forced Eastern buyers out west to fill their orders. The result will remain as it has been the last few weeks: a bull market where the only relief will be new crop production from Baja and North Florida. Unfortunately I don’t see that happening until mid to late October. Until then, you will see elevated pricing on all items in the category. WATERMELONS: California watermelons are hanging in there as we approach the end of the season. Maybe a week or two left locally, and then we make the full transition on all fruit towards Mexico. A few shippers have started quoting out carton and bin s/l watermelons in Mexico, but of course will be a bit higher in price due to freight cost. Shippers will be in full force selling watermelons closer to the end of October. The fruit that we are loading out of Mexico are coming in with good quality, hard shells and red and sweet when you cut the inside. Always call to see what we have available on counts and pre-book if you prefer a certain label, size and area. Have a great week! CANTALOUPES/HONEYDEW: Prices have improved some on both cantaloupes and honeydews, though larger sizes are becoming difficult to find because California is slowing down production and transitioning to new areas. Off-shore melons will make an appearance soon as well as Mexican fruit. Quality remains good. Looking towards the mid-term, 5 inches of rain in Northern Mexico could be problematic in about a month. For now, the effects won’t be known until they fully start production in Mexico. Shippers are informing us that they will start 2nd or 3rd week of this month. ASPARAGUS: This market should remain fairly steady this week. A little more volume will start coming from Obregon, Mexico this week and help keep the market stable. In Peru they have already reached their peak season so supplies from there will start decreasing a little every week. This shortage will be covered by the increased production from Mexico and the market should remain stable. AVOCADOS: The California season is done. The market from Mexico is going to be a little softer this week. Crossings increased last week and there are good supplies of all sizes. The 40’s and larger continue to be the most prevalent and the best deals right now. Pricing on most sizes will be down a little this week. CORN: Supplies will continue to be on the light side this week, will be a little white and yellow corn from Brentwood. This market does not look like it will be changing any time soon. Light and sporadic supplies for the next several weeks. SQUASH: The squash market continues its stable run as California shippers continue to bring product in from local areas due to favorable late season weather and Mexican shippers spreading their new crop supplies across the country. Pricing will range in the low teens on most sizes of zucchini, and mid teens on yellow and grey. BELL PEPPERS: The green bell market should continue its run of robust pricing throughout the week as most CA shippers are struggling to keep up with National demand. We’re still about 7 days from Coachella starting so pricing will remain in the mid/high teens on choice and mid/low 20s on #1. Colored bells from Oxnard and Fullerton still should command pricing in the low 20s on choice and high 20s on #1 xl/l. We could see some hothouse bells from Baja loading in San Diego by the end of the month. ONIONS: Onion market remains strong on big sizes. Oregon, Idaho is the way to go for fresh crop. Shippers are in full swing but are struggling to get supers or colossals, Mostly jumbos to mediums... Market is in the low teens on yellow supers, Colossal and Jumbo’s. Yellow mediums are come and get them. Reds are seeing a sizing issue also.. Pricing is in the mid-teens. GREEN ONIONS: The market remains active due to light volume crossing the border. We will most likely see pricing remain well above normal for the next 10 days or until volume increases crossing from Mexico, possibly around the middle of the month. Iceless supplies should increase sometime around the week of Oct. 12th when Mexican growers fall plantings acreage increases. PAPAYA: Papaya supplies are getting better in a small way. Some are available for next week. PINEAPPLES: Supplies on all Pineapples remain tight. Supplies on Hawaiian are decent for next week. Seeing a little on all sizes.. Same goes for Central America. Weather from months ago and continued weather issues has caused very low production of product. Look for both regions to be very short going forward into the next month or so. All pricing is in the high teens at this point. Call for availability.