Dr. Patton`s Suggested Readings - University of Missouri


***University of Missouri-St. Louis

Department of History WS09

Academic Dishonesty: Please review the statement from the

University of Missouri’s “Collected Rules and Regulations” concerning student conduct : 200.010. B.1. STANDARD OF

CONDUCT. We will discuss the meaning of plagiarism in our first class meeting. If you have any questions or uncertainties regarding academic dishonesty please talk with me about them.


3000 LEVEL CLASSES ONLY AND FOR 5304-5143 , SEE PAGE 4: Reading

Book List and Book Report Format For Class Book Report And

Recommended Bibliographical Use For Graduate Research Papers (SEE



New #1061: New #1062, African Civilization Courses

African Diaspora Courses, New #3303; New #3304; New Adv Af

Diaspora Sc 1800 #5304 (Graduate and Advanced Students);0r

5304/5143 G01/G02, Topics in Transnationalism, see pages 7-11,


(Earliest Times to 1800/Since 1800-1980s)

Winter/Spring Semester/2008

Book Report Format: Students Pages 3-6

English Verbs/Graduate Research/Web Sites/Term

Paper Book References








Margaret C. Jacob, "Thinking Unfashionable Thoughts, Asking

Unfashionable Questions," The American Historical Review, Vol.

105:2 (April 2000):494-500

Professor Adell Patton, Jr., Ph.D.

Instructor, Office Lucas Hall 403

Office email:jazz@umsl.edu

Office Phone:(314)516-6916

Research Web Sites

Theroot.com Washington Post Company, 2008

Root s: Ancestry. Com (Year:1880; Census Place: Union, Lee,

Arkansas;Roll:T9 49; Family History. Film 1254049;Page: 541C;

Enumeration District:163;Image:0279.

The National Archives and Record Administrations-Revamped Access

Database Site: http://www.archives.gov/aad—“lets the public search free though 85 million documents in 475 files amassed by more than 30 federal agencies.”

Africans in America <http://www.pbs.org/>

African-American Experience


African-American Mosaic


The American Colonization Society


Roll of Emigrants 1820-1843, The Liberian History Page


American Memory Portion of the Library of Congress Web Site www.loc.gov www.memphiscottonmuseum.org

Obituaries Search:www.dearthsearch.org/obituaries.html


Students with special needs will receive attention.


ATTENTION :(Book Reports, Term Papers, and Research Papers Require

** Legal Title Page Always to Preserve Confidentiality)


(Title Centered and Capitalized, Followed by Name, e.g.,

Author, Title of Book, City and publisher, Year of Publication

Carter G. Woodson, THE NEGRO IN OUR HISTORY (1922, 1924,




(Course title, Instructor, Fall Semester/Date) e.g. African Civilization Course 1061

Dr. Patton

Winter 2007-Fall 2007







Book Report Schedule Format For FS08 (DO NOT SELECT A LARGE OR


ATTENTION: There is also a book report requirement for

Course 3304 (ALL 3000 LEVELS ONLY): WRITING COMPONENT (10 page

Book Report--expand BY 7 PAGES Part 2 CRITICAL THEME FOR








Monday, November 17-Friday, November 21, 2008. I recommend

(Suggest) the topic for 20-25 page paper: (Think

Historiography?), “Creolization Model Vs. Atlantic World Model”

(show authors and Factual contents for each Model with emphasis on transnationalism for the last Model).

Students will write an analytical Book Report from the List of selected books on Africa and the diaspora that appears in the

Selected Bibliography that follows. The Book Report



BY!!!!!) , and prevents delays and excuses....


WRITING COMPONENT: Students will write an analytical book report from the list of selected books on Africa and other topics that appears at the WS09 Revised Book List Report Format on MyGateway .

*Choose book title by MW 21-23 January '09, .

*Locate the volume by locate the volume by Wednesday, January

28-30,’09 .

* Typed doubled space Summary of Book for Report,: 1 Page ( Thesis

5 of book?

) by one page typed summary of the book (at least skim the book) is due MW, 18-20 February '09 .)

Book Report Due Week 14 (Monday-Friday), April 20, 2009.

Methods Books For Purchase in UMSLBS (Proper Use of These Items

Will Raise Grades by 40%)

We all suffer from the slip of the tongue sometimes in the use of the wrong verb in the spoken language (i.e. the conjugation of verbs in our heads) and in the written language of our letters, book reports, and research papers, e.g. “I should have went instead of I should have gone; or I should have came instead of I should have come. I should have began instead of I should have begun,” and so on, SUCH AS THE VERB TO SHOW AND ITS FORMS.

One may improve upon this issue by purchasing one of the following books and carry it around at all times for consultation. Selfcorrections will lead to more confidence and proper recitation responses in classes and in the writing of letters, term papers, and better performances in job interviews!



Google:"Learning Helplessness" Theory, and read:

(1) Martin E.P. Seligman, Learned Optimism: How to Change Your

Mind and Your Life (2006); not for Book Report.

(2) E.N. Cook, Life Changing Book--Evidence That Changed Me From

A Pessimist To An Optimist (2006); not for book report.

(3) Harrison White, Identity and Control ( ); not for book report--How to avoid "Learned Helplessness."


*Gray, Lorett, English Verbs (Borders, English Writing Section,


*Harper, Vincent, English Verbs ($7.95)

Classes, I used this one : Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6 th Edition (1997); for historians/students on the proper way of citing footnotes, endnotes, bibliography, and how to document various data.


William Strunk, Jr., E. B. White, Elements of Style, 4 th Edition,

2000: Active v. Passive Voice, pp.18-19.

Mary Lynn Rampolla, A Pocket Guide To Writing In History, 3 rd

Edition, 2001.

Jules R. Benjamin, A Student’s Guide to History, 1998.

William Zinsser, On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing

Nonfiction, 25 th Anniversary Edition, 2001.

Karin Mack, Ph.D., and Eric Skjei, Ph.D., Overcoming Writing blocks, 1979. Amazon.Com (out of print).

Students will write an analytical Book Report from the List of selected books on Africa and the diaspora that appears in the

Selected Bibliography that follows. The Book Report



BY!!!!!) , and prevents delays and excuses....


*****WRITING COMPONENT: Students will write an analytical book report from the list of selected books on Africa and other topics that appears at the WS09 Revised Book List Report Format on

MyGateway .


*Choose book title by MW 21-23 January '09, .

*Locate the volume by locate the volume by Wednesday, January

28-30,’09 .

* Typed doubled space Summary of Book for Report,: 1 Page ( Thesis of book?

) by one page typed summary of the book (at least skim the book) is due MW, 18-20 February '09 .)

Book Report Due Week 14 (Monday-Friday), April 20, 2009.


ATTENTION STUDENTS:* * Model Structure of Book Report Requirements


Part #1. Book Summary (3 pages: Thesis of Book or Binding

Theme ?).



-admirable/non-admirable-in book for creative analysis in own words (3 PAGES ONLY FOR COURSES 1061, 1062 ; grade will primarily be based on this #2 section of Report ).

PART #3 Photocopied Review of Book ( from Scholarly Journal Only!) at end of report with your opinion response ( 1 page or so). For example, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Journal of Roman Studies, Journal of Latin American Anthropology, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (E.G.

Pulleyblank, “The Origins and Nature of Chattel Slavery in

China,”1, Pt.2, 1958), Classical Philology, Historia, Culture and

Tradition, Journal of African-American Religion, Religion and

American culture, The Hymn, Eighteenth Century Studies, Journal of The History of Sexuality, Church History: Studies in

Christianity and Culture, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, African

Political Science Review, The Economic History Review, Journal of

Caribbean History, The American Historical Review, The Journal of

American History, Journal of Development History, Slavery And

Abolition, Social and Economic Studies, Transport, Hispanic

Americas, History, Canadian Journal Of Latin America and

Caribbean Studies, Journal of Religion in Africa, Journal of the

History of Ideas, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Signs: A

Journal of Women's Studies ,Gender and History, Journal of

Women's History, Liberian Studies Journal, Journal of African

History(www.journal.cup.org), Journal of African Civilization,

Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria, America Historical

Review, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Africa ,Cahier d'etudes Africaines, Africa, Man, American Anthropology, New

Left, The Nation, The Journal of Southern History ,William & Mary

Quarterly, The Black Scholar, and the Canadian Journal of African

Studies are major scholarly journals that contain reviews of books on Africa, the diaspora, and other related books.


Do not to select an edited Book with essays with several scholars and/nor one in which You CANNOT FIND A REVIEW ; see Retrospective

Bk. Review Index to Scholarly Journals 1883-1974, Book Review

Index l974-Present. This exercise makes plain the value of being critical of what one reads and the need to not just take someone else's notion about what is " truth ." Remain vigilant to the

" invention of tradition.

" Lots of so called " Truths, " that one believes, have indeed been " invented ." The Book Report will be assigned a grade and factored into your GPA with a NUMBER/LETTER

GRADE . " I" Do Read Them!

Book Report Reading List ( HISTORY, SOCIETY AND CULTURE )

History Plus History of Science

(***President-Elect Barack Obama Reads :

Steve Coll, Ghost Wars, on Afghanistan (no one has governed this country and region throughout history; just asked Alexander The

Great in BCE times.)

Jeffrey D. Sachs, Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet, on global warning, environmental destruction, extreme poverty


(****General Reading: Nepotism, Evolutionary Biology,

"Tribalism," Genetics and Generation Regression (the family telephone number becomes inverted though the same number):

(1) Frank J.Sulloway, Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics and Creative Lives

(2) Adam Bellow, In Praise of Nepotism: A History of Family

Enterprise From King David to George W. Bush

(3) Robin Fox, "Civilization and the Savage Mind" (forthcoming) and see his other books on anthropology, e.g. Kinship and

Marriage )

“The Historian and the Twentieth Century,” DÆDALUS. (Spring

1971); undated essays on history.

General Reading:

Wallbank, T. Walter and Alastair M. Taylor and Nels M. Bailkey,

Civilization Past and Present (Chicago: Scott, Foresman And

Company,[1942],1962). I was taught from this “Civilization” text

7 in 1955/56 as an undergraduate student at Kentucky State College

(University in 1972). Note Historiography or the changing perspectives on history and how our mindsets can be effected by history: In this text, Egypt appears in chapter 1 as not part of

Africa but as belonging to “The Ancient Near East” and to Western

Civilization. Africa appears on pages 353-359 in the middle of this vast book as “Africa: The Neglected Continent, Obstacles to progress, ‘Primitive’ cultures of Black Africa,’ and the ignominious ‘Africa’s contact with the ancient world,’” etc.

Adjust your seat belts, we do not teach this way any more about

Africa anywhere in the world . The teaching of African history has dismantled these stereotypes in global history. See:

(1) "Black Pharoahs," National Geographic, February 2008, Vol.

213 No.2:P.34-

In order to see how African history dismantled university narratives and altered our vision in Western Civilization (e.g.

William H. McNeill, The Rise of the West, 1963), see next

(1) Steven Feierman, Chapter 2, Africa in History: The End of

Universal Narratives, In Gyan Prakash, ed., After Colonialism:

Imperial History And PostColonial Displacements (Princeton

University Press, 1995), pp.40-65.

ATTENTION: Research and Advanced Graduate Students Only, Seminar

Course 6115, and 6121, 5304, and Topics in Transnationalism

History #5143 (TOPICS IN TRANSNATIONALISM), #5304, etc.: The New

Historiography on Africa and the diaspora:

Slave Ships

Kwame Anthony Appiah and Martin Brunzl, eds., Buying Freedom: The

Ethics And Economics Of Slave Redemption (Princeton: Princeton

University Press, 2007).

Eltis, David, Stephen D. Behrendt, David Richardson, and Herbert

S. Klein, The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Database on CD-Rom.

Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Rediker, Marcus, The Slave Ship: A Human History (Viking Press,

2007; an excellent review (by Adam Hochschild ) in The New York

Times Book Review, October 21, 2007, p.15:”The story of ships that transported slaves across the Atlantic,” some 12 million.


Dow, George F. Slavers and Slave Ships (1926).

*Curtin, Philip D. The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census (1969).


*Jackie Smith, Charles Chatfield, and Ron Pagnucco, eds.,

Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics: Solidarity

Beyond the State. Syracuse University Press, 1997.

*Seigel, Micol, "Beyond Compare: Comparative Method after the

Transnational Turn, " Radical History Review, Issue 91 (Winter

2005):62-90; Department of History, University of Missouri-St.

Louis requirement for faculty and students.

Matory, J. Morand. Black Atlantic Religion: Tradition, Transnationalism, and

Matriarchy in Afro-Brazialian Candomblé (Princeton, 2005). This book Won

African Studies Association Herskovits Prize Nov. 2006.

*Sewell, William H. Jr., "Marc Bloch And The Logic Of Comparative

Of Comparative History," History And Theory, Vol.VI:1 (1967):208-

18; article explains the need for hypothesis testing against generalizations .

Hobsbawn, E.J., Nations and Nationalism Since 1870: programme, myth, reality (Cambridge, 1990); necessary factors needed in a nation in order for Democracy to be successful in the State-

Nation (e.g. The Thirteen American Colonies!)--"The 'threshold principle" factors, see pp.36-39. Can Democracy work outside of the West beyond market capitalism?

Or suitable for Africa,

Pakistan, the Middle East, etc.? Consultation Only But Not for

Book Report.

African Environmental History:

McCann, James C., Greenland, Brown Land, Black Land: An

Environmental History of Africa, 1800-1990 (1999).

Battarbee, Richard W., Françoise Gasse, and Caterine E. stickley,


Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa (2004).

Low, Pak Sum, Climate Change And Africa (2005).

Adams, William M., Andrew S. Goldie, and Anthony R. Orme, eds.,

The Physical Geography of Africa (1996).

Buckle, Colin, Weather and climate in Africa (1996).

Cotton, William R. and Roger A. Piekle Sr., Second Edition, Human

Impact On weather And Climate (2007).

Africa Diaspora:

Mintz, Sidney W., Richard Price, An Anthropological Approach To

The Afro-American Past: A Caribbean Perspective (Philadelphia: A publication of the Institute for the study of Human Issues,

1976); the beginning of the Creolization Model in the African


Falola, Toyin and Matt D. Childs, eds., The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World (Indiana University Press, 2004); see the

Atlantic World Model vs. Creolization Model Theory with factual examples.

Sweet, James. Recreating Africa: Culture, Kinship, and Religion in the African-Portugese World, 1441-1770 (2003); the diaspora and Atlantic World Model vs. Creolization Model.

Matory, J. Morand. Black Atlantic Religion: Tradition, Transnationalism, and

Matriarchy in Afro-Brazialian Candomblé (Princeton, 2005). This book Won

African Studies Association Herskovits Prize Nov. 2006.

Gaines, Kevin L., American Africans in Ghana: Black Expatriates and the Civil

Rights Era (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006); see transnationalism.

Jacob, Margaret C., "Thinking Unfashionable Thoughts, Asking


Unfashionable Questions," The American Historical Review, Vol.

105:2 (April 2000):494-500

Robinson, Randall. The Debt: What America Owes Blacks (2000); The

Associated Press, Erin Texeira, “Movement to repay blacks for slavery gains momentum [a presidential commission, NOT MONEY , is requested to study the issue of reparations; and no money for distribution to blacks is being asked for.],” St. Louis Post-

Dispatch, Monday, July 10, 2006:A3.

See The Economist, April 13 th -19 th 2002 on “Slavery, guilt and the law:”15, 31 And 72; make special note of what Robert F. Folgel-—

University of Chicago Nobel Prize Winner in Economics—-has to say slave free labor and the dollars from 1870-1860 and about reparations cost in today’s dollars.

Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E. and Anthony P. Lombardo, “Framing

Reparations Claims: Differences between African and Jewish Social

Movements for Reparations,“ African Studies Review, Vol. 50:1

(April 2007):27-58.

_____________________________, Reparations to Africa (2008,

University of Pennsylvania Press).

Skidmore, Thomas E., “Racial Mixture and Affirmative Action: The

Cases of Brazil and the United States, The American Historical

Review, Vol. 108:5 (December 2003):1391-1396. Excellent for US history, Diaspora, and issues on race, gender, and class vs.

"Racial Endogamy" in USA; google: US Supreme Court Case Loving

Vs. Virginia 1967

Max I.Diamont, Jews,God, And History (1992); the Classical

“Return” in diaspora History.

*Turki, Fawa. The Disinherited: Journal of a Palestinian Exile

(1972); the Classical “Return” in diaspora History.

Philips, John Edward, Writing African History (University of

Rochester, 2005).


Falola, Toyin and Christian Jennings, Source and Methods in

African History (University of Rochester, 2003).

Hampton, Carolyn, ed., The Mfecane Aftermath: Reconstructive

Debates in southern African History (Witwatersrand University

Press, 1995).

Davenport, Rodney, And Christopher Saunders, South Africa: A

Modern History, 5th Edition, Forward by Desmond Tutu (St. Martin

Press, Inc., 2000), pp. 807.

Heywood, Linda M., and John K. Thornton, Central Atlantic

Creoles, and the Foundation of the Americas, 1585-1660 (Cambridge

University Press, 2007; not for Book Report . African Studies

Association, Chicago, 2008, Herksovits Award for Best Book .

Heywood, Linda, ed., Central Africans and Cultural Transformation in the African Diaspora (Cambridge University Press, 2002; edited works are not for Book Reports .

Hourani, Albert, A History of The Arab Peoples (1991;551 pages; excellent and NYT best seller; NOT FOR BOOK REPORT .

Nehemia Levtzion & Randall L. Pouwels, eds., The History Of Islam

In Africa (2000); NOT FOR BOOK REPORT .

The Slave Trade into Arabia, 1820-1973 (Archives Editions, 7

Ashley House, The Broadway, Farm Common, SL2 3PQ, UK; 9 volumes from 1820-1973. “Slavery is the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised.”

John Hunwick and Eve Troutt Powell, The African Diaspora in the

Mediterranean Lands of Islam (2002); NOT FOR BOOK REPORT .

Ronald Segal, Islamic Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora



Allman, Jean, Susan Geiger, and Nakanyike Musisi, eds., Women In

Colonial Histories, Indiana University Press, 2002; NOT FOR BOOK


Matusevich, Maxim, ed., Africa In Russia-Russia In Africa: Three

Centuries of Encounters, Africa World Press, 2007; with photos of ancient blacks in Russia; NOT FOR BOOK REPORT .

Blakely, Allison, Blacks in The Dutch World (1993).

, Russia And The Negro: Blacks in Russian History

And Thought (1986).

Gillette, William, Retreat from Reconstruction (Baton rouge, La.,


Tim Jeal, Stanley, I Presume? Stanley: The Impossible Life of

Africa’s Greatest Explorer (2007), 570 pp.; reviewed in The New

York Times Book Review, September 30, 2007.

New Books To The List : Try Selecting a Book for Your Report that will lead you into OPPOSITIONAL THINKING

Dunning, Thad, Crude Democracy: Natural Resource Wealth and

Political Regimes (2008).

Webb, James L.A., Humanity's Burden: A Global History of Malaria


Bullard, Robert, Dumping In Dixie: Race, Class and Environmental

Justice (2000).

Bates, Robert H., When Things Fell Apart: State Failure in late-

Century Africa (2008)

Bell, Derrick, Silent Covenants: Brown v. Board of Education and the Unfulfilled Hopes for Racial Reform (New York: Oxford

University Press, 2004).


Barnes, Harper, Never Been a Time: The 1917 Race Riot that

Sparked the Civil Rights Movement (2008), East St. Louis.

Morais, Herbert M., The History of the Negro in Medicine

(Washington, DC: Association for the Study of Negro Life and


Flexer, Abraham, Medical Education in the United States and

Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (Boston: Merrymount Press, 1910).

Isaac, Benjamin, The Invention of Racism in Antiquity

(Princeton/Oxford, 2004). Compare with Snowden, Frank, Blacks in

Antiquity (1971).

Black is Beautiful: Rubens to Dumas (Di Nieuwe Kerk Amersterdam

Waanders Pubishers Zwolle, 2008). Not for book report.

Jones, Jacqueline, Saving Savannah: The City and the Civil War

(2008, review Georgia Historical Society).

Dray, Philip, Capitol Men: The Epic Story of Reconstruction

Through the Lives of the First Reconstruction (Houghton Mifflin

Co., 2008).

Hemenway, Robert E., Zora Neil Hurston:A Biography (1975?).

Melish, Joanne Pope, Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and

"Race" in New England, 1780-1860 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University

Press, 1998).

Cooper, Helene, The House On Sugar Beach [Liberia, West Africa]:

In Search of a Lost Childhood (2008); review in The New York

Times Book Review, September 7, 2008:1, 10.

Gordon, Colin, Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the Fate of the

American City (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,


Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, Beyond The Double Mind: Women and

Leadership (Oxford, 1997), Apprise and Not for Class Use . The author is Director, Annenberg School of Communication, University

14 of Penn, written 15 books and 91 articles; an outstanding scholar.

______________________, unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of

Disinformation (Random House, 2007), Apprise and Not For Class

Use .

Blackmon, Douglas A., Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II (NYC:

Double Day, 2008).

Rediker, Marcus, The Slave Ship: A Human History (Viking Press,

2007; an excellent review (by Adam Hochschild ) in The New York

Times Book Review, October 21, 2007, p.15:”The story of ships that transported slaves across the Atlantic,” some 12 million.

Gilmore, Glenda Elizabeth, Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of

Civil Rights, 1919-1950 (New York: W.W. Norton, 2008).

Wright, Richard, A Father's Law (New York: Harper Perennial,

2008). This book is Wright's last written and published posthumorously.

Lewis, David Levering, God's Crucible: Islam And The Making Of

Europe (2007).

National Geographic, "Black Pharaohs," February 2008, Vol.

213:page 34-

Burleigh, Nina, Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt

(Hapercollins Publishers, 2007); General Napoleon's invasion of

1798,(151 "savants"Scientists of Egyptology) , a debacle in the

Middle East with loss of 10,000 soldiers wearing clothes suitable for the winter Alpines in hot Egypt--a smart general indeed.

Reviewed in New York Times Book Review, December 9, 2007, p.15.

Getahun, Solomon Addis, The History of Ethiopian Immigrants and

Refugees in American, 1900-2000 (New York: LFB Scholarly

Publishers, 2007).


Massaquoi, Hans J., Destined To Witnessed: Growing Up Black In

Nazi Germany ([1999]; NY: Perennial, 2001).

Erskine, Noel Leo, From Garvey to Marley: Rastafari Theology


Graham, Lawrence Otis, The Senator and The Socialite: The True

Story Of America’s First Black Dynasty (2006).

Gillette, William, Retreat from Reconstruction (Baton rouge, La.,


Carretta, Vincent, Equiano The African: Biography of a Self-Made

Man (2005); 436 pages.

Berlin, Ira, Generations of Captivity: A History of African-

American Slaves (2003).

Northrup, David, African’s Discovery Of Europe:1450-1850 (2002).

Campbell, James T., Middle Passages: African American Journeys to

Africa, 1787-2005 (2006).

Barnes, Kenneth C., Journey of Hope: The Back-to-Africa Movement in Arkansas in the Late 1800s (2004).

Edis, Taner, An Illusion of Harmony: Science and Religion of

Islam (2006?). The author is a physicist at Truman State

University in Missouri; see Hassan M. Fattah, “Radicalism Among

Muslim Professionals Worries Many,” The New York Times,

International, Saturday, July 14, 2007, A3.

Epstein, Helen (Dr.), Invisible Cure: Africa, the West and the

Fight against AIDS (2007; World Bank issue of concern).

Collier, Paul, The Bottom Billion: Why Poorest Countries are


Failing and What Can Be Done About It (2007); author formerly worked for World Bank—best book on international affairs.

Washington, Harriet A., The Dark History of Medical

Experimentation On Black Americans From Colonial Times to the

Present (Doubleday, 2006); Review in The New Times, Health &

Fitness, Tuesday, January 23, 2007, D5/D8.

Rampersad, Arnold, Ralph Ellison: A Biography (2007); read about the tragedy of a great author, who went to the extreme in cultural assimilation by engaging in “self cultural renunciation.” By removing himself from his roots or social class origins, he suffered from mental blocks and wrote only book (The

Invisible Man, 1952). Ellison died in 1994.

Kellehear, Allan, A Social History of Dying (2007).

*Trexler, Harrison A., Slavery in Missouri, 1804-1865 (The Johns

Hopkins Press, 1914); see TJL F572.2 T729 1914; restricted to library use only.

Frazier, Harriet C., Slavery and Crime in Missouri, 1773-1865


Stone, Jeffrey C., Slavery, Southern Culture, And Education In

Little Dixie, Missouri, 1820-1860 (2006).

Obadele-Stark, Ernest, Freebooters And Smugglers: The Foreign

Slave Trade in the United States after 1808 (forthcoming November

2007, University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville.

Farrow, Anne, Joel Lang, and Jennifer Frank, How the North

Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery: Complicity (2005; not to be used for Report if assigned for class) .

Appiah, Kwame Anthony, and Martin Bunzl, Buying Freedom: The

Ethics and Economics of Slave Redemption (forthcoming Fall 2007).

Katznelson, Ira. When Affirmative Action was White: An Untold History of


Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America (New York: W. W. Norton &

Company, 2005). (Reviewed by Nick Kotz In The New York Times Book Review,

August 28, 2005, 19).

Wiltse, Jeff, Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming

Pools in America (2007; “ The American swimming pool has a complicated social history ”; reviewed by Dick Cavett, The New

York Times Book Review, Sunday, June 3, 2007, p.18.

Garry, Patrick M., Cultural Whiplash: The Unforseen Consequences

Of America’s Crusade Against Racial Discrimination (2006). An excellent read and answer to many questions that continues to go unasked about “race” in the USA. The author (J.D., Ph.D) is a law professor at the University of Idaho.

Anderson, Carol, Eyes Off The Prize: The United Nations And The

African American Struggle for Human Rights, 1944-1955 (2003).

Turner, Patricia A., I Heard It Through the Grapevine: Rumor in

African American culture (2007?).

Michaels, Walter Benn, The Trouble With Diversity: How We Learned to Love Identity and Ignore Inequality (243 pages), 2006; reviewed in NYT Review Book Review, December 24, 2006, p.14.

Synder, Brad, Curt Flood: The Well-Paid Slave (2006); former St.

Louis Cardinal base ball center fielder, seventh consecutive Gold

Glove Winner, two Cardinal World Series; in 1969, the boat-rocker

Flood challenged the Reserve Clause that the US Supreme Court affirmed that prevented Free Agency, when the average baseball salary was $24,909, and $2.7m in 2006, Flood made $90,000. His legacy in the history of all professional sports is Free Agency.

Read this book! Google the legal case: Messersmith-McNally and

The Curt Flood Act in US Congress.

Rhoden, William C. (sports reporter for The New York Times, $40

Million Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black

Athlete (Crown Publishers, 2006); reviewed in NYT Book Review,

July 23, 2006, Section 7, p.8.


Russell, Peter, Prince Henry ‘the Navigator’: A Life, Yale

University, 2000; (Prince Henry and the Atlantic Slave Trade).

Popovic, Alexandre, The Revolt of African Slaves In Iraq in the

3 rd /9 th Century, Markus Wiener Publishers, 1999: significance, the first and only major slave revolt in Islamic Old World slavery.

Why not more slave revolts in Islam? Answer: Ascending

Miscegnation that allowed Black Africans to achieve high status and mobility, e.g. Alawite Kings of Morocco, who were descendants of the Sharifans.

Platnauer, M., The Life and Reign of the Emperor L. Septimius

(1921);born 145CE or 146Ce and Emperor of Rome 13 April 193-

199CE. He was from Africa in the Maghrib (North Africa) at Lepcis


Law, Robin, OUIDAH: The Social History of a West African Slaving

‘Port’, 1727-1892, Ohio University Press, 2004.

Roberts, Gene and Hank Klibanoff, The Race Beat: The Press, the

Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation (New York:

Knopf, 2007. Brief review in St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Arts &

Entertainment, Books, F12.

McWhorter, Diane. Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama, The

Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Movement (2001). This book is the first major history to uncover the segregationist resistance to integration and to the Civil Rights Movement in


Thomas, Dominic, Black France: Colonialism, Immigration, and

Transnationalism (Indiana University Press, 2007); theme and trend of transnationalism—-literature field. (Students do not select this book; reference use only.)

Johnson, Walter. Soul by Soul: Life Inside The Antebellum Slave Market

(Harvard University Press, 1999).


Robinson, Randall. The Debt: What America Owes Blacks (2000); The

Associated Press, Erin Texeira, “Movement to repay blacks for slavery gains momentum [a presidential commission money is requested to study the issue of reparations and no money for distribution to blacks is being asked for.],” St. Louis Post-

Dispatch, Monday, July 10, 2006:A3.

See The Economist, April 13 th -19 th 2002 on “Slavery, guilt and the law:”15, 31 And 72; make special note of what Robert F. Folgel-—

University of Chicago Nobel Prize Winner in Economics—-has to say slave free labor and the dollars from 1870-1860 and about reparations cost in today’s dollars.

Freyre, Gilberto. The Master and The Slaves: A Study In The

Development Of Brazilian Civilization (New York: Alfred A. Knopf

[1946] 1956): Luso-Tropicalism and Racial Democracy.

Berry, Mary Francis, My Face Is Black Is True: Callie House and the Ex-Slaves Struggle for Reparations (Alfred A. Knopf, 2006).

Stockley, Grif, Blood In Their Eyes: The Elaine [Arkansas] Race

Massacres of 1919 (University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville,


Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, Within the Plantation Household: Black Women and

White Women In the Old South (1988).

Johnson, Walter, Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market

(Cambridge, Mass., 1999).

Clifford, Mary Louis, Black Loyalists After The American Revolution (1999).

James W St. G. Walker, The Black Loyalists: The Search for a Promise Land in

Nova Scotia and Sierra Leone, 1783-1870 (1976).

Sheridan, Richard B., Doctors and Slaves: A Medical and Demographic History of

Slavery in the British West Indies, 1680-1834 (Cambridge, U.K., 1985)


Savitt, Todd, Race and Medicine in Nineteenth-and Early-Twentieth-Century

America (2006): an examination of the medical experiences of African

Americans; see Savitt below also.

Davis, David Brian. Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New

World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006); reviewed in NYT Book Review,

Sunday, May 15, 2006, 32-33.

Egerton, Douglas R., He Shall Go Free: The Lives of Denmark Vesey (1999); see authors Stephen B. Oates, Nat Turner Rebellion, 1831, Virgina.

Shama, Simmon. Rough Crossings: Britain, the Slaves and the American

(Illustrated Ecco., 2006); Sierra Leone, 1787, etc.

Bennett, Herman L. Africans in Colonial Mexico [electronic resource]:absolutism, Christianity, and Afro-Creole Consciousness, 1570-1640

(Indiana, 2003).

*The Decline of The African American male in The USA: Erik Eckholm, “Plight

Deepens For Black Men: Growing Disconnection From Mainstream, The New York

Times, Monday, March 20, 2006:Front Page and A18 (statistics): books mentioned,

*Ronald B. Mincy, ed., Black Males left Behind (Urban Institute Press,

2006);*Holzer, Harry J. and Peter Edelman and Paul Offner, eds., Reconnecting

Disadvantage Young Men (Urban Institute, 2006).

Cupcake Brown, A Piece of Cake: A Memoir (2006):about a 37 year old African

American woman formerly addicted to drugs (crack cocaine) and prostitution, who never graduated from high school and now reformed, she practices law at

McCutchen, Dolye, Brown & Enersen, a white-collar criminal defense firm in San

Francisco, with a $125,000 a-year salary.

Cobbs, Price M. and Judith L Turnock. Cracking The Corporate

Code: The Revealing Success Stories of 32 African-American


Swain, Carol M. The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to


Integration (Cambridge University Press, 2005).

Anderson, Carol. Eyes Off The Prize: The United Nations and the African

American Struggle for Human Rights, 1944-1955 (Cambridge University Press,

2005). She teaches at the University of Missouri, Columbia.

Reed, Christopher Robert. Black Chicago’s First Century. Vol. 1, 1833-1900.

Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2005.

Lumpkins, Charles L., The East St. Louis Race Riots and Black Politics (Ohio

University Press, 2008).

McLaughlin, Malcolm, Power, Community, And Racial Killing In East St. Louis

(Palgrave Mcmillan, 2005).

On East St. Louis, see selected articles in Early, Gerald, Ed., "Ain't But a

Place": An Anthology of African American Writings about St. Louis (Missouri

Historical Society, 1998); see W.E.B. Du Bois, "The Massacre of East St.

Louis," pp.294-299; Marcus Garvey, "The Conspiracy of the East St. Louis riots," pp.300-306.

Daniel, G. Reginald. Race and Multiraciality in Brazil and the United States:

Converging Paths? Penn State Press, 2005.

Johanna Bond, Voices of African Women: Women’s rights in Ghana,

Uganda, and Tanzania. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2005.

Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth and Eugene Genovese, The Mind of the Master Class:

History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholder’s Worldview (Cambridge

University Press, 2005); 828 pages; NOT FOR BOOK REPORT.

Shelby, Tommie. We Who Are Dark: The Philosophical Foundations of Black

Solidarity (Harvard University Press, 2005).

Painter, Neil Irvin. Creating Black Americans: African Americans History and

Its Meanings, 1619 to the Present (Oxford University Press, 2005).

Stark, Rodney. The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom,

Capitalism, and Western Success (2005); for critical review see The New York

Times Book Review, December 25, 2005, Section 7, pp.1, 10-12.


Anne Farrow, Joel Lang and Jennifer Frank, Complicity: How the North Promoted,

Prolonged, and Profited From Slavery (Random House, 2005).

Earle/Lowe, _________. Black Africans in Renaissance Europe (Cambridge,


Tignor, Robert L. W. Arthur Lewis & The Birth of Development Economics

(Princeton, 2005). First World Black to Win Nobel Prize in Economics, 1970’s:

Development Theory; Economic Advisor to Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana.

Matory, J. Morand. Black Atlantic Religion (Princeton, 2005). Won African

Studies Association Herskovits Prize Nov. 2006.

Shillington, Kevin. History Of Africa (Palgrave Macmillan, New Edition, 2005, palgrave-usa.com). Not for bk. report.

Robinson, David. Muslim Societies In African History: New

Approaches to African History (2004). Not for bk.report.

Tremearne, Major A.J.N.[1918] 1968. The Ban of The Bori, Demons and Demon Dancing in West and North Africa.

Beyan, Amos J. African American Settlements In West Africa: John

Russwurm and the American Civilizing Efforts (Palgrave Macmillan,


Bailey, Anne C. African Voices of The Atlantic Slave Trade:

Beyond Silence and Shame (2005). ISBN 0-8070-5512-3

Diouf, Sylviane A., Fighting Slave Trade: West African

Strategies (2003) (African Resistance To Slave

Trade; New To syllabus and on order.)

Gomez, Michael A. Reversing Sail: A History of the African

Diaspora (2005). Not for bk. report.

Hughes, A.J.B., Kin, Caste And Nation Among The Rhodesian Ndebele



Barnes, J.A., Politics IN A Changing Society: A Political History of The Fort Jamison Ngoni (1967).


James Burke, Connections ( the ten inventions that changed the world) , 1980. Not for bk. report.

Diop, Cheik Anta. The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or

Reality (1974).

Levtzion, N. and J. F. P. Hopkins. Eds. Corpus of Early Arabic

Sources for West Africa History (2002).

Lewis, Bernard. The Muslim Discovery of Europe (1992).

Graves, Joseph L. Jr. 2004. The Race Myth: Why We Pretend Race

Exists in America (One of the world’s leading evolutionary biologists disputes the existence of race.) Do not select.

Jones, Jacqueline.2005.America’s Fair-Head Children: Working

Toward Whiteness. How America’s Immigrants Became White (Basic

Books, 2004).

Goldenberg, David M.2003. The Curse Of Ham: Race And Slavery In

Early Judaism, Christianity, And Islam (Princeton University

Press, 2004).

Cohn, Norman, Noah’s Flood: The Genesis Story in Western Thought


Haynes, Stephen R.2005. Noah’s Curse: the Biblical Justification of American Slavery (Oxford University Press). Takes position

against Goldenberg above.


Cone, James.1984. For My People: Black Theology and the Black

Church.; born in Arkansas and attended Philander Smith College,

Little Rock.

Felder, Cain Hope.1995. Scandalize My Name: A Critical Review of

Blacks in the Bible and Society; see his Testing Biblical Waters.

Professor, Howard University School of Divinity.

Horrigan, Kevin.(khorrigan@post-dispatch.com)--2004--“Society And


American’s working class shoots itself in the foot.” St. Louis

Post-Dispatch. Sunday. July 11:B3.

Thomas, Frank. 2004. What’s the Matter With Kansas: How

Conservatives Won the Heart of America. New York: Henry Holt And

Company. (Understanding the meaning of “values,” the underdevelopment of America, laissez-faire (free market economics and Africa), and impact upon the African diaspora). Not for book report.

Marable, Manning.1991. Race, Reform, And Rebellion: The Second

Reconstruction In Black America, 1945-1990. (demise of August

1980 with statistics); not for book report if selected as a text for course in which student is enrolled.


Johnson, Allan G. 2001. Privilege, Power, And Difference. McGraw

Hill. Not for bk. report; main subject is white privilege.

Johnson, Allan G. 1997. The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our

Patriarchial Legacy. Temple University Press. Ditto .

Rothman, Robert A. 2004. Inequality And Stratification: Race,

Class, and Gender (Prentice-Hall). Ditto .

Telles, Edward E. Race In Another America: The Significance Of

Skin Color In Brazil (2004).

Diamond, Jaret. Guns, Germs, And Steel (1997). (Importance of

East-West Axis-–Latitudinal Trade Zone--and possible Third World

Origins of Africa); not for book report.

F ebvre, Lucien and Henri-Jean Martin.1976. The Coming of the

Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800 . London: Humanities Press.

Not for bk. report.

Abu-Lughod, Janet L. Before European Hegemony: The World System

A.D.1250-1350 (1989). Ditto .

Chaudhuri, K. N. Asia Before Europe: Economy and Civilization of the Indian Ocean from the Rise of Islam to 1750 (1990). Ditto.

Excellent Glossary of Theoretical Terms useful to many disciplines appears on pages 423-434.


Crosby, Alfred W. The Measure of Reality: Quantification and

Western Society, 1250-1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press,1997. Not for bk. report.

Horton, Robin. Patterns of thought in Africa and the West:

Essays on magic, religion, and science. Cambridge University

Press, 1993. Reserved TJL (Patton class #430). Excellent.

Wesseling, H. L. Wesseling, Divide And Rule: The Partition of

Africa 1880-1914. Translation by Arnold J. Pomerans. 1996.

Source Book for references to events. Ditto .

Shaw, Thurston , Paul Sinclair, Bassey Andah, and Alex Okpoko, eds., The Archaeology of Africa, Food, Metals and Towns (1993); excellent and see R. Blench, "Recent Developments in the genetic classification of African languages: the Language phyla of

Africa," pp.126-138; revisions of about the last fifty years. Not for bk. report.

Herbert, Eugenia W. Red Gold of Africa: Copper in Precolonial

History and Culture (1984).

Curtin, Philip D. The World & the West: The European Challenge and the Overseas Response in the age of Empire (2000).

Curtin, Philip D. On the Fringes of History: Memoir (2005). How a historian comes to understand history!?


Cross, Michael. Imagery of Identity In South African

Education1880-1990 (1990); no review. Ditto

History of Science Articles and Critique of Crosby and Related

Articles in:(Reserved Patton #430, TJL)

The American Historical Review, Vol. 105:2 (April 2000),

(1) Margaret C. Jacob, "Thinking Unfashionable Thoughts,

Asking Unfashionable Questions":494-500; see Jacob, Scientific

Culture and the Making Of The Industrial West (1997); one learns here that Europe did not invent a single new idea from the 1st st century CE until 1500 because of conservative Church dominance.

(2) Jack A. Goldstone, "Whose Measure of Reality":501-508.

Bernal, Martin. Black Athena: Afroasiatic Roots of Classical

Civilizations, Vol 1. The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785-1985


Meier, August and Elliot Rudwick, Black History And the

Historical Profession 1915-1980 (1986).

Franklin, John Hope. Race And History: Selected Essays 1938-1988


Franklin, John Hope. From Slavery To Freedom. 6 th Ed., (1997).


French, Howard W. A Continent for the Taking: The Tragedy and

Hope of Africa (2004); New York Times journalist media report.

Rout, Leslie B. The African Experience In Spanish America: 1520 to the present day. (1977).

Harris, Joseph E.,(editor) Global Dimensions Of The African

Diaspora. (1993). Not for bk. report.

Andrews, George Reid. Afro-Latin America. Oxford University

Press, 2004. See his other books, and name on this list below, on similar subject. Not for bk. report.

*French, Howard W. A Continent for the Taking: The Tragedy and

Hope of Africa (2004); New York Times journalist media report.

*Hochschild, Adam. Bury The Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the

Fight to Free an Empire’s Slave (2005). Excellent.

*Hochschild, Adam. King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed,

Terror, and Heroism In Colonial Africa. (1998). Excellent.

Geggus, David P. (Editor.) The Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World (2004). Not for bk. report.

*James, C. L. R. The Black Jacobins (1963). Best book on Haitian revolution (1790-1804), the second Republic in the Western

Hemisphere. This social revolution (American Revolution was only

29 a political one that left the social class structure and/or slavery intact.) struck fear into the world that the slaveholders made and shocked the confidence of the European money lenders to the slave owning planters.

Lynchings In The United States of America (For “3304/5304 only)

White, Walter. Rope and Faggot: A Biography of Judge Lynch

(1929). The pioneer work on the subject.

Stockley, Grif, Blood in Their Eyes: The Elaine Race Massacres of

1919 [Arkansas] (2001).

Dray, Philip. At The Hands of The Unknown: The Lynching of Black

America (2002).

Walker, Laura. Fire In A Canebrake: The Last Mass Lynchings in

America (2003).

McGovern, James R. Anatomy of a Lynching: The Killing of Claude

Neal (1982).

Wright, George C. Racial Violence in Kentucky 1865-1940:

Lynchings, Mob rule, and ‘Legal Lynchings’” (1990).

Dowery, Dennis B. & Raymond M. Hyser. No Crooked Death:

Coatesville, Pennsylvania, and the Lynchings of Zachariah Walker



Buckelew, Richard A. “Racial Violence in Arkansas: Lynchings and

Mob Rule, 1860-1930.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arkansas,

1999. (Arkansas Black History Online):318 lynchings total.

The Founding Fathers and Slavery

Levy, Andrew. The First Emancipator: The Forgotten Story of

Robert Carter, the Founding Father Who Freed His Slaves (2005).

Ely, Melvin Patrick. Israel On The Appomattox: A Southern

Experiment in Black Freedom From the 1790s Through the Civil War


Gordon-Reed, Annette. The Hemingses of Monticello: An American

Family (W.W. Norton, September, 2008).

Gordon-Reed, Annette. Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An

American Controversy (1996). Reviewed NYT. Sunday. 6-29-97. E7.

DNA and Genomes.

Wills, Gary. Negro President: Jefferson and The Slave Power


Wiencek, Henry. An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America (2003).


Lind, Michael. What Lincoln Believed: The Values and Convictions of America’s Greatest President. New York: Doubleday (2005). revisionism on Lincoln.

Franklin, John Hope, and Loren Schweninger. RUNAWAY SLAVES:



Fireside, Harvey. Separate And Unequal: Homer Plessy and the

Supreme Court Decision that Legalized Racism (2004).

Guinier, Lanier and Gerald Torres. The Miner’s Canary: Enlisting

Race, Resisting Power, Transforming Democracy (2002). (stresses importance of cross-racial coalitions and the fact that racial differences cannot be ignored, or the price America pays if it does. Professor Guinier of Harvard University Law School:”It takes students from three generations of affluent families to make high and perfect scores on ACT/SAT.”





*Hillman, James. The Soul's Code: In Search of Character And



EXCELLENT : Not for book report.







Fairclough, Adam. Better Day Is Coming: Blacks and Equality,

1890-2000 (2001).

Lanctot, Neil. Negro Baseball: The Rise and Ruin of a Black

Institution (2004).

Jackie Robinson. Baseball Has Done It: 1947 (1957?).

Bates, Daisy. The Long Shadow of Little Rock: A Memoir by Daisy

Bates. ([1962], 1986).

Anderson, Terry H., The Pursuit of Fairness: A History of

Affirmative Action (2004).

*Ogletree, Charles J. Jr. All Deliberate Speed: Reflections on

The First Half-Century of Brown v. Board. (2004).


*Cashin, Sheryll. The Failure of Integration: How Race And class

Are Undermining The American Dream. (2004).

*Bell, Derrick. Silent Convenants: Brown V. Board Of Education

And the Unfulfilled Hopes For Racial Reform. (2004).

(For A Critique of The Last Four Books, see David Chappell, “”If

Affirmative Action Fails...What Then?”, New York Times, Arts &

Ideas, Saturday, May 8, 2004:A17,A19.; “Fifty years after Brown v. Board, *three black scholars question the success of integration,” New York Times Book Review, May 16, 2004)

Clark, Nancy L. & William H. Clark. South Africa: The Rise and

Fall of Apartheid (2004).


Clegg, Claude III. The Price of Liberty: African Americans and the Making of Liberia (2004).

Huffman, Alan. Mississippi In Africa: The Saga of the Slaves of

Prospect Hill Plantation and Their Legacy in Liberia Today


Shick, Tom W. Behold The Promised Land: A History of Afro-

American Settler Society in Nineteenth Century Liberia (1980).


Johnson, Charles S. Bitter Canaan: The Story of the Negro

Republic (1987, [1930]). (Liberia and slavery scandal; see recent book by Ibrahim Sundiata, Black Scandal: America and the Liberian

Labor Crisis, 1929-1936 (1980).

Militant Anti-Slavery Resistance

“Slavery was all right. ‘The slaves got fed.’ Slavery was mild.

It took slaves out of Africa and made it better for them in the

Americas.”–One commented at UMSL. If any one wishes to challenge these statements, or to be challenge, then read some of these books on slavery.)

Blassingame, John W. Editor. Slave Testimony: Two Centuries of

Letters, Speeches, Interviews, and Autobiographies (“If we want to know the hearts and secret thoughts of slaves, we must study the testimony of blacks...” ([1977] 1999).

Joseph & Owen Loverjoy/Introduction by John Quincy Adams. Memoir of the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy-Who was murdered in Defense of the

Liberty of Press at Alton, Illinois Nov. 7,1837.([1837] 2002.

Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass

(Written by Himself)...classic autobiography from slavery to freedom (1892;1962).


Jordan, Ervin L. Jr. Black Confederates And Afro-Yankees In Civil

War Virginia (1995).

Regosin, Elizabeth. Freedom’s Promise: Ex-Slave Families and

Citizenship in the Age of Emancipation (2002).

Dunaway, Wilma A. The African-American Family in Slavery and

Emancipation (2003).


Inikori, Joseph E. Africans And The Industrial Revolution In

England: A Study In International Trade and Development (2002); two students may report on this book.

Carrington, Selwyn. Sugar In The Caribbean (2002).

Williams, Eric. Capitalism and Slavery (1943;1968, etc.); this book still upsets European and US scholars who write on slavery.


Bernault, Florence. History of Prisons and Confinement in Africa


Sweet, James. Recreating Africa: Culture, Kinship, and Religion in the African-Portugese World, 1441-1770 (2003).


Brooks, George E. Euraafricans in Western Africa: Commerce,

Social Status, Gender, And Religious Observance From The sixteenth To The Eighteenth Century (2003).

Berkeley, Bill. The Graves Are Not Yet Full: Race, Tribe and

Power in the Heart of Africa (2001).

Echenberg, Myron. Black Death, White Medicine: Bubonic Plague and the Politics of Public Health in Colonial Senegal 1914-1945


*Wailoo, Keith. Dying In The City of The Blues: Sickle Cell

Anemia And The Politics of Race And Health (2001).

Morais, Herbert M. The History of The Negro in Medicine.

Washington, D.C.: Association for the Study of Negro Life and

History. (1967).

Fraser, Gertrude Jacinta. African American Midwifery In The

South. (1998).

*Curtin, Philip D. The Image of Africa: British Ideas and Action,

1780-1850 (1964).Curtin, Philip D.

Allen, Theodore. The Invention of the White Race: Racial

Oppression and Social Control, Vol 1. (1994). Ditto


*Fredrickson, George M. White Supremacy: A Comparative Study in

American & South African History (1981).

. Black Liberation: A Comparative History of

Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa (1995).

*Cell, John, The Highest Stage of White Supremacy: The Origins of

Segregation In South Africa And The American South (1982).

*Stepan, Nancy. The Idea of Race in Science: Great Britain 1800-

1960 (1982).

*Lauren, Paul Gordon. Power and Prejudice: The Politics and

Diplomacy of Racial Discrimination (1988).

Kiple, K. F., ed. The African Exchange: Toward a Biological

History of Black People (1987). Source Book Only.

* ,et al, Another Dimension of the Black Diaspora:

Diet, Disease, Racism (1981).

Pieterse, Jan Nederveen. White On Black: Images of Africa and

Blacks in Western Popular Culture. (1992).

Trigger, B. G. Nubia under the Pharoahs. (1976).

Adams, William Y. Nubia: Corridor to Africa. (1978).


Harris, Joseph E. Pillars in Ethiopian History. The William Leo

Hansberry Notebook. Vol. 1. Washington, D.C.: Howard University

Press, 1974.

Bovill, E. W. The Golden Trade of The Moors. (1970). Revised Ed.

Blakely, Allison. Blacks in The Dutch World (1993).

. Russia And The Negro: Blacks in Russian History

And Thought (1986).

Debrunner, Hans W. Presence and Prestige in Europe: A History of

Africans in Europe before 1918 (1979).

*Harris, Joseph E. Africans in Asia: Consequences of The East

African Slave Trade (1971).

Levtzion, Nehemia. Ancient Ghana and Mali. (1973).

Saad, Elias N. Social History of Timbuktu. (1983).

*Sertima, Ivan Van. They Came Before Columbus. (19 ) and Nile

Valley Conference:Nile Valley Civilizations. (1985).

Snowden, Frank. Blacks in Antiquity. (1971).

Williams, Chancellor. The Destruction of Black Civilization.



History of Religion

Armstrong, Karen. A History of God: The 4000-Year Quest Of

Judaism, Christianity. and Islam (1996); an exciting and challenging former Nun and woman professor of theology. I watched her on Biography-A&E History cable. She is astounding!

Not for Book Report.

African and Slave Religion

Mbiti, John S. African Religions and Philosopies (1970; see revised addition).

Hountondji, Paul J. African Philosophy: Myth or Reality


*July, Robert. The Origins of Modern African Thought: Its

Development in West Africa during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. (1967).

Raboteau, Albert J. Slave Religion: the "Invisible" Institution in the Antebellum South (1978).

*Levine, Lawrence W. Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-

American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom (1975).

Hubbard, Dolan. The Sermon and the African American Literary

Imagination (1994).



Mintz, Sidney. Sweetness And Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern

History (1985). Great book on the subject of sugar and slavery.

Mirsky, Jeannette/Allan Nevins. The World of Eli Whitney, 'Father of Mass Production,' (1992).

Lewis, Bernard. Race and slavery in the Middle East: An

Historical Enquiry (1990).

Segal, Ronald. Islam's Black slaves: The Other Diaspora (2001).

Austin, Ralph A. "The Trans-Saharan Slave trade:a Tentative

Census[on 'the Numbers Game']" on "Reserve TJL Patton 082" and in

Gemery, Henry A./Jan S. Hogendern. eds. The Uncommon

Market:Essays in the Economic History of The Atlantic Slave Trade

(1979). Source Book.

Fisher, Allan G. B. & Humphery J. Fisher, Slavery and Muslim

Society in Africa:The Institution in Saharan and Sudanic Africa and the Trans-Saharan Trade (1971).***

*Davies, K. G. The Royal African Company (1970).

*Equiano, Olaudah. Gustavas Vasa, the Africa or Olaudah Equiano

Life and Narrative (1793; see also Paul Edwards, 1963).


*Alford, Terry. Prince Among Slaves: The True Story of An African

Prince Sold into Slavery in The American south (1977).

Lovejoy, Paul E. and Jan Hogendorn. Slow Death for Slavery:The

Course of abolition in Northern Nigeria, 1897-1936 (1993).

Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass

(Written by Himself)...classic autobiography from slavery to freedom (1892;1962).

Jones, Howard. Mutiny on The Amistad; Saga of a Slave Revolt and

Its Impact on American Abolition (1987).***

Genovese, Eugene D. From Rebellion To Revolution: Afro-American

Slave Revolts in The Making of The New World (1982).

. The World That The Slave Holders Made.


. Roll Jordan, Roll: The World The Slave

Holders Made (1976).

Schwartz, Stuart B. Sugar Plantations in the Formation of

Brazilian societies (1985).

Dunn, Richard S. Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies 1624-1713 (1973).


Debrunner, Hans W. Presence and Prestige in Europe: A History of

Africans in Europe before 1918 (1979).

*Davidson, Basel. Black Mother: The African Slave Trade (1960s or revised ed./Lloyds of London and insurance coverage of slave ships),

Bush, Barbara. Slave Women in Caribbean Society 1650-1838 (1990).

Midgley, Clare. Women Against Slavery: The British Campaigns

1780-1870 (1992).

Blackburn, Robin. The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery 1776-1848


Berlin, Ira. Slaves Without Masters: The Free Negro in The

Antebellum South (1974). See his most recent book!

Blassingame, John. Sambos and Rebels. (1972).

. Slave Testimony. (1977).

. The Slave Community (1972).

Littlefield, Daniel C. Rice and Slaves: Ethnicity and the Slave

Trade in Colonial South Carolina (1981).

James, C. L. R. The Black Jacobins (1963).


Bowser, Frederick. The African Slave in Colonial Peru 1524-1650


Hanke, Lewis. Bartolomé de Las Casas (1951); recommended Africans instead of Indians for slavery in Western Hemisphere.

Williams, Eric. Capitalism and Slavery (1943;1968, etc.).

Jordan, Winthrop. White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the

Negro, 1550-1812 (1968). Excellent.

*Pope-Hennessy, James. Sins of The Father: a Study of the

Atlantic Slave Traders, 1441-1807 (1968).

*Mannix, David P. Black Cargoes: A History of the Atlantic Slave

Trade 1518-1865 (1962).

*Freyre, Gilberto. The Masters and Slaves: A Study in The

Development of Brazilian Civilization (1946;1956).

Nascimento, Abdias Do. Racial Democracy in Brazil (1977).

*Dow, George F. Slavers and Slave Ships (1926).

*Curtin, Philip D. The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census (1969).

, ed., Africa Remembered: Narratives By West

Africans From The Era of The Slave Trade


McDaniel, Antonio. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: The Mortality Cost of Colonizing Liberia in the Nineteenth Century. (1995).

Miller, Joseph C. Way of Death: Merchant Capitalism and the

Angolan Slave Trade 1730-1830 (1988).

Miller, Randall M. "Dear Master": Letters of A Slave Family


*Savitt, Todd L. Medicine and Slavery: The Diseases and Health

Care of Blacks in Antebellum Virginia (1978).

Kolchin, Peter. American Slavery:1619-1877 (1993).

Campbell, Stanley W. The Slave Catchers: Enforcement of the

Fugitive Slave Law 1850-1860 (1968).

Mattoso, Katia M. de Queiros. To Be A Slave in Brazil. (1996).

Palmer, Colin. Slaves of the White Gods: Blacks in Mexico 1570-

1650 (1976).

Galenson, David. White Servitude in Colonial America: An Economic

Analysis (1981).

Gutman, Herbert G. The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750-



Daniel, Pete. The Shadow of Slavery: Peonage in the South, 1901-


Cash, W. J. The Mind of the South (1941)and revised ed.

*Silver, James W. (1907-1988, age 81) Mississippi: the Closed

Society. (1963, '64, '66).

Washington, Booker T. Up From Slavery: An American Autobiography

(1900;1956). ***

Harlan, Louis. Booker T. Washington: The Making of a Black

Leader, 1856-1901. Vol. 1 (19 ). ***

. Booker T. Washington: The Wizard of Tuskegee, 1901-

1915. Vol. 2 (19 ). ***

Higginbotham, A. Leon. Shades of Freedom: Racial Politics and

Presumptions of the American Legal Process, Vol. 2 (1996).

******* . In The Matter of Color: Race & The

American Legal Process: The Colonial Period, Vol. 1 (1978).

*Morgan, Edmond S. American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (1975).



Perceptions of Slavery after the Civil War (1865) and State

Sponsored de jure discrimination in the twentieth century U.S.A.

Grubbs, Donald H. Cry from the Cotton: The Southern Tenants

Farmers Union And The New Deal (1971); Missouri, Tennessee,

Arkansas, and Excellent.

Wilson, Jeremiah Moses. Creative Conflict in African American

Thought: Frederick Douglass, Alexander Crummell, Booker T.

Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey (2004).

Woodward, C. Vann. The Strange Career of Jim Crow (1966). "The

Bible of the Civil Rights Movement"--MLKJR

Logan, Rayford W. The Betrayal of the Negro: From Rutherford B.

Haynes to Woodrow Wilson (1954;1967).

****Silver, James W. Mississippi: the Closed Society. (1963, '64,

'66). He was fired at Ole Miss for writing this book .

******Oskinsky, David M. "Worse Than Slavery" Parchman Farm And

The Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice. (1996).

Baker, Ray Stannard, Following The Color Line: American Negro

Citizenship in the Progressive Era [1908] 1968. ("muckraking" and lynchings)


Litwack, Leon F. Been In The Storm So Long: The Aftermath of

Slavery. (1980).

****** . Trouble In Mind: Black Southerners In The

Age Of Jim Crow. (1998).


*Robinson, Randall. The Debt: What America Owes Blacks (2000).

See The Economist, April 13 th -19 th 2002 on “Slavery, guilt and the law:”15, 31 And 72; make special note of what Robert F. Folgel-—

University of Chicago Nobel Prize Winner in Economics—-has to say slave free labor and the dollars from 1870-1860 and about reparations cost in today’s dollars.

Shapiro, Thomas M., The Hidden Cost of Being African American

(2004); “Here’s a new chapter on disparity of wealth...Should tax code help blacks attain the unearned benefits enjoyed by whites?”–St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Arts & Entertainment/Books,

Sunday, February 15, 2004:F8.

Ogletree, Charles J. Jr.

All Deliberate Speed: Reflections on The First Half-Century of

Brown v. Board. (2004).


Hine, Darlene Clark and Jacqueline McLeod. eds. Crossing

Boundaries: Comparative History of Black People in Diaspora.

(1999); source book for consultation only. Consultation only.

Diedrich, Maria. Love Across Color Lines: Ottilie Assing and

Frederick Douglass. (1999).

The African American Elites and Behavior

(Edward A. Bouchet becomes the first black to earn the Ph.D. in

1876, first black to graduate from Yale. He late taught physics and chemistry to “Colored” youth.)

Frazier, E. Franklin. Black Bourgeoisie ( 1962, 1985,1990,1997,

[1957]). The Book That Brought The Shock Of Self-revelation To

Middle-Class Blacks In America!!!!!!!!!!!

Greene, Lorenzo J. Selling Black History for Carter G. Woodson: A

Diary, 1930-1933. With An Introduction by Arvarh E. Strickland


*****Crowwell, Adelaide M. An African Victorian Feminist: The

Life and Times of Adelaide Smith Casely Hayford 1868-1960 (1986).

Manning, Kenneth R. Black Apollo of Science: The Life and Times of Ernest E. Just (1983). Medical History and premier African-

American biologist.


***********Graham, Lawrence Otis. Our Kind of People: Inside

America's Black Upper Class (1999). Detestable (!) to some middle-class blacksMost Important Book on the Subject Since

Frazier's. Very Important Book.

Sollors, Werner, et al. Blacks at Harvard :A Documentary History of African-American Experience at Harvard and Radcliffe (1993).

*** Clark Hine, Darlene. Speak Truth To Power: Black Professional

Class In United States History (1996).

Mann, Kristin. Marrying Well: Marriage, Status and social Change among the Educational Elite in Colonial Lagos (1985).

Gatewood, Willard G. Aristocrats of Color: The Black Elite, 1880-

1920 (1993). Excellent.

Thornbrough, Emma Lou. The Negro In Indiana Before 1900: A Study of a Minority. (1993,[1957]). Excellent .

Stovall, Tyler. Paris Noir: African Americans in the City of

Light (1996).

*Cohen, William B. The French Encounter with Africans: White

Response to Blacks, 1530-1880. (1980).

*McCloy, Shelby. The Negro in France. (1961).


The "Return" To Africa

Hyman, Lester S. United States Policy Towards Liberia 1822 to

2003 (2003).

Cronon, Edmund D. Black Moses: Marcus Garvey and the Universal

Negro Improvement Association (1955).

Tolbert, Emory J. The UNIA And Black Los Angeles: Ideology and

Community in the American Garvey Movement (1980; Center for Afro-

American Studies, UCLA).

*Taylor, Ula. The Veiled Garvey: The Life and Times of Jacque

Garvey (2002).

Garvey, Amy Jacques-. Philosophy & Opinions of Marcus Garvey


HISTORY. See also Robert Hill on Garvey.

Sterling, Dorothy. Martin Robison Delaney: African Explorer,

Civil War Major, & Father of black Nationalism (1971).

Redkey, Edwin S. Black Exodus: Black Nationalist and Back-to

Africa Movements 1890-1910 (1969).

Shick, Tom W. Behold The Promised Land:A History of Afro-American

Settler Society in Nineteenth Century Liberia (1980).


Johnson, Charles S. Bitter Canaan: The Story of the Negro

Republic (1987, [1930]). (Liberia and slavery scandal; see recent book by Ibrahim Sundiata, Black Scandal).

Braithwaite, E. R. A Kind of Home Coming (1962); to Guinea, to

Sierra Leone, to Liberia, and to Ghana.

Delaney, M. R./Robert Campbell. Search for a Place: Black

Separatism and Africa,1860 (1960).

Holly, James Theodore/J. Dennis Harris, ed. Howard Bell. Black

Separatism And The Caribbean, 1860 (1970).

*Dimont, Max I. Jew, God and History (1962; see revised addition). The Classical Return in History.

*Turki, Fawa. The Disinherited: Journal of a Palestinian Exile

(1972). The Classical Return in History.


Andrews, George Reid. The Afro-Argentines of Buenos Aires 1800-

1900 (1980).

Black Hebrews: "The RETURN"

Barrett, Leonard. The Rastafarians (1977).


Kessler, David. The Falashas: The Forgotten Jews of Ethiopia


Kolchin, Peter. American Slavery:1619-1877 (1993).

Abrahams, Roger D. Singing the Master: The Emergence of African

American Culture in The Plantation South (1992).

Andrews, George Reid. Blacks and Whites In Sao Paulo Brazil 1888-

1988 (1991).

Baker, Houston A. Modernism And The Harlem Renaissance (1980s).

Banks, Wm. M. Black Intellectuals: Race and Responsibility in

American Life (1996).


Challengers to History of the Western and World Civilization

Collins, Robert O. The Waters of the Nile (1996).

*******Bernal, Martin. Black Athena: Afroasiatic Roots of

Classical Civilizations, Vol 1. The Fabrication of Ancient Greece

1785-1985 (1987) VS. Mary Lefkowitz, Not Out of Africa (1995) VS.

Molefi Kete Asante, Afrocentricity (1988;1992); Molefi,

"Afrocentric theory rooted in proven facts: attackers deny

53 obvious to booster racists notions." The Philadelphia Tribune ,

0p-Ed , Friday, May 17, 1996.


*Blakely, Allison. Blacks in The Dutch World (1993).

* . Russia And The Negro: Blacks in Russian

History And Thought (1986).

*Bolster, W. Jeffrey. Black Jacks: African American Seaman in the Age of Sail. (1997).

Boorstin, Daniel J. The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search

To Know His World And Himself (1985).

****(see James Burke, Connections (the ten inventions that changed the world), 1980.

*Callaway, Helen. Gender, Culture and Empire: European Women in

Colonial Nigeria (1987).

*Carmichel, Stokely(died as Kwame Ture)/Charles Hamilton. Black

Power: The Politics of Liberation (1967).

Carroll, Patrick J., Blacks in Colonial Veracruz: Race,

Ethnicity, and Regional Development (1991).


Chaudhuri, Nupur/Margaret Strobel. Western Women and

Imperialism: Complicity and Resistance (1992). Source Book Only

/David Barry Gaspar. Comparative History of

Black People: Conference Volume (forthcoming 1997). Source Book


***Clarke, John Henrik, ed. William Styron's Nat Turner: Ten

Black Writers Respond (1968). Styron’s book caused conflict and rejection among the African American elite in the 1960s ***

Cohen, David W./Jack P. Greene. Neither Slave nor Free: the

Freedom of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New

World (1972).

*****Crawford, Vicki L., etal, Women in The Civil Rights

Movement: Trailblazers & Torchbearers 1941-1965 (1993). Ditto

*Crosby, Alfred W. The Columbian Exchange: biological and

Cultural Consequences of 1492 (1972).

Cruse, Harold. The Crisis of The Negro Intellectual: Form Origins to The Present (1967).

Dadié, Bernard Binlin. African In Paris. (1959;1994).

*Davidson, Basil. The Black Man's Burden: Africa and the Curse of the Nation-State (1992).


*Diamond, Jaret. Guns, Germs, And Steel. (1997). Ditto

Dunn, D. Elwood/S. Byron Tarr. Liberia: A National Polity in

Transition (1988).

Epps, Charles H. Jr., etal. African American Medical Pioneers

(1994). ***

****(Sexuality) Fanon, Frantz. Black Skins, White Mask (1967).

Febvre, Lucien/Henri-Jean Martin. The Coming of the Book :The

Impact of Printing 1450-1800 [1958], 1976. Ditto

*Felder, Cain Hope. Troubling Biblical Waters: Race, Class, and

Family (1989). Black ministers are afraid of him!

W. E. B. Du Bois: The Quintessential American Intellectual

The Oppositional Thinkers! Think Transnationalism

Du Bois, W. E. B. The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study

(1899;1996); the first scientific study of African-Americans.

* . The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America 1638-1870 ([1896];1969). ***

* . The Souls of Black Folk (1903; see new edition).


. The World And Africa: An Inquiry into the part which Africa has played in world history ([1946],fourth printing


. The Negro. (1915).

**********(see David Levering Lewis, W. E. B. DuBois (Biography),

Vol 1 (1994) and Vol II (2001), both Pulitzer Prize winners and

Excellent Writing Style!

Lewis, David L. W. E. B. Du Bois: Biography of a Race, 1868-1919.

(1993). ***

Fredrickson, George M. White Supremacy: A Comparative Study in

American & South African History (1981).

. Black Liberation: A Comparative History of

Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa (1995).


Smith, Gerald L. A Black Educator In the Segregated South:

Kentucky’s Rufus B. Atwood (1994); President of Kentucky State

University, Frankfort, Ky., 1929-1962. Patton’s Alma Mater!

*Lynch, Hollis R. Edward Wilmot Blyden: 1832-Pan-Negro Patriot-

1912 (1974).


Litwack, Leon and August Meier, eds., Black Leaders of the

Nineteenth Century (1991). Ditto

Franklin, John Hope and August Meier. Black Leaders of the

Twentieth Century (1982). Ditto



Lynch, Hollis R. Edward Wilmot Blyden: 1832-Pan-Negro Patriot-

1912 (1974).

Sweetman, David. Women Leaders in African History (1984).***

*Obbo, Christine.African Women: Their Sruggle For Economic

Independence. (1980).

Winks, Robin. The Blacks in Canada: A History (1971).

Hinks, Peter P. To Awaken My Afflicted Brethren: David Walker and the Problems of Antebellum Slave Resistance (1996). ***

Franklin, John Hope, et al, eds. Black Leaders of the 2oth

Century (1982). Source Book Only.

Robbins, Richard. Sideline Activist: Charles S. Johnson in the

Struggle for Civil Rights (1996).


*Painter, Nell Irvin. Exodusters: Black Migration to Kansas after

Reconstruction (1976).

. Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol (1996).

*Garrow, David J. Bearing The Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr. And

The Southern Leadership Conference (1986).

D’Emilio, John. Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin


Carbado, Devon W. and Donald Weise. Time On Two Crosses: The

Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin. (2003).

Impact of Colonialism on Africa

*Mamdani, Mahmood. Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa And

The Legacy Of Late Colonialism (1996). Mamdani is a Ugandan citizen of Indian descent, the best thinker on this subject, and author of the best book on the subject in 2004.

Pan-Africanism and African Leadership Against Colonialism

*Langley, J. Ayodele. Pan-Africanism And Nationalism In West

Africa 1900-1945 (1973).


King, Kenneth James. Pan-Africanism And Education: A Study of

Race Philanthropy and Education in the Southern States of America and East Africa (1971).

Lynch, Hollis R. Edward Wilmot Blyden: 1832-Pan-Negro Patriot-

1912 (1974).

*Christianity, Islam, and the African Race By Dr. Edward W.

Bylden also Known As Abdul-ul-Karim , first published in 1887 , and republished in 1992.

*Hargraves, J. D. Decolonization in Africa (1988).

*Nkrumah, Kwame.

Autobiography (1963). *See Basil Davidson on


. Africa Must Unite (1963).

. Consciencism (1964).

. Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism


. Challenge of The Congo: A Case Study of Foreign

Pressures in an Independent African State (1967).

. Dark Days in Ghana (1968).


Janet G. Vailliant, Black, French, and African: A Life Of Léopold

Sénghor (1990).

*Nzongola-Ntalaja, George. The Congo: From Leopold To Kabila-A

People’s History (2002).

Modern African Economy, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa

Driessen, Paul. Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death (2004).

Lee, Margaret. The Political Economy of Regionalism in Southern

Africa (2003; Southern African Development Community (SADC).

*Keller, Edmond.

Revolutionary Ethiopia : From Empire to People’s




SEPTEMBER 12, 1974.

Adebajo, Adekeye. Liberia’s Civil War: Nigeria, ECOMOG, and

Regional Security in West Africa (2002).

Ellis, Stephen. The Mask of Anarchy: The Detruction of Liberia and the Religious Dimension of an African Civil war. (1999).

Stedman, Stephen John. Ending Civil Wars: The Implementation of

Peace Agreements. (2003).


Reno, William. Warlord Politics and African States. (1999).

Joseph, Richard. State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa.


*Hirsch, John L. Sierra Leone: Diamonds and the Struggle for

Democracy. (2001).

Shell-Ducan, Bettina and Ylva Hernlund. eds. Female

“Circumcision” in Africa: Culture, Controversy, and Change.


Kevane, Michael. Women and Development in Africa: How Gender

Works. (2003).

Howe, Herbert M. Ambiguous Order: Military Forces in African

States. (2001).


Meier, August. Negro Thought In America 1880-1915 (1968).

/Elliot Rudwick. Black History And The Historical

Profession 1915-1980) (1986).

Morris, Aldon D. The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement: Black

Communities Organzing for Change (1984).


McNeil, Genna Rae. Groundwork: Charles Hamilton Houston and the

Struggle for Civil Rights (1983): The Dean of African American



Geiss, Imanuel. The Pan.African Movement: A History of Pan-

Africanism In America, Europe, And Africa (1968).

Gilroy, Paul. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double

Consciousness (1993).

Hacker, Andrew. Two Nations: Black And White, Separate, Hostile,

Unequal (1992). Excellent and first book of its kind since the economist and Swedish Gunnar Myrdal wrote the WWII, 2 vols, The

American Dilemma on "race."

Harris, Joseph E. African-American Reactions To War In Ethiopia

1936-1941. (1994).

Scott, William R. The Sons Of Sheba's Race: African-Americans And

The Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1941 (1993).

Hastings, . The Church in Africa 1450-1950 (19 ). ***

Harris, Joseph E. Africans in Asia: Consequences of The East

African Slave Trade (1971).


. Global Dimension of the African Diaspora (1992;

2nd ed.). Source Book.


Lugard, Lord. The Dual Mandate In British Tropical Africa (The classical model for the making of colonial Nigeria and other

British territories [1922], 1964).

*Rudin, Harry R. Germans In The Cameroons–1884-1914–A Case Study in Modern Imperialism ([1938] 1968).

Headrick, Daniel R. The Tools of Empire: Technology and European

Imperialism in the 19th Century (1991).

*Rodney, Walter. How Europe Undeveloped Africa (1974); compare with "How the 'surbanization movement' undeveloped I-City " (the

Inner City!).

Rotberg, Robert I. The Founder: Cecil Rhodes And The Pursuit Of

Power (1988).

McCullough, Jock. Colonial Psychiatry And The African Mind


McClintock, Anne. Imperial Leather: Race, Gender And Sexuality In

The Colonial Contest (1996). ***


Haynes, Douglas. Imperial Medicine: Patrick Manson And The

Conquest of Tropical Disease (2001). (Making colonialism possible).

H. L. Wesseling. translated by Arnold J. Pomerans. Divide And

Rule: the Partition of Africa, 1880-1914 (1996). Use of by

Mature student.

Patton, Adell Jr. Physicians, Colonial Racism, and Diaspora in

West Africa (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1996).

Hargreaves, J. D. Decolonization in Africa (1988).

Boahen, A Adu. African Perspectives on Colonialism (1987).


Higginbotham, Everlyn Brooks. Righteous Discontent. (1994).

Hodges, Tony, et al, Sao Tomé And Principe: From Plantation

Colony to Microstate (1988).

Jenkins, David. Black Zion: The Return of Afro-Americans and West

Indians to Africa (1975).

Kinshasa, Kwando M. Emigration vs. Assimilation: The Debate in the African American Press, 1827-1861 (1988).


Langley, J. Ayodele. Pan-Africanism And Nationalism In West

Africa 1900-1945 (1973).

Lemoine, Maurice. Bitter Sugar: Slaves Today in the Caribbean


Lemann, Nicholis. The Promised Land: The Great Black Migration

And How It Changed America (1991). ***

Lewis, Marvin. Afro-Argentine Discourse: Another Dimension of the

Black Diaspora (1996).

Lincoln, C. Eric, etal, The Black Church in the African American

Experience (1990).

* . The Black Muslims in America (1961; see revised ed.). Best book on subject.

Marshall, Herbert/Mildred Stock. Ira Aldrige: The Negro Tragedian


Mathabane, Mark. Kaffir Boy: The True Story of A Black Youth's

Coming of Age in Apartheid in South Africa (1987). Ditto


McCloud, Amina Beverly. African American Islam (1995); see also

Clyde Clegg on this subject.


McDaniel, Antonio. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: The Mortality Cost of Colonizing Liberia in the Nineteenth Century (1995).

McNeill, Wm. H. Plagues and Peoples (1977).

Nicholls, . From Dessalines to Duvalier: Race, Color in Haiti



Oestreich, Alan E. A Centennial History of African Americans in

Radiology. National Medical Association, Washington, D. C.

(1995). ***

Opoku-Dapaah, E. Adaptation of Ghanaian Refugees in Toronto


. Somali Refugees in Toronto (1995).

Ott, Thomas O. The Haitian Revolution 1789-1804 (1987).

Owusu, T. "The Adaptation of Black African Immigrants in Canada:

A Case Study of Residential Behavior and Ethnic Community

Formation Among Ghanaians in Toronto." (Ph.D. Dissertation,

University of Toronto, Department of Geography, 1996.


Pothay, Adam, etal, eds. Black Atlantic Writers of the 18th

Century: Living The New Exodus in England and The Americas


Quarles, Benjamin. The Negro in the American Revolution (1961).

Rifkin, Jeremy. Time Wars: the Primary Conflict in Human History


Route, Leslie Jr. The African Experience in Spanish America: 1502 to the Present Day (1976). Source Book.

Sharpe, Wm. F. Slavery on the Spanish Frontier: the columbian

Choco: 1680-1810 (1976).

Staniland, Martin. American Intellectuals and African

Nationalists, 1955-1970 (1991).

Terborg-Penn, Rosalyn, ed. Women In Africa and the Diaspora

(1987). Source Book.

Thorton, John. Africa and Africans in The Making of The Atlantic

World, 1400-1680 (1992).

Williams, . Rethinking Race. Univ. of Ky. Press (1996)...Boas,

Du Bois, etc. ***


*Wilson, Wm. Julius. When Work Disappears (in the Chicago ghetto!), 1996.

. The Declining Significance of Race (1980).

Woodson, Carter G. The Mis-Education of the Negro ([1933];1990).

Wright, Charles H. The National Medical Association Demands Equal

Opportunity: Nothing, More Nothing Less, Charro Book Company,

Inc., Southfield, Mi. (1995). ***


"Constructing Race Issue." William And Mary Quarterly, Vol. LIV:1

(Jan. 1997)...'curse' of Ham, etc. ***

