Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. Policy Name Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Policy Group Educational Policies > Students > Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy Reference Number ED.01.02.04 – 008 Purpose This policy is in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 and all relevant codes of practice. It is expected that all students will adhere to the requirements of the “Act” and comply with its requirements. Where relevant this policy should be read in conjunction with related CIT policies including the following WHS policies: Emergency Planning and Response, First Aid, Infection Control, Work Health & Safety Arrangements Policy, Prevention of Bullying in the Workplace, in conjunction with the following associated Student policies: Anti-Bullying and Harassment and Unsatisfactory Behaviors’ policy. Scope This policy encompasses the roles and responsibility of students. Definitions Accident Incident Reporting Accidents” and “Incidents” include any: • workplace event that endangers the health or safety of a person • workplace event that results in injury. All accidents or incidents must be reported, the teacher must complete the AIR on behalf of the student. All AIR to be sent to the WHS team. Officers (WHS Act 2011) In CIT the following positions have been identified as officers; Chief Executive, Executives, College Directors. However other individuals within CIT may also be considered officers. An officer can also be a person who makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of a business or undertaking of the Territory. Person in control of a business or undertaking Person conducting a Business or Undertaking has the primary duty of care in relation to health and safety of workers. A ‘person’ is defined in laws dealing with interpretation of legislation to include a body corporate (company), unincorporated body or association and a partnership. Accordingly, CIT is identified as the PCBU. Personal Protective Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is safety clothing and equipment for specified circumstances or areas, where the nature of the work involved or the conditions Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 1 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. Equipment (PPE) under which people are working, requires its wearing or use for their personal protection to minimise risk. Safe Work Procedures Methods, systems and organisations of work (including hazard identification and control procedures, appropriate training, tools and equipment etc.) to ensure the safety, and absence of risk to health, of all individuals involved in doing the work. Work Health and Safety The prevention of injury, ill health and disease arising from exposure to occupational hazards by providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. Worker A person is a worker if the person carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking, including work as – an employee, contractor or subcontractor, apprentice, volunteer. Workplace The legal definition of workplace includes any work activity, a work organised social activity and work outside the physical boundaries of the work site. WHS ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The CIT is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its staff, students, contractors and visitors in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Arrangements Policy. The policy provides information and resources to enable all those working within the CIT carry out their WHS responsibilities. The CIT expects students to comply with the Work Health and Safety policies, procedures and guidelines, and to conduct themselves in a safe manner and not place themselves or others at risk. All staff, students, contractors and visitors are expected to: comply with the Work Health and Safety Arrangements Policy conduct all research and teaching in a safe manner that ensures no harm can come to other persons, property or the environment cooperate with CIT in the development, implementation and maintenance of safe working procedures and practices participate in all levels of training programs immediately report hazards and incidents actively participate in sustaining the safety culture at CIT. RISK MANAGEMENT WHS risk management is the process of hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control with the aim of providing healthy and safe conditions for staff, students, visitors and contractors at CIT. Hazard: A hazard is a source of potential harm or a situation with the potential to cause harm to people, property or the environment. Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 2 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. Risk: A risk is the chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives. It is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood. In the WHS context, risk should be thought of as the WHS consequence of a given severity, and the likelihood of that particular consequence occurring. Consequence: The specific consequences of an event occurring. Likelihood: The chance of the consequences of an event. Risk Rating: The process that produces a risk level for the activity. This is a combination of the consequence of a risk and the likelihood those consequences will occur. MANUAL HANDLING POLICY Students are asked to exercise care when lifting heavy objects. Loads should be carried such that the weight is transferred to the legs rather than to the back. As a rule of thumb, individuals should seek help if they are unable to lift. SMOKING POLICY In order to mitigate the effects of passive smoking, smoking is also banned in the vicinity of air intakes, building entrances, external doors and windows that are regularly opened and semienclosed thoroughfares. Refer to Smoke free workplace policy. ERGONOMIC GUIDELINES One of the main aims of designing effective, safe work systems and processes is to avoid the development of musculoskeletal injuries or discomfort associated with work. Should discomfort arise, early intervention to address health, safety or comfort concerns in the office environment is vital to ensuring the best chance at resolution and can only be achieved through effective communication between all parties. ACCIDENT REPORTING All injuries (minor or major) must be reported to the area supervisor or teacher present at site. Students should understand that the purpose of reporting and documenting accidents is not to assign blame, but to determine the cause of the accident so that similar incidents may be prevented in the future. The CIT is required by legislation to report details of any injuries incurred by students at work. Liability and insurance matters will be handled more effectively if initial accident documentation exists. Taking corrective action as a result of a minor accident may prevent a major incident from happening. Without knowledge of all minor accidents, the desirable investigation is circumvented. All accidents or incidents must be reported and the teacher or supervisor must complete the electronic AIR form on behalf of the student. The AIR must be completed and emailed to the WHS team within 48 hours WorkplaceHealth and Accidents” and “Incidents” include any: • workplace event that endangers the health or safety of a person Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 3 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. • workplace event that results in injury. FIRST AID Numerous staff members are trained as First Aid Officers and can be called upon for assistance in the event of an injury. The nominated First Aid Officer keeps first aid equipment. The first aid kit should not be misused and not subject to abuse or pilfering. *In case of a Medical Emergency the student’s guardian or next of kin may need to be contacted. Please ensure that students update their emergency contact numbers in Banner. PERSONAL HEALTH Students should be immunized against Tetanus and Hepatitis B. Q Fever vaccination is recommended for all veterinary students and those Agriculture students who work with animals and those who work in abattoirs, with meat etc. Refer to Public Health alerts on the ACT Government Health Directorate for further information. MEDICAL CONDITIONS Some students may have medical conditions that impact on possible first aid treatment, eg. epilepsy, diabetes, allergies and heart disease. Where students who have a medical condition and who may require the assistance of CIT while studying at the institute they must provide a medical management plan from their treating doctor. It is prudent to inform relevant staff members or nominated First Aid Officer of such conditions. It would be useful if this information was also supplied to the head of department in the respective cluster. All such medical information will be treated strictly as confidential. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Where students are exposed to hazardous substance they must be made aware of the harmful properties and including advice regarding the safe handling of the substance. Safety data sheets should be provided. A CIT staff member must supervise all activities where hazardous substances (Chemicals) are used. ELECTRICAL SAFETY Ensure that you conduct a risk assessment prior to a work activity. All electrical equipment must include an electrical test tag. This tag must display the date that it has been tested and the date of when the next test is due. Never use an electrical appliance where the test date has been exceeded. Check the condition of the equipment prior to use and including the condition of electrical leads. If you feel that the equipment is unsafe contact your supervisor for further information. Do not use electrical equipment near water. All requests for electrical work, both minor repairs and new installations, should be made to your supervisor; they will make an appropriate arrangement. Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 4 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. All electrical appliances should be tagged to indicate that the equipment has been checked and passed a test for electrical safety refer to ASNZ 3760:2010 Electrical testing and tagging Residual current device (RCD) must be used with electrical appliances Please report to your area supervisor/lecturer if you noticed any untagged portable electrical appliance. Students are not allowed to do any electrical related repair work. GUIDELINES FOR DISPOSAL OF GLASS AND SHARPS Glass and sharps must be disposed of properly to prevent cuts and adverse health effects from contaminated glass and sharps. Sharps containers should conform to AS4031-1992. Guidance on routine disposal of ordinary glass and correct disposal of glassware and sharps from laboratories can be obtained by contacting the Facilities Management campus manager. ANIMAL WELFARE Work conducted with live animals is a privilege and the welfare of the animal must be considered at all times. The Institute places great importance on animal welfare. All employees/students are expected to uphold a high standard of animal care. Cruelty of any type will not be tolerated. To avoid injury to the animal and worker, care should be exercised when working with any type of animals. Refer to the CIT Animal Policy. STUDENT INDUCTION The Induction process is applicable to all students, visitors and volunteers. Personnel who transfer to new work areas, who are allocated new tasks, and those who are to perform any task not previously undertaken must receive suitable and adequate information, instruction and training for any task that they may be required to perform. Student inductions may include: General induction Workshops Site specific External journeys Off - site workshops and businesses (interstate). NON – COMPLIANCE OF SAFETY DUTY Where a student is believed to put themselves or other at risk and is behaving in a reckless manner they may be excluded from the activity. Principles 1. CIT recognises that the health, safety and welfare of its staff and students are of primary importance. 2. A Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) - is described as a person conducting the business alone or with others, having health and safety responsibility as far is reasonably practicable for all workers providing services including those contracted and hired through labour hire organisations. In terms of the new legislation CIT is considered a PCBU. Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 5 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. 3. All students shall undertake a general induction at CIT. Where a student is to undertake study or work in an environment where there may be exposure to hazardous work, chemicals, plant and equipment, laboratories or in areas not controlled by CIT a specific induction must be undertaken. The educational area has the responsibility of providing an induction to students. 4. Teachers are responsible for providing information, training and supervision of students while they are participating in activities provided by CIT. 5. Colleges are responsible for the development of safe work practices and safety procedures in classrooms, workshops or outdoor learning environments for specific work areas. 6. Whilst involved in any workplace activity, CIT staff are expected to promote the health and safety of students by modelling safe work practices and abide by the CIT Drug and Alcohol policy. 7. Students who do not comply with safe work practices/safety procedures, or whose behaviour is unsatisfactory according to the CIT policy, may be excluded from participating in a learning activity on or off campus. 8. CIT Human Resources is responsible for the development of checklists and presentation material pertaining to WHS requirements. Note: It is imperative that staff check the procedures section of the policy. Delegations Delegation Manual Delegation Number Delegation Delegate Educational 9.02 Approve College based safe work practice and safe working procedures College Director GM CIT Solutions Educational 9.03 Approve excursions or off campus visits by students for a subject owned by their College College Director GM CIT Solutions Head of Department Executive Endorsement Version Number Date Endorsed by BOM or Chief Executive / Director 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 11 May 2000 16 August 2001 24 September 2003 12 June 2008 November 2010 6 December 2011 17 June 2013 January 2014 Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Review Process (Initial Policy, Major Review or Minor Amendment) Initial Policy Major Review Major Review Major Review Minor Amendment Minor Amendment Major Review Minor Amendment Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 6 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. Review Date This Policy is due for review by June 2017 or when changes to work practices or the Authority Source noted below render the policy out of date. Minor amendments do not alter the review date. Documentation Authority Source Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (ACT) Work Health & Safety Regulation 2011 (ACT) Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) 1. CIT policy: Students Under 18 Years of Age 2. CIT Policy: Drug and Alcohol Policy 3. CIT Policy: Unsatisfactory Student Behaviour Related Documents Supporting Guide Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) Accountabilities Policy Owner (Lead Coordinator: Deputy Chief Executive Responsible for major review and any amendments and recommends sign off by the Chief Executive Contact Officer (Responsible for Director, CIT Student Services input and advice to the policy) Mandatory Consultation I approve this policy. ____________________________________ Chief Executive ____________________________________ Date Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 7 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 8 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. PROCEDURES College develops safe work practices/safety procedures for specific class/workshop/outdoor learning activity in line with CIT WHS practices. College displays written safe work practices/safety procedures in classrooms/workshops. Prior to specific activity teachers provide written safe work practices/safety procedures to all students. Staff behaviour promotes student health and safety. Teachers instruct all students in safe work practices/safety procedures relevant to the learning activity. Safe work practices and safety procedures are implemented by teaching staff in their teaching areas classrooms/workshops/outdoor activities conducted on or off campus. Students are excluded from learning activities if they do not comply with the specified health and safety requirements including wearing of Personal Protective Equipment. Teaching staff must report any situation where health and safe work practices/procedures are not being met to the College Director. Teacher/student to report any accident / injury or health hazard to Campus Manager or relevant teacher within 24 hours. Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 9 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. CIT Student General WH&S Induction Checklist This checklist is to be completed by the student and teacher at an orientation session or at the beginning of the first class. The class teacher is to ensure that new students understand their responsibilities while they are at the Canberra Institute of Technology. Student Name CIT Student Number Programme Name CIT CRN Check Check 1.1 1.2 Introduction Outline of the program of study. Requirements of the subject/s. 4.1 4.2 1.3 Subject Guide. 4.3 1.4 Essential texts and workbooks. 4.4 1.5 Keeping of class roll books and reporting absences of apprentices. 4.5 1.6 Other requirements. 4.6 2.1 2.1 Learning Environment Orientation Classroom/Learning area – tour. Computer workstation ergonomics. 5.1 5.2 2.3 Location of toilets. 5.3 2.4 Locker and change rooms. 5.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Location of drinking water. Access to and security of buildings. Safety and security of students. 5.5 5.6 5.7 2.8 2.9 Restricted areas/Workshop Inductions. Mobile phones to be turned off in class. 6.1 6.2 Student Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Appropriate clothing for general classrooms and learning areas. 6.3 3.2 Specified protective clothing e.g. dust coat/overalls/work attire. 6.5 3.3 3.4 Approved safety shoes or boots. Eye protection/safety glasses. 6.6 6.7 3.5 Hearing protection. 3.1 6.4 Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Emergency Procedures Evacuation tones and warnings. What to do in an emergency (e.g. ph 000).* Emergency exits and assembly areas. Awareness to not use lifts in emergencies. Follow all instructions of teachers and wardens. Stay in the assembly area. How and where to get first aid treatment. Student Responsibilities Follow instructions and training. Adhere to all student policies (online). Not disrupt the learning of other students. Anti-bullying and harassment policy. Drug and Alcohol policy. Smoke free workplace policy. Dedicated smoking area locations. General Work Health & Safety General learning area housekeeping. Computer workstation ergonomics. Manual handling of heavy and unstable items. Risk assessments and controls (For general classroom/learning area). Safe handling and storage of chemicals. Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDS). Location of Safety Data Sheets. Use Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 10 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. 3.6 3.7 Hand protection/gloves. Other PPE Head protection where required. 7.1 3.8 Hi-visibility safety clothing or vest. 7.2 3.9 Sunscreen for outdoor activities. Reporting Students must report all accidents. Students must report defective equipment. I have undertaken the CIT Student General Induction and I agree that I am to abide by all of the responsibilities including Work Health and Safety requirements. Signed by student ___________________________ Date Teacher name ______________________________Initial of teacher ______________ Date / / / / * If using a CIT phone, dial ‘0’ for an outside line then ‘000’. Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 11 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. CIT Workshop WH&S Induction Checklist This checklist is to be completed by the student and teacher at an orientation session or at the beginning of the first workshop class. The class teacher is to ensure that new students understand their responsibilities while in a workshop or laboratory at the Canberra Institute of Technology. (Students are to tick each box as instruction is given.) Student Name CIT Student Number Program Name CIT CRN Check 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Introduction Welcome to practical workshop/tour Requirements of students to work in a safe manner at all times in workshops. Check 5.1 5.2 Students are not to use or interfere with any equipment without training and approval. Identify any special requirements of a student (Language/Disability). 5.3 Expected behaviour of students in workshops. No harassment/bullying. 5.5 Access to Workshop or Laboratory Workshop access times and dates. 5.4 6.1 A teacher must be present at all times. Building security and locking up Appropriate PPE must be worn in workshops. Facilities 6.2 6.3 6.4 Location of toilets, hand washing/hygiene. Location of drinking water/No eating. Location of first aid resources. Restricted access areas. Emergency Planning Location of emergency information board Emergency number 000. * Emergency alarm warnings. Evacuation procedures / fire drill. Emergency assembly area. What to do in an emergency? Take bags and follow teacher or warden. Fire fighting equipment, location, training. How to find first aid officers. 6.6 6.5 6.7 Student Responsibilities Follow all training and instructions Adhere to the CIT Drug and Alcohol policy. Smoke-free workshops and classrooms. Only use equipment after training and with teacher supervision. Report defects. Work in a safe manner towards self and others at all times. Report Injuries/hazards/defective equipment. Correctly wear special PPE such as welding masks, goggles, respirators etc. as required. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Wear required clothing e.g. overalls, dust coats, approved work attire. Wear approved safety shoes or boots. Wear safety glasses when directed to Use hearing protection when appropriate. Wear appropriate gloves when necessary. Use sun protection, hat when outdoors. 7.1 7.2 7.3 Wear hard hat and high-visual clothes. General Work Health and Safety General workshop housekeeping. Cleaning up spills and waste disposal. Location of eye wash and shower. 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Manual handling and lifting equipment. Hand tool safety. Power tool safety. Specific machinery operation safety. Risk Assessments and Controls. 7.9 Safe handling and storage of Chemicals Location of Safety Data Sheets (SDS). Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS). 7.10 7.11 Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 12 of 13 Date updated: January 2014 Printed copies of this policy are not controlled. Always check the SIS to ensure this information is accurate. I have undertaken the CIT student workshop induction and I agree to abide by all of the responsibilities including Work Health and Safety requirements. I agree to follow any instructions and written safety procedures that are given by my teacher at CIT. Signed by student _______________________________ Date Teacher name _________________________Signature __________________________ Date / / / / * If using a CIT phone, dial ‘0’ for an outside line then ‘000’. Work Health and Safety of Students Policy Contact officer: Director, CIT Student Services Date created: 11 May 2000 Page 13 of 13 Date updated: January 2014