Minutes of Group Leaders Meeting 17th and 24th March 2015

Compilation of Minutes from the Group Leaders' Meetings 17 th and 24th of March 2015
1. Present - 29 Groups were represented over the two sessions
David Scott (Architecture for Fun) Brenda McKenzie (Badminton 2) Jane Jones (Beginners' Bridge, Holidays,
Welsh) David Kearney (Book Club 1) Ann Carr (Book Club 2) Colin Bennett (Computing) John Ramsden (easy
Riders) Phil Hughes (Cycling) Marj Atlay and Sylvia Adams (Day Trips) Tony Atlay (Digital Cameras) Brian Leach
(Discussion) Bill Howarth (Film Club) David Ward ( French & French Political History) Ann Raw & Barbara
Short (Gardening) John Jackson (Glass Workshop/Family History) Denis Stevens (Local History) Eric Jones
(Painting) Tony Snape (Philosophy) John Lea (Poetry) Ian Gent (Nordic Walking) Phil Davidson (Table Games)
Shelia Merry (Tai- Chi) Carolyn Comaish (Table Tennis Tuesday) George Dobie (Table Tennis Friday) Frank
Woods (Technology) Maureen Collier (Textiles) Pat Kelly , Ena Winchester and Ann Unsworth (Theatre) and
Bill Langham (Walking)
Wanda Leach ( Chair) David Allen (Vice Chair) Clive walker (Treasurer) Frank Mercer (Assistant Treasurer)
2. Apologies Received from Rhoda Myers, Geoff Keans, Ted Grant, Irene Harris , Joan Martin and Marge
3. Items from the Committee
a. Group Leaders' Handbook
Copies of the updated group Leaders' handbook were distributed to each of the groups. A summary of the
contents was given and Leaders asked to look through the handbook at their own convenience. Additional
copies can be downloaded from our website. Jane Jones stated that the Handbook was not set in stone but
as a working document it was hoped it would be used as is for a few years before an update might be needed.
b. Group Leaders' Webpage
The Group Leaders' handbook can now be accessed online. All policies and forms such as Accident and
Holiday requests can also be found and downloaded online. A discussion was held about the nature of Risk
Assessments and how much Group Leaders should do. Jane then briefly explained what is needed in Risk
Assessment. Common sense should prevail and the format outlined in the Group Leaders Handbook should be
followed. It was pointed out that it was initially the responsibility of the committee to check out venues. Tony
Atlay agreed but the day to day responsibility must be with the Group Leader. Wanda emphasised the point
that a reasonable amount of care is what is appropriate and each group will be different. Workshops and
Walking groups will need special attention.
David Ward asked where a record of attendance should be kept. It was stated that this was up to each Group
Leader. Bill Langham outlined the point that the Walking Group did not know how many members would
turn up on the day of a walk and at present they just took a head count. Wanda and Jane explained that a list
of attendees must be taken on the day to comply with the needs of Risk Assessment and it was pointed out
that this applies to all groups. the walking group was asked to look at the Walking Risk assessment sheet as
suggested by the Third Age Trust. Marge Atlay pointed out the difference between risk and a hazard.
c. Membership
Group Leaders were asked to pick up membership renewal forms for any members of their groups who were
never able to come to a Coffee Morning. By providing a list of these members and handing it to Clare Baxter
they would be given the correct printed forms. This does not replace the Tuesday morning renewals system
but supports it.
Brian Leach requested a clarification as to why there was a need for each group to provide a list of members
for the membership renewal. Jane explained it was needed to ease the load on Tuesday mornings as a check
can be made of members in each group that have not renewed and a filled in form with details can then be
given to Group Leader to give to member to sign and renew.
John Lea asked how could you determine if a member had current membership, Wanda pointed out that the
colour of the Membership Card changes each year. Wanda also suggested that all Group Leaders should use
this to do a check at the end of April when renewals will have finished. David Ward asked for clarification on
the point of existing members trying out a new group, did they have to pay. It was agreed they did.
There followed a discussion on who has access to the Membership Data Base. It was stated that this was on a
need to know basis, and if a Group Leader has a genuine need then specific information can be given.
Colin Bennett asked if a note could be placed in the next News Letter reminding members to carry their
membership card at all times. This was agreed too.
d. Treasurer
Clive was unavailable for the first of the group Leaders' meetings but was there to take us through the changes
in the second round of meetings. All groups should hand in their accounts by the end of March. Even groups
who do not charge etc must hand in a nil return to the treasurer. Groups that have their last meeting before
the end of the month should hand in their accounts a.s.a.p. whilst those with a meeting to go should hand
theirs in straight after the last meeting. Clive said he was willing to pick up any accounts, from Gardening for
example, himself.
New cash books will be handed out for use with the new financial year. The Treasurer has stamped these
books with all the relevant weeks in the U3A calendar. Ann Raw asked how refunds were to be dealt with and
the Treasurer explained that these would come out of the daily running of each group. The cash book was to
show monies paid in to the Treasurer. All Leaders can carry on keeping their own set of accounts along side
the cashbook. This system will mean that all Leaders will know exactly how much cash they have in credit with
the Treasurer Brenda McKenzie suggested that after one month it might be a good idea to have a look at the
cashbooks and see how they were working. Clive pointed out that this change was to try and create a more
uniform accounting system as currently some 40 groups send in their accounts written in 40 different ways
and it takes the Treasurer a great deal of time to sort the accounts out. A starting balance will be given by
Clive to each group.
Items from Group Leaders
(i) Defibrillators - Following a discussion at Committee it was stated that it was up to venue management and
not our groups to provide these if seen fit. If in the future we purchase one for Coffee Mornings training will
be needed. Tony Atlay thought we should have some people trained up in Heart Massage for Coffee
(ii) Ian Gent referred to an accident on a walk and pointed out with a group of up to 30 walkers it can get
spread out and leaders at front middle have communication difficult. He requested that a set of 'Walkie
Talkies' should be purchased. It was agreed that this be put to the Committee. Following the last Committee
meeting it was agreed that a set of three 'walkie talkies' would be purchased. These will become part of the
U3A inventory and available for use by all groups.
(iii) Phil Davidson brought the meeting's attention to the potential problems with two venues, groups might
have to deal with. Wanda pointed out that these issues were on the agenda for the Committee meeting later
this week.
(iv) John Jackson passed on a message from Lydiate Community Centre requesting that groups using the
centre stick to their booked times and do not start early or finish later.
(v) Colin Bennett had some concern about Data Protection as he held some data on members of Technology
Group [ names, tel, E mail ] if people do not turn up he does not know if they are still members. The meeting
suggested he consult Membership Team who should be able to provide him with the information he needs.
(vi) John Ramsden brought up Health and safety concerns re: the easy Riders and the Cycling Group. Can we
insist that all members wear a helmet and bright clothing? As it is not a legal requirement to wear a helmet
or bright clothing no one was certain as to our position. Phi Hughes and John Ramsden were asked to contact
Lin Jonas at The Third Age Trust to get clarification on the point.
Bill Howarth proposed a vote of thanks to Jane for all the time and effort she has put in producing the Group
Leaders Handbook and there being no other businesses the meeting closed at 12:26pm.