Diamond Harbour School Annual Plan 2014 1. Progress Strategic KPIs: All children show progress against the National Standards. 90% of children are achieving National Standards. Historic perspective: Our end of year data (EOY) 2013 indicated 74% of children were working at the national standard in writing. Changing cohorts and children coming to and leaving our school have impacted our data. By year end, 2014, we want 80% of our children at the national standard in writing. Annual Target: Each year group has a set target for 2014 and teachers are expected to report at the end of each term on the progress of each cohort towards the EOY target and on the strategies they are using to accelerate progress. (See below.) Baseline data (EOY 2013) After one year at school: No data as at entry level After two years at school: Currently 77% of children are achieving national standard in writing. After three years at school: Currently 73% of children are achieving national standard in writing. Year Four: Currently 88% of children are achieving at the national standard in writing. Year Five: Currently 75% of children are achieving at the national standard in writing. Year Six: Currently 60% of children are at the national standard in writing. Year Seven: Currently 57% of children are at the national standard in writing. Year Eight: Currently 77% of children at the national standard in writing. EOY Data 2014 Year One: 80% of children at National Standard. After two years at school: 83 % of children will be achieving at the national standard in writing. After three years at school: 80% of children will be achieving at the national standard in writing. Year Four: 94% of children will be achieving at the national standard in writing. Year Five: 92% of children will be achieving at the national standard in writing. Year Six: 70% of children will be achieving at the national standard in writing. Year Seven: 64% of children will be achieving at the national standard in writing. Year Eight: 82% of children will be achieving at the national standard in writing. 1. Progress Strategic KPIs: All children show progress against the national standards. 90% of children are achieving at the national standards. Historic perspective: We analysised our writing data from last year and noted that children were performing poorly on the spelling and punctuatioin aspects of the AsTTle writing assessments. (Surface features) These scores were generally lower than their deeper writing features. Following this work we researched a range of spelling programmes, both phonics and whole language based programmes and have devised a programme based on recent best practice and plan to implement it in 2014. Annual target: To improve AsTTLe spelling levels of all children in the school. Baseli Year 3: Currently 28% of children have a spelling level EOY Year 3: Only 14% of children will have a spelling level below the ne below the expected AsTTLe spelling level. 2014 expected AsTTLe spelling level. data Year 4: Currently 35% of children have a spelling level Year 4: Only 14% of children will have a spelling level below the 2014 below the expected AsTTLe spelling level. expected AsTTLe spelling level. Year 5: Currently 30% of children have a spelling level Year 5: Only 15% of children will have spelling level below the below the expected AsTTLe spelling level. expected AsTTLe spelling level. Year 7: Currently 37 % of children have a spelling level Year 7: Only 20 % of children have a spelling level below the below the expected AsTTLe spelling level. expected AsTTLe spelling level. Year 8: Currently 60% of children have a spelling level Year 8: 35% of children will have a spelling level below the below the expected AsTTLe spelling level. expected AsTTLe spelling level. Annual Target: Implement a school wide spelling programme devised from recent best practice. Actions Cost Time Review Teachers implement school wide spelling programme that models best Teacher P.D Reviewed practice. $1000 fortnightly for first term. Teachers in syndicates evaluate spelling programme fortnightly to ensure Fortnightly. the programme is meeting the needs of the children, is interrelated with reading and writing and the children are using spelling words and processes and independently. 1. Progress Strategic KPIs: All children show progress against the national standards. 90% of children are achieving at the national standards. Students with special needs are supported in their learning so that they can progress in relation to The New Zealand Curriculum and fully participate in and contribute to their school and community. Historic Perspective: We have 10 children in Years 5-8 who are just at standard. They need to work hard to maintain standard and as a staff we are concerned that without significant teacher input they will struggle to maintain their levels. There is also a group of 8 children who with increased application and teacher time will be able to move from just below standard to at standard. Lifting these 8 children will improve our overall achievement data. Annual Target: 8 children from Years 5-8 who are not at standard in writng meet the national standard by year end. 10 children who are currently meeting standard, maintain this by year end. Actions Cost Time Review Children in groups of 9 are withdrawn for writing sessions with a teacher, 4 7.5 teacher Children in groups days a week. hours per reviewed each week. term. 1. Progress Strategic KPI: All Maori and Pasifika children are achieving at standard. Annual Target: All Maori and Pasifika children are achieving at standard in writing. Actions Cost Maori and Pasifika children who are not at standard are included in writing Teacher support groups. time as above. Time Term review. 1. Progress Strategic KPI: Specific extension programmes and tools are in place to extend and identify children. Annual Target: 8 children from Years 6-8 will be working two years above national standard in writing. Actions Cost Time 8 children enrolled in Young Writers’ Online learning programmes for 2014. $3200 Reviewed Term1 We plan to start with a workshop in term 1 and then will tailor an online programme to meet the needs of the learners. Review Review 1. Progress Strategic KPIs: All children show progress against the national standards. 90% of children are achieving at national standard. Historic perspective: Currently 20% of our children are not at the standard in mathematics. Long term we need 90 % at standard. In 2014 we are on the A-Lim professional devlopment (P.D) programme which allows a teacher to be released to work with children who are not quite at standard in mathematics, 5 days a week for 45 minutes per session. We plan to have children from Years 5-7 in the programme who are not yet at standard. Part of the professional development will involve our specialist teacher modelling lessons. Annual Target: To move 7 children from ‘working toward’s to be ‘at’ the national standard in mathematics. Baseline data (EOY 2013) Need to select children after initial A-Lim meeting and guidance in May. We have 7 potential children identified, but will be guided by those who run the professional development. EOY 2014 1. Progress Strategic KPI: Professional development in place to meet learning needs. Historic perspective: P.D has tended to be school wide in the recent past. In 2014 the staff will have P.D at three levels, individually, as a school and will also be part of a wider Cluster. Last year the BoT invited the school’s Senior Advisor and another expert to talk through target setting and student achievement data and will continue to seek expert facilitators to up-skill the BoT as a group. Annual Target: To provide both school-wide and indivudal professional development for staff and the BoT. Actions Cost Time Complete A-Lim mathematics professional development delievered by 6 relieving Reviewed term 3 MoE. days Complete IT professional development delivered by e-Time and the MoE within the wider Cluster. 15 relieving days Reviewed on a term basis. Review All teachers to complete their personal inquiry to enhance their teaching. $4000 By end of term 3 BoT to complete Schooldocs, Linc-Ed and curriculum professional development sessions. Facilitators By end of term 4. 1. Progress Strategic KPI: Specific extension tools and programmes are in place to extend and identify children. Historic perspective : Last year we trialled an online learning programme for a group of able Year 6 students. The programme was inappropriate . We also trialled a Robotics Course for children that provided excitement, however our follow-up, resourcing, location and the price of the course are prohibiting factors in continuing with such a theme. We will trial an online learning programme for our top writers and will also look to provide other opportunities for our divergent thinkers. Annual Target: To provide tailored programmes to meet the needs of our learners. Actions Cost Time Review 8 children to complete Young Writers online learning. $3200 Term reviews. Two groups of identified children to complete the Future Problem Solving Teacher Term reviews. programme for 45 minutes per week. Children will present work to parents time 1.5 and an appropriately identified auidence at the completion of their project. hours per Aim is to enter the children in the Future Problem Solving event in 2015. week. Standardised testing is used to effectively measure how far above the National Standard our able children can reach. Additional testing resources. Ongoing. 2. Progress Strategic KPI: School wide inquiry topics are in place. Historic perspective : Last year we completed a successful school wide inquiry culuminating in an Open Day for parents. We hope to use a similar format this year. Annual Target: To complete two school wide inquiry topics. Actions Cost Provide adequete time , processes and resources to complete inquiry topics. 2. Progress Strategic KPI: ICT equipment is current and avaliable to support learning. Annual Target: Actions Cost Purchase 11 more Chromebooks 5k Establish an ICT purchasing plan for two years Children in Years 5-8 will all have Google Accounts for learning. Review i-pad leasing options. Classroom blogs are up-to-date and interactive. Drop in sessions are held to assist parents with online learning. Time Review Term reviews. Time Term 1 Term 1 Term 1 Term 4 Ongoing Ongoing Review 2. Progress Strategic KPI: Children, staff and parents use online collabrative tools to assist learning Annual Target: A range of online collabrative tools are introduced and used to assist learning. Actions Cost Time Website is maintained and updated daily. Ongoing School interviews organised online. $155 Terms 1 & 3 Stationery orders completed online. Term 1 Linc-Ed reporting tool is implemented to report progress. 2k Term 1 Drop in sessions are held to assist with Linc-ed implementation. Teacher Terms 1.2&4 release time Mail Chimp system is implemented to construct and distribute newsletter Teacher Term 1 and to emails to parents in a professional online manner. release time Google forms are used on the website to collate information. Ongoing Classroom blogs are interactive. Teacher Ongoing release time Review 4. Progress Strategic KPI: Online reporting systems allow parents the opportunities to provide comment and feedback. Annual Target: Implement a new online reporting system. Actions Cost Time Review Linc-Ed reporting tool is implemented to report progress. 2k Terms 1,3&4. 100 % of parents access and comment using Linc-Ed. Ongoing Drop in sessions are held to assist with Linc-ed implementation. Teacher Terms 1, 2& 4. release time Parents given the opportunity to provide feedback on reporting system. Term 4 4. Progress Strategic KPI: Annual Target: To develop practices and procedures which reflect both N.Z’s and our local cultural diversity. Actions Cost Time School and teachers appreciate and value the significance of learners’ Ongoing ancestry. Students have the opportunity to explore their own ancestry and share Ongoing this with their peers. Teachers are aware of and promote students’ understanding of Ongoing genealogy. Whanau and kaumatua are involved in teaching and learning of Ongoing whakapapa. Students know and share their own whakapapa. Ongoing Sing appropriate waiata and school song in assemblies. Ongoing Use resources in the curriculum which recognizes N.Z’s dual heritage. Ongoing Respond annually to Ngai Tahu evaluation requests. Ongoing Engage local kaumatua to assist with Marae visit. Ongoing Use salutations in letters and newsletters. Ongoing Use Te Reo Maori greetings in formal public addresses. Ongoing Use Kaumatua from Marae to assist with kapa haka. Ongoing Develop a school haka. Ongoing Review 1.Place Strategic KPI: To ensure that the school grounds and buildings are well maintained, safe and clean. Annual Target: Annual review of performance of employees/contractors responsible for maintenance, safety and cleanliness of school grounds and buildings. Actions Cost Time Review Annual review of safety procedures for all independent contractors. Term 1 Appraise all maintenance staff. Term 4 Ensure safety procedures are in place for all contractors and those Ongoing working on the ECE. 2. Place Strategic KPI: School is used by wider community for learning and activities. Annual Target: To facilitate the use of school grounds and facilities for educational purposes. Actions Cost Time Liaise with KidsFirst, OPUS International and the MoE to build and Term 3 complete an ECE centre on our school grounds. Provide a construction timeline for the building of the ECE. Mid term 1 Sell pool keys to the community for the use of our pool over the summer Terms 1 & 4 periods. Open up school grounds after hours for sports practices, rugby, cricket Throughout the and soccer. year Maintain community garden. Ongoing. Hold appropriate Time-bank events at school. Ongoing 3. Place Strategic KPI: Maximise cost sharing benefits with ECE Annual Target: Invesitgate and scope sharing infrastructure sharing opportunities Actions Cost Invesitage and scope power sharing options. Investigate and scope solar power sharing options. 8k Investigate and scope shared service providers. Time Term 2 Term 2 Term 3 Review Review 3. Place Strategic KPI: Secure funding from the MoE to ensure health and safety regulations are met prior to Modern Learning Enviornment development. Annual Target: Actions Site visit from property advisor. Prepare proposal to update our disabled toilet and shower facilities. Cost Time Term 1 Term 1 Review 4. Place Strategic KPI: Enviro schools programme is maintained. Annual Target: Enviro programme is maintained. Actions Provide weekly teacher time to maintain programme. Provide Teacher release time for attending Enviro School events Cost 30 minutes per week. 6 teacher release days Time Weekly Review Ongoing 4. Place Strategic KPI: School garden is maintained in conjunction with Garden to Table Guidleines Annual Target: Garden to Table Guidelines are implemented. Actions Cost Time Recruit and train a kitchen specialist 2k Term 1 and then reviewed each term. Support teachers with integration of garden in classroom programmes and inquiries. Recruit and train 4, regular vounteers to assist with programme. Support and maintain healthy lunch options with sharing of dry goods. Manage the Garden to Table page on the school website with meaningful, up-to date information. Work within a set budget to provide a range of foods for children. Seek out and secure appproriate funding opportunities. Provide produce for the ‘Plenty to Share’ service in the local community. Develop procedures for managing risk associated with food allergies. Reviewed each term 1k Professional development. 1k Term 4 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Term 1 Review 1. People Strategic KPI: Effective monitoring and partnerships are made with ECEs in the Harbour Basin Annual Target: Strategically work with ECEs to create a collective vision for pre-school education. Actions: Cost Time Have Harbour Cluster Plan approved by MoE Ongoing Establish collective understandings between ECEs and Primary Schools. Term 3 Investiagte intergration of SMS between ECEs and Primary Schools. Term 3 1. People Strategic KPI: Establish exit transition process for students graduating from Diamond Harbour School. Annual Target: Review and investigate transition processes. Actions: Cost Time Seek and investigate processes used in other schools/settings. Relievers Term 2 Establish a formal process for seeking information from our leavers. Term 4 Review Review 1. People Strategic KPI: Three community organisations within the Harbour Basin are supported by children. Annual Target: To help three community organisations within Diamond Harbour. Actions: Cost Time School raises funds for local Cancer Society. Term 1 Children earn Time – Bank Credits for our school School participates in local ANZAC Parade. Ongoing Term 2 School raises funds for the local Fire Brigade. Term 3 Review People/Finance Strategic KPIs: Financial planning and purchasing inline with capital spending and reflect agreed strategic direction. Cash flow reports inform separately on committed and non-committed funds. Non-committed cash reserves be maintained above 60k. Compliance reviewed quarterly and annually. Monitor and review the spending against the medium term plan. Up-skill and train staff on funder policy and process. Staff paid accurately and on time. Annual Target: Establish robust financial reporting systems. Actions Cost Time Prepare annual accounts for auditor. May Prepare 2 year and 7 year budgets inline with strategic direction. Prepare 2014 budget. Cash flow reporting informs separately on committed and non-committed funds. Review monthly expenditure and report to the BoT Recover Novopay overpayments. Scope and investigate accounting packages to replace current system (s) Provide appropriate financial trainning for staff. March November Ongoing Ongoing March August Ongoing Review 4. People Strategic KPIs: Parents and families are invited to all school events and to participate in classroom activities. Drop in sessions to help parents with our online reporting and learning. Families are utilising school website. Provide opportunities for parents to see learning in action. (Open days) 80% of children complete the Diamond Challenge. All parents contribute to learning conferences. Annual Target: To provide a range of opportunities for parents to be involved in learning activities. Actions: Cost Time Drop in sessions offered to parents to assist them with new online reporting systems. Relievers Ongoing Maths ‘Open Day’ outlining maths teaching, learning and processes. Reliever Term 1 To hold an Inquiry learning /sharing afternoon 60% of children complete Diamond Challenge All parents contribute to learning conferences Term 3 Ongoing Ongoing Review 5. People Strategic KPI: • Partnerships established with organisations in the Harbour Basin. Lead role taken in Learning Cluster. Annual Target: To establish and maintian partnerships in within the Harbour Baisn. Actions Cost Time To have a Cluster Leader from Diamond Harbour School Release time Ongoing Promote ‘Timebank Scheme” within the school and community Ongoing Support, Cancer Society, Fire Brigade and ANZAC Parade within community. Term 3 Review 6. People Strategic KPI: •Links/partnerships established with people who can share knowledge/skills with the school/students. Annual Target: Actions Cost Local experts involved in inquiry topics. 7. People Strategic KPI: Encourage parents and the community to use our website. School website kept up to date with parent/ student usage increased. All Stakeholders involved in the review of school policies. Annual Target: School website used to inform, update , communicate and review. Time Terms 2&3 Review Actions Cost Time Parents and community directed to school website. Online reporting systems introduced. All stakeholders use School Docs processes to review school policies. Ongoing Term 1 Ongoing MailChimp used to send out school newsletter and direct families to website. Surveys conducted online through the website. Term 1 Ongoing Review