2014-15 Master Calendar - Loudoun County Public Schools

Counseling Department Master Calendar
SITE: Tolbert
Staff Development
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Back to School Night presentation for new parents
Open House K-5
Staff Meeting
Planning Guidance curriculum
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Establish professional goals
Bulletin Board
Guidance schedule and master calendar
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Student Council Meeting
Mentor Program
Backpack Coalition program
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
Middle School course selections
National School Counseling Week
Plan & organize Career Day
K lessons – Diversity, feelings
1st grade lessons – Cooperation, perseverance
2nd grade lessons – Diversity, cooperation
3rd grade lessons – Tolerance
4th grade lessons – Including others, problem solving
5th grade lessons – Peer pressure, conflict resolution
Group Counseling Session 3:
Stressbusters grades 1-5
Test Taking grades 3-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Ride Kindergarten buses
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
New student lunches
Counselor-Principal Agreement
Goal setting meeting
Counselor role to staff
Coordination of Backpack Coalition program
K lessons – Introduction to the counselor, listening and
following directions
1st grade lessons – Counselor intro, listening
2nd grade lessons – Counselor intro, perseverance
3rd grade lessons – Counselor intro, school success
4th grade lessons – Counselor intro, school success
5th grade lessons – Counselor intro, goal setting,
communication skills
Student Council lesson in grades 4-5
Organize Mentor Program
Group counseling permission forms sent home to parents
Organize & plan Group Counseling Program Session 1
Group Counseling Session 1:
Habits of Happy Kids grades 1-5
Changing Families 1-5
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Student Council meeting
Mentor Program
Backpack Coalition program
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
Career Day
Identify & organize Tornado Citizens program
SOL testing
K lessons – Anger, careers, friendship
1st grade lessons – Manners, careers
2nd grade lessons – Respect, careers
3rd grade lessons – Tolerance
4th grade lessons – Careers
5th grade lessons – Leadership, careers
Organize & plan small group Session 4
Group Counseling Session 3:
Stressbusters grades 1-5
Test Taking grades 3-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Group Counseling Session 4:
Conflict Resolution 1-3
Boys Group 4-5
Grief 1-5
Girls Group 4-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
ASCA National Model School Counseling Program Goals
Committee meetings (SCA)
First Student Council Meeting
Organize Mentor Program
Bullying Presentation to staff
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
Backpack Coalition program
Identify Giving Tree recipients
Identify & organize Tornado Citizens program
K lessons – Bullying, tattling
1st grade lessons – School success, tattling
2nd grade lessons – Responsibility/school success
3rd grade lessons – Goal setting, bullying
4th grade lessons – Friendship, bullying
5th grade lessons – Friendship, bullying
Group Counseling Session 1:
Habits of Happy Kids grades 1-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Student Council meeting
Mentor Program
Backpack Coalition program
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
Tornado Citizens lunches
3rd grade County Bullying Survey
K lessons – Sharing, responsible behaviors
1st grade lessons – Careers, self-discipline
2nd grade lessons – Making good choices, feelings
3rd grade lessons – Careers
4th grade lessons – Test Taking
5th grade lessons – Careers, stress
Group Counseling Session 4:
Conflict Resolution 1-3
Boys Group grades 4-5
Girls Group grades 4-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Student Council meeting
Mentor Program
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
Identify, organize and hold Tornado Citizen lunches
Organize Giving Tree program
Backpack Coalition program
K lessons – Personal Space
1st grade lessons – Bullying, friendship
2nd grade lessons – Tattling, bullying
3rd grade lessons – Bullying
4th grade lessons – Bullying
5th grade lessons – Bullying
Organize & plan small groups Session 2
Group Counseling Session 1:
Habits of Happy Kids grades 1-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Group Counseling Session 2:
Habits of Happy Kids grade 1-5
Smiling Faces grades 1-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Student Council meeting
Mentor Program
Backpack Coalition program
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
Identify and organize Tornado Citizen lunches
SOL testing
K lessons – Respectful behaviors, perseverance
1st grade lessons – Sportsmanship/teamwork, individual
2nd grade lessons - Sportsmanship/teamwork, individual
3rd grade lessons – Test taking, stress
4th grade lessons – Compliments, healthy choices
5th grade lessons – Setting priorities, middle school
Group Counseling Session 4:
Conflict Resolution 1-3
Boys Group grades 4-5
Girls Group grades 4-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Student Council meeting
Mentor Program
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
Collect & distribute items to Giving Tree recipients
Backpack Coalition program
Plan & organize Cultural Fair
K lessons – Cooperation
1st grade lessons – Friendship, diversity
2nd grade lessons – Bullying, friendship
3rd grade lessons – Bullying, communication skills
4th grade lessons – Bullying, conflict resolution
5th grade lessons – Bullying
Group Counseling Session 2:
Habits of Happy Kids grade 1-5
Smiling Faces grades 1-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Student Council meeting
Tornado Citizen lunches
Backpack Coalition program
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
5th grade rotation groups (middle school transition)
Meeting with Middle School counselor for 5th grade
SOL testing
K-5 Guidance lesson wrap-up and review
Breakfast Duty
Staff Meeting
Counselor Meeting
Committee meetings (SCA)
Student Council meetings
Mentor Program
Backpack Coalition program
Cultural Fair
Guidance Discovery Groups
Collaboration with teachers, administrators, and counselors
Meet with individual students
Identify, organize & hold Tornado Citizen lunches
Middle School Transition meeting and visit
K lessons – Manners, diversity
1st grade lessons – Diversity, feelings
2nd grade lessons – Friendship, diversity
3rd grade lessons – Bullying, friendship
4th grade lessons – Tolerance, peer pressure
5th grade lessons – Tolerance
Organize & plan group counseling Session 3
Group Counseling Session 2:
Habits of Happy Kids grade 1-5
Smiling Faces grades 1-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Group Counseling Session 3:
Stressbusters 1-5
Test Taking grades 3-5
Changing Families 1-5
Grief 1-5
Child Study meetings
Crisis Team
Parent conferences
Collaboration with parent liaison
Collaboration with outside agencies
Identify and assist with student and family needs
GRIP’s/Data reports
MANDT training
Maintain website
Weekly grade level CLT data meetings