
The Importance of Doctrine
Our Church Covenant Part 5
2 Timothy 3:10 – 4:5
Introduction: Doctrine has taken a back seat in many churches. Many have turned aside from
foundational preaching on doctrine. Yet doctrine is what is needed to live a strong victorious life.
A. Historical overview, doctrine (Kittel)
1. 15 of the 21 uses have a connection with the historical revelation of God
2. Emphasizes the binding nature of the proclamation
3. Denotes the essential difference between Christian and other teachings
4. In church, means the “sum of teaching” which came down from the Apostles
B. Sustaining
1. Definition, Webster
a. Keep in existence
b. Support, carry the weight
2. What we sustain
a. Worship, Revelation of God and our response
(1) Praise, I Cor. 14:26
(2) Preaching/Teaching, I Tim. 4:11 - 16
(3) Reading of the Word, I Tim. 4:13
(4) Singing, Col. 3:16
(5) Prayer, I Tim. 2: 1 - 2
(6) Offerings, I Cor. 16:2
b. Two Ordinances: Baptism and Lord’s Supper
(1) Commanded by Jesus
(2) Explained in the Epistles
(3) Practiced by early church
c. Discipline, Matt. 18:15-20; I Cor. 5:1-13
(1) Purpose
(a) Purity within the church, I Cor. 5:1
(b) Restoration to fellowship, Matt. 18:15-17
(c) Prevent and restrain evil, I Cor. 5:5-7
(2) Procedure for discipline
(a) Private counsel, Matt. 18:15
(b) Counsel with 2-3 witnesses, Matt. 18:16
(c) Public hearing in the assembly, Matt. 18:17
(d) Solemn action taken by assembly, I Cor. 5:4-5; II Cor. 2:6
d. Doctrine, didaskalia
(1) Definitions
(a) “The act of teaching”
(b) “What is taught”
(2) Historical
(a) Early – death, burial, resurrection, Acts 1-3
(b) Sound or good doctrine, I Tim. 1:10, 4:6
i. True doctrine essential to growth, Eph. 4:11-16
ii. False doctrine destroys, Eph. 4:14; II Tim. 4:3
C. Application
1. What is God trying to reveal to you today?
a. His Character
b. His Nature
c. His Glory
d. His Will
e. His Call
f. His Challenge
2. What is your response?
a. Praise
b. Adoration
c. Confession
d. Submission
e. Petition
f. Thanksgiving
Conclusion: “God's speaker must be patient as he preaches the Word. He will not always see immediate
results. He must be patient with those who oppose his preaching. Above all else, he must preach
doctrine. He must not simply tell Bible stories, relate interesting illustrations, or read a verse and then
forget it. True preaching is the explanation and application of Bible doctrine. Anything else is just
religious speechmaking.” (The Bible Exposition Commentary)