Greater Gwent Area Newsletter 2013

Greater Gwent Area Newsletter 2013
Chairman’s Report
Area Council has performed well this year, again managing to satisfy its constituent groups
in an amicable manner. It must be said, that this is largely due the fortunate situation of
having excellent officers in key positions. Unfortunately one of these, Maggie Thomas,
decided to step down this year as "Membership Secretary" a role she has patiently
developed over a period when Ramblers HQ records were in total chaos. I would like to
thank Maggie for her past contribution, not only as an officer but also her robust
involvement in our debates. I am secretly hoping she will change her mind and stay. Last
year’s AGM and the recent Area Walk proved successful, numbers involved being most
encouraging. My wish for the future: - The participation of all Groups at Area meetings with
hopefully, an increase in delegate attendance.
Secretary’s Report
It has been a quiet year. The Greater Gwent groups continue to be active with extensive
walks programmes. Membership is still fairly static, a small decline overall which is in line
with what is happening to RA membership across the board.
Ramblers Cymru is continuing its activities. As an Area we do not involve ourselves much in
outside developments and I would like to take this opportunity to remind members of some
of the things that are happening.
The current Chairman of Ramblers Cymru is Gwyn Lewis and the President is Denis McAteer.
Devolution to Ramblers Cymru is continuing to develop allowing a focus on Welsh affairs at
the Wales office. The management of our budgets has been devolved. The Treasurer has
referred to this in his report ad you should be aware of what is being proposed for Area and
Group budgets in Wales.
There is a proposal for a Big Welsh Walk during the first may Bank Holiday in May 2014.
This will be the second anniversary of the opening of the coast path and an opportunity to
celebrate this.
The Ramblers’ Association is trying to stay in touch. This is done mostly on-line. The web
site has been revamped and is worth a visit to find out what is going on. There are on-line
consultations which you may wish to contribute to. I recommend you have a look on
A relatively new development is Ramblers Routes. This is a database of walks which
members can search and can also contribute to as a route planner or as a route reviewer.
To do this you need to be trained. Training is free but will only be delivered if there is a
viable group (c 15 people). This number is probably best organised at Area level. There was
a request for expressions of interest earlier this year but very little response. Islwyn was
interested in hosting it. If anyone is interested then please get in touch.
Flexigroups and Affiliated groups are still on the agenda and Ramblers is considering how to
develop these. Again, this is a debate that you may wish to get involved with.
The next Welsh Council is on 12/13 April 2014 in Newtown, Powys. Anyone who wishes to
attend can do so via their Group or through the Area. Contact your secretary.
I would like to thank all Group and Area officers for their support during the year. There is
not a lot of work but what you do is effective. I would like to echo what the chair has said in
thanking Maggie Thomas for the work she has done as an officer for the Area and as a
representative of Greater Gwent at national level. Maggie, you will be missed. The Area
does need a Membership Secretary. It does not involve much work as most communication
is handled on line from head office but it is useful to have a point of communication and
support for Group membership secretaries when this is needed.
I make my usual request for groups to keep me informed of their officer’s names and
contact details and to send me copies of walks programmes.
I would like to wish everyone a good year of walking in 2013-14
Adrian Sheehan
Greater Gwent Area Secretary
October 2013
Treasurer’s Report
1 Group Treasurers: - My sincere thanks to all the group treasurers for their work during
the year. My fear is that the apparent initial complexity of the Ramblers submission may
be off-putting and may be contributing to the high turnover of group treasurers that we
have been experiencing over the last few years.
2 Use of Excel: - A plea for all groups to make sure that a copy of Excel is available to their
treasurer in order to submit budgets and final accounts. It does make life a lot easier for
everyone. Non-commercial versions are around £90 and should be purchased if
availability is an issue.
3 End-of-year Bank Balances: - There is increased pressure to ensure that end of year bank
balances do not exceed 100% of annual payments. (In simple terms this means that the
end of year ‘float’ should be no more than sufficient to cover one year’s spending.) This
is a requirement of the Charities Acts. Whilst most groups are compliant, there is an
issue with Greater Gwent. With Area Payments of £829.88 (ignoring budget transfers
from HQ), our bank balance of £4,734.93 represents 570% of our annual spend. If we do
not plan the judicious use of these funds then future budget requests will be refused
until we meet the 100% rule.
Gwyn Smith
(See the back of the newsletter for the financial report.)
Membership 2012-2013
1st October
1st October
% change
South Gwent
North Gwent
Lower Wye
Reports from Groups
Membership is very similar to last year at just over 150. We have welcomed several new
members, but at the same time for various reasons other members have left.
South Gwent Ramblers celebrated their 30th Anniversary this year so we continue to look at
ways to increase the membership.
There are walks every Sunday and where possible this includes long, medium and short
walks. There is always a good turnout for the long and medium walks, however turnout for
the short walks is not so good. We also do Wednesday evening walks in the summer
month's which at times have not been too well supported. We will discuss the issues of the
short and midweek walks at the South Gwent Ramblers meeting in November.
There were two coach trips to Ironbridge and Winchester as well as short breaks to
Oakhampton and Jersey. The annual BBQ, skittles and boules events once again proved to
be very popular as well as the two Christmas functions. The Christmas evening meal was
held at the Parkway Golf Club and the Christmas walk was held in the week following the
festive season.
The Footpaths Officer continues to work closely with Newport County Council in order to
maintain and keep our footpaths opened, detailed below are some of the issues raised.
There have been a number of enquiries relating to footpath matters since the last report,
some seeking evidence of pan use by ramblers and these have been answered following
consultation with likely users.
Regarding the request for formation with walkers at Llanbadoc Commons by a local
councillor I was unable to find anyone with sufficiently detailed recollection to help.
Problem of misdirection along the footpath at Iron Bridge Cottage by the landowner seems
to be easing as he is starting to co-operate with the Right of Way Office from Caerphilly
County Council, and has removed his own direction signs.
There have been some minor applications for new fences etc. abutting Public Footpaths and
a couple of re-applications and variations on conditions (time limits) on housing applications
and a major refurbishment of Pencoed Castle.
The Diamond Jubilee Walk at Bassaleg was officially opened by Derek Brockway on 1st
September when 75 walkers attended.
Much clearance work has been carried out by the volunteer group following an unusually
late an productive grown in season.
There are two members of the South Gwent Ramblers who deserve a special mention, firstly
Brian Williams who has been a member of our group for many years is moving to another
part of the country to be nearer his family. We wish him well and many thanks to his
contribution over the years. Secondly our Chairman Ken Phillips who continues to
contribute some much time and effort to the group which is most appreciated.
Finally many thanks to the committee members who continue to do an excellent job for the
Colin Wallace
A full programme of walks were achieved this year, although the adverse weather in January
made some of the walks rather challenging.
The annual dinner at the Glen-yr-avon Hotel in December was again enjoyed by all, and we
look forward to returning this year.
The club returned to Yorkshire in the spring for a week of walks, enjoying better weather
this year.
A pleasant day in June was spent walking in the Cotswolds from Winchcombe with a visit to
Cheltenham on the way home.
The annual Area walk was well attended with 93 members. On the two walks starting at
Goytre Village Hall.
In October a short walk from Broadway to Broadway Tower
With some time exploring Broadway was enjoyed by all.
A talk on the work of ‘Help the Heroes’ was given by Diana McRea, followed by our usual
American Supper.
Sadly we lost one our stalwarts of the club, John Bell who passed away in January, he will be
sorely missed.
Alan Cunningham
A somewhat mixed year for the group. Some outstanding highlights including the
walking/country dancing week at Halsway Manor in Somerset, the May and September
weekends continuing on the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path (supplemented by the walks from
Chepstow to Newport on the Wales Coast Path), and the loyal few who continue on the
South West Coast Path.
The two main social events, the Christmas Lunch at The Anchor, Tintern, and the Chairman’s
Summer Social at the Millers Arms, Mathern met with mixed fortunes. Those who attended
had a thoroughly enjoyable event but the numbers were very disappointing.
Membership has remained fairly static with the occasional small increase but this, together
with two good and varied walks programmes, hasn’t encouraged more people to come out
walking on a regular basis. We have lost many of our long-standing walk leaders and
perhaps not recruited as many new ones but there is still something for everyone to enjoy
the wonderful countryside in which we live.
The group’s footpath work continues in dealing with diversions, obstructions, etc. and the
Chain Gang continues to support the work of the Countryside Service despite equipment
having been stolen and not yet replaced by Monmouthshire C.C.
With the agreement of the AGM the group donated £1000 from its walks booklet sales to be
shared between the Brecon and Longtown Mountain Rescue Teams and the local Severn
Area Rescue Association – you never know when you might need them!
Sadly this will be my last contribution as Chairman/Secretary of the Group – I gave notice at
last year’s AGM of my intention to resign with effect from this year’s AGM in November.
We need someone with ideas and enthusiasm to take on these roles and lead the group into
the future. My thanks to all those in Greater Gwent Area and the Lower Wye who have
given me such unstinting support over the last five years – it’s been a privilege and a
pleasure to lead the group during this time.
Nothing really new at Gelligaer this year. Membership remains healthy – a few new
members replace a few who have fallen by the wayside, mainly because of the ageing
process. Does anyone have a cure?
All walks are well supported with an average of 30 people out each Sunday and a similar
number on the fortnightly Saturday walks. Walks Officer Joyce Bennett continues to come
up with a varied and interesting Sunday programme. Likewise, Mags Griffiths with the
Saturday programme. We all know that they do a good job, and the number of people
turning up for the walks is testament to this. Encouragingly, there has been the appearance
of a number of new names as walk leaders on this year's programmes. Those who have
been leading walks for a long time are more than happy to see the burden shared.
The group had two good weekends away – Harrogate in May and Lampeter in August.
Special thanks to our colleagues in Lampeter Ramblers for hosting us in August.
Peter Gilbert, after many years sterling work as Footpaths Officer, has stood down to be
replaced by Anthony Vallario – an example of younger, recent members of the group
becoming involved in its administration.
2012 – 13 a successful year. Roll on 2013 – 14.
Gareth Thomas
Islwyn Ramblers
Yet again Islwyn Ramblers membership has risen. There are now over 100 members & with
a programme with walks to suit almost every level of ability it is no wonder that the
membership keeps rising. The shorter more leisurely walks seem to be more popular than
ever. Clive and Phil have the knack of making their weekend walks into a healthy, social and
often informative event. Wednesday evening walks continue to prove popular especially
with Chairman Ken in charge. The Thursday walks programme has had a schism – with
those preferring leisurely walks and the brisk walkers going out on alternate weeks. Other
walks on the weekend attract the fitter more intrepid walker. Look at the “Talk of the
Walks” on our website to get a flavour of what Islwyn Ramblers had to offer.
In the last year there have been two weekends away. Simon organised a trip away in the
Lake District in March for a small group of the Mountain Goat Division. The superb weather
complemented the outstanding scenery and a good time was had by all. If we thought we
were fit and brave, we had our illusions shattered when almost at the top of Helvellyn two
climbers appeared out of nowhere from a sheer face of ice. The first timer was in his 60s!
Clive, who must be a logistics expert organised a trip to north Wales on a train in late April.
The weekend took in visits to the Great Orme, a steam train trip to Portmadoc with a walk
to the lovely seaside village of Borth-y-gest beach and a wander through Conwy. It’s obvious
that it was a huge success, there are more ramblers signed up for Clive’s leisurely weekend
of fun and laughs on the south coast later this year.
Bramble Busters has cleared roughly 2 miles of bracken and brambles in the last year in the
lower Islwyn area.
Thanks must go to all the volunteers in the group, without which there would be no group.
Appendix 1
Financial Report for Year to 30 Sept 2013
Greater Gwent Area
Receipts and payments for year ended 30 Sept 2013
Last Year's figures
Balance b/fwd
Add: Receipts
Budgets (HQ)
From Groups
Less: Payments
To Group (funding)
To Group (other)
Walks Programmes
Walks Related
Walks leader Training
Newsletter/ Publicity
Campaigns /Casework
Balance c/fwd
Income and Expenditure Account for the year
As per receipts and payments
Less repayment of advance
Last Year's figures
As per receipts and payments
Less Advance payment
Surplus/deficit for the year
Balance Sheet as at 30/9/2013
Accumulated fund
Balance b/fwd
Repesented by
Repayable advance
Bank balance
Last Year's figures
Notes on the accounts
1. The Walks Programme item includes £100 for the Area walk and £40.34 for the
‘Walking for the Blind’ Programme
2. The other expenses include £10 Bank charges (for a ‘Stop Order’ on a cheque which
went astray in the post) and £45 to the Open Spaces Society
3. No requests for funds have been received from any flexi-groups within our area.
4. The ‘Repayment of Loan’ (from South Gwent) was an advance to cover the
unexpected need to buy new toner cartridge for their printer. It is a balance sheet
transfer and is not part of the income for the year. (Similarly it was not part of the
expenditure for last year.)
The Auditor is Mr Gareth Morris, a retired Trust and Wills officer from Natwest Bank
Appendix 2
Area Officers
Chair – Keith Donovan
Secretary – Adrian Sheehan
Treasurer – Gwyn Smith
Membership – Vacant
Minutes – Fred Fee
Appendix 3
Greater Gwent Ramblers Annual General Meeting 2013
Sunday 3rd November at Crosskeys Rugby Football Club at 2.00p.m.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Welcome from the Area Chairman – Keith Donovan
3. Minutes of the AGM of 4th November 2012
4. Matters Arising
5. Gwenda Owen – Ramblers Cymru
6. Officers Reports
a. Treasurer
b. Secretary/Membership
7. Election of Officers
a. Chairman (currently Keith Donovan)
b. Secretary (currently Adrian Sheehan)
c. Treasurer (currently Gwyn Smith)
d. Membership Secretary (vacant)
e. Minutes Secretary (currently Fred Fee)
f. Footpaths Officer (vacant)
g. Countryside Officer (vacant)
h. Access Officer (vacant)
There are walks starting from Crosskeys RFC in the morning starting at 9.30 (moderate) and
10.00 (easy). All members are welcome.
There is a buffet lunch at 1.00 for all members who are attending the AGM