Genetics Test Biology 513 Terms: homozygous dominant

Genetics Test
Biology 513
1. Terms: homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive, hybrid, phenotype, genotype,
trait, gene
2. Basic Mendelian genetics – crossed pea plants, tracing traits from generation to
generation, quantitative experiments, alternative versions of genes (alleles).
3. Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses
4. Law of segregation, law of independent assortment, and law of dominance.
5. Test cross
6. Mendel’s laws apply to the inheritance of many human traits. Simple dominant-recessive
inheritance involving one gene. Ex. Widow’s peak (dominant)/straight hairline
7. Inherited disorders controlled by a single gene. Autosomal Disorders: Dominant
disorders: Achondroplasia (dwarfism) and Huntington’s disease. Recessive disorders:
Cystic fibrosis, PKU, Tay-Sachs disease, Sickle-cell disease, and deafness.
8. Using a pedigree to trace human traits
9. Incomplete dominance
10. Codominance
11. Genes are located on chromosomes. Genes on the same chromosome tend to be inherited
together (linked). Crossing over produces new combinations of alleles (separates linked
alleles) producing gametes with recombinant chromosomes.
12. Genes that have more than two alleles. ABO blood group. IA and IB alleles are
codominant. Be able to perform crosses.
13. Sex determination – XX female & XY male. Male determines the sex of the offspring.
14. Sex linked recessive disorders: carried on the X chromosome. Duchenne muscular
dystrophy, red-green color blindness, and hemophilia. Remember that these disorders
affect mostly males. Why?
15. Chromosomal disorders: Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome.
16. Nondisjunction, monosomies and trisomies
17. Amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and karyotype