JOHN CALVIN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Sub-strands Content Descriptions Language variation and change Understand that English is one of many languages spoken in Australia and that different languages may be spoken by family, classmates and community (ACELA1426) Language for interaction Language Students develop their knowledge about the English language and how it works. Text structure and organisation Expressing and developing ideas Sound / letter knowledge Texts in context Literacy Students develop the knowledge and skills to interpret and create spoken, written, visual & multimodal texts. Interacting with others Interpreting, analysing and evaluating Creating texts Literature and context Literature Students understand, respond to, analyse, evaluate, and create literature. Responding to literature Examining literature Explore how language is used differently at home and school depending on the relationships between people (ACELA1428) Understand that language can be used to explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (ACELA1429) Understand that texts can take many forms, can be very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for example an information book or a film) and that stories and informative texts have different purposes (ACELA1430) Understand that some language in written texts is unlike everyday spoken language (ACELA1431) Understand that punctuation is a feature of written text different from letters; recognise how capital letters are used for names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of sentences (ACELA1432) Understand concepts about print and screen, including how books, film and simple digital texts work, and know some features of print, for example directionality (ACELA1433) Recognise that sentences are key units for expressing ideas (ACELA1435) Recognise that texts are made up of words and groups of words that make meaning (ACELA1434) Explore the different contribution of words and images to meaning in stories and informative texts (ACELA1786) Understand the use of vocabulary in familiar contexts related to everyday experiences, personal interests and topics taught at school (ACELA1437) Know that spoken sounds and words can be written down using letters of the alphabet and how to write some high-frequency sight words and known words (ACELA1758) Know how to use onset and rime to spell words (ACELA1438) Recognise rhymes, syllables and sounds (phonemes) in spoken words (ACELA1439) Recognise the letters of the alphabet and know there are lower and upper case letters (ACELA1440) Understand the variability of sound — letter matches (ACELA1459) Identify some familiar texts and the contexts in which they are used (ACELY1645) Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structured classroom situations (ACELY1646) Use interaction skills including listening while others speak, using appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures and eye contact (ACELY1784) Deliver short oral presentations to peers (ACELY1647) Identify some differences between imaginative and informative texts (ACELY1648) Read predictable texts, practicing phrasing and fluency, and monitor meaning using concepts about print and emerging contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge (ACELY1649) Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (ACELY1650) Create short texts to explore, record and report ideas and events using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (ACELY1651) Participate in shared editing of students’ own texts for meaning, spelling, capital letters and full stops (ACELY1652) Produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formations (ACELY1653) Construct texts using software including word processing programs (ACELY1654) Recognise that texts are created by authors who tell stories and share experiences that may be similar or different to students’ own experiences (ACELT1575) Respond to texts, identifying favourite stories, authors and illustrators (ACELT1577) Share feelings and thoughts about the events and characters in texts (ACELT1783) Identify some features of texts including events and characters and retell events from a text (ACELT1578) Recognise some different types of literary texts and identify some characteristic features of literary texts, for example beginnings and endings of traditional texts and rhyme in poetry (ACELT1785) Replicate the rhythms and sound patterns in stories, rhymes, songs and poems from a range of cultures (ACELT1579) Creating literature Preprimary Year Australian Curriculum – English: Content Overview Retell familiar literary texts through performance, use of illustrations and images (ACELT1580) Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Achievement Standard Reading and Viewing By the end of the Foundation year, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify connections between texts and their personal experience. They read short, predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge of concepts about print and sound and letters. They identify the letters of the English alphabet and use the sounds represented by most letters. Writing When writing, students use familiar words and phrases and images to convey ideas. Their writing shows evidence of sound and letter knowledge, beginning writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters and full stops. They correctly form known upperand lower-case letters. Speaking and Listening They listen to and use appropriate language features to respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Students understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe likes and dislikes about familiar texts, objects, characters and events. In informal group and whole class settings, students communicate clearly. They retell events and experiences with peers and known adults. They identify and use rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Australian Curriculum – English Content Map: Reading & Viewing Elements Term 1 Term 2 Reading and Viewing Preprimary Phonological Awareness Grammar & Vocabulary Comprehension Reading Fluency & Expression Term 4 Preprimary Year Understanding, Content and Strategies Achievement Standard Print texts Concepts of Print & Screen Term 3 Electronic texts Concepts of print - Books Identify directionality Identify return sweep Identify front and back covers Identify elements of front cover (title, author, illustrator) Hold book in correct position Identify the difference between words and images (ACELA1433) (ACELA1434) (ACELA1435) Concepts of print - Text Features of electronic devices Functions of Electronic Features Recognise that in sentences, there are spaces between words Identify - Identify letters on the keyboard o Mouse Identify words, letters and sentences - Recognise the link between pressing letters on the keyboard and results on the o Keyboard screen Distinguish the difference between words, letters and sentences o Screen - Recognise the link between movement of mouse or tracking pad that corresponds to Identify punctuation o Tracking pad movement of mouse icon on screen Recognise that capital letters are used for names and for the beginning of sentences o Home button - Understand how to select items using the mouse (open apps, move within websites) Recognise that full stops signal the end of sentences o Apps - Understand basic navigation within websites or electronic devices Identify the difference between punctuation and letters/words o Websites (ACELA1433) (ACELA1432) (ACELA1433) (ACELA1435) (ACELA1431) Phonological awareness focus Phonics focus: Suggested phonics sequence Term 3 Rhyme Term One - Build knowledge of the - Step One – Introduce regularly used constant diagraphs (th/th, ch, Sound sequence as follows: - Recognise rhyme in spoken chants, books, and nursery rhymes connection between sounds sh, ck, ng, ss, ff, ll) and provide pictorial cues to assist with o Group 1 – s, a, t, p, i, n and letters of the alphabet to reading and writing - Identify words that rhyme from a selection of words (eg cat, mat, pack, sat) o Group 2 – m, r, h, e, d, c show that there is a - Step Two – Consolidate alphabet sounds and constant diagraphs - Generate new rhyming words from a given word o Group 3 – f, l, g, o, u, b predictable and systematic to create CVC words for blending and segmenting - Create a word family from a given rime (eg ‘at’ will make cat, mat, sat, fat) o Group 4 – w, j, v, k, z, y, q, x relationship between the text - Step Three – Begin to use known sounds to decode and spell. Alphabetic awareness and the sound of spoken - Step Four – Begin formal handwriting placing letters on base line - Awareness that each letter of the alphabet has a name and a sound language. - Step One - Introduce each sound over the term focusing on - Awareness that each letter of the alphabet has a name which remains constant even if the sound is different identifying the sound in words (beginning sound and end sound) - Fluent recognition of the most Term Four - Understand the link between upper case and lower case letters common sound made by - Step Two – learn the shape and starting position of each letter in a - Step One – Introduce representation of long vowel sounds Syllables each letter multi-sensory way (ie sand tray, painting) ee(bee), oa (boat), ai(tail), oo(book), oo(moon), or(horse), - Identify syllables using multi-sensory methods (eg jumping in hoops to represent each syllable in a word). - Decode words into sounds to - Step Three – after learning each group of letters, begin to create cvc ar(farm), ir(bird) and provide pictorial cues for reading and writing Limit word selection to maximum of four syllable words read them words for blending and segmenting in oral or multisensory ways - Step Two – Consolidate all sounds learnt to decode and spell Sounds - Use a sequential phonics - Step Four – Assess and revise, revise, revise CVC words Verbally identify sounds in words: based program or sequence - Step Three - Introduce constant blends to decode and spell CCVC - Identify/count sounds in words (eg nap = 3 sounds) of teaching that includes Term Two and CVCC words - Identify initial sounds (eg ‘b’ in ‘bat’) actions/pictures/songs to - Step One – Reintroduce each sound (listed in Term 1) focusing on - Step Four – Formal handwriting (place letters on base line and - Identify final sounds (eg ‘ck’ in ‘back’) reinforce each sound identifying the sound in words (medial position) introduce thirds) - Identify medial sounds (eg ‘oa’ in ‘boat’) - Plan for multiple daily - Step Two – Learn the shape and starting position of each letter in - Step Five - Revise, revise, revise - Identify onset and rime in one syllable words (eg ‘r’ + ‘at’ = rat) practice of phonics using a multisensory way (beginning handwriting – keep letters large) - Step Six – Assess retention of all taught phonemes, ability to Segmenting and blending multi-sensory approach. - Step Three – Begin creation of word families to encourage blending blend and segment CCVC and CVCC words and ability to decode - Use oral and multi-sensory cues to blend sounds together to create words (eg b – a – t = bat) Each practice should be short and segmenting and spell CVC, CVCC and CCVC words. - Use oral and multi-sensory cues to segment words to identify sounds and targeted - Step Four – Revise, revise, revise (ACELA1438) (ACELA1439) (ACELA1758) (ACELY1653) (eg pig = p – i – g) (ACELA1758) (ACELA1440) - Step Five – Assess retention of phonemes and ability to blend and (ACELA1459) - Begin to manipulate and delete sounds (eg dig without the ‘d’ sound makes ‘ig) (ACELA1459) segment CVC words (ACELA1440) (ACELA1439) (ACELA1438) (ACELA1758) (ACELT1579) (ACELA1459) Text purpose - Explore and discuss the purpose of texts (eg ‘This text will tell a story’, ‘This text will give information’, ‘This text makes me laugh because…’) - Select a book from bookshelf or library to match given criteria (eg I want to learn more about turtles, so I need to go to the non-fiction section and find a book that gives me information about turtles) - Identify the purpose in which a text is used (eg cookbooks for kitchen recipe; instruction manuals for building items) - Share personal responses about different texts and discuss personal experiences triggered by the text (eg In a story about a boy at the beach looking for shells, a student may connect to own experience by saying: ‘When I was at the beach, I…) (ACELA1430) (ACELY1648) Authors and Illustrators - Understand that authors are the writers of texts. Understand that illustrators are the creators of images in text - Understand that authors and illustrators create texts that may be similar or different to personal experience - Identify a favourite author/illustrator and explain why (ACELT1575) Text structure - Identify repeated sections of texts (eg refrains, choruses, etc) - Use repeated sections of text to engage in choral recitation of the poetic and rhyming phrases - Use repeated sections of text to predict cumulative storylines - Explore the structure of texts and how they can take many forms (eg short texts such as labels or signs and long texts such an encyclopedia or novel) - Understand that texts can be visual, written or oral (ACELA1430) Responding to texts - Explore how the print in text creates meaning. Explore how images in texts create meaning. Explore how the combination of print and text creates meaning - Through the exploration of fairy tales and other stories, identify some characteristic features (eg ‘Once upon a time’ or ‘happily ever after’ in fairy tales) - Respond to texts by discussing elements of the story - Respond to texts, identifying what they liked or didn’t like about the story (ACELA1786) (ACELT1577) (ACELT1783) (ACELT1578) (ACELA1429) (ACELT1785) (ACELY1646) Vocabulary - Increase and extend vocabulary for meaning making and naming items and activities - Introduce sight word vocabulary contextually (eg use the word ‘and’ in a variety of different sentences) - Build words for thinking and talking about school and learning Identify and read irregular high-frequency words. Suggested minimum sight word bank for PP: - at, in, it, on - and, a, I, go, no - with, this, that, for - is, his, was, as - to, be he, of - the, from, look, then - have, are, they, you (ACELA1758) (ACELA1437) Comprehension Skills These comprehension skills are to be taught through books that students listen to, view or read independently: - Predict the story based on illustration and title on front cover - Predict the next event in the story based on previous event - Begin to retell stories through teacher prompting and questioning (ie what happened at the beginning, middle, and end of this story) - In a small group, use performance to retell the story (eg puppets, drama) - Sequence pictures from a text and orally retell the story - Talk about the meaning of texts - Draw a character or event from a text that has been read without the illustrations being shown - Relate one or two key facts from informative texts - Make an inference about a character based on illustrations (eg facial expressions of the fox show that he is angry) - Find a key word in a text to answer a literal question (ACELY1649) (ACELY1650) (ACELT1580) (ACELY1650) Develop reading fluency Text processing Goals When students are ready, provide opportunity to take home readers Contextual, grammatical, Reading Recovery Leveled Texts semantic and phonic knowledge - Begin frequent reading practice of predictable texts that are supported by images to aid reading fluency and understanding Expected minimum home reading level at the end of Preprimary: Reading level 2 - Predict words based on initial - Read decodable words and sentences (eg ‘A man sat on the frog.’) by blending known graphemes to make CV, VC, VCC, CVC words) In order to achieve the standard required at this level, the student must demonstrate the following with sounds, picture cues, and - Practice decoding skills such as sounding out, looking for patterns, looking for blends confidence: contextual clues - Practice phrasing: pausing after full stops - Use a small bank of high frequency sight words - Through adult support identify - Ensure students read texts that are at their level (ie have the skills required to read the text; text is not too hard or too easy) - Able to decode CVC words and correct errors - Listen to each student reading regularly so that their reading level can be adjusted in small increments as their reading develops - Use sounding out to decode unfamiliar words and contextual clues and initial sound of a word to made a (ACELY1649) (ACELY1649) reasonable guess at an unknown word (ACELY1649) Reading and Viewing By the end of the Foundation year, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify connections between texts and their personal experience. They read short, predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge of concepts about print and sound and letters. They identify the letters of the English alphabet and use the sounds represented by most letters. Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing) By the end of the Foundation year, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify connections between texts and their personal experience. They read short, predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge of concepts about print and sound and letters. They identify the letters of the English alphabet and use the sounds represented by most letters. They listen to and use appropriate language features to respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Australian Curriculum – English Content Map: Writing Elements Text Processes Writing Preprimary Text Opportunities Modelling Joint Construction Application Grammar Handwriting Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Preprimary Year Understandings, Content & Strategies Understand that written language needs to be readable by others. (ACELA1431) Authentic writing opportunities Engage with many opportunities to write for authentic purposes Students write to communicate ideas and share information Write about everyday experiences (ACELY1651) (ACELY1654) Share ideas for writing with a peer/teacher before commencing. (ACELY1651) Draw pictures to support verbal or written communication of message. (ACELY1651)(ACELY1654) Real world writing experiences Engage with many real world situations that require the use of written language (eg dramatic play areas with writing prompts or writing provocations; making a shopping list in the shopping corner) Use provided materials to create labels and signs (ACELY1651) (ACELY1654) Draw a picture or use a photo (or image) as a prompt for writing. (ACELY1654) Shared experience Jointly construct a written recount about a shared experience Write one or two sentences about a shared experience or event (could be placed into a class book, digital text, photo journal, wall display or portfolio entry). (ACELY1651) (ACELY1654) Activity Retells Write about products or experiences made personally or with peers Use a framework provided by the teacher to record an activity retell (ACELY1651) (ACELY1654) Spelling Identify punctuation in text (ie full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, quotation marks, and capital letters). (ACELA1432) Achievement Standard Listen to a range of text forms read by the teacher, pointing out purpose and audience. (ACELY1645) (ACELA1430) Discuss the purpose and structure of what makes a readable sentence. (ACELY1651) Communicating with others Write about personal interests and share with others (eg writing letters to Dad or Mum) Write about topics taught at school and share with others Write for a particular audience and purpose (eg birthday card, Fathers/Mothers Day card) (ACELY1651) (ACELY1654) Sentence structure Identify a sentence in a text. Recognise Identify sentence boundaries (capital Understand that sentences are key unit Understand that a sentence expresses a sentence and what defines a letters/full stops) (ACELA1435) for expressing ideas (ACELA1435) one idea. (ACELA1435) sentence (ie full stops and capital (ACELA1432) letters). (ACELA1435) Teach correct posture and Trace, copy and then independently write Demonstrate how to construct each letter (upper and Learn the shape and starting position of each letter through pencil grip. handwriting patterns (curves, anti-clockwise lowercase) including starting position and movement - whole body writing movements, clockwise movements, etc) direction, including verbal cues. - tactile writing (sand trays, shaving cream etc.) (ACELY1653) (ACELY1653) (ACELY1653) - A3 sized outline of the letters paint/write to within - writing on a base line - writing using dotted thirds (ACELY1653) Through the dictation of sounds and words, students record the sounds/words they hear. Students should be able to record each sound fluently as it is dictated to them. (ACELA1758) (ACELA1439) (ACELA1440) (ACELA1459) Punctuation & Editing Term 1 Share writing with others (ie peer, adult). (ACELY1651) Fostering a love of writing Provide a space for students to write (may wish to include sounds charts, writing prompts, sentence starters) Provide engaging materials to encourage writing Provide paper for students to use for writing in creative play situations Writing table Blank paper for students to ‘write their own books’ Celebrating students’ writing by providing opportunities for them to share their writing and displaying their work in the classroom (ACELY1651) (ACELY1654) Understand that the order of the words Create simple sentences with capital in a sentence affects its meaning (eg letters and full stops. (ACELA1435) ‘The boy sat on the dog’ vs ‘The dog sat (ACELY1652) on the boy’) (ACELA1435) Handwriting Expectations by the end of PP * WA modern cursive handwriting font (suggested size 24mm) * Each letter is located correctly on the base line and spaced within the thirds * Each letter begins from the current location and position * Each letter is written with the correct movement and direction * Students write with tripod pencil grip and appropriate posture (ACELY1653) Jointly construct word families including the following families: Spell decodable words using known graphemes through games and structured Spell taught sight activities (CV, VC, CVC) words. at Attempt to spell decodable CVCC and CCVC words. (ACELA1758) it (ACELA1758) (ACELA1439) (ACELA1440) (ACELA1459) (ACELA1439) ot (ACELA1440) op en ig og un (ACELA1758) (ACELA1439) (ACELA1440) (ACELA1438) Understand that capital letters form the beginning of a sentence and a Participate in editing of own writing with the guidance of an adult (eg Collaborate with teacher or adult to identify errors and make corrections punctuation mark ends the sentence. student informs teacher of what they have written; teacher scribes (eg Teacher: ‘I’m looking at this sentence and I notice something is (ACELA1432) student’s work). missing…’ Student: ‘I need to put a full stop at the end of the (ACELY1652) sentence!’) (ACELY1652) Writing When writing, students use familiar words and phrases and images to convey ideas. Their writing shows evidence of sound and letter knowledge, beginning writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters and full stops. They correctly form known upper- and lower-case letters. Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating) Students understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe likes and dislikes about familiar texts, objects, characters and events. In informal group and whole class settings, students communicate clearly. They retell events and experiences with peers and known adults. They identify and use rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. When writing, students use familiar words and phrases and images to convey ideas. Their writing shows evidence of sound and letter knowledge, beginning writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters and full stops. They correctly form known upper- and lower-case letters. Australian Curriculum – English Content Map: Speaking & Listening Elements Speaking & Listening Preprimary Interaction Skills Communication (Understanding) Presentation Skills Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Preprimary Year Understandings, Content & Strategies Responding to Others - Respond to others in formal and informal situations - Explore how to speak to adults, peers and visitors using appropriate tone, posture and language. - Learn to ask relevant questions - Express requests and opinions in ways that are suitable to the context (ACELA1428) Facial Expressions and Feelings - Identify facial expressions and gestures and their communicated meaning - Explore how to demonstrate different facial expressions - Learn how to recognise the facial expressions of others - Explore how to use facial expressions to express likes and dislikes appropriately (ACELA1429) Setting - Explore formal and informal language use - Learn how to use appropriate pitch and volume to match situation (eg ‘inside voices’ need to be quiet and ‘outside voices’ may be louder) - Speak with appropriate volume and clarity to suit intended audience (eg yelling is not appropriate when speaking to a small group inside) - Use of appropriate manners (eg please, thank you, may I please…) (ACELA1428) (ACELY1646) (ACELY1784) Understand that there are many different languages throughout Australia and the world. Show appreciation that all languages are used for communicating thoughts and feelings and are of equal value to their own. (ACELA1426) Object Based News Purpose To share knowledge about an object of personal interest with their peers Structure Greeting Identify object and type of object (eg This is a horse. It is a type of farm animal). Describe the object (parts of the object, use of the object, location of the object) Conclusion: how students feel about the object Features Linking sentences to describe one object Concise, specific vocabulary Staying to one topic (ACELA1437) (ACELY1646) (ACELY1647) (ACELY1784) Rhymes Purpose To hear and replicate sound and word patterns Structure Two short sentences where the last words rhyme Features Rhyming words Rhythmic sentence patterns (ACELA1439) (ACELT1578) (ACELT1579) (ACELT1785) (ACELT1580) Oral presentations Purpose To inform or entertain an intended audience Structure Student or group of students presenting information, performance, puppet show etc Features Emerging full sentence structure Begin to orally sequence content for an intended purpose Begin to use props, images or objects appropriately to assist in oral presentation (ACELA1437) (ACELY1646) (ACELY1647) (ACELY1784) Body Movement and Language Through role modelling and opportunities to practice, students develop an understanding of the different roles in speaking and listening. Listener Posture - showing interest - hands and body still and positioned facing the speaker Gestures - use appropriate and agreed upon gestures to show understanding (eg eyes on speaker) Speaker Posture - Look at the audience (not just the teacher) - Keep body as still as possible (movement to be kept to a minimum) - Upright and open posture Gestures - Students will use natural hand gestures to communicate; hands may be used for emphasis or explanation (ACELY1784) Achievement Standard Vocal Skills Listener - No interruptions when speaker is talking; no calling out while the speaker is speaking - Respond to others with relevant comments and questions - Take turns in discussions - Recognise the contribution of others - Respond to questions with more than one or two words Speaker - Encourage and practice clear pronunciation of words and sounds - Use appropriate volume (ACELY1784) Explore and understand how language changes depending on the relationship between the Recognise some of the ways we use speech, gestures, writing, and speaker and the listener (eg language is different between friend-friend, parents-child, teachermedia to communicate feelings. (ACELA1429) child) (ACELA1428) Events based news Activity Retell Story Oral ‘because’ Oral discussion Purpose Purpose Purpose statements Purpose Purpose To share events or To orally retell the to entertain others To share thoughts and experiences with others sequence of events for Structure information To share a Structure: the production of an item personal opinion Structure introduce story starters (eg (eg craft item, cooking Structure Greeting ‘Once upon a time…’ or ‘A long, Question / provocation / item) long time ago…’) I like….because… idea presented to initiate Details of event in Structure Features discussion coherent sequence Collaboratively structure a story Opening statement of with a beginning, middle and end Give reasons for Turn taking Response from audience what has been made likes and dislikes in the form of relevant Collaboratively create an oral Teacher facilitated Materials needed questions story (teacher with students Use props or Features acting out/students jointly objects (eg a 2 or 3 steps Thank you Share feelings and Features construct/students create in favourite book or Features: thoughts groups) an item them have Steps to be in Should include: who, Responding to texts Features made) chronological order what, when and where (favorite stories etc) Record oral stories Statements made With teacher assistance Begin to sequence Practice and extend collaboratively using story maps about objects, language becomes more content through the use of vocabulary texts, characters descriptive so that other Collaboratively discuss and then pictorial cues or repeated Create a response to the and events students can repeat the independently represent rehearsal (at home?) discussion starter and (ACELT1783) task characters created in the stories Through the use of props what others have (ACELA1429) (ACELA1437) (ACELY1646) With teacher assistance, and images, engage contributed (ACELY1647) (ACELY1784) describe and label the audience with Begin to ask questions characteristics of a character in presentation Able to answer questions an oral story or create a Encourage full sentences (encourage full sentence character to be used for an oral (ACELA1435) (ACELY1646) responses) story (ACELT1783) (ACELY1647) (ACELA1428) (ACELA1429) Use props (puppets, masks, etc) (ACELY1784) (ACELT1577) (ACELY1650) to assist students to take on (ACELT1783) (ACELY1784) characters Extension Students independently/collaboratively create or write their own oral story Students independently create one or two sentences describing their character Suggestions – use dramatic play, puppets and role plays to create oral stories and characters (ACELA1439) (ACELT1578) (ACELT1579) (ACELT1785) (ACELT1580) Speaking and Listening They listen to and use appropriate language features to respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Students understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe likes and dislikes about familiar texts, objects, characters and events. In informal group and whole class settings, students communicate clearly. They retell events and experiences with peers and known adults. They identify and use rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing) By the end of the Foundation year, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify connections between texts and their personal experience. They read short, predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge of concepts about print and sound and letters. They identify the letters of the English alphabet and use the sounds represented by most letters. They listen to and use appropriate language features to respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating) Students understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe likes and dislikes about familiar texts, objects, characters and events. In informal group and whole class settings, students communicate clearly. They retell events and experiences with peers and known adults. They identify and use rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. When writing, students use familiar words and phrases and images to convey ideas. Their writing shows evidence of sound and letter knowledge, beginning writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters and full stops. They correctly form known upper- and lower-case letters. Australian Curriculum – English Links with other Curriculum Areas Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Preprimary Year Term 4 GENERAL CAPABILITIES & CROSS-CURRICULUM PRIORITIES General Capabilities Literacy LIT Numeracy NUM ICT Competence ICT Critical and Creative Thinking CCT Ethical Behaviour ETH Personal and Social Competence P&S Intercultural Understanding ICU Cross-Curriculum Priorities Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures ATSI Asia & Australia’s engagement with Asia ASIA Sustainability SUS ENGLISH Language Literature Literacy Understand that English is one of many Explore how language is used Understand that language Understand that texts can take many forms, can be Understand that some Understand that punctuation is a feature of written Understand concepts about print and languages spoken in Australia and that differently at home and school can be used to explore ways very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for language in written texts text different from letters; recognise how capital screen, including how books, film and different languages may be spoken by depending on the relationships of expressing needs, likes example an information book or a film) and that is unlike everyday letters are used for names, and that capital letters simple digital texts work, and know family, classmates and community between people (ACELA1428) and dislikes (ACELA1429) stories and informative texts have different purposes spoken language and full stops signal the beginning and end of some features of print, for example (ACELA1426) ICU, ATSI, ASIA P&S P&S (ACELA1430) ICT, CCT (ACELA1431) sentences (ACELA1432) directionality (ACELA1433) ICT, ATSI Recognise that Recognise that texts are made Explore the different contribution of Understand the use of vocabulary in Know that spoken sounds and words can be Know how to use Recognise rhymes, Recognise the letters of the sentences are key units up of words and groups of words and images to meaning in familiar contexts related to everyday written down using letters of the alphabet and onset and rime to spell syllables and sounds alphabet and know there are for expressing ideas words that make meaning stories and informative texts experiences, personal interests and topics how to write some high-frequency sight words words (ACELA1438) (phonemes) in spoken lower and upper case letters (ACELA1435) (ACELA1434) (ACELA1786) ICT, CCT taught at school (ACELA1437) P&S and known words (ACELA1758) words (ACELA1439) (ACELA1440) Recognise that texts are created by authors who Respond to texts, Share feelings and thoughts Identify some features of texts Recognise some different types of literary texts and Replicate the rhythms and sound Retell familiar literary texts through tell stories and share experiences that may be identifying favourite stories, about the events and including events and characters identify some characteristic features of literary texts, patterns in stories, rhymes, songs and performance, use of illustrations and similar or different to students’ own experiences authors and illustrators characters in texts and retell events from a text for example beginnings and endings of traditional poems from a range of cultures images (ACELT1580) ICT, CCT (ACELT1575) P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA (ACELT1577) P&S (ACELT1783) CCT, P&S (ACELT1578) ICU, ATSI, ASIA texts and rhyme in poetry (ACELT1785) ICU, ATSI (ACELT1579) ICU, ATSI, ASIA Identify some familiar texts Listen to and respond orally to texts and to Use interaction skills including listening while others speak, using Deliver short oral presentations to Identify some differences Read predictable texts, practising phrasing and fluency, and and the contexts in which they the communication of others in informal appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures peers (ACELY1647) P&S, SUS between imaginative and monitor meaning using concepts about print and emerging are used (ACELY1645) P&S and structured classroom situations and eye contact (ACELY1784) P&S, SUS informative texts (ACELY1648) contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge (ACELY1646) CCT, P&S CCT (ACELY1649) ICT Use comprehension strategies to understand and Create short texts to explore, record and report ideas and events Participate in shared editing of students’ own texts for Produce some lower case and upper case letters Construct texts using software including word discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (ACELY1651) meaning, spelling, capital letters and full stops using learned letter formations (ACELY1653) processing programs (ACELY1654) ICT (ACELY1650) CCT, ATSI ICT, CCT, P&S, SUS (ACELY1652) MATHEMATICS Proficiency Strands Number & Algebra Measurement & Geometry Statistics & Probability Understanding Fluency Problem Solving Reasoning includes connecting names, numerals and includes readily counting numbers in sequences, continuing includes using materials to model authentic problems, sorting objects, using familiar counting sequences ncludes explaining comparisons of quantities, creating patterns, quantities patterns, and comparing the lengths of objects to solve unfamiliar problems, and discussing the reasonableness of the answer and explaining processes for indirect comparison of length Establish understanding of the language and processes Connect number names, numerals and Subitise small collections of Compare, order and make correspondences Represent practical situations to model Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and objects (ACMNA003) NUM between collections, initially to 20, and addition and sharing (ACMNA004) NUM, basis for these classifications. Copy, continue to and from 20, moving from any starting point then beyond (ACMNA002) LIT, NUM, ICU, ATSI, explain reasoning (ACMNA289) LIT, CCT, CCT, ATSI and create patterns with objects and drawings (ACMNA001) LIT, NUM, ICU, ATSI, ASIA ASIA P&S, ATSI, ASIA (ACMNA005) LIT, NUM, CCT Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer, Compare and order the duration of events using the Connect days of the week to familiar events and Sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional Describe position and movement heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language everyday language of time (ACMMG007) LIT, NUM, actions (ACMMG008) LIT, NUM, P&S shapes and three-dimensional objects in the (ACMMG010) LIT, CCT (ACMMG006) LIT, NUM, CCT CCT environment (ACMMG009) LIT Answer yes/no questions to collect information (ACMSP011) P&S SCIENCE Science Understanding Science as a human endeavour Science Inquiry Skills Living things have basic needs, including food and water (ACSSU002) LIT, CCT, P&S, SUS Objects are made of materials that have observable properties (ACSSU003) LIT, NUM, CCT, SUS Daily and seasonal changes in our environment, including the weather, affect everyday life (ACSSU004) LIT, P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS The way objects move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and shape (ACSSU005) LIT, CCT Engage in discussions about observations and use methods such as drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233) LIT, CCT, P&S Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012) LIT, P&S Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses (ACSHE013) LIT, P&S, CCT Respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014) LIT, CCT, P&S Explore and make observations by using the senses (ACSIS011) LIT HISTORY Key Inquiry Questions Historical Knowledge & Understanding Historical Skills What is my history and how do I know? What stories do other people tell about the past? How can stories of the past be told and shared? Who the people in their family are, where they were born and raised and how they are related to each other (ACHHK001) CCT, P&S The different structures of families and family groups today, and what they have in common (ACHHK002) LIT, CCT, P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA How they, their family and friends commemorate past events that are important to them (ACHHK003) P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA Sequence familiar objects and events (ACHHS015) LIT, NUM Pose questions about the past using sources provided (ACHHS017) LIT, CCT, P&S Identify and compare features of objects from the past and present (ACHHS019) LIT, CCT Sequence familiar objects and events (ACHHS015) LIT Explore a range of sources about the past (ACHHS018) LIT Explore a point of view (ACHHS020) CCT, P&S How the stories of families and the past can be communicated, for example through photographs, artefacts, books, oral histories, digital media, and museums (ACHHK004) LIT, CCT, P&S, ICU, ATSI Develop a narrative about the past (ACHHS021) LIT, CCT P&S Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written, role play) and digital technologies (ACHHS022) LIT, ICT Australian Curriculum – English Links with other Curriculum Areas (Continued): Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Preprimary Year Term 4 GEOGRAPHY Inquiry Questions Geographical Knowledge & Understanding Geographical Skills What are places like? What makes a place special? The representation of the location of places and their features on maps and a globe (ACHGK001) (ACHGK005) LIT, NUM,CCT, ATSI, Make observations about familiar places and pose questions about them (ACHGS001) LIT, CCT How can we look after the places we live in? Place (personal & local Space (personal & local scale) Environment (personal & local scale) scale) The Countries/Places that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples belong to in The reasons why some places are special to people, and how they can be looked the local area and why they are important to them (ACHGK003) LIT, NUM, CCT, after (ACHGK004) LIT, CCT, P&S, ATSI, SUS ICU, ATSI The places people live in and belong to, their familiar features and why they are important to people (ACHGK002) LIT, NUM, CCT Record geographical data and information collected by observation (ACHGS002) LIT, CCT Represent the location of features of a familiar place on pictorial maps and models (ACHGS003) LIT, NUM, CCT Key Concepts Draw conclusions based on discussions of observations (ACHGS004) LIT, CCT Present information using everyday language to describe location and direction (ACHGS005) LIT, CCT Reflect on their learning to suggest ways that they can look after a familiar place (ACHGS006) LIT, CCT, P&S, SUS THE ARTS Dance Explore, improvise and organise ideas to make dance sequences using the elements of dance (ACADAM001) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Use fundamental movement skills to develop technical skills when practising dance sequences (ACADAM002) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S Drama Explore role and dramatic action in dramatic play, improvisation and process drama (ACADRM027) LIT, ICT, CCT, P&S, SUS Use voice, facial expression, movement and space to imagine and establish role and situation (ACADRM028) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S, SUS Music Develop aural skills by exploring and imitating sounds, pitch and rhythm patterns using voice, movement and body percussion (ACAMUM080) LIT, NUM, ICT, CCT Media Arts Explore ideas, characters and settings in the community through stories in images, sounds and text (ACAMAM054) ICT, NUM, CCT, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Sing and play instruments to improvise, practise a repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes, including songs used by cultural groups in the community (ACAMUM081) LIT, ICT, CCT, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Use media technologies to capture and edit images, sounds and text for a purpose (ACAMAM055) LIT, ICT, CCT, SUS Explore ideas, experiences, observations and imagination to create visual artworks and design, including considering ideas in artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists (ACAVAM106) LIT, NUM, ICT, CCT, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Use and experiment with different materials, techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks (ACAVAM107) LIT, NUM, IC, CCT, P&S, ASIA, SUS Visual Arts Present dance that communicate ideas to an audience, including dance used by cultural groups in the community (ACADAM003) NUM, CCT, P&S, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Present drama that communicates ideas, including stories from their community, to an audience (ACADRM029) LIT, ICT, CCT, P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Create compositions and perform music to communicate ideas to an audience (ACAMUM082) LIT, NUM, ICT, CCT, P&S Create and present media artworks that communicate ideas and stories to an audience (ACAMAM056) LIT, NUM, ICT, CCT, P&S, ICU, ASIA, SUS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience (ACAVAM108) LIT, CCT, P&S, ATSI, ASIA Respond to dance and consider where and why people dance, starting with dances from Australia including dances of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACADAR004) NUM, CCT, P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Respond to drama and consider where and why people make drama, starting with Australian drama including drama of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACADRR030) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Respond to music and consider where and why people make music, starting with Australian music, including music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAMUR083) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Respond to media artworks and consider where and why people make media artworks, starting with media from Australia including media artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAMAR057) LIT, NUM, CCT, ICT, P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS Respond to visual artworks and consider where and why people make visual artworks, starting with visual artworks from Australia, including visual artworks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACAVAR109) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S, ICU, ATSI, ASIA, SUS TECHNOLOGIES Design & Technologies Knowledge & Understanding Digital Technologies Knowledge & Understanding Identify how people design and Explore how technologies produce familiar products, services use forces to create and environments and consider movement in products sustainability to meet personal and (ACTDEK002) LIT, NUM, local community needs CCT, ATSI, ASIA (ACTDEK001) LIT, ICT, CCT, P&S, ETH, ICU, SUS Identify, use and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001) LIT, NUM, CCT Explore how plants and animals are grown for food, clothing and shelter and how food is selected and prepared for healthy eating (ACTDEK003) LIT, CCT Explore the characteristics and properties of materials and components that are used to produce designed solutions (ACTDEK004) NUM, ICT Processes & Skills Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003) LIT, NUM, ICT, CCT, P&S Processes & Skills Explore needs or opportunities for designing, and the technologies needed to realise designed solutions (ACTDEP005) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S, ETH, SUS Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004) NUM, ICT Visualise, generate, develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing and modelling (ACTDEP006) NUM Use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to safely make designed solutions (ACTDEP007) LIT, NUM, ICT, CCT, ETH, SUS Explore how people safely use common information systems to meet information, communication and recreation needs (ACTDIP005) ICT, CCT, P&S Use personal preferences to Sequence steps for evaluate the success of making designed solutions design ideas, processes and and working collaboratively solutions including their care (ACTDEP009) LIT, NUM, for environment ICT, CCT, P&S, ETH, SUS (ACTDEP008) LIT, NUM, ICT, CCT, ETH, SUS Work with others to create and organise ideas and information using information systems, and share these with known people in safe online environments (ACTDIP006) LIT, ICT, CCT, P&S, ETH, ICU, ATSI, ASIA HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION Personal, Social & Community Health Movement & Physical Activity Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities (ACPPS015) LIT, CCT, P&S Perform fundamental movement skills in different movement situations (ACPMP025) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S Describe physical and social changes that occur as children grow older and discuss how family and community acknowledge these (ACPPS016) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S, ICU Practise strategies they can use when they need help with a task, problem or situation (ACPPS017) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS018) LIT, CCT, P&S Describe ways to include others to make them feel that they belong (ACPPS019) LIT, CCT, P&S, ETH Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings (ACPPS020) LIT, CCT, P&S, ETH, ATSI Examine health messages and how they relate to health decisions and behaviours (ACPPS021) LIT, CCT, P&S Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place (ACPPS022) LIT, CCT, P&S, SUS Construct and perform imaginative and original movement sequences in response to stimuli (ACPMP026) NUM, CCT, P&S Create and participate in games (ACPMP027) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S Discuss the body’s reactions to participating in physical activities (ACPMP028) LIT, NUM, CCT, P&S Incorporate elements of effort, space, time, objects and people in performing simple movement sequences (ACPMP029) LIT, NUM, CCT Use strategies to work in group situations when participating in physical activities (ACPMP030) LIT, CCT, P&S Propose a range of alternatives and test their effectiveness when solving movement challenges (ACPMP031) LIT, CCT, P&S Identify rules and play fairly when participating in physical activities (ACPMP032) LIT, CCT, P&S, ETH Identify and explore natural and built environments in the local community where physical activity can take place (ACPPS023) LIT, CCT Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected (ACPPS024) LIT, CCT, SUS LANGUAGES - LOTE – INDONESIAN Communicating Understanding Participate in structured Participate in guided group play and class activities, activities such as games, exchanging with peers songs and simple tasks, using and teacher greetings and movement, gesture and information about self, pictures to support meaning family and interests [Key concept: play; Key [Key concepts: self, processes: singing, chanting, family; Key processes: drawing] playing, imitating] (ACLINC002) (ACLINC001) Reproduce the sound and spelling of the vowels and the letters c (ch) and trilled r, and recognise that Indonesian is written using the Roman alphabet [Key concept: pronunciation; Key processes: reading aloud, mimicking] (ACLINU012) Participate with teacher and peers in class routines and activities, including following instructions and taking turns [Key concepts: routine, sharing; Key processes: shared reading, following instructions] (ACLINC003) Locate specific words and familiar phrases in texts such as charts, lists and songs, and use information to complete guided oral and written tasks [Key concepts: literacy, numeracy; Key processes: selecting, sorting, matching] (ACLINC004) Recognise questions, commands and simple subject-focus sentences, and develop vocabulary for people, places and things in their personal world [Key concepts: possession, word order; Key processes: naming, noticing patterns] (ACLINU013) Give factual information Participate in shared reading about self, family and and play-acting, and respond significant objects using through singing, chanting, labels, captions and action and movement descriptions [Key concepts: character, [Key concepts: self, story; Key processes: playing, favourite; Key choral reading; Key text types: processes: describing, fairy tale, fable, comic, showing] cartoon, song, rhyme] (ACLINC005) (ACLINC006) Understand that language is organised as ‘text’, and recognise features of texts such as songs, chants, labels and captions [Key concept: text; Key processes: recognising, identifying] (ACLINU014) Use familiar words, phrases and patterns to create captions and participate in shared performances and games [Key concept: performance; Key processes: performing, singing, dancing; Key text types: chant, song, poster, puppet show] (ACLINC007) Translate familiar words and phrases, using visual cues and word lists, noticing how words may have similar or different meanings [Key concepts: similarity, difference; Key process: noticing] (ACLINC008) Recognise that ways of greeting and addressing others may change according to cultural norms [Key concepts: appropriateness, respect; Key processes: noticing, selecting] (ACLINU015) Create captions, labels and statements for the immediate learning environment in both Indonesian and English [Key concepts: etiquette, respect, equivalence; Key processes: labelling, displaying] (ACLINC009) Develop awareness that Indonesian and English borrow from each other. [Key concept: borrowing; Key process: observing] (ACLINU016) Notice what may look or Describe aspects of self feel similar or different to such as family, own language and culture school/class, gender when interacting in and language/s, noticing Indonesian how these are part of [Key concepts: one’s identity communication, respect; [Key concept: self; Key Key processes: noticing, processes: describing, comparing] noticing] (ACLINC010) (ACLINC011) Notice that the languages people use and the way they use them relate to who they are and where and how they live. [Key concepts: norm, culture; Key process: making connections] (ACLINU017)