Revision Planner 2015 Name: __________________________________ Contents: What’s Doddle? Subject Summaries Weekly Planner Daily Planner Doddle is an online homework and revision website that will help you revise for your GCSEs! To log in to Doddle go to and click the Login button in the top right corner. Enter your login details. Once you’ve logged in, choose the subject you want to revise and then hit the Browse button at the top of the screen. You can find resources by looking under key stage and topic on the left hand side, or by using the search box at the top! You have access to: Presentations Revision quizzes Exam quizzes Interactive activities Good luck with revision and your exams! Subject Summaries Fill in this section with information on each subject you are studying and will need to revise for. Ask your teacher if you are not sure. Resources might be: Revision guides & workbooks, course notes, vocab sheets, exercise books, Doddle. Techniques might be: Writing condensed notes, doing past-papers, making mind-maps, creating flash cards, making posters, doing online revision. Subject Example – English Topics to revise Writing styles – persuade, argue, advise, inform, describe, explain Analysing language Resources and techniques Log onto Doddle and search.... Subject Summaries Subject Topics to revise Resources and techniques Weekly Planner Use this week by week overview to plan when you will revise for each subject or topic. Use your subject summary to make sure you have covered everything by the time the exam comes around. Doddle Top Tip: It’s a good idea to space out your revision sessions for a subject, rather than spending a whole week revising one subject. That way, you won’t get bored! Week Example 10 – 15 March 16 – 22 March 23 - 29 March 30 March – 5 April 6 – 12 April Subject/topic 1 English – Analysing language Subject/topic 2 History – WW2 Subject/topic 3 Geography – Weather Exams this week Tuesday PM: Geography 1 Friday AM: History 1 Weekly Planner Week 13-19 April 20 – 26 April 27 April – 3 May 4 May – 10 May 11 – 17 May 18 – 24 May 25 – 31 May Subject/topic 1 Subject/topic 2 Subject/topic 3 Exams this week Weekly Planner Week 1 – 7 June 8 – 14 June 15 – 19 June 3rd July PROM! Subject/topic 1 Subject/topic 2 Subject/topic 3 Exams this week Daily Planner Use this daily planner to plan what you will revise each day. Make sure you set yourself a specific activity for each session. Doddle Top Tip: Set yourself rewards for completing your revision as planned. Rewards don’t have to cost anything, they could be as simple as having a day off on a Saturday or Sunday! Day Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Example Subject: Maths Time: 10-11am Activity: Take Doddle revision on circles Subject: English Time: 12-2pm Activity: Make notes on Romeo and Juliet Subject: French Time: 3-5pm Activity: Revise holidays vocabulary Monday Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Tuesday Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Wednesday Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Thursday Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Friday Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Saturday Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Sunday Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: Subject: Activity: Time: