Agreement Migori hospital and RDS

Agreement between St. Joseph Hospital, Migori and Rotary Doctors Sweden
regarding the dental clinic at St. Joseph hospital
July 2013
Aim of the cooperation
The long-term aim of the cooperation between the Migori hospital and the Rotary Doctors Sweden is
to establish a well-functioning dental clinic that will be self-sustained and can provide service to the
community and school children in the neighborhood.
The Migori hospital and Rotary Doctors Sweden have jointly agreed that this should be done over a
time period of 3-5 years. This means that the clinic will be managed in a way so the hospital gradually
takes over all the responsibilities of the clinic.
The hospital has the responsibility to have employed staff at the clinic that in the long run can man
the dental clinic independently.
The Rotary Doctors Sweden will continue to send dentists to the clinic. The dentists will focus on
training and supporting staff as well as school screening. They will also provide treatment in
cooperation with the staff of the clinic. During 2014 six dentists with periods of 5-6 weeks will come
to the clinic. This will gradually be reduced over the coming year. The actual number of dentist to be
sent each next coming year will be determined in consultation between the hospital and the Rotary
Doctors Sweden.
All the equipment is the ownership of the clinic and therefore the hospitals. Most of the equipment
has been donated to the clinic and the donators’ wishes that it should benefit the dental clinic should
be respected.
The hospital is to take the full responsibility of the equipment, its maintenance and repair. However
the hospital can seek support from the Rotary Doctor Sweden regarding these matters by contacting
the Swedish RDS office. If needed Guidelines for Maintenance of the equipment can be developed
The hospital is already providing gloves, antibiotics and local anesthetics to the dental clinic in
accordance to our earlier contact. All the consumables of the prosthesis workshop are also the
responsibility of the hospital.
The Rotary Doctors Sweden will cover the costs for additional consumable needed during 2013 for
the dental clinic (not the ones mentioned above). For 2014 it will only supply material that is needed
in connection to the visits of the dentists.
The clinic staff should inform the hospital administration about the needs for consumables. The
request will be forwarded to the Swedish Rotary Doctors’ office in Sweden at the latest 3 weeks
before the next dentist is due to arrive.
If consumables are urgently needed when dentists are not in Migori the hospital will cover the costs
for these.
For the year 2015 it is the aim that the hospital takes over a bigger part of the funding of the
consumables. This will be discussed during the follow-up meetings.
Fee system of the clinic
The hospital will be responsible for the fee system, to ensure that the clinic is self-sustainable, while
still being able to give good service to a reasonable cost. The dentist will follow and respect this fee
system, while being welcomed to give feed-back on how the system works on a daily basis in the
School screening and financing children’s treatment
The hospital and the Rotary Doctors Sweden agree on the importance to screen children and getting
them used to visiting a dental clinic. The Rotary Doctors Sweden will continue to finance the dental
fees and the transport for the children that visit the clinic for treatment after being identified during
school screenings that are done while the RDS dentists are at the clinic. The costs for 2103 will be
100 KES. If school children come to the clinic with an acute dental problem the hospital will wave the
fee if the parents do not have means for paying.
Since the hospital will take responsibility for the clinic there will no longer be a need for a voluntary
coordinator for the clinic (currently Britt Lindau). The staff of the clinic should instead turn to the
administration of the hospital regarding needs and all other issues regarding the clinic. The hospital
administration should then contact the Swedish Rotary Doctors office in Sweden regarding
consumables, equipment or any other issues of concern.
Housing for the dentist
The hospital will provide a house for the dentist with cooking facilities, well furnished and with
mosquito nets for the windows. It will also provide a staff person for cooking, purchasing food,
cleaning and washing laundry. The dentist will pay the agreed fee for this housing.
The hospital will provide transport for the dentist from and to the Kisumu airport to a cost of totally
14 000 KES. This will be paid by the Rotary Doctors Sweden representative in Kenya.
Monitoring and evaluation
The implementation of this agreement will be monitored by the two partners. Each year a meeting
will be held with representatives of the two partners to evaluate the implementation of the
agreement and adjust future cooperation and plans with the overall aim of a sustainable dental clinic
in mind.