EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Division on Visual Impairments 2014 CEC Annual Convention & Expo Philadelphia, Pa Friday 11, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Room 303, Level 3 I. Call to Order …………………………………………………………………………….Diane Pevsner a. Diane Pevsner Called the meeting to order b. Attendance: Diane Pevsner, Nicole Johnson, Anna Tellis, Mackenzie Savaiano, Adam Wilton, Katie Ferrand, Derrick Smith, Leslie Buchanan, Susan Brennan, Sarah Ivy, Olaya Landa-Vialard II. Adoption of Agenda & Executive Board Motions ……………………………………..Diane Pevsner a. Adam Wilton motion to adopt agenda, Mackenzie Saviano seconded the motion b. Approval of Other Motions (items must be added to the agenda prior to its adoption) …………………………………….. Executive Board Members III. Planning for 2014-2015 ……………………………………………………………. Diane Pevsner a. Committee Roster i. Audit & Oversight – Nora Griffin-Shirley (exploring the idea of somebody else to take over) ii. Awards Committee – Loana Mason iii. Constitution and Bylaws – Lou Tutt iv. Deafblind – Amy Parker v. Diversity – Paula Conroy vi. DVI-Q – Derrick Smith (until a new editor is appointed) vii. Finance – Susan Brennan & Martin Mason viii. Governmental Relations – Michael Bina and looking into adding Rebecca Sheffield ix. Membership – Sarah Ivy & Robin Herrera x. National Agenda – Janie Blome xi. O&M – Tanni Anthony xii. Position Papers – Deborah Hatton & Donna Brostek Lee xiii. Professional Standards – Mary Jean Sanspree/Susan Brennan may join Susan xiv. Program Advisory – Tiffany Wild xv. Public Relations – Amy Parker & Leslie Buchanan xvi. Publications – Sivia Correa Torres & Olaya Landa Vialard xvii. Website – Adam Wilton Added Ad – Hoc Student Committee to engage students throughout all Vision programs in the country and look into a mentor program for new vision professionals entering the field. Nicole Johnson will chair the committee and work with the students. Diane Pevsner will reach out to committee chairs for them to report who else is serving on their committee. b. Strategic Planning c. Format of the October 2014 Executive Board Meeting i. Plan for group call instead of face to face meeting d. Plans for the 2015 Convention in San Diego, Calif. i. Encourage submissions from members ii. Possibly for research describe research taking place, results and then relate to what practitioners can use it for IV. Opportunities for Serving on the Board of Directors ……………………..Mikki Garcia a. Discussed how serving on the board of directors for CEC works and discussed positions opening up on the board of directors. V. Old Business ……………………………………………………………………………. Executive Board Members a. Engaging Members i. Encouraging the deaf-blind community to engage in CEC-DVIDB ii. Engaging members through emails b. Marketing Strategies i. Discussed sending a pin or a bracelet to new members as a “thank you for joining” and decided the first time this is done it should be sent out to all members then only to new. ii. Discussed the idea of webinars to bring more members to CEC-DVIDB to receive professional development. VI. New Business a. Short term goals and objectives for committees i. Audit and Oversight 1. Need CPA to conduct audit ii. Awards 1. Announcement call for award nominations by October 2014 2. Announce award winners by February 2015 iii. Constitution and Bylaws 1. Review the current constitution and bylaws for any changes iv. Deaf-Blind 1. Engage the deaf-blind committee and encourage membership 2. Make recommendations to the board for considerations on deaf-blindness v. Diversity 1. Review position papers and inclusion of diversity language that needs to be incorporated 2. Encourage the membership to apply for CEC diversity awards vi. DVIQ 1. Develop a plan to solicit articles from the membership 2. Develop author guidelines for writing artiles to be posted online 3. Sponsorship/advertising 4. Job description for editor vii. Finance 1. Develop a TVI Treasurers Handbook 2. Pay all bills on time 3. Develop quarterly reports and provide to the committee and president quarterly 4. Develop a full report for October meeting 5. Ensure IRS documents are completed 6. Look into pay pal opportunities viii. Governmental Relations 1. Attend summer PAC meeting in DC and report the findings to the DVI DB membership through an article in the DVIQ 2. Provide policy updates on important matters related to DVI via email as applicable ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. 3. Provide a report at the October meeting 4. Look into Mary Sullivan Act (Amy Parker and Tiffany Wild) Membership 1. Continue all membership activities as planned in our membership plan provided to CEC 2. Investigate ways to thank members who continue to be members 3. Investigate ways to recruit 4. Look into “Welcome to DVIDB” items possibly a pin or bracelet to be sent to new members National Agenda 1. Present DVIDB and report to the division as appropriate Orientation and Mobility 1. Set up ACVREP CEU’s for 2015 conference Position Papers 1. Put all articles into a standard format which includes reference for students to use in citations 2. Begin develop of three new position papers (ECC, Career and Technical Education, and Assessment) 3. Complete Schedule and begin process of review (develop timeline) Professional Standards 1. Maintain and watch knowledge and skills 2. Look into letter for divisions input on Knowledge and skills Program Advisory Committee 1. Develop a strong PAC committee composed of university personnel, teachers, and related service providers. 2. Attend summer PAC meeting 3. Announcement the full slate at the October meeting including the DVI showcase Public Relations 1. Look into items to put on the DVIDB table for the conference in 2015 a. Possibly a “give away” or items to attract attention 2. Sponsorship for social 3. Determine a theme for posters for social Publications 1. Send out a needs survey for webinars 2. Conduct a trial webinar open to everyone Website 1. Look into “members only” section of the website 2. Work with other committees to add content, as needed 3. Link position papers together 4. Add employment opportunities section to DVIDB website Ad-Hoc Committee: Student 1. Engage Student Community throughout the country 2. Pilot mentorship program for new professionals to the field 3. Letter to other programs discussing CEC DVIDB VII. Adjourn …………………………………………………………………………… Diane Pevsner a. Mackenzie Salviano motion to adjourn Olaya Landa-Vialard 2nd motion