Department of Nutrition Georgia State University Application for Graduate Assistantship Graduate Assistantships, including a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) and Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA), provide students with an opportunity to work with a faculty member on various research projects and instructional activities. Assistantships are awarded to qualified students and require a specific work commitment for the semester. In exchange for the work commitment, GRA and GTA receive a full or partial tuition waiver and a financial stipend. Students working as GRA and GTA are required to pay mandatory fees (e.g., student activity, health and athletic fees). Students receiving full tuition are required to purchase mandatory health insurance unless they receive a waiver for this based on their personal health insurance. If you are interested in being considered for a graduate assistantship, please complete this form, attach your current resume and return it to your academic advisor (preferably by email) three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. STUDENT’S NAME CURRENT TELEPHONE NO. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. LOCAL HOME TELEPHONE NO. LOCAL STREET ADDRESS (including apt. #) WORK TELEPHONE NO. IF YOU ARE A NUTRITION MAJOR, LIST YOUR PROGRAM (MS, CP, MS/DPD): CELL PHONE NO. CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE E-MAIL ADDRESS AREA OF INTEREST FOR MASTER’S RESEARCH SEMESTER FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING: Fall Spring Summer In what area was your undergraduate major? If you are in a graduate program outside the Department of Nutrition, indicate the name of your program: List research experience or related coursework (e.g., library research, coursework in statistics, computer training): Institution or Agency City and State Dates Describe experience or coursework Familiarity or experience with (please check all that apply): Word processing (e.g., Word, WordPerfect) Spreadsheets (e.g., Excel) Presentation Software (e.g., PowerPoint) Statistical Applications (e.g., SPSS, SAS, Access, LISREL) Bibliographical Database Applications (e.g., EndNotes, ProCite, Reference Manager) Qualitative Data Analysis (e.g., Ethno 2, NUD*IST, WORDSTAT) Library Research Research Design Survey Design Observational Data Collection Interviewing Transcribing Data Entry Managing Students Foreign Language(s) Grant Writing Web Page Design Describe or list relevant research, writing, and computer skills: If you are familiar with the research interests/activities of faculty in the Division of Nutrition at Georgia State, do you have a preference to work with particular faculty member(s)? If so, please state faculty member’s name: I hereby authorize the release of this information to third parties who have Graduate Assistantship openings. NOTE: Unless waived, all information obtained is protected under the Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Signature of Student Date