Objective – Using references, compare the physical properties of the planets (e.g., size, solid or gaseous). Traveler’s Guide to the Planets – Uranus & Neptune 1. These worlds are the ice giants. (There are two or more answers to this question.) a. Jupiter b. Neptune c. Saturn d. Uranus 2. Uranus is the __th planet in the Solar System. (Enter a number.) 3. Uranus is mostly made of… a. gas. b. rock. 4. Uranus is made of the following gases… (There are two or more answers to this question.) a. helium. b. hydrogen. c. methane. d. octane. e. xenon. 5. Uranus is the __rd largest planet. (Enter a number.) 6. Uranus’s rings are _______ and ______. (There are two or more answers to this question.) a. dark b light c. thick d. thin 7. Uranus has ____ moons. (Enter a number.) 8. Uranus is not the only planet that orbits on its side. a. True b. False 9. The north polar area is entering sunlight for the first time in ____ decades. (Enter a number.) 10. Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in ________. (Enter a number.) 11. Herschel wanted to name the new planet… a. George. b. Harold. c. Richard. d. William. Objective – Using references, compare the physical properties of the planets (e.g., size, solid or gaseous). 12. The only spacecraft that studied Uranus was… a. New Horizons b. Pioneer c. Vanguard d. Voyager 13. Uranus is ______ times larger than Earth. (Enter a number.) 14. A “year” on Uranus lasts ____ Earth years. (Enter a number.) 15. The temperature of the atmosphere is –______o F. (Enter a number) 16. It took Voyager _____ years to get to Uranus. (Enter a number). 17. This moon of Uranus has spectacular ice cliffs. a. Juliet b. Miranda c. Oberon d. Pan 18. If you jumped off a cliff, it would take minutes to hit the surface. a. True b. False 19. From Neptune the Sun looks like a glimmering point of light. a. True b. False 20. A day on Neptune lasts about _____ Earth hours. (Enter a number.) 21. It takes Neptune _____ Earth years to revolve around the Sun once. (Enter a number.) 22. Neptune’s _________ are the fastest in the Solar System. a. clouds b. winds c. storms d. tornadoes 23. Water has been found on Neptune, but no one knows what form it’s found. a. True b. False 24. One of the main features on Triton is active… a. storms. b. moonquakes. c. geysers. d. All of the above. 25. Triton has a very ______ atmosphere. a. thin b. thick Objective – Using references, compare the physical properties of the planets (e.g., size, solid or gaseous). Traveler’s Guide to the Planets – Uranus & Neptune – Key 1. These worlds are the ice giants. (There are two or more answers to this question.) b. Neptune; d. Uranus 2. Uranus is the __th planet in the Solar System. (Enter a number.) 7 3. Uranus is mostly made of… a. gas 4. Uranus is made of the following gases… (There are two or more answers to this question.) a. helium, b. hydrogen, c. methane 5. Uranus is the __rd largest planet. (Enter a number.) 3 6. Uranus’s rings are _______ and ______. (There are two or more answers to this question.) a. dark; d. thin 7. Uranus has ____ moons. (Enter a number.) 27 8. Uranus is not the only planet that orbits on its side. b. False Objective – Using references, compare the physical properties of the planets (e.g., size, solid or gaseous). 9. The north polar area is entering sunlight for the first time in ____ decades. (Enter a number.) 2 10. Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in ________. (Enter a number.) 1781 11. Herschel wanted to name the new planet… a. George. 12. The only spacecraft that studied Uranus was… d. Voyager 13. Uranus is ______ times larger than Earth. (Enter a number.) 63 14. A “year” on Uranus lasts ____ Earth years. (Enter a number.) 84 15. The temperature of the atmosphere is –______o F. (Enter a number) 355 16. It took Voyager _____ years to get to Uranus. (Enter a number). 10 17. This moon of Uranus has spectacular ice cliffs. b. Miranda Objective – Using references, compare the physical properties of the planets (e.g., size, solid or gaseous). 18. If you jumped off a cliff, it would take minutes to hit the surface. a. True 19. From Neptune the Sun looks like a glimmering point of light. a. True 20. A day on Neptune lasts about _____ Earth hours. (Enter a number.) 16 21. It takes Neptune _____ Earth years to revolve around the Sun once. (Enter a number.) 165 22. Neptune’s _________ are the fastest in the Solar System. b. winds 23. Water has been found on Neptune, but no one knows what form it’s found. a. True 24. One of the main features on Triton is active… c. geysers. 25. Triton has a very ______ atmosphere. a. thin Objective – Using references, compare the physical properties of the planets (e.g., size, solid or gaseous). Traveler’s Guide to the Planets – Uranus & Neptune – Scoring Guide 1. b, d 2. 7 3. a (2 choices) 4. a, b, c (5 choices) 5. 3 6. a, d 7. 27 8. b (2 choices) 9. 2 10. 1781 11. a 12. d 13. 63 14. 84 15. 355 16. 10 17. b 18. a (2 choices) 19. a (2 choices) 20. 16 21. 165 22. b 23. a (2 choices) 24. c 25. a (2 choices) Scoring Guide 23-25 – 4 20-22 – 3.5 17-19 – 3 15-16 – 2.5 11-14 – 2 8-10 – 1.5 5-7 – 1 1-4 – .5