January 14th of 2013 The Study of Sound in a Flight Induced Airflow Madison West High School - Returning Team SLI 2013 Critical Design Review Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Contents Summary ........................................................................................................................ 4 Changes Made Since PDR ............................................................................................ 5 Changes to vehicle ...................................................................................................... 5 Changes to Payload ..................................................................................................... 5 Changes to Project Plan .............................................................................................. 5 Vehicle Criteria .............................................................................................................. 6 Mission Performance Predictions............................................................................... 11 Deployment and Recovery ......................................................................................... 15 Parachutes ............................................................................................................. 16 Drift ........................................................................................................................ 16 Universal Avionics Platform - System Hermes ....................................................... 17 Vehicle Verification .................................................................................................... 18 Performance Targets that Apply to Vehicle ................................................................ 20 Vehicle-Payload Integration ....................................................................................... 20 Vehicle Launch Procedures ....................................................................................... 21 Vehicle Safety ............................................................................................................ 21 Payload Criteria ........................................................................................................... 22 Selection, Design and Verification of Payload Experiment ........................................ 25 Measurements ....................................................................................................... 25 Data and Correlations ............................................................................................ 25 Hypotheses ............................................................................................................ 26 We make the following hypotheses: ....................................................................... 26 Post Flight Procedure............................................................................................. 26 Payload Concept Feature and Definitions .............................................................. 26 Payload Verification ................................................................................................... 27 Payload Safety ........................................................................................................... 27 Section 508 Compliance .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. -2- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Safety ........................................................................................................................... 28 Written Safety Plan .................................................................................................... 28 I. NAR Safety Requirements ...................................................................................... 28 II. Hazardous Materials .............................................................................................. 29 III. Compliance with Laws and Environmental Regulations ........................................ 29 IV. Education, Safety Briefings and Supervision ........................................................ 30 V. Procedures and Documentation ............................................................................ 30 Physical Risks ............................................................................................................ 31 Toxicity Risks ............................................................................................................. 31 Scheduling and Facilities Risks.................................................................................. 31 Rocket/Payload Risks ................................................................................................ 32 Educational Engagement ........................................................................................... 33 Outreach Programs.................................................................................................... 33 Project Plan ................................................................................................................. 35 Schedule .................................................................................................................... 35 Budget ....................................................................................................................... 37 -3- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Summary Team Name Madison West High School – Project Mach 1 Location Madison, WI Title of Project The Study of Sound in a Flight Induced Airflow Mailing Address Ms. Christine Hager Madison West High School 30 Ash Street Madison, WI Team Mentor Mr. Brent Lillesand, NAR/TRA Level-3 certified Launch Vehicle Summary Length: Diameter: Liftoff Weight: Motor: Recovery System: Milestone Review Flysheet: 73” 2.6”, 4.0” 7.5lbs AT J415W 18” drogue (at apogee), 60” main (700ft), dual Perfecflite StratoLogger altimeters (fully redundant) submitted separately Payload Summary We will be investigating the effects of near sonic airspeeds on the behavior of sound waves. We will build a high velocity miniature wind tunnel in our rocket on the basis of the Bernoulli principle and de Laval nozzle. Intake tubes on the face of the rocket will scoop air into tubes inside the rocket. The air will be accelerated to near sonic speeds when it is funneled into a smaller chamber (de Laval nozzle). At both ends of the nozzle is a microphone with a recording device for registering sound. In the throat of the nozzle is a sound generator (strong piezo beeper) that will emit short loud sound pulses at regular intervals. The sound pulses will be emitted at regular intervals and the microphones will record sound as it arrives. We expect to see volume change up to a possible absence of the sound on the upstream end as the speed of fluid approaches Mach 1. -4- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Changes Made Since PDR Changes to vehicle Designed transition between upper and lower part of the vehicle Designed and flew scale model Analyzed data from scale model flight Based on scale model flight results, we selected a new motor Using MagnaFrame tubing instead of fiberglass Using G-10 fins instead of G-10 balsa sandwich Changes to Payload Designed transition between upper and lower part of vehicle Changes to Project Plan No changes to Project Plan -5- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Vehicle Criteria Technical Design We will use a single stage, K-class vehicle for our experiment. We will be observing the effects of supersonic air inside a moving rocket. The project code name of the vehicle is Lodestar. The rocket will be constructed from MagnaFrame tubing, using 1/16 inch G-10 fiberglass fins. The rocket will be robust enough to endure 25+g of acceleration and high power rocket flight and deployment stresses. The rocket will use dual deployment to minimize drift. Mission Statement To have a successful mission the rocket must reach (but not exceed) altitude of one mile AGL and the payload must record all data necessary for our experiment. The rocket will be 72 inches long, with a 2.6 inch diameter for parachute sections, and 4 inch diameter for the payload and booster systems. It has estimated liftoff mass of 8.9 pounds. The proposed vehicle and propulsion options are discussed in detail below. The primary propulsion choice is a K-class motor with total impulse of 2437Ns. The vehicle can launch from a standard size, 8ft launch rail. Construction and Test Flight Schedule The construction and test flight schedule both for the subscale and full scale vehicles is shown below. The testing with scale model will continue until all discovered design issues are resolved at which point the full scale vehicle construction may begin. The full scale vehicle is expected to make at least two test flight before the launch in Huntsville. The last full scale vehicle test will use the same motor as the flight in Huntsville. November 28 January 7 January 14/15 January 15 February 20 February 27/28 March 24/25 April 18/19 April 20/21 Begin work on scale model Scale model completed Scale model test flight Begin work on full scale vehicle Full scale vehicle completed Full scale test flight #1 Full scale test flight #2 with payload Flight hardware and safety checks Launch day, full scale fight #3 at MSFC Structural Subsystem Entire Vehicle -6- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Figure 1: A two dimension schematic of the entire rocket. Stability margin for the entire vehicle is 2.63 calibers Vehicle Parameters Length Mass Diameter [in] [lb] [in] Motor Selection Stability Thrust to Margin weight [calibers] ratio 80 8.7 2.6/4 CTI-K660 2.63 17.37 Table 7: The rocket’s dimensions, stability, and primary propulsion The figure below shows all compartments and section of our rocket. The rocket separates into three tethered parts (nosecone, main parachute compartment (including deployment e-bay), and the rest of the vehicle). We will use standard dual deployment triggered by two fully redundant PerfectFlite Stratologger altimeters Table 3: Rocket sections and parts -7- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Figure 3: Dimensioned drawing of the entire vehicle, showing the compartmentalization and load bearing elements (bulkheads, tierods and U-bolts). Propulsion Subsytem Primary Motor Selection Based on the results of computer simulations we have selected Cesaroni K660 (54mm) motor as our primary propulsion choice. Aerotech K1050W (54mm) and Animal Motor Works K1075GG (54mm) are our backup choices. Characteristic parameters for each motor are shown in the table below. Motor CTI K660 AT K1050W AMW 1075GG Diameter [mm] 54 54 54 Total Impulse [Ns] 2437 2522 2392 Burn Time [s] 3.57 2.37 2.15 -8- Stability Margin [calibers] 2.63 2.57 2.59 Thrust to weight ratio 17.4 27 23.9 Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Half Scale Vehicle Test We have flown our half scale vehicle with the following parameters (shown in the table below) Liftoff weight 2.1 lb Motor Aerotech G75J Length 41 in Diameter 1.64 in. (body), 2.25 in. (body) Stability Margin 1.6 calibers We have sought the following test objectives: • Test drogue and main parachute deployment • Test flight electronics (altimeters and ejection charges) • Test separation of body tubes at ejection • Test validity of simulation results • Test rocket stability • Determine Coefficient of drag As shown on the graph below, the half-scale model reached apogee of 1,382 ft Underflying the simulation by 1195 ft. Model took 9s to reach the apogee. We have used the scale model flight data to backfit the coefficient of drag (Cd) and we have obtained value of Cd=1.06. Using this updated Cd we have recomputed our mission performance predictions for the full scale vehicle and the most current estimate of the full scale vehicle apogee is now -9- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Due to the nature of the payload, we expected an incredibly high Cd and subsequently a much lower apogee than the Open Rocket simulation provided. The transition required for the payload resulted in reduced vehicle performance, but did not drastically impact the stability. Issue Mitigation Extremely low apogee Utilize a stronger motor Weather cocking Reduce gap between differing diameter tubing Very high Cd Reduce drag where ever possible Aerodynamic changes from payload Utilize a stronger motor affected performance (but not stability) Table 6: Scale Model Flight – Lessons Learned: problems experienced during scale model flight and proposed mitigations. The graph below shows the simulated flight profile for the CTI-K660W motor. The vehicle reaches the apogee of 5034ft thirteen seconds (13s) after the ignition. For the purpose of this preliminary simulation the coefficient of drag is set to Cd= 1.06. This result is obtained using Open Rocket software. Figure 3: Altitude vs. time graph for CTI K660 motor. The entire rocket reaches 5034ft at 13s after ignition -10- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Mission Performance Predictions Figure 3: Altitude vs. time graph for CTI-K660 motor. The simulations indicate a small undershoot of the target altitude (5,280ft AGL) however at this stage of the project we do not have enough information to decide whether this is a real issue or just a simulation artifact. We will revise our simulations and make ballast decisions after we carry out both scale model and full scale vehicle test flights. Our final test flight before the SLI launch will use the same motor as we will use for our flight in Hunstsville to make sure that the rocket will not exceed the target altitude. -11- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Wind Speed vs. Altitude The effect of the wind speed on the apogee of the entire flight is investigated in the table below. Even under the worst possible conditions (wind speeds of 20mph, the NAR limit) the flight apogee will differ by less than 2% from the apogee reached in windless conditions. Wind Speed [mph] Altitude [ft] Percent Change in Altitude 0 5034 0.0% 5 5013 0.4% 10 5003 0.6% 15 4984 1.0% 20 4966 1.4% Table 10: Flight apogee vs. wind speed Thrust Profile The graph below shows the thrust profile for the K660W motor. The K660W motor quickly reaches its maximum thrust of 1079N and declines steadily to 681N at 2.5s (the average thrust-to-weight ratio is 17.37). The rocket requires a standard eight-foot rail for sufficient stability on the pad and leaves the 8ft rail at about 80mph. Figure 4: Thrust vs. time graph. The motor delivers maximum thrust of just over 1079 N and burns for 3.57s -12- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Velocity Profile According to the velocity profile, the rocket will reach maximum velocity of 701mph shortly before the burnout (3.57s). The rocket remains subsonic for the entire duration of its flight. Figure 5: Velocity vs. time graph. The motor burns out at 3.57s and the rocket reaches its maximum velocity of 701mph shortly before burnout. The rocket remains at subsonic speed range for entire duration of its flight. Acceleration Profile The graph below shows that the rocket will experience maximum acceleration of about 26g. Our rocket will be robust enough to endure the 26g+ acceleration shocks Figure 6: Acceleration [g] vs. time [s] graph. The rocket experiences maximum acceleration of approximately 15g -13- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Mission Profile Chart 26g 4 3 2800 ft 3.72 0 ft s 2 1 5034 ft 13.4 s 5034 ft 13.4 s 5 700 ft 90 s 6 0s 0 ft 119 s Figure 7: Vehicle flight sequence - 1. Ignition, 2. Burnout at 3.72s and 2805ft AGL, 3. Apogee at 13.4s and 5,034ft (drogue parachute deployment), 4. Descent under drogue parachute to 700ft, 6. Main parachute deploys at 90s, 700ft, 7. Landing at 119s. # 1 Event Launch Altitude 0 Time (s) 0 2 3 4 Burnout Apogee Drogue Deployment Main Deployment 2800 5034 5034 3.72 13.4 13.4 700 90 Landing 0 119 5 6 Trigger Launch Control Stratologger Altimeter Stratologger Altimeter Table 11: Flight events, triggers and conditions -14- Apogee is reached Rocket reaches 700ft AGL Flight is complete Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Mass Statement Our Rocket currently has a mass of 8.7 lbs, which includes a 4.3 lb K660 Cesaroni Motor. This estimate of the mass comes from the Open Rocket Database where our rocket is being designed. The rocket would have to weight 30.6 lb, 350% of our current weight, before the thrust to weight ratio drops below 5 (underpowered rocket) Kinetic Energy at landing is: 5.37 ft-lbs for Nose Cone, 9 ft-lbs for Main Parachute Tube, 23.5 for Booster tube. At this moment we only have theoretical data regarding rocket mass and its performance. We will be updating our mass statement as the data become available. Deployment and Recovery The rocket will use standard dual deployment technique for recovery. Two fully independent PerfectFlite Stratologger altimeters will be used to fire the ejection charges. Each altimeter will have its own power source, external arming switch and set of charges. The primary drogue charge will be fired at apogee (5,482ft) and the backup apogee charge will fire 1s after apogee. The main parachute will be deployed as field conditions require to prevent excessive drift, most likely at 700ft with backup charge following 200ft lower. The backup charges are 25% larger than primary charges. If the primary charge succeeds, the backup charge fires harmlessly into open air. Figure 1: Fully redundant recovery deployment The table below shows the estimated parachute sizes, descent rates and landing impact energy. As required, the rocket separates in no more than four tethered/independent sections (3 tethered sections and a separate payload in our case) and the impact energy is no more than 75ft-lbf for any of the parts (the impact energy for the entire rocket is 37.9 ft-lbf). -15- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Parachutes The table below shows the parachutes sizes, required ejection charges, descent rates and impact energy. Parachute Diameter Descent Ejection Deployment Descent Impact Energy (ft-lbf) (in) Rate (fps) Charge Altitude (ft) Weight (g) (lbs) Drogue 18 56.75 .48 5034 4.6 N/A Main 4 23.33 .81 700 4.6 Nose Cone: 5.37 Body: 9 Booster: 23.5 Table 1: Parachute sizes, ejection charges and descent rates Load-bearing elements We will use 3D printed rings and bulkheads. Each load-bearing bulkhead will be affixed using at least equally spaced three screws and where possible, epoxy will be used to further strengthen the point (this will not be possible with bulkhead that need to be remove during rocket flight preparations). The shockcords will be attached using QuickLinks and 1/4" stainless steel U-bolts. The U-bolts will be installed through the bulkhead and secured with nuts on both side of the bulkead. The entire assembly will be covered by a layer of thin epoxy to prevent loosening of the nuts. Where needed, stainless steel, #8 threaded rods will be use as tie-rods. Knurled knobs will be used for tightening the tie-rods (to allow for tool-free adjustments). The fins will be mount through-the-wall and anchored on the motor tube. Fillets will be used at all place where the fin comes into contact with a tube (outer fillets on the motor tube, inner and outer fillets on the body tube). Drift The following table shows the estimated drift of the rocket considering the descent rates in the table above (total flight time 119s). As required the rocket will not drift past 2,500ft at 15mph wind conditions. Wind Speed (mph) Drift (ft) Drift (mi) 0 0 0 5 640 0.12 10 1280 0.24 15 1950 0.37 20 2625 0.49 Table 2: Drift distance -16- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Universal Avionics Platform - System Hermes In order to speed-up development of our vehicles and payloads and to allow students to spend more time on the experiments, during past few years students from Madison West Rocketry have developed a universal and extensible payload-vehicle avionics platform named Hermes (the winged messenger). Beginning with 2011/2012 school year, system Hermes is being used in all Madison West Rocketry sounding rockets. The system has been flight-tested during Rockets For Schools 2011 launch and successfully used in our SLI 2012 projects. System Hermes provides the following functionality out-of-box: Altitude and 3D acceleration data (100Hz, 8x oversampling, 12 or 16bit) Flight phases analysis (detects takeoff, burnout, staging, apogee, landing) Full duplex serial communication between rocket and ground (900MHz XBee) 96KB of built-in memory for experimental data (expandable as needed) GPS location (transmitted to the ground station over wireless link) Telemetry link (for experimental data transmissions) Extension ports for payload controllers or other devices Regulated DC voltage to power other components (+5V, +3.3V) In this season we intent to use the Hermes system to drive the payload operations and to provide GPS tracking both for the payload and the vehicle. The system will not be used for deployment purposes this year (we will continue to rely on proven PerfectFlite StratoLogger altimeters). -17- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Vehicle Verification Tested Components • C1: Body (including construction techniques) • C2: Altimeter • C3: Accelerometer • C4: Parachutes • C5: Fins • C6: Payload • C7: Ejection Charges • C8: Launch System • C9: Motor Mount • C10: Beacons • C11: Shock Cords and Anchors • C12: Rocket Stability Verification Tests • V1 Integrity Test: force applied; verifies durability • V2 Parachute Drop Test: tests parachute functionality • V3 Tension Test: force applied to shock cords; tests durability • V4 Prototype Flight: tests feasibility of vehicle with scale model • V5 Functionality Test: tests basic functionality of device on ground • V6 Altimeter Ground Test: simulate altitude changes; verifies preset altitude events fire • V7 Electronic Deployment Test: tests that electronics ignite deployment charges • V8 Ejection Test: tests that deployment charges can deploy parachutes/separate components • V9 Computer Simulation: RockSim predicts behavior of launch vehicle • V10 Integration Test: payload fits smoothly and snuggly into vehicle, and withstands flight stresses. -18- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Verification Matrix V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 Status: the verification will start after the PDR teleconference. -19- V8 V9 V10 Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Performance Targets that Apply to Vehicle The following performance targets apply to the vehicle. These have been taken into account: 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.17 Target altitude Subsonic speed Reusable vehicle Maximum of 4 (four) separate sections Maximum preparation time of 2 (two) hours Minimum launch wait time of 1 (one) hour Launch rail compatibility 12V launch system compatibility No external launch circuitry Commercially available solid propulsion Maximum impulse of 2,560Ns Maximum amount of ballast (10% of vehicle liftoff weight) Test flights prior SLI launch in Huntsville Vehicle prohibitions All targets above are within defined constraints and will be satisfied as the project progresses. USLI targets do not apply as we are a high school teams. All performance targets are described in detail later in this document. Vehicle-Payload Integration Vehicle-payload integration is shown on the following picture. Figure 2: Vehicle-payload integration -20- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR The payload is built in the booster section of the rocket. The air intakes for the onboard wind tunnels are in the transition between upper (2.6”) and bottom (4.0”) section of the vehicle. The air used in our experiments exits the rocket around the motor nozzle. Since our payload is static (no moving parts), it will be only removed from the rocket for maintenance and repairs. The payload can be tested before the flight inside the rocket. Vehicle Launch Procedures Vehicle launch procedures will be developed after the vehicle design is finalized in the CDR cycle. Vehicle Safety Safety officer for the vehicle is Jack Roe. The detailed description of the vehicle safety is included in our written Safety Plan at the end of this document. -21- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Payload Criteria We will be investigating the effects of near sonic airspeeds on the behavior of sound waves. We will build a high velocity miniature wind tunnel in our rocket on the basis of the Bernoulli principle and de Laval nozzle. Intake tubes on the face of the rocket will scoop air into tubes inside the rocket. The air will be accelerated to near sonic speeds when it is funneled into a smaller chamber (de Laval nozzle). To compute airspeed inside the nozzle we will use a Venturi tube arrangement, measuring static pressure at the entrance, throat and exit from the nozzle. Figure 3: Bernoulli Principle – the velocity of fluid increases as the fluid enters smaller tube or decreases when the fluid enters larger tube (the total mass flow rate remains constant). In our experiment we will use a de Laval nozzle to create near sonic speeds of the air flowing through the nozzles. Whether the de Laval nozzle in our experimental setup can create “choked flow” (speed of Mach 1.0) or supersonic exit speeds remains subject to further research and experimentation. However, our experiment does not rely only on these phenomena. Current near sonic and supersonic wind tunnels have several severe limitations, namely the costliness of building and powering such wind tunnels. Sustaining high wind speeds takes immense amounts of power- about 50 MW per square meter of cross sectional area. Some wind tunnels such as the Lugwieg tube use less power but can only maintain supersonic wind speeds for a few seconds. By creating a near sonic wind -22- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR tunnel in our rocket we propose an alternate, low-cost option for research of fluid behavior at very high speeds. The basic unit of our experiment is an instrumented de Laval nozzle. At both ends of the nozzle is a microphone with a recording device for registering sound. In the throat of the nozzle is a sound generator (strong piezo beeper) that will emit short loud sound pulses at regular intervals. Three pressure sensors will measure static pressure in the nozzle: one at the entrance, another in the throat and the last in the exit portion of the nozzle. The readings from the pressure sensors will be used to determine the velocity of moving fluid (air). The drawing of the instrumented nozzle is on the figure below: Figure 4: Instrumented de Laval nozzle with sound generator in the middle, microphones at both ends and pressure sensors near the throat entrance, in the throat and in the exit portion. The sound pulses will be emitted at regular intervals and the microphones will record the sounds as it arrives. We expect to see volume change up to a possible absence of the sound on the upstream end as the speed of fluid approaches Mach 1. Because both the sound source (beeper) and the sound observers (microphones) are stationary, we should not observe frequency change due to a Doppler effect. Our vehicle will house the payload in its bottom part (entire recovery system is in the upper part of the vehicle). The payload will consists from 2-4 instrumented de Laval nozzles to provide redundancy in data collection should one or more of experimental units of them of them fail. We are also considering the possibility of modifying some of the nozzles (for example using smaller or larger throat diameter) and comparing the results. -23- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR The following picture shows how the payload is integrated in the bottom section of our rocket. Figure 5: Payload vehicle integration. Air enters through the intakes in conical transition, flows through the instrumented de Laval nozzles and exits through the bottom of the rocket, around the motor. The payload resides in the bottom section of the rocket, right above the motor mount. The air feeding the de Laval nozzles enters through openings in the conical transition, flows through the de Laval nozzles inside the rocket and exits the rocket via exhaust vents around the motor tube. Since the entire recovery system resides in the upper part of the rocket, there is no interference between payload and recovery. There is also no interference with the motor or fins. Experimental sequence is as follows: Figure 6: Experimental sequence: 1) rocket launches and G-switch activates the payload 2) Air rushes through the de Laval nozzles in the payload, sound generators send sound pulses recorded by microphones 3) When rocket reaches apogee, the drogue parachute is deployed and data recording ends; finally the rocket deploys main parachute at 700ft and lands safely. -24- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Selection, Design and Verification of Payload Experiment Measurements The entire experiment lasts only 20 seconds with the most interesting period (when the “choked flow” condition may develop and the airspeed inside de Laval nozzle will reach Mach 1.0) being only a few seconds. The pressure sensors can react to changes in a pressure within 1ms. We will emit a sound pulse every 10ms, thus emitting 100 pulses a second while sampling and recording all measured quantities 1000 times a second. Data and Correlations The following quantities will be measured and/or recorded: Independent Variables v Rocket velocity Constants A0 t0 c0 f0 Volume of emitted sound pulses Time interval between emitted sound pulses Total count of all pulses emitted Frequency of generated sound Dependent Variables w Au Ad tu td cu cd Velocity of fluid (air) at the throat of de Laval nozzle Volume of sound pulses recorded upstream Volume of sound pulses recorded downstream Time interval between recorded pulses upstream Time interval between recorded pulses downstream Total count of pulses recorded upstream Total count of pulses recorded downstream w will be computed from pressure difference measured by the three pressure sensors Primary Correlations w = f(v) air speed in nozzle throat as it depends on rocket speed Au, Ad = f(w) Volume change of recorded pulses as function of airspeed tu, td = f(w) Interval between arriving pulses as function of airspeed -25- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Hypotheses We make the following hypotheses: 1) No matter how high the rocket’s speed (always subsonic) will be, the speed in the nozzle throat will approach but not exceed Mach 1 (choked flow condition) 2) We expect the volume of pulses recorded downstream be higher than the volume of pulses recorded upstream 3) We expect the time interval between recorded pulses remain same as the interval at which pulses are emitted 4) We expect the downstream count of pulses be the same as the count of pulses emitted 5) Assuming the “choked flow” phenomena develops in the nozzle; we expect the upstream pulse count to be less than the count of emitted pulses. We may also lose pulses upstream if their volume drops below recordable level. 6) Since both the sound emitter and sound receivers are stationary, in their frame of reference, we should NOT observe frequency change (Doppler effect). Post Flight Procedure After a successful flight and rocket/payload recovery, we will download the data from the payload. The data will be analyzed as described in Data Analysis Section and the final report (PLAR) will be compiled and submitted to NASA. Payload Concept Feature and Definitions -26- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Payload Verification Components to verify C1: Speakers C2: Microphones C3: Electronics C4: De Laval nozzle C5: Air Intake (transition) C6: Air Exhaust Tests to Apply • V1: Basic Function Test- testing the main functions of the payload • V2: Leak Test- verifying that the vessels containing the air do not leak • V3: Vehicle Safety and Integrity Test:-Verify that the component does not interfere with the function of the rocket Verification Matrix C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 V1 V2 V3 Table 3: Payload verification matrix Status: the verification will start after the PDR teleconference. Payload Safety The payload safety officer is Adrian Guither. The detailed discussion of payload safety is included in the written Safety Plan section at the end of this document. -27- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Safety Written Safety Plan I. NAR Safety Requirements a. Certification and Operating Clearances: Mr. Lillesand holds a Level 3 HPR certification. Dr. Pinkas has a Level 1 HPR certification and plans on having a Level 2 HPR certification by the end of February 2013. Mr. Guither holds a level 1 HPR certification. He plans to complete his Level 2 by April 2013 and is our back-up launch supervisor. Mr. Lillesand has Low Explosives User Permit (LEUP). If necessary, the team can store propellant with Mr. Goebel, who owns a BATFE approved magazine for storage of solid motor grains containing over 62.5 grams of propellant. Mr. Lillesand is the designated individual rocket owner for liability purposes and he will accompany the team to Huntsville. Upon their successful L2 certification, Mr. Guither and Dr. Pinkas will become a backup mentors for this role. All HPR flights will be conducted only at launches covered by an HPR waiver (mostly the WOOSH/NAR Section #558 10,000ft waiver for Richard Bong Recreation Area launch site). All LMR flights will be conducted only at the launches with the FAA notification phoned in at least 24 hours prior to the launch. NAR and NFPA Safety Codes for model rockets and high power rockets will be observed at all launches. Mentors will be present at all launches to supervise the proceedings. b. Motors: We will purchase and use in our vehicle only NAR-certified rocket motors and will do so through our NAR mentors. Mentors will handle all motors and ejection charges. c. Construction of Rocket: In the construction of our vehicle, we will use only proven, reliable materials made by established manufacturers, under the supervision of our NAR mentors. We will comply with all NAR standards regarding the materials and construction methods. Reliable, verified methods of recovery will be exercised during the retrieval of our vehicle. Motors will be used that fall within the NAR HPR Level 2 power limits as well as the restrictions outlined by the SLI program. Lightweight materials such as fiberglass tubing and carbon fiber will be used in the construction of the rocket to ensure that the vehicle is under the engine’s maximum liftoff weight. The computer programs RockSim and Open Rocket will be utilized to help design and pretest the stability of our rocket so that no unexpected and potentially dangerous problems with the vehicle occur. Scale model of the rocket will be built and flown to prove the rocket stability. d. Payload: As our payload does not contain hazardous materials, it does not present danger to the environment. However, our NAR mentors will check the payload prior to launch in order to verify that there will be no problems. -28- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR e. Launch Conditions: Test launches will be performed at Richard I. Bong Recreation Area with our mentors present to oversee all proceedings. All launches will be carried out in accordance with FAA, NFPA and NAR safety regulations regarding model and HPR rocket safety, launch angles, and weather conditions. Caution will be exercised by all team members when recovering the vehicle components after flight. No rocket will be launched under conditions of limited visibility, low cloud cover, winds over 20mph or increased fire hazards (drought). II. Hazardous Materials All hazardous materials will be purchased, handled, used, and stored by our NAR mentors. The use of hazardous chemicals in the construction of the rocket, such as epoxy resin, will be carefully supervised by our NAR mentors. When handling such materials, we will make sure to carefully scrutinize and use all MSDS sheets and necessary protection (gloves, goggles, proper ventilation etc.). All MSDS sheets and federal/state/local regulation applicable to our project are available online at http://westrocketry.com/sli2013/safety/safety2013r.php III. Compliance with Laws and Environmental Regulations All team members and mentors will conduct themselves responsibly and construct the vehicle and payload with regard to all applicable laws and environmental regulations. We will make sure to minimize the effects of the launch process on the environment. All recoverable waste will be disposed properly. We will spare no efforts when recovering the parts of the rocket that drifted away. Properly inspected, filled and primed fire extinguishers will be on hand at the launch site. Cognizance of federal, state, and local laws regarding unmanned rocket launches and motor handling The team is cognizant and will abide with the following federal, state and local laws regarding unmanned rocket launches and motor handling: Use of airspace: Federal Aviation Regulations 14 CFR, Subchapter F, Part 101, Subpart C Handling and use of low explosives: Code of Federal Regulation Part 55 Fire Prevention: NFPA1127 Code for High Power Rocket Motors All of the publications mentioned above are available to the team members and mentors via links to the online versions of the documents. -29- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR http://westrocketry.com/sli2013/safety/safety2013r.php WRITTEN STATEMENT OF SAFETY REGULATIONS COMPLIANCE All team members understand and will abide by the following safety regulations: a. Range safety inspections of each rocket before it is flown. Each team shall comply with the determination of the safety inspection. b. The Range Safety Officer has the final say on all rocket safety issues. Therefore, the Range Safety Officer has the right to deny the launch of any rocket for safety reasons. c. Any team that does not comply with the safety requirements will not be allowed to launch their rocket. IV. Education, Safety Briefings and Supervision Mentors and experienced rocketry team members will take time to teach new members the basics of rocket safety. All team members will be taught about the hazards of rocketry and how to respond to them; for example, fires, errant trajectories, and environmental hazards. Students will attend mandatory meetings and pay attention to pertinent emails prior participation in any of our launches to ensure their safety. A mandatory safety briefing will be held prior each launch. During the launch, adult supervisors will make sure the launch area is clear and that all students are observing the launch. Our NAR mentors will ensure that any electronics included in the vehicle are disarmed until all essential pre-launch preparations are finished. All hazardous and flammable materials, such as ejection charges and motors, will be assembled and installed by our NAR-certified mentor, complying with NAR regulations. Each launch will be announced and preceded by a countdown (in accordance with NAR safety codes). V. Procedures and Documentation In all working documents, all sections describing the use of dangerous chemicals will be highlighted. Proper working procedure for such substances will be consistently applied, such as using protective goggles and gloves while working with chemicals such as epoxy. MSDS sheets will be on hand at all times to refer to for safety and emergency procedures. All work done on the building of the vehicle will be closely supervised by adult mentors, who will make sure that students use proper protection and technique when handling dangerous materials and tools necessary for rocket construction. -30- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Physical Risks Risks Saws, knives, Dremel tools, band saws Sandpaper, fiberglass Drill press Consequences Laceration Mitigation All members will follow safety procedures and use protective devices to minimize risk Abrasion Soldering iron Burns Computer, printer Workshop risks Electric shock All members will follow safety procedures and use protective devices to minimize risk All members will follow safety procedures and use protective devices to minimize risk All members will follow safety procedures to minimize risk All members will follow safety procedures to minimize risk All work in the workshop will be supervised by one or more adults. The working area will be well lit and strict discipline will be required Puncture wound Personal injury, material damage Table 4: Risks that would cause physical harm to an individual Toxicity Risks Risks Epoxy, enamel paints, primer, superglue Superglue, epoxy, enamel paints, primer Consequences Toxic fumes Toxic substance consumption Mitigation Area will be well ventilated and there will be minimal use of possibly toxic-fume emitting substances All members will follow safety procedures to minimize risk. Emergency procedure will be followed in case of accidental digestion. Table 5: Risks that would cause toxic harm to an individual Scheduling and Facilities Risks Risks Workshop space unavailable Design facilities unavailable Consequences Unable to complete construction of rocket and/or payload Unable to complete project Team members Unable to complete unavailable project Mitigation We will insure the availability of our workshop space for the times that we need it. We will also work at team members’ homes if necessary. We will insure the availability of our design facilities and work at team members’ homes if needed. We will plan meetings in advance and insure that enough team members will be present to allow sufficient progress. Table 6: Scheduling risks that would inhibit our progress on our project -31- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Rocket/Payload Risks Risks Consequences Unstable rocket Errant flight Improper motor mounting Damage or destruction of rocket. Weak rocket structure Propellant malfunction Rocket structural failure Engine explosion Parachute Parachute failure Payload Payload failure/malfunction Errant flight Launch rail failure Separation failure Parachutes fail to deploy Ejection falsely triggered Unexpected or premature ignition/personal injury/property damage Rocket is lost Recovery failure Transportation damage Possible aberrations in launch, flight and recovery. Mitigation Rocket stability will be verified by computer and scale model flight. Engine system will be integrated into the rocket under proper supervision and used in the accordance with the manufactures’ recommendations. Rocket will be constructed with durable products to minimize risk. All members will follow NAR Safety Code for High Powered Rocketry, especially the safe distance requirement. Attention of all launch participants will be required. Mentors will assemble the motors in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Parachute Packaging will be double checked by team members. Deployment of parachutes will be verified during static testing. Team members will double-check all possible failure points on payload. NAR Safety code will be observed to protect all member and spectators. Launch rail will be inspected prior each launch. Separation joints will be properly lubricated and inspected before launch. All other joints will be fastened securely. Proper arming and disarming procedures will be followed. External switches will control all rocket electronics. The rocket will be equipped with radio and sonic tracking beacons. Rocket will be properly packaged for transportation and inspected carefully prior to launch Table 7: Risks associated with the rocket launch -32- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Educational Engagement Outreach Programs Each year we participate in many educational engagement opportunities, such as helping sizeable groups of young children at the local middle schools to build and fly Alka-Seltzer powered rockets. We launched about 300 rockets for an audience of about 150 kids during this program, as well as displaying some of our TARC, SLI and R4S rockets. We are currently participating in our annual “Raking for Rockets” program, where we rake community lawns in order to simultaneously bring about an increased awareness in rocketry, and raise the funds necessary for our TARC and SLI programs. Figure 7: Poster advertising our yardwork services. The yardwork fundraisers are one of our major income sources and also greatly increase the visibility of our program in the community. -33- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Besides these programs, we also recruited new members for our club at Madison West High School (our current membership is above 50 students mark) in a number of recruitment events which included the daily announcements, organized recruitment events, and posters throughout the school advertising the location and time of the first informational meeting. The new members will participate in TARC, along with a few returning members from our SLI teams. TARC club meetings provide interested new members learning about the basics of rocket design, building, and operation. The table below shows the outreach programs that plan for this year. The programs target primarily elementary and middle schools. We will most likely add several events to this program as the year progresses (we have become well known for our outreach activities and we are already receiving requests from schools and organization that we have never worked with before). Date School Outreach Sept. 28, 2012 Randall Elementary Dec. 8, 2012 Eagle Elementary Jan 26, 2013 Lincoln Elementary Feb. 15, 2013 O’Keefe Middle School Mar. 9, 2013 Randall Elementary Apr. 13, 2013 Lincoln Elementary School Homecoming Parade Alka-Seltzer Rockets Alka-Seltzer Rockets Super Science Saturday (AlkaSeltzer Rockets) Super Science Saturday (Alka-Seltzer Rockets) Pneumatic Rockets Table 8: Planned outreach events. -34- # of People (estimate) 100 50 50 50 100 50 Total: 450 Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Project Plan Schedule 1 31 27 30 4 11 22 29 5 7-16 10 24-25 3 8-9 10 15-16 24-31 12-13 14 19-20 23-Feb. 1 2-3 9-10 11 23-24 8-9 15-16 18 AUGUST 2012 Request for Proposal (RFP) goes out to all teams SLI Proposal due to NASA (electronically) SEPTEMBER 2012 Schools notified of selection PDR work begins OCTOBER 2012 Team teleconference Preliminary Design Review (PDR) question and answer session Web presence established for each team PDR reports, presentation slides, and flysheet posted on team website by 8am C.T. NOVEMBER 2012 Acquire parts for subscale model and payload prototype PDR Presentations Subscale model construction begins Payload design reviews DECEMBER 2012 Critical Design Review (CDR) question and answer session Subscale model ejection tests, test flights, flight data analysis Acquire parts and supplies for full scale vehicle construction Full scale vehicle construction begins Winter break JANUARY 2013 Full scale vehicle construction completed CDR reports presentation, and flysheet posted on team website by 8am C.T. Full scale vehicle half impulse test flight, flight data analysis CDR presentations FEBRUARY 2013 Payload construction begins Full scale vehicle revisions for full impulse test flight Flight Readiness Review (FRR) question and answer session Full scale vehicle full impulse flight, flight data analysis MARCH 2013 Payload progress review Payload construction completed FRR reports presentation, and flysheet posted on team website by 8am -35- Madison West High School 23-24 25- Apr. 3 6-7 13-14 17 18-19 20 21 6 17 Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR C.T. Full scale vehicle with payload test flight, flight/payload data analysis Flight Readiness Review presentation APRIL 2013 Final vehicle and payload adjustments Packing for trip to Huntsville, AL 5pm all teams arrive in Huntsville, AL 5:30pm Team lead meeting 6:30pm Launch Readiness Reviews (LRR) begins Welcome to MSFC/LRR continue Launch Day Launch Day Rain Day MAY 2012 Post-Launch Assessment Review (PLAR) posted on the team website by 8:00 a.m. Central Time Winning USLI team announced Table 9: Timeline of SLI 2013 The schedule is subject to changes as the launch windows for 2013 are not confirmed yet (the schedule shows our best estimate based on the launch site schedule from previous years). -36- Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Budget Vehicle Tubing, nosecone, bulkheads, rings Fin Material (G10 Fiberglass) Paint and Primer PerfectFlite StratoLogger Altimeter (x 2) Motor Retention Parachutes, recovery gear Epoxy Walston Beacon GPS Miscellaneous supplies (tools, batteries, wires, hardware) $200.00 $100.00 $50.00 $200.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $200.00 Scale Model Paper Tubing Parachute and shock cords Fin Material (G10 Fiberglass) $150.00 $100.00 $ 50.00 Motors Scale Model Motors Full Scale Test Flight Motors $50.00 $ 350.00 Payload Main Computer G sensor Pressure Sensors Beepers, microphones Accelerometer, GPS 3D printing supplies $ 200.00 $ 10.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $ 300.00 Total $ 2,860.00 Table 10 : Budget for 2012-13 SLI Program (* - already in possession) Flight $400/Person * 11 People $4,400.00 Rooms $119/Room * 6 Rooms * 5 Nights $2,975.00 Car Rental (Ground Support Vehicle) $500 rental+ $600 gas $1100.00 Total $8,475.00 Cost per Team Member $ Table 11: Budget for the travel to Huntsville, AL -37- 941.67 Madison West High School Returning Team SLI 2013 CDR Madison West Rocket Club has sufficient money earning opportunities (raking leaves/yardwork, donations from families or mentors) to cover for possible discrepancies between the estimated budget and actual project expenses. Additionally, it is our policy to provide necessary economic help to all SLI students who cannot afford the travel expenses associated with the program. Every year we award several full expense travel scholarships both to our SLI and TARC students. The monetary amounts and the names of recipients are not disclosed. -38-