fall convention 2014 - Clearfield County Association of Township

Clearfield County Association of Township Officials
October 3rd, 2014
Fall Convention
Gethsemane United Methodist Church
Morrisdale, PA
President William Lawhead called the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Invocation was given by Andy Rebar of Decatur Township, who also took a moment to thank everyone
for their service to their township. He paraphrased a portion of the book of Esther in the Bible and said,
“Who knows but that you have been placed in your positions for such a time as this”.
He also asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of William Reed, a supervisor from Gulich
Township that passed away.
President Lawhead thanked Cleveland Brothers for the coffee and donuts.
Roll call of Officers by the Secretary showed William Lawhead-President, Tom Longe- 1st Vice President,
Steve Condo-Second Vice President, Jeanne B. Hayes-Assistant Secretary, Pam Peters-Treasurer, Andy
Rebar-Member, Donald Sheeder-Member and Barbara Shaffner-Secretary all present, with Joyce
Undercofler-Member absent.
Copies of the minutes from the April 25th, 2014 Convention were distributed for review. Mike Polachek,
Morris Township motion to approve as written, Steve Condo, Graham Township second. Motion carried,
with none opposed.
Copies of the Treasurer’s Report were distributed for review. Donald Sheeder, Ferguson Township
motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented, Andy Rebar, Decatur Township second. Motion
carried with none opposed.
Matt Gabler-House of Representatives-75th District
Tommy Sankey-House of Rrepresentatives-74th District
Tim Horner-PSATS President
Elam Herr-PSATS Assistant Executive Director
Old Business: President Lawhead asked the delegates to get their reservations in for the conventions by
the due date so the Secretary is able to have a count for the meals.
New Business:
President Lawhead called for Nomination of Officers and read the present slate of Officers as they stand.
The Nominations Committee did not have any names to present. Mike Polachek-Morris Township
motion to appoint Officers as they stand, Wayne Josephson-Cooper Township second. Motion carried
with none opposed.
Andy Rebar-Decatur Township motion to appoint Donald Sheeder-Ferguson Township as the delegate to
the PSATS State Conference and Barbara Shaffner-Lawrence Township as the alternate, Tom LongeKarthaus Township, second. Motion carried with none opposed.
President Lawhead asked if there were any Resolutions to present to the Association. None were
presented by the Resolution Committee or from the floor.
Page 2
October 3rd, 2014
President Lawhead presented the fees for the advertisements in the County Association Booklet.
¼ Page $50.00
½ Page $75.00
Full Page $100.00
He asked if the members wanted to leave the fee at the present amount or increase the fee. At the
present time the Association does not charge a vendor for a table for their displays at the conventions.
Andy Rebar-Decatur Township motion to increase by $25.00 across the board,
¼ Page $75.00
½ Page
Full Page $125.00
Donald Sheeder-Ferguson Township second. Motion carried with none opposed.
President Lawhead let everyone know that the tentative date for the Spring Convention is set for May
1st, 2015 at the Brady Township Community Center, Luthersburg.
President Lawhead presented two awards:
Donald Sheeder-27 Years of Service
Gladys Straw-14 years Tax Collector Boggs Township
6 years Secretary/Treasurer Decatur Township
4 years Secretary/Treasurer Graham Township
17 years Secretary/Treasurer Morris Township
Barbara Shaffner-Lawrence Township motion to make Gladys Straw an Honorary member of the County
Association, Andy Rebar second. Motion carried with none opposed.
With no other business to come before the Association the President proceeded with the remaining
speakers for the morning session.
Jody Brennan-Clearfield County Solid Waste(Blighted Properties)
Dawn Graham-Clearfield County Director of Elections
Del Spafford_ESGR (Employer Support of Guard & Reserve)
The morning session was adjourned at 12:15 PM after the blessing was presented by Darryl Beatty.
The afternoon session was reconvened at 1:15 PM.
Shawn Agosit-Penndot District 2-0 and Terry Kunkle-Goshen Township conducted the afternoon
workshop for the Supervisors and Secretaries on Signage.
Elam Herr from PSATS conducted the Auditors Workshop and Mark McCracken and Randy Mitchell from
RAC conducted the Tax Collector workshop.
Drawings and Door prizes were distributed to members present.
President Lawhead called for an adjournment.
Tom Longe-Karthaus Township motion to adjourn, Donald Sheeder-Ferguson Township second.
Meeting adjourned.
In attendance were 25 Supervisors, 15 Secretaries, 22 Auditors, 9 Tax Collectors, 1 Foreman, 1 EMA, 40
Guest and Vendors.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara S. Shaffner, Secretary