Name Kristen Nietzer Title of Text/Material and Publisher The American Heritage First Dictionary published by Houghton Mifflin Grade Level/ESL Level Kindergarten-5th grade Does Not Meet Criteria 1. illustrations/pictures 2. has targeted vocabulary 3. relates to life experiences Meets Criteria Illustrations do not help in understanding the meaning of the text. (RB) All or most illustrations/pictures lack captions (BV/RK) All or most illustrations/pictures of people lack cultural diversity (BV/RK) Vocabulary is not relevant to students' experiences. Vocabulary is not easy to identify in text. Context clues are not available in text to help gain meaning of new vocabulary. (MK) Vocabulary terms do not have a pronunciation key.(PP) Doesn't relate to the life experiences of any students. Exceeds Criteria Illustrations help in understanding the meaning of the text.(PP) Some illustrations/pictures contain captions (BV/RK) Many illustrations/pictures of people represent a variety of cultures (BV/RK) Vocabulary is relevant to students' experiences.(PP) Vocabulary is either boldfaced or highlighted.(PP) Context clues provide some insight into new vocabulary. (MK)(PP) Vocabulary terms have a pronunciation key. Relates to the life experiences of some students. (PP) Illustrations develop understanding and are authentic. (RB) All or most illustrations/pictures contain captions (BV/RK) All or most illustrations/pictures of people represent a variety of cultures (BV/RK) Vocabulary is relevant to students' experiences and user friendly. Vocabulary is either bold-faced or highlighted with definition included on the same page. Context clues strongly support new vocabulary. (MK) Vocabulary terms have a pronunciation key and indicate part of speech. Relates to the life experiences of all students. 4. American culture 5. text features only references one race/culture (AW) places men and women in their stereotypical roles (ie. women at home, men at work) (MW) (PP) does not celebrate uniqueness of culture and children are unable to make personal connection. (LS) There are less than three text features that help you locate and learn information (table of contents, bold or highlighted words, vocabulary boxes, glossary, pictures, charts, etc). (CC) (PP) references more than one race/culture(AW) exhibits some nonstereotypical roles between men and women but maintains some standard traditional roles (MW) celebrates uniqueness of one specific diverse culture where some children can relate. (LS) There are three-four features that help you locate and learn information (table of contents, bold or highlighted words, vocabulary boxes, glossary, pictures, charts, etc). (CC) references many races/cultures(AW) exhibits men and women performing cross-gender roles (ie. women working, men staying home with children, etc.) (MW) celebrates uniqueness of multiple cultures and allows children to make personal connections. (LS) There are five or more text features that help you locate and learn information (table of contents, bold or highlighted words, vocabulary boxes, glossary, pictures, charts, etc). (CC) Rationale for rating: The dictionary has illustrations and photographs that help students understand the meanings of words. However, there is not a picture for every word. There are only pictures for some words. None of the illustrations have captions and students must guess which picture belongs with which word. A variety of cultures and races are exhibited in the drawings. Women and men are shown in cross-gender roles. For example, a man was playing with his children and a woman was shown as a doctor. The vocabulary chosen for the dictionary is relevant to most students’ experiences. However, if an ESL child was using this dictionary, there may be some words that are American culture specific. Words are highlighted, but there is not pronunciation key. The dictionary really celebrates American cultures. There aren’t really many pictures of people in other countries. There are many text features that help locate information in the dictionary such as guide words, pictures, charts, and even a page showing children how to use the dictionary.