Grade 6 Math STAAR

Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student represents and uses rational numbers in a variety of
equivalent forms. The student is expected to
Question Stems
Compare and order non-negative
4 The numbers in each set shown below have a common
rational numbers. Supporting Standard
characteristic. Which statement best describes a common
characteristic of the numbers in Set S or Set T?
generate equivalent forms of rational
numbers including whole numbers,
fractions, and decimals; Readiness
use integers to represent real-life
situations; Supporting Standard
18 Which of these students wrote an equation that is true?
31 Which number is equivalent to 13/2?
44 Given a king snake that measures 31/50m long, what is an
equivalent length of this king snake in meters?
52 Given a number of children, which integer best represents
the change in the number of children at the day care from 8:00
A.M. to 3:00 P.M.?
write prime factorizations using
12 What is the prime factorization of 196?
exponents; Supporting Standard
identify factors of a positive integer,
common factors, and the greatest
common factor of a set of positive
integers; and Supporting Standard
identify multiples of a positive integer
and common multiples and the least
common multiple of a set of positive
integers. Supporting Standard
Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides to solve problems
and justify solutions. The student is expected to
Question Stems
model addition and subtraction
15 Which model is shaded to best represent the expression
situations involving fractions with
[objects,] pictures, words, and numbers;
Supporting Standard
use addition and subtraction to solve
6 Given a scenario of three children’s age, what is Allen’s age?
problems involving fractions and
decimals; Readiness Standard
27 Given a scenario, would Maria have enough strawberries left
to make the milk shakes that require 4 cups of strawberries?
use multiplication and division of whole
numbers to solve problems including
situations involving equivalent ratios
and rates; Readiness Standard
41 Given a cost for three different packages, what could be the
total amount Mr. Lee paid to mail the 3 packages?
21 Based on the information in the list, which statement is
36 At a rate of 200 buttons to 50 shirts, how many buttons
would the worker use to make 350 shirts?
Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
49 At a rate of 4 adult gorillas feed 160 lbs. of food, how many
pounds of food would the zoo keeper need every day to feed 6
adult gorillas?
estimate and round to approximate
reasonable results and to solve
problems where exact answers are not
required; and Supporting Standard
use order of operations to simplify
whole number expressions (without
exponents) in problem solving
situations. Readiness Standard
23 Given a scenario, which of the following is a reasonable
estimate of the total number of meters Hector swam?
38 Using the cell phone bill for Mrs. Larsen and her 3 children,
which expression below can be used to find the number of
minutes each person used?
46 Given a scenario, which expression below matches how
many oranges was use to make orange juice?
Patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking. The student solves problems involving direct proportional relationships.
The student is expected to
Question Stems
use ratios to describe proportional
11 Given a video game scenario, which equation can be used to
situations; Supporting Standard
determine t, the number of tokens Fred bought?
represent ratios and percents with
[concrete] models, fractions, and
decimals; and Supporting Standard
use ratios to make predictions in
proportional situations. Readiness
16 What decimal is equivalent to 85%?
3 Given a scenario and rate, determine how many of the
students were wearing jeans?
28 Based on the ratio of large to small bandages that is 3 to 2,
how many large bandages are in the kit if there are a total of 80
45 Given a list of chicken dish ingredients, which statement is
Patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking. The student uses letters as variables in mathematical expressions to
describe how one quantity changes when a related quantity changes. The student is expected to
Question Stems
use tables and symbols to represent and 13 Which table represents the relationship between the values
describe proportional and other
of m and j given (0.05 + j)?
relationships such as those involving
conversions, arithmetic sequences (with 20 Based on the information in a given table, which expression
a constant rate of change), perimeter
can be used to find g, the number of gallons of tomato sauce
and area; and Readiness Standard
needed to make n pizzas?
37 Using a given table of information, determine which
expression represents the value of k in terms of p?
Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
use tables of data to generate formulas
representing relationships involving
perimeter, area, volume of a rectangular
prism, etc. Supporting Standard
5 Using a given table of values, which equation can be used to
find V, the volume in cubic centimeters of a rectangular prism
in Kenji’s collection?
Patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking. The student uses letters to represent an unknown in an equation. The
student is expected to
Question Stems
formulate equations from problem
9 Given 25 words worth 4 points each, determine which
situations described by linear
equation can be used to find p, the total number of points
relationships. Readiness Standard
Carlos earned for Spelling w words correctly?
34 Carlos drank m fluid ounces of water that morning, which
equation can be used to find n, the number of fluid ounces of
water he drank the rest of the day given he drank 40 fluid
ounces for the day?
50 Given adult tickets cost $10 and child tickets cost $6, which
equation can be used to finds, the total number of dollars a
family of k adults and 5 children would pay for movie tickets?
Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses geometric vocabulary to describe angles, polygons, and circles. The
student is expected to
Question Stems
use angle measurements to classify
51 Given an angle with the listed characteristics, which of the
angles as acute, obtuse, or right;
following could be the angle Danica drew?
Supporting Standard
identify relationships involving angles in
triangles and quadrilaterals; and
Supporting Standard
19 Which statement about figure RSTU is true?
describe the relationship between
radius, diameter, and circumference of a
circle. Readiness Standard
2 Which expression can be used to find the circumference of
the clock face that has a radius of 13 centimeters?
26 Information about three circles is listed below. Based on this
information, which statement is true?
40 Given a drawing, what is the circle’s radius?
47. Which equation can be used to find d, the diameter of the
tunnel opening in meters given it has a circumference of 36
Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses coordinate geometry to identify location in two dimensions. The
Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
student is expected to
locate and name points on a coordinate
plane using ordered pairs of nonnegative rational numbers. Supporting
Question Stems
10 A polygon is shown on the coordinate grid. Which vertex is
NOT represented by an ordered pair in the list?
29 Which ordered pair appears to be located 350 units to the
right and 700 units up from point W?
Measurement. The student solves application problems involving estimation and measurement of length, area, time,
temperature, volume, weight, and angles. The student is expected to
Question Stems
estimate measurements (including
32 Given a scenario, which of the following is the best estimate
circumference) and evaluate
of the number of minutes Dante spent delivering each
reasonableness of results; Supporting
select and use appropriate units, tools,
8 Given a scenario, determine what time did Tamara finish the
or formulas to measure and to solve
problems involving length (including
perimeter), area, time, temperature,
22 Using the diagram below determine what the radius of the
volume, and weight; Readiness
smaller circle would be?
33 Measure the figure to the nearest 1/3 inch and use the scale
of 1 inch to 2 feet, determine the amount that is closest to the
perimeter of the actual design on the gym wall?
measure angles; and Supporting
14 What is the difference between the measures of angle NJP
and angle KJL to the nearest degree?
35 Which angle does NOT appear to have a measure of 160°?
convert measures within the same
measurement system (customary and
metric) based on relationships between
units. Supporting Standard
25 Which statement describes the common characteristic in the
list below?
42 How many fluid ounces is the equivalent of 10 pints?
Probability and statistics. The student uses experimental and theoretical probability to make predictions. The student is
expected to
Question Stems
construct sample spaces using lists and
17 Which list shows all the other possible outcomes of 1
tree diagrams; and
number of doors, 1 type of seat cover, and 1 color?
Supporting Standard
find the probabilities of a simple event
30. Given a plane with 50 seats that has 16 aisle seats, what
and its complement and describe the
decimal represents the probability that Mitsu will be randomly
relationship between the two.
assigned to a window seat?
Supporting Standard
Probability and statistics. The student uses statistical representations to analyze data. The student is expected to
Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
select and use an appropriate
representation for presenting and
displaying different graphical
representations of the same data
including line plot, line graph, bar
graph, and stem and leaf plot;
Supporting Standard
identify mean (using [concrete objects
and] pictorial models), median, mode,
and range of a set of data; Supporting
sketch circle graphs to display data; and
Supporting Standard
solve problems by collecting, organizing,
displaying, and interpreting data.
Readiness Standard
Question Stems
1 Given a list of data, what is the median number of rides at
these rodeos?
48 Given the table of data, what percentage of the circle graph
should she use to represent the percentage of teeth in her
mouth that are incisors?
7 Which statement is best supported by the information in the
24 If the data for the twelfth worm are added to the line plot,
which statement would be true?
39 Which statement is best supported by the information in the
43 Given a graph of menu price changes over time, which
statement is true if the prices continue to change in this same
Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student applies Grade 6 mathematics to solve problems connected
to everyday experiences, investigations in other disciplines, and activities in and outside of school. The student is
expected to
Question Stems
identify and apply mathematics to
1 Application of society and increased rigor: Number of rides at
everyday experiences, to activities in
and outside of school, with other
disciplines, and with other mathematical 8 Application of society an increased rigor: Finishing time at a
28 Application of everyday life and increased rigor: Ratio of
everyday objects (Band-Aids)
30 Application of society and increased rigor: Probability of
sitting in a window seat of an airplane
36 Application of the workplace and increased rigor: Ratio of
buttons to shirts for a clothing company
Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
42 Application of society and increased rigor: Conversions of
pints of blood in the body to ounces
46 Application of everyday life and increased rigor: Deterring if
there is enough oranges to make orange juice
49 Application of the workplace and increased rigor: Rate of
feeding adult gorillas in a zoo
use a problem-solving model that
incorporates understanding the
problem, making a plan, carrying out the
plan, and evaluating the solution for
19 Given geometrical figures determine the true statement
22 Given diagrams determine radius
23 Given a scenario determine the total number of meters
24 Given a line plot and adding information determine the true
32 Given a scenario determine the minutes spent delivering
each package
51 Given characteristics of an angle determine the correct angle
select or develop an appropriate
problem-solving strategy from a variety
of different types, including drawing a
picture, looking for a pattern, systematic
guessing and checking, acting it out,
making a table, working a simpler
problem, or working backwards to solve
a problem; and
6 Find a strategy to solve a logic problem of age
select tools such as real objects,
manipulatives, paper/pencil, and
technology or techniques such as mental
math, estimation, and number sense to
solve problems.
10 Select the appropriate tool or technique to determine which
vertex is NOT represented by an ordered pair in the list
17 Find a strategy to determine possible outcomes of a given
41 Find a strategy to determine total mailing cost based on a
given scenario
14 Select the appropriate tool or technique to find angle
15 Select the appropriate tool or technique to determine an
expression given pictorial models
29 Select the appropriate tool or technique to determine
ordered pair for a given point on a coordinate plane
Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
33 Select the appropriate tool or technique such as a ruler to
measure the dimensions of the figure to the nearest ¼ inch
35 Select the appropriate tool a protractor to determine which
angle does not have a measure of 160°
Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student communicates about Grade 6 mathematics through
informal and mathematical language, representations, and models. The student is expected to
Question Stems
communicate mathematical ideas using 5 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas and
language, efficient tools, appropriate
reasoning: Utilizing the given table of data identify an equation
units, and graphical, numerical, physical, for volume
or algebraic mathematical models.
7 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas and
reasoning: Utilizing the given pictograph/scale to determine the
best supporting statement
9 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas and
reasoning: Utilizing the given rate to determine the appropriate
11 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the given word problem to determine
the appropriate equation for the number of tokens bought
13 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the given expression to determine the
appropriate table of data
20 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the given table of data for tomato
sauce and pizzas to determine the appropriate equation
26 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the given information about circles to
determine the true statement
37 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the given table of data to determine the
appropriate expression to represent values of a given variable
38 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the given information about cell phone
calls and expression to determine the number of minutes used
by each person
Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
39 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the bar graph and find the best
statement to support the information on the graph on garbage
cans emptied in the neighborhood
45 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the recipe list to determine the
statement that is true for making sauce
47 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the information given about
circumference to determine the appropriate equation for the
50 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the information given to determine the
equation for movie tickets
52 Use reasoning and the implications of mathematical ideas
and reasoning: Utilizing the information given to determine
which integer best represents the change in the number of
Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student communicates about Grade 6 mathematics through
informal and mathematical language, representations, and models.
Question Stems
Multiple representation have specificity added for symbols and
Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student uses logical reasoning to make conjectures and verify
conclusions. The student is expected to
Question Stems
make conjectures from patterns or sets
4 Analyze relationships and form connections through the use of
of examples and non-examples; and
pattern number characteristics to make conjectures on which
statement best describes these characteristics of sets of
25 Analyze relationships and form connections through the use
of the given measurement data to determine which statement
describes the common characteristics
43 Analyze relationships and form connections through the use
of a line graph of menu items and prices to determine which
statement is true if the prices continue at the same rate
Grade 6 Math STAAR 2013
validate his/her conclusions using
mathematical properties and
3 Using mathematical ideas and arguments, validate how many
students were wearing jeans based on a ratio and match it to
the appropriate equation
21 Using mathematical ideas and arguments, validate which
statement is true given a list of activities and the rate at which
the calories are burned
27 Using mathematical ideas and arguments, validate if there
are enough strawberries for milk shakes given a total of 8 cups
of strawberries where 1 ½ cups and 3 3/8 cups were used
40 Using mathematical ideas and arguments, validate what the
circle’s radius and equation would be given a diagram and
48 Using mathematical ideas and arguments, validate the
correct percentage and process for representing the incisor
teeth to canine, premolar, and molar teeth in a circle graph