Healthwatch Southampton Strategic Group - Terms of Reference 1 Overview of Local Healthwatch: The Health and Social Care Act 2012 set out that local Healthwatch would be established by April 2013 and would take over the statutory functions of Local Involvement Networks (LINks). Local Healthwatch would become the independent, influential and effective voice of the public, employing its own staff and involving volunteers to ensure local experiences are recognised and voices are heard. It will reach out proactively in communities to engage and involve local people, carrying out statutory functions as laid down by Parliament, keep accounts and make its annual reports available to the public. 2 What does local Healthwatch do?: 2.1 promoting and supporting the involvement of local people in the commissioning, the provision and scrutiny of local care services. 2.2 enabling local people to monitor the standard of provision of local care services and whether and how local care services could and ought to be improved; 2.3 obtaining the views of local people regarding their needs for, and experiences of, local care services and importantly to make these views known. 2.4 making reports and recommendations about how local care services could or ought to be improved. These should be directed to commissioners and providers of care services, and people responsible for managing or scrutinising local care services and shared with Healthwatch England. 2.5 providing advice and information about access to local care services so choices can be made about local care services; 2.6 formulating views on the standard of provision and whether and how the local care services could and ought to be improved; and sharing these views with Healthwatch England. 2.7 making recommendations to Healthwatch England to advise the Care Quality Commission to conduct special reviews or investigations (or, where the circumstances justify doing so, making such recommendations direct to the CQC); and to make recommendations to Healthwatch England to publish reports about particular issues. 2.8 providing Healthwatch England with the intelligence and insight it needs to enable it to perform effectively. 3 Vision: Our vision is for high-quality health and social care services that are designed based upon strong user evidence and public feedback. 4 Strapline: Healthwatch Southampton – your voice in improving health and social care 5 HWS Strategic Group Purpose: The Healthwatch Southampton Strategic Group is tasked with setting the strategic direction; identifying the operational priorities; and broadly directing the activities of Healthwatch Southampton whilst ensuring it has a strong independent voice. 6 Role: On behalf of Healthwatch Southampton, HWS Strategic Group will: 6.1. Agree its vision, values and operating service ethos. 6.2. Set its strategic direction and operational priorities; 6.3. Ensure the voice of the public influences the shape of HWS services and activities. 6.4. Take oversight of its performance against the priorities and goals that have been set, ensuring quality in all areas of its work. 6.5. Develop good working relations with the executive staff team, recognising the demarcation line between operational activity and strategic development. 7 Membership: Healthwatch Southampton will form a membership of local voluntary & community sector (VCS) organisations and the public, from which the HWS Strategic Group will be elected. Those excluded from Strategic Group membership under item 9 are welcomed to become public members of HWS. 8 Strategic Group Membership The Strategic Group will comprise of 9 members whose election / selection will be overseen by an independent Nominations Committee as follows: 3 Public Members Elected by the individual membership of Healthwatch Southampton. (Must be over 18 years old 2 x City Members, living in SO14- SO19, and one Non-City Member) 3 VCS Members Elected by the VCS organisational membership of Healthwatch Southampton. (Must be over 18 years old but do not have to be living in Southampton or be using health and social care services in the city. Organisations must be operating in Southampton and named representatives must have been nominated and backed by their organisation’s governing body) 2 members Nominated by the Nominations Committee to add an extra diversity dimension and / or bring additional skills and experiences to the work of the Strategic Group. (Must be over 18 years old living in Southampton or using health and social care services in the city) 1 member Nominated by SVS Executive Committee as the accountable corporate body. (Must be over 18 years old but do not have to be living in Southampton or be using health and social care services in the city) 9 Exclusions In order to ensure the independent integrity of the Healthwatch Southampton Strategic Group, the following are ineligible from applying to be Strategic Group members: 9.1. People who work in commissioning of, or make strategic policy affecting, health and social care services in the city. 9.2. All Board members of the Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group, any NHS provider organisation and any Southampton City Council Councillors. 9.3. Major Health and Social care providers, and their employees, whose main function is to provide commissioned services to local Southampton citizens, this includes SCC, private and voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations. 10 Governing Style: The Strategic Group’s governing style will focus strongly on: 10.1. Being visionary and providing strategic leadership. 10.2. Being proactive and not reactive. 10.3. Cultivating group ownership by respecting individual views but ensuring collective decision making. 10.4. Agreeing policy and delegation of actions. 10.5. Ensuring progress is being made, but not getting involved in administrative detail. 10.6. Ensuring a clear distinction between the roles of Strategic Group and the executive support staff. 11 Accountability: To demonstrate openness and accountability, HWS Strategic Group will: 11.1 Operate under a Code of Conduct and compliance with the 7 Nolan Principles of public office – Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership. 11.2 Hold meetings in public with a published agenda and timetable at least six times a year. 11.3 Hold an Annual General Meeting. 11.4 Publish a Healthwatch Southampton Annual Report to be widely disseminated to: a. Healthwatch England b. the local authority c. NHS England d. each clinical commissioning group, whose area or any part thereof, falls within the area of the local authority e. any overview and scrutiny committee of the local authority f. the Care Quality Commission 11.5 Hold annual elections / selections for up to 50% of The Strategic Group’s membership. 12 Meetings: The Strategic Group will: 12.1 Meet no less than 6 times per year. 12.2 Through its Code of Conduct, implement any disciplinary procedures deemed appropriate against members who miss 3 or more meetings in public in any one year. 13 Executive Support: The Executive Support to The Strategic Group is provided by Healthwatch Southampton Manager.