Application for an Individual Authorisation under Scientific Animal Protection Legislation For details on completing this application form, please see the ‘Guide to Applications for Individuals under Scientific Animal Protection Legislation’. SECTION A: APPLICANT AND BREEDER/SUPPLIER/USER DETAILS APPLICANT DETAILS Title: First name: Surname: Address 1: Address 2: Address 3: County: Telephone: E-mail: Student/Staff Number: Current position: Have you completed a relevant approved or accredited scientific animal training course? Yes No If ‘yes’ please append a copy of the successfully completed course certificate. If ‘no’ please comment: Is the application for a full-term individual authorisation of 5 years or a once-off short-term individual authorisation of two weeks or less? Full-term Short-term If a short-term authorisation is requested, provide details of the HPRA-authorised project, the activities expected to be carried out and the timeframe for which authorisation is requested (include specific dates if possible): If you currently hold a valid individual authorisation for a different user establishment(s), provide each individual authorisation number below (if applicable, no additional documentation is required at the time of submission): AUT-F0344-12 1/5 BREEDER/SUPPLIER/USER DETAILS NAME OF BREEDER/SUPPLIER/USER FOR WHICH INDIVIDUAL AUTHORISATION IS SOUGHT BREEDER/SUPPLIER/USER AUTHORISATION NUMBER Other than the authorised user above, list any additional unauthorised location where you plan to conduct euthanasia (outside of a project authorisation) if relevant: Provide a scientific justification as to why this additional unauthorised location is necessary: SECTION B: INDIVIDUAL DETAILS AND PURPOSE OF INDIVIDUAL AUTHORISATION Indicate the proposed purpose of individual authorisation (select all that apply): Project management Carrying out procedures Performing euthanasia Please append CV indicating your suitability for the purpose(s) selected for authorisation above. For an application to carry out procedures involving the use of neuromuscular blocking agents, in addition to the CV, please also append the relevant training records and provide a strong justification as to why it is necessary to apply for the use of neuromuscular blocking agents. Please refer to the ‘Curriculum vitae for individual applications under scientific animal protection legislation’ and the ‘Individual authorisation application training record under scientific animal protection legislation’ available on the HPRA website. SECTION C: PRECISE DETAILS Complete the questions relevant to the application only. 1 Where the purpose of the individual authorisation includes project management, indicate the species of animal(s) for which authorisation is sought: Species 2 Where the purpose of the individual authorisation is to carry out procedures on animals, select the category or categories of procedure(s) and enter the species of animal(s) for which authorisation is sought using the tables below. USE OF NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKING AGENTS Note: evidence of education, training and experience must be provided through submission of CV and training records, and a strong justification must be provided as to why the use of neuromuscular blocking agents is required. Species AUT-F0344-12 2/5 NON-INVASIVE BEHAVIOURAL PROCEDURES HAVING THE POTENTIAL TO CAUSE THE ANIMAL PAIN, SUFFERING, DISTRESS OR LASTING HARM Species BREEDING OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ANIMALS Species SURGICAL PROCEDURES INVOLVING GENERAL ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA Species NON-RECOVERY PROCEDURES (INCLUDING SURGICAL PROCEDURES) CONDUCTED UNDER TERMINAL GENERAL ANAESTHESIA Species MINOR/MINIMALLY INVASIVE PROCEDURES INVOLVING SEDATION, ANALGESIA OR GENERAL ANAESTHESIA Species MINOR/MINIMALLY INVASIVE PROCEDURES NOT REQUIRING SEDATION, ANALGESIA OR GENERAL ANAESTHESIA Species NUTRITIONAL MODIFICATIONS RESULTING IN DEFICIENCIES IN ANIMALS’ DIETARY NEEDS AND/OR WITHDRAWAL OF FOOD FOR A PERIOD OF 24 HOURS OR MORE Species OTHER PROCEDURES, PLEASE SPECIFY Species 3 Where the purpose of the individual authorisation is to perform euthanasia on animals, choose the method(s) of euthanasia for which authorisation is sought and indicate the species of animal(s) for which authorisation is sought using the table below. Select all that apply. AUT-F0344-12 3/5 Nonhuman primates Large Mammals Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, Foxes Rabbits Rodents Birds Reptiles Amphibians Method Fish Animal Anaesthetic overdose Captive bolt Carbon dioxide Cervical dislocation Concussion/ percussive blow to the head Decapitation Electrical stunning Inert gases (Ar, N2) Shooting with a free bullet with appropriate rifles, guns and ammunition If a method of euthanasia other than the methods approved in Annex IV of Directive 2010/63/EU is to be used, provide details on the method proposed and a justification as to why this method is necessary: SECTION D: DECLARATION AND UNDERTAKING The declaration and undertaking below must be signed by the individual applicant and the compliance officer responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of Directive 2010/63/EU and S.I. No. 543 of 2012 at the authorised breeder/supplier/user. Applicant I hereby declare that authorisation is sought for the purposes indicated above in Section B and C and that the information provided in this application form is correct and complete. I hereby declare that in the event of the authorisation being granted: - I will respect the principles of replacement, reduction and refinement (i.e. the 3R principles) and comply with the terms and conditions of the authorisation. - I will use the authorisation only for the purposes stated above in Section B and C. I hereby undertake, in the event of the authorisation being granted, to ensure fulfilment of the obligations arising by virtue of the terms and conditions of the authorisation. Signature of applicant: ______________________ AUT-F0344-12 4/5 Print/type name: Date: Compliance officer responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of Directive 2010/63/EU and S.I. No. 543 of 2012 at the authorised breeder/supplier/user I hereby declare that : - the applicant is affiliated to the authorised breeder/supplier/user referred to in Section A. - I understand that if the applicant fails to uphold his/her responsibilities under Directive 2010/63/EU and S.I. No. 543 of 2012, this may have implications for the continued authorisation of the authorised breeder/supplier/user concerned. I hereby undertake, in the event of the authorisation being granted to the applicant: - that he/she has or shall be provided with appropriate training, education and experience for the work outlined in this application. - that if he/she is a first time applicant, that he/she shall be supervised in the performance of the above tasks until he/she has demonstrated requisite competence. - to ensure maintenance of accurate and up-to-date training records demonstrating training received by, supervision provided to, and competence attained by the applicant. Signature of compliance officer: ______________________ (on behalf of breeder/supplier/user) Print/type name: Date: CHECKLIST CV (setting out education, experience and training) Training record (mandatory for the use of neuromuscular blocking agents only) Training course certificate Fee application form and accompanying fee AUT-F0344-12 5/5