Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan I. Policy Louisburg College is committed to preparing for, responding to, and recovering from all crisis and emergency situations. The College will strive to protect the persons, property, and programs of the institution in such a manner that maintains the mission of the college and the integrity of all involved. II. Purpose The purpose of the Crisis Management Plan (CMP) is to prevent or reduce loss in a crisis situation. The priorities in crisis management are ensuring the safety and welfare of all members of the campus and surrounding community, minimizing or eliminating environmental impacts, continuing the academic operation of the college, ensuring business continuity and reducing financial loss, and safeguarding the institution’s integrity. III. Objectives Establish a process to ensure that crises are effectively anticipated (planning), managed (response), and evaluated (recovery). Provide a focused group with responsibility for crisis management (Crisis Management Team). Provide for coordinated delegation and division of vital responsibilities among College departments during a crisis. Allow for the evaluation and improvement of the crisis management process. IV. Crisis Management Team (CMT) A. Authority The Crisis Management Team is designated as the primary decision-making entity at Louisburg College in the event of a declared state of crisis. This body functions to keep the President informed of crisis planning, development, response, recovery, and evaluation. The CMT will strategically utilize all available internal and external resources to maintain the plan prior to a crisis event, initiate a proper response during a crisis, and to fully recover and evaluate following a crisis event. B. Responsibilities The CMT will be activated in the event of a crisis or situation that has impacted or has the potential to impact the campus. The CMT is responsible for maintaining perspective on the overall impact of the crisis on college operations. The CMT has the authority to: Determine the short and long-term effects of a crisis event Work with external agencies, including fire, police, rescue, EMS, and media Order the evacuation of an individual building(s); closing of the college; or a building or campus-wide lockdown, all with consent of the President or designee. 2 Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan C. Membership The CMT will be comprised of the following persons: V. Vice President for Student Life (Team Leader) Director of Campus Safety and Police Executive Vice President/Vice President for Academic Life Vice President for Finance Director of Publications and Media Relations Director of Facilities College Attorney (advisor upon request) Crisis Management Team Philosophy The management of a crisis situation is dependent upon each College department fulfilling their respective missions and duties at the time of the crisis situation. Anticipation of possible events is the core of the Crisis Management Plan. During the crisis, individual departments should coordinate their response through the CMT. VI. Crisis Levels Level 1: A minor department or building emergency that can be resolved with existing college resources or limited external assistance. These are usually one-dimensional events with limited duration that will have little or no impact on campus community members or college operations. These situations will involve the CMT leader and select college personnel based on their areas of responsibility and expertise. Level 2: A major emergency that involves multiple departments and/or buildings, and affects sizable portions of the campus. Level two emergencies may be a single or multi-hazard situation, and will often require considerable coordination with external agencies. These emergencies may also include existing or imminent emergencies on campus or in the local community. Level 3: Catastrophic events involving the entire campus and the local community, and they typically involve multi-hazard emergencies that can/have overwhelmed local response agencies. As a result, local emergency services may not be sufficient or readily available. 3 Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan CRISIS LEVELS Level Description 1 Confined to one building and/or department; one-dimensional 2 Involves more than one building and/or department 3 Disaster involving entire campus and local community Descriptor Examples Incident -Personal injury -Personnel/Program allegations -Off-campus incidents involving a student, faculty, or staff member -Facilities situations -Death of campus community member -Illness outbreaks -Severe weather (hurricane, tornado, ice/snow storm) -Serious crime -Fire -Bomb threat -Chemical spills/leaks -Active shooter -Loss of electrical power -Loss of residence hall -Pandemic events -Terrorist attack -Severe weather (having significant impact in the local community as well as on campus) Emergency Crisis 4 Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan VII. Crisis Management Team Responsibilities Team Member PLANNING (Before) RESPONSE (During) RECOVERY (After) Determine nature of crisis and affected constituencies Direct activation of CMT Manage CMT Designate team leaders during absence Inform President of all developments Implement crisis communication plan Manage media relations Provide internal and external media communications guidance Ensure the accurate and appropriate release of information Evaluate performance of CMT CMT to meet with key departmental resource providers to review CMP (debriefing) Team Leader – VP for Student Life Management of the development of the overall CMP Establish policy to support CMP Ensure perpetual, college-wide planning and training Director of Publications and Media Relations Develop crisis communications plan Establish notification system regarding status of college operating schedule, academic programs, and emergency alerts to campus community VP for Academic Life Determine academic program and faculty needs Establish departmental and budgetary policies to ensure resource support Develop Business Continuity Plan Determine academic schedule Restore normal academic operations Provide physical resources and funds as necessary Establish departmental policies to ensure response Review interim plans and policies Meet with outside resource providers (government agencies, vendors, utilities) Identify critical services and operations Establish key personnel contact list with call back procedures Identify internal resource capabilities Initiate departmental / unit crisis plan and policy Provide information, decision-making, and resources as dictated by the situation Maintain accessibility to CMT Coordinate operation with other departmental units to ensure safety and health priority is maintained Coordinate arrangement of service with outside resource providers Establish cost of damage estimates Coordinate insurance reporting Plan for facilities recovery Provide restoration guidance as indicated by the nature and severity of the crisis Provide written critique to CMT Evaluate crisis impact on facilities, budget, personnel, services, and long-range goals VP for Finance Other VP’s Directors Division Chairs 5 Post-crisis media communications Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan Ensure communication and information flow to CMT Provide appropriate and necessary services VIII. Plan Maintenance The Vice President for Student Life, under the direction of the Crisis Management Team, is responsible for the development, review, and maintenance of this plan. CMT members and/or their designees will attend quarterly meetings to: Debrief on current and past crisis(es) Evaluate response(s) Revise CMP as necessary Plan for future incidents Update/maintain CMT member contact information Coordinate training Circulate information Make recommendations to enhance crisis response Additional meetings will be scheduled as necessary. IX. Plan Activation The Crisis Management Plan will be activated through the Vice President for Student Life or designee. Upon notification, a time and location of the initial meeting of the CMT will be announced. The primary meeting location will be the Main Conference Room. Depending upon the nature and severity of the crisis, the Team Leader will determine which additional members need to assemble. If the primary meeting location is unavailable, the secondary location will be Town of Louisburg Police Training Center. X. Crisis Communications The Director of Publications and Media Relations is responsible for implementing the notification system regarding the status of the college’s operating schedule, academic programs, and emergency alerts to the campus community. The Director of Publications and Media Relations is responsible for implementing the Crisis Communications Plan, managing media relations, providing internal and external communications guidance, and handling post-crisis media communications. Communications Crisis: Threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community or A negative event that can jeopardize the institution’s image, reputation or financial stability 6 Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan Goal: Effectively communicate threats to the safety of our campus community - both internally and externally Control the message Control the flow of information Protect the institution’s image and reputation Be open Be accountable Be accessible Communications Crisis may include, but is not limited to, the following: Disaster/Natural Disaster Campus Violence Discrimination Sexual Harassment Rape Binge Drinking Crisis within academic/administrative fields IT Hack Financial Crisis Athletic Crisis Terrorism Reacting to Crisis Campus Notification: The Director of Publications and Media Relations will work with the CMT to determine the best notification system to use dependent upon the level of the crisis. Crisis Levels 1-3 are defined in the CMP. Audiences notified will be dependent upon the specific crisis, and determined at the time of the crisis. Notification Systems Include: College Website Email Telephone Fliers Text Messaging In a time of crisis, the Director of Publications and Media Relations will update the release of information in timely and regular cycles. Media Relations: The Director of Publications and Media Relations is to maintain authority over all communications with the media in a time of crisis. 7 Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan The Director of Publications and Media Relations will work with the President to determine one spokesperson for the institution in a time of crisis. No other individual should act as a spokesperson, unless otherwise determined by the Director of Publications and Media Relations and the President. No one on staff should conduct an interview with the media during a time of crisis without notifying, and being briefed by, the Director of Publications and Media Relations. No one on staff should release the names of victims or students without approval from the Media Relations Office. The Director of Publications and Media Relations will work with spokesperson(s) to prepare him/her to address the media. In a time of a crisis, the Director of Publications and Media Relations will work to ensure that the media is briefed in timely and regular cycles. When necessary, the Director of Publications and Media Relations will provide the media with additional campus sources such as students, faculty and staff to participate in interviews. XI. Emergency Information Handbook An emergency information handbook has been developed for use by college students, faculty, and staff. This handbook contains general information regarding appropriate initial response to the following list of events/situations: Severe Weather/Natural Disaster Building Evacuation/Utilities Fire/Explosion Bomb Threats Criminal Behavior Civil Disturbance Medical Emergency/Personal Injury Hazardous Materials (Chemical/Biological/Radiological) Psychological Crisis 8 Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan Appendix A: Evacuation Plans Single Building Evacuation In the event a single building evacuation is necessary due to a present or imminent danger, the building fire alarm system will be activated. Building occupants should immediately evacuate to the pre-determined emergency assembly area. These areas are designated in the Louisburg College Emergency Information Handbook. Occupants should exit the building to the nearest and safest emergency assembly area and wait until personnel accountability is established and official permission to re-enter the building is given. Emergency Protection Areas In instances such as severe weather (tornado, hurricane) it may be necessary for building occupants to remain indoors. In such instances, every effort should be made to move to the lowest possible floor away from doors and windows. Student and Personnel Accountability When evacuation is necessary, it is important to determine whether students and personnel are safe. In order to accomplish this, department heads, classroom instructors, office managers, and others with such knowledge should report to Campus Safety and Police any persons known to be missing. Disabled Persons Assistance Care for disabled individuals who may have difficulty evacuating is an essential obligation of department heads, classroom instructors, office managers, and others with supervisory responsibilities. Timely evacuation or relocation assistance should be provided to disabled persons. Campus Evaluation/Building Lockdown In the event a campus evacuation, campus lockdown, or building lockdown is ordered, the details will be provided via campus e-mail and the emergency notification system (e2Campus). Campus Safety and Police is responsible for designing and communicating information regarding campus traffic patterns and evacuation protocol. Appendix B: Business Continuity Plan <insert> Appendix C: Electronic Database Security/Continuity Procedure To insure the integrity of digital data, Louisburg College backs up data on several schedules. A back-up of data is made on a daily basis and maintained in the network administrator’s secured 9 Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan file. A weekly back-up of data is made and stored in the institution’s vault in the Business Office. Finally, a back-up of data is made at the end of the drop/add period and after final grades are entered. A copy of the microfilmed and digital data is stored in the Registrar’s safe deposit box at First Citizens Bank, Louisburg, North Carolina. Appendix D: Activation Checklists Activation checklists will be developed by the departments/areas listed below. The checklist will denote in sequential order the steps which are to be taken in the event the CMP is activated. Crisis Management Team Campus Safety and Police President’s Office Facilities Residence Life Athletics Media/Public Relations Student Life Information Technology Systems Counseling Center Campus Dining Services (Chartwells) 10 Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan Crisis Management Plan Activation Checklist Department/Area: Item # Date: Specific Action/Requirement 11 Time Completed By Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan Appendix E: Departmental Crisis Plan Review Following each plan activation and on an annual basis, each department is required to review their departmental Crisis Plan. The following questions should provoke thorough evaluation: Is a departmental plan written? Are departmental personnel aware of the department plan and the Crisis Management Plan? Does the plan contain the following elements: List of departmental personnel and contact information Activation Checklist Essential Personnel and responsibilities List of location(s) of important information and records List of location(s) of special equipment, supplies, and/or hazardous materials Appendix F: Crisis Activity Log The Crisis Activity Log will be maintained by the CMT for the duration of the activation of the Crisis Management Plan. The log should reflect major decisions and assignment of responsibilities within the group. CRISIS ACTIVITY LOG Recorded By: Time Date: Activity/Requirement 12 Assigned To Completed Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan Appendix G: Current Enrolled Student Local/Home Directory A current directory of enrolled students with local and home contact information should be included in the master CMP (hard copy and electronic). This directory should be updated no later than five (5) business days following the start of each academic term. Appendix H: Current College Personnel Local/Home Directory A current directory of all college personnel with local and home contact information should be included in the master CMP (hard copy and electronic). This directory should be updated biannually (January 1 and August 1). Appendix I: Current Crisis Management Team Directory A current directory of the Crisis Management Team to include name, title, and contact numbers (office, mobile, and home) should be included in the master CMP (hard copy and electronic). This directory should be updated immediately following any personnel change in a team member position. CMT Member VPSL (team leader) Jason Modlin Chief of Police Jeffrey Linney EVP/VPAL Rodney Foth VP Finance Belinda Faulkner Dir. Publications/ Media Relations Amy McManus Dir. Of Facilities Steve Sparks College Attorney Boyd Sturges President* Mark LaBranche *Ex Officio Office 497-3210 Home 252-459-8664 497-3400 Mobile 919-496-9302 Other -- 919-729-4307 497-3201 919-496-5041 919-819-1867 -- 497-3207 252-977-0279 252-904-2558 -- 497-3330 919-604-5051 -- -- 497-3250 919-426-1210 496-2137 497-3213 496-1454 13 671-9825 -- Louisburg College Crisis Management Plan 14