11/03/2014 - Village of Rio

RIO VILLAGE BOARD-November 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Village President James Olrick. Present were Trustees Delbert
Curtis, Joanne Husom, Robert Strauss, and Nancy Wescott. Also present were DPW Lang and Library
Director Erin Foley.
MOTION Strauss/Wescott to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
DISCUSSION: President Olrick made correction to the Ordinance minutes. The Clerk initially reported
that President Olrick was in favor of the recommendation for changes to the Solid Fuel Ordinance. The
recommendation should read as follows: RECOMMENDATION: Milfred/Husom to modify the solid
fuel-fired heating devices to eliminate outdoor solid fuel fired heating devices in Village limits. To
remove Fencing and Screening and Setbacks and Yard Requirements and to renumber Emissions from 7
to 5 and Penalty from 8 to 6. Recommendation carries with 3 yes votes and 1 no vote (Olrick).
MOTION Curtis/Strauss to approve the minutes of the October 6 Board Meeting, October 20 and
October 27 Special Board Meetings and October 20 Committee meetings with changes. Motion
carried unanimously.
Audience Comments/Correspondence:
The Clerk reported that the Village received a complaint that the Village is spending too much time
hauling leaves. Discussion took place on alternatives to hauling leaves. The Clerk reported that the
Village received a letter from Canadian Pacific regarding the implementation of Positive Train Control
(PTC). This project is mandated by the US Congress to enhance train safety. They will be installing five
antenna poles within the CP right-of-way (ROW) through Rio, WI. PTC technology allows trains to
receive information about its location and where it is allowed to safely travel. The Clerk reported that the
Village received a letter from the Department of Administration requiring the Village to receive corrected
certified payroll records for the week of September 8-14, 2013. The Clerk reported that MSA is working
with DiMar to obtain the documentation needed.
Trustee Curtis gave the Ordinance Report.
Conditional Use Permit for:
a. David Tessmer at 343B Railroad Street Parcel 292.9.
MOTION Curtis/Husom to approve conditional use permit for David Tessmer to have a storage shed
only on property. This conditional use permit will be reviewed annually. Motion carried unanimously.
b. Ordinance 2014-1 amendment to 17.10 to prohibit outdoor solid fuel fired heating
devices in Village limits.
MOTION Wescott/Husom to modify the solid fuel-fired heating devices to eliminate outdoor solid fuel
fired heating devices in Village limits. To remove Fencing and Screening and Setbacks and Yard
Requirements and to renumber Emissions from 7 to 5 and Penalty from 8 to 6. Motion carries with 4 yes
votes and 1 no vote (Olrick).
Public Works Report:
President Olrick gave the Public Works report.
President Olrick gave the Police report.
Library Report:
Trustee Wescott gave the Library report.
Trustee Strauss gave the Finance report.
A. Invoices
DISCUSSION: The invoices were reviewed.
MOTION Husom/Wescott to approve the invoices with additions. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Copy Machine for Village office:
DISCUSSION: The Board tabled the discussion. They will review it at the Finance and Board
C. Review Budget Items with Possible Action on Budget Items:
DISCUSSION: The Clerk reported that the Village received the Final Statement of Assessment
(SOA) from the Department of Revenue. The Clerk reported presently with the levy amount of
$419060 and the SOA the tax rate for the village would be approximately $6.60. The Clerk reported
some small changes to the budget.
No report.
Silent Sports Trail:
No report.
Rio Fire Association:
No report.
Upcoming Meetings:
The Committee meeting will be held on Monday, November 24 at 6:30 pm. The Village Board meeting
will be held on Monday, December 1 at 7:00 pm.
MOTION Stofflet/Wescott to adjourn at 7:32 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Amy Stone, Clerk