Organisational Unit Actions Faculty of Education Management

Organisational Unit Actions
Management Practices and myVoice
Results (% Favourable)
1. Change and Innovation
 Q115: Change is handled well at ACU = 33%
(low) [ACU 37%]
 Q116: The way ACU is run has improved over
the last year = 39% (low) [ACU 46%]
 Q117: ACU is innovative = 42% (low) [ACU
 Q118: ACU is good at learning from its
mistakes and successes = 33% (low) [ACU
Faculty of Education
Practices to be
Improvements Required
Change and
Engagement with change and
1.1 Maintain weekly Faculty Bulletin.
1.2 Maintain schedule of Campus visits by
Executive Dean, Associate Deans and
Executive Dean
Heads of School
Unit managers
1.3 Develop internal communications strategy.
2. Resources
 Q21: I have access to the right equipment and
 resources to do my job well = 49% (low) [ACU
 Q22: I have easy access to all the information
I need to do my job well = 53% (medium)
[ACU 68%]
 Q23: I can get access to additional resources
when I need to = 41% (low) [ACU 61%]
Perception that resourcing has not
kept pace with growth in student
2.1 Faculty review recommendation: Revise
funding allocation: Include in three year
plan and annual operational plan 2012.
Executive Dean and
Heads of School
3. Processes
 Q24: There are clear policies and procedures
for how work is to be done = 54% (medium)
[ACU 64%]
 Q25: At ACU it is clear who has responsibility
for what = 42% (low) [ACU 49%]
 Q26: Our policies and procedures are
efficient and well-designed = 35% (low) [ACU
Streamline processes to minimise
duplication of effort and number of
signatures required for many forms.
3.1 Streamline processes:
Work with central business units to
contribute to and implement more
effective processes.
Use SharePoint facility to initiate
common workflows and timelines for
tasks requiring approval.
Relevant staff
4. Technology
 Q27: The technology used in the University is
kept up-to-date = 40% (low) [ACU 56%]
 Q28: ACU makes good use of technology =
40% (low) [ACU 53%]
 Q29: Staff at ACU have good skills in using the
technology we have = 40% (low) [ACU 50%]
Availability and use
of technology
3.2 Use SharePoint to store commonly
accessed documents.
Availability of lecture rooms with
appropriate, functioning IT
infrastructure, appropriate teaching
4.1 Liaise with Director, IT on range of IT and
infrastructure matters. Paul Campbell to
attend Faculty Executive November 2011.
Executive Dean
Heads of School
Unit managers
Status at December
Organisational Unit Actions
Management Practices and myVoice
Results (% Favourable)
Faculty of Education
Practices to be
Improvements Required
Engagement with opportunities to
participate in Faculty committees,
networks, discipline groups.
3.1 Implement measures identified in Faculty
Continue strategy to increase
involvement and participation in
Faculty Committees (CICs), discipline
groups and research collaboration.
Establish and implement professional
staff networks to support Faculty
Executive Dean
Associate Dean (LT)
Associate Dean (R)
Faculty Manager
6. Involvement
 Q52: I have input into decision-making at ACU
= 42% (low) [ACU 44%]
 Q53: I am encouraged to give feedback about
things that concern me = 61% (medium) [ACU
 Q54: I am consulted before decisions that
affect me are made = 38% (low) [ACU 42%]
Perception that workload associated
with growth in numbers precludes
involvement. May be result of
geographic separation.
6.1 Involvement of Campus reps in CICs.
Associate Dean (LT)
Faculty Manager
7. Career Opportunities
 Q69: Enough time and effort is spent on
career planning = 35% (low) [ACU 35%]
 Q70: I am given opportunities to develop
skills needed for career progression = 40%
(low) [ACU 50%]
 Q71: I am aware of career opportunities
outside my work unit = 56% (medium) [ACU
 Q72: There are enough opportunities for my
career to progress at ACU = 37% (low) [ACU
Career opportunities
Career pathways and staff
7.1 Implement academic career pathways in
PRP process.
8. Workload
 Q73: There are enough staff employed to
meet work demands in my work unit = 24%
(low) [ACU 39%]
 Q74: My workload is manageable = 32% (low)
[ACU 48%]
 Q75: Sufficient time is available to work on
high priority projects and activities = 23%
(low) [ACU 41%]
5. Cross Unit Cooperation
 Q44: There is good communication across all
areas of ACU = 28% (low) [ACU 33%]
 Q45: Knowledge and information are shared
throughout ACU = 34% (low) [ACU 38%]
 Q46: There is cooperation between different
sections in ACU = 29% (low) [ACU 40%]
Cross unit
6.2 Establish Professional staff networks.
7.2 Identify career pathways for professional
support staff.
Executive Dean
Supervisors of
academic staff
Faculty Manager
7.3 PRP conversations reflect staff
development model.
Pressure felt from growth in student
numbers and prioritizing research and
perceived value of research output.
8.1 Implement revised workload model as
identified in EA.
8.2 Workloads reflect expectations and
8.3 Monitor and review implementation.
Heads of School and
academic supervisors
Status at December
Organisational Unit Actions
Management Practices and myVoice
Results (% Favourable)
9. Wellness
 Q97: I am given enough time to do my job
well = 40% (low) [ACU 56%]
 Q98: I feel in control and on top of things at
work = 43% (low) [ACU 58%]
 Q99: I feel emotionally well at work = 57%
(medium) [ACU 64%]
 Q100: I am able to keep my job pressure at
an acceptable level = 45% (low) [ACU 59%]
Faculty of Education
Practices to be
Improvements Required
Wellness – impact of
work pressure
Perception of overwork and pressure
from growth in student numbers
9.1 Low leave balances: staff entitlements
managed within reasonable limits.
Status at December