Project Title: Fish interactions and species diversity among Orbicella annularis and Acropora palmata in Curacao Project Leader: Dana Ellsbury Duration of Project: seven days in Curacao Project Costs: $11,217.48 Abstract Human interactions with the marine ecosystem are continually on the rise. These interactions include overfishing, pollution, and global warming, among others. These interactions affect coral reefs in ways of die backs, yellow band disease, black band disease, and bleaching. Reefs contribute to 25% of the oceans diversity and are an important part of the marine ecosystem. The removal of coral reefs or the interactions may greatly affect the ecosystem. This project aims to contribute to the knowledge of interactions between fish species and Orbicella annularis and Acropora palmata. With the increasing human-induced effects on the marine ecosystems, it is important to understand these interactions because the removal of interactions or species may greatly affect the ecosystem. Identifying the diversity of fish species interacting with O. annularis and A. palmata in different ways can help to explain the impact the future may have on the organisms with changing conditions. Results from this project will help us to better predict ways to restore coral reefs with a higher positive impact on fish diversity. We intend to use video collection and calculation to determine if an interaction is favored with either species of corals. Using the project results, scientists can improve ways to preserve or restore coral reefs to maintain species diversity in the ecosystem. 1 Introduction The Caribbean islands such as Curacao are surrounded by coral reefs. These islands in recent years have come to be a popular tourist destination. As with any tropical island snorkeling and diving are a tourist favorite to observe the coral reefs. Unfortunately, internationally the coral reefs are in decline. “Environmental conditions appear to have degraded throughout the Caribbean since the late 1990s, as evidenced by an emergence of several particularly virulent diseases, recent bleaching events and other biotic disturbances, and increasing rates of mortality among species previously thought to be resistant to these stressors” (Bruckner and Bruckner 2006). Though coral reefs make up a fraction of the ocean, they account for 25% of the ocean’s diversity. Coral reefs create a substrate and give rise to three-dimensional structures to the reef ecosystem. They are important for “spawning, nursery, breeding, and feeding for a multitude of organisms” (Moberg and Folke 1999). Reefs contribute to national economics such as fisheries and pharmaceuticals. Many contents of drugs used today were founded on coral reefs. In addition to reefs being beneficial economically for humans, they are a barrier to erosion and link together marine ecosystems. Corals provide the majority of the primary producers on the reef (Schwarz et al. 2008). Primary producers build the food chain of the ecosystem; removal or extinction of primary producers such as corals, will greatly impact the ecosystem. Despite what the coral reefs provide, they are being destroyed by bleaching, variety of diseases, storms, over-fishing, and human activity, among others. The slow growth rates of coral reefs are at approximately 1-10cm per year; this growth rate is constantly being tested now with the amount of success a colony can be resilient and resistant to these affecting factors. With the recent disease outbreaks, harsh storms, bleaching events, and predation, the corals may not keep the same resistance seen in the past. Preserving and restoring coral reefs needs to be an important part of stopping pollution and global warming effects to maintain species diversity in marine ecosystems. “Foundation species are particularly important for restoration because they can facilitate the colonization of other species by maintaining or providing key habitat or promoting community-level recovery from disturbance” (Halpern et al. 2007). A. palmata and Acropora cervicornis are two fast-growing corals that help build reefs in the Caribbean; in recent years, these two species have been in decline and have entered the threatened species list under the US Endangered Species Act (Miller et al. 2002). If the decline continues and the corals are forced to extinction, the reefs will be greatly affected and change the balance of the ecosystem. Coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds are used by many organisms for protection, nurseries, and relative home; with the continual decline of these habitats, fish species will also deplete. Factors of salinity, temperature, predation, and human activity affect these habitats (Parrish 1989, Nagelkerken et al. 2000). Restoration of these habitats is an important aspect to maintain species diversity and to maintain the ecosystems. 2 Overfishing and global warming changes have created a negative impact on reefs in the Caribbean. Overfishing is changing the balance of the diversity, abundance, and relative size of the fish seen on reefs. The Caribbean has seen changes over recent years impacting the food chain and environment (Hay 1984). The importance of interactions between fish and coral species is viable to understand what effects overfishing, disease, human activity, etc will have on the future marine ecosystems. Though we are not in control of natural events such as storms, we can decrease the human impact by reducing coastal development, pollution, fishery pressures, and help stop global warming effects. Scleratinian corals are among the types of corals seen in the Caribbean today. Two corals commonly found in Director’s Bay of Curacao are O. annularis and A. palmata. Both coral species are derived from Phylum Cnidaria. O. annularis is a boulder coral while A. palmata is a branch coral. There are several types of O. annularis species; one common species in the Caribbean has small polyps with large colonies forming groups of columns. The forming columns widen distally. The living tissue of O. annularis is found mainly on tops of columns (Knowlton et al. 1992). They are given the common name, boulder corals, due to their spherical shape and stationary position resembling a boulder. A. palmata is found in large assemblages. They are given the common name elkhorn because of their branch structures that stretch outward into the water column resembling an elkhorn. They are often brown and the branch size and shape depends on the colony. Would a Pomacentridae prefer to interact with O. annularis or A. palmata for protection? Why? The purpose of this study is to determine the species diversity of fish for each O. annularis and A. palmata and the fish interaction variance among the two species of corals. In this study, the hypothesis will be tested by observing the interaction of Caribbean fish species and the two coral species. The null hypothesis is there will be no difference in fish interaction between the two species of coral colonies collected in the five minute intervals. We predict that fish species will have a higher interaction of protection/defense with A. palmata because of the branch structures, and a lower protection/defense interaction with O. annularis because of the open water around the boulder coral. We predict that fish species will have a higher interaction of feeding with O. annularis because the boulder will have open surface area containing nutrients for fish species and will be closer to the ocean floor and a lower feeding interaction with A. palmata because the branches are more in the ocean current decreasing the available nutrients on the surface. This study will provide information about the affects and changes declines and possible extinction of Caribbean coral reefs will have on fish in the marine ecosystems. 3 Materials and Methods The video collection of colonies will be taken twice a day over a two day period. The first collection will be in the morning at 10am to observe diurnal species of fish interactions, and the second collection will be in the evening around 7pm to observe nocturnal species of fish interactions. The same procedure will be taken for the second day. The recordings are taken twice in the same day to include fish species that are active at different times of the day. Establishing sampling colonies The team will arrive at Directors Bay in Curacao; there will be two teams of two formed to cover more colonies. When the teams are suited up, they will enter the water. There will be one member on each team to carry the mesh bag containing the numbered tagging tape strips, go-pro video camera in waterproof housing, stop watch, depth gauge, underwater slate, underwater paper, and writing pencil. Each team will find 20 colonies of their coral species, either O. annularis or A. palmata. The corals will be chosen at relatively the same distance from the shore to minimize other dependent factors including wave refraction. All of the colonies chosen will be healthy corals with a minimum size of 50cm in height to keep a standard of all interactions and minimize dependent variables. When a colony is identified as large enough and healthy, one of the two team members will place a piece of numbered tagging tape onto the colony and the depth of the colony will be taken for data collection to observe any possible correlations. We will wait 5 minutes after tagging the colonies for fish to adjust before recording. Video collection When 20 colonies of each O. annularis and A. palmata are tagged, the video collection will begin. One of the two members on the team will be video recording the individual colonies while the other keeps a time of video recording with the stop watch. The two teams will video each colony for 5 minutes using a go-pro video camera. During video collection, the recorder will try to remain on the surface of the water and/or remain at a distance of at least 36 inches from the colony; this will help to decrease the effects that the recorder may have on the fish interactions and create a standard environment for data collection. Also, the recorder will reduce movement as much as possible to create a clear image with the video and decrease the chance of deterring fish interactions. The video recorder will need to be sure to get the number of colony recorded onto the video and have the second team member record the colony numbers in order of video recording to keep track of data. The tagging tape will remain on the colonies until the video collection and review is complete. The two teams will record 20 colonies each, once in the morning and again in the evening; this procedure will be repeated a second day. Analysis of video collection When the video collection has been taken of all 40 colonies between the two teams, the videos can be reviewed for clarity on the second and third day after the field work is complete. The data 4 collection and calculations will follow on the fourth, fifth, and sixth day and will be used for correction days if video collections need to be re-recorded for any colonies. The table represents the data collection that will be taken when reviewing the tapes. For every interaction with each colony recorded, a tick mark will be placed in the column representing that interaction. If the interaction is undetermined, the data collector will add a tick mark to the third column. Number of colony (flagging tape number) # of fish with protection interaction with colony # of fish with feeding interaction with colony # of fish with interaction undetermined (other than protection or feeding) Sample colony # 1 Sample colony # 2 Sample colony # 3 Sample colony # 4 The second type of collection will be identification of species. This will focus solely on fish species interacting with the coral colonies. For each new species of fish, another row will be added to the table; for a reoccurring species of fish, the recorder will add a tick mark every time that species is seen interacting with the colony in any way. During the video review, if the same fish returns to the coral colony, the data will count the interaction as two interactions of the same species of fish. To count the number of fish interacting with the coral colony, the fish that count will have a minimum time of 3 seconds in close proximity of the coral with further intent than swimming, or hovering over the coral at a distance of 8 inches or more. This guideline will be used to decrease the outliers of the experiment that do not interact with the coral but rather hover in close proximity by coincidence. Data Analysis With expected conditions, the frequency interactions would be seen as equal. The three interactions being observed in this study are feeding, protection, and other/undetermined. We will compute a Chi Square Test to compare our observed values versus our expected values. This test will be used to calculate the observed interaction types of all fish species. The results will be comparable for the occurrence of each interaction with O. annularis and A. palmata. We will also compute the Shannon-Wiener Diversity index (H1= -∑𝑠𝑖=1 𝑝i ln(pi)) for each observation where pi is the proportion of the ith of s species recorded. We will perform a t-test using the diversity values for an n=20 for each coral. The calculated results will explain if O. annularis or A. palmata has a higher species diversity of fish or if the species diversity is equal between the coral species. 5 Timetable The team will arrive in Curacao; the first day will consist of going to the hotel supplied for the week and going shopping for food needed for the week. The first night will be used to get the equipment together needed to go in the water and to assign tasks for the next day. The second day, the team will arrive at Directors Bay at 9am to begin the experiment. Each team will take one species of coral (20 colonies each), identify, measure, and tag with numbers, record the depth, and video record the 20 colonies. The video collection consists of 5 minutes per colony and a total of 20 colonies per species of O. annularis and A. palmata; the recordings should start around 10am after tagging is complete. This entire process should take approximately 3 hours to complete. When the team finishes the video collection, they will upload videos to the laptop and charge the go-pro cameras. That evening, the teams will go back to Director’s Bay and enter the water at 6:30pm to record the same colonies from earlier that day. The colonies should still have the same numbered tags and have the same depth and size, so the scientists will need to: record the colonies for 5 minutes each; recordings should start around 7pm. The recording should take about 2 hours to complete. When day 2 collections are complete, the teams will upload the videos to the laptop and charge the go-pro cameras. Final review of the videos taken that day will be needed to verify that they are clear enough to retrieve data from. On the third day, the teams will perform the same procedure as before at Director’s Bay with the same colonies. The team will arrive at Director’s Bay at 9:30am to record the colonies tagged from day 2. The recordings will be 5 minutes for each colony and should take a total of 2 hours to complete. When all colonies are recorded, the teams will go back to the hotel to upload the videos and charge the go-pro cameras. That evening at 6:30pm, the teams will go back to Director’s Bay with the same procedure to do the final recording of the colonies. The teams will enter the water at 6:30pm and start recording around 7pm. Each colony will be recorded for 5 minutes and should take a total of 2 hours to complete. When the video recording is complete, the teams will go back to the hotel to upload videos and charge the go-pro cameras. The fourth and fifth day will consist of reviewing the videos for data collection. If a video is not clear enough to retrieve data, one or more of the teams will need to go back to Director’s Bay to re-record the colony. When all videos are clear enough to retrieve data, the teams will go to Director’s Bay to remove the tagging tape from the colonies. The sixth day will consist of final data collections and analysis. The seventh day will be the departure from Curacao. 6 Literature Cited Bruckner, AW, Bruckner RJ (2006) The recent decline of Montastraea annularis (complex) coral populations in western Curaçao: a cause for concern? Rev. Biol. Trop, 54: 45-58 Halpern, BS, Silliman, BR, Olden, JD, Bruno, JP, Bertness, MD (2007). Incorporating positive interactions in aquatic restoration and conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 5.3, 153-160. Hay ME (1984)"Patterns of fish and urchin grazing on Caribbean coral reefs: are previous results typical?." Ecology 65.2: 446-454. Knowlton N et al. (1992) "Sibling species in Montastraea annularis, coral bleaching, and the coral climate record." Science(Washington) 255.5042: 330-333. Miller, MW, Baums, IB, Williams, DE, Szmant AM (2002) Status of Candidate coral, Acropora palmata, and its snail predator in the upper Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: 1998-2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-479, 26 pp Moberg F, Folke C (1999) "Ecological goods and services of coral reef ecosystems." Ecological economics 29.2: 215-233. Nagelkerken I et al. (2000) "Importance of mangroves, seagrass beds and the shallow coral reef as a nursery for important coral reef fishes, using a visual census technique." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 51.1: 31-44. Parrish JD (1989) "Fish communities of interacting shallow-water habitats in tropical oceanic regions." Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 58.1: 143-160. Schwarz, JA et al. (2008) “Coral life history and symbiosis: functional genomic resources for two reef building Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata.” BMC genomics 9.1:97 7 Budget Page Item: Price: Total: Tagging tape (100 ft.) Sharpie (2 pack) Go-pro video camera Underwater housing for Go-pro video camera SanDisk extreme flash memory card 64 GB for Go-pro HDMI cable for Go-pro Charging cable for Go-pro Laptop with charger Underwater writing slate Underwater paper (100 sheet pack) #2 Pencil (12 per pack) Waterproof Stopwatch Diving gear net bag Underwater wrist depth gauge Reef fish identification: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas [book] Reef fishes: A Guide to Their Identification, Behavior, and Captive Care, Vol. 1 [book] Reef Fish Behavior: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas [book] Snorkel mask Snorkel Booties (one pair) diving fins (one pair) Weight belt Weights (2 lbs) Wetsuit Cloth measuring tape with cm measuring (50 ft.) Small mesh bag SUV rental (one week 4+ passenger vehicle) Air fare to Curacao and return home (one week per person) Hotel/housing (one week per person) Food (allowance 3 meals one week per person) $5.99 $1.70 (X2) $199.99 (X2) $49.99 (X2) $79.95 (X2) $19.99 (X2) $19.95 (X2) $1500.00 $10.95 $12.95 $2.95 $5.95 $19.99 $99.95 $23.17 $59.75 $5.99 $3.40 $399.98 $99.98 $159.90 $39.98 $39.90 $1500.00 $10.95 $12.90 $2.95 $5.95 $19.99 $99.95 $23.17 $59.75 $46.13 $24.95 (X4) $9.95 (X4) $29.95 (X4) $37.95 (X4) $19.95 (X4) $6.00 (X 20) $129.99 (X4) $15.95 (X 3) $1.95 (X 4) $300.00 $600.00 (X4) $1000.00 (X4) $200.00 (X4) Total: $46.13 $99.80 $39.80 $119.80 $151.80 $79.80 $120.00 $519.96 $47.85 $7.80 $300.00 $2400.00 $4000.00 $800.00 $11,217.48 8 Budget Justification The reef fish identification books will be bought before the travel to Curacao along with the snorkeling equipment per person. The snorkeling equipment includes the snorkel mask, snorkel, booties, diving fins, weight belt, wetsuit, diving gear net bag, and weights. The identification books will be used to identify species of fish to run Shannon-Wiener Diversity index. The airfare is needed to visit Curacao to collect data and the SUV rental is needed to travel around the island and to transport all the equipment. Housing and food will be required while the team is on the island to perform the experiment with the timeline given. The diving gear net bag will be needed to carry the snorkeling equipment. The small mesh bag will carry the cloth measuring tape, tagging tape, go-pro cameras, waterproof stop watch, depth gauge, and pencil while in the water. The cloth measuring tape is needed for measuring the size of the colonies of corals. The tagging tape and sharpies are needed to keep track of the different colonies of corals being recorded. The go-pro camera with its underwater housing and accessories is needed to record the colonies of corals and ability to load recordings onto the laptop to be able to refer back to in the lab. The memory stick, cords, and laptop are needed to observe the recorded videos after initial recordings in the water. The stop watch is needed to keep track of the timeline for recordings. The depth gauge is needed to record the depth of the colonies. The writing slate, underwater paper and pencils are needed to record any information while in the water, the depth of the colonies, and the numbered colonies in order of videos. 9