Sermon Based Study Guide 35th in Series on the book of Luke Oct

35th Sermon in Series
Series on the Book of Luke
October 26, 2014
“Glad Tidings!”
Luke 8:1-3
**Today’s Passage and Message is a little unusual, in the sense that there is a
lot of ‘underlying’ truth that needs to be surfaced. By that it is simply meant
that Luke is reporting things but there are many implications in the narrative
that Theophilus (the man to whom Luke is writing this Gospel account) would
have understood but that need some explanation and focus in order for us in
our culture and time to appreciate. The Gospel is so clearly stated in this
passage as well, that PTK believed it needed to be brought out again in a clear
fashion. This is FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH for all people at all times.
**This woman and her loving, endearing behavior toward the Lord Jesus is a
very profound illustration of Eternal Salvation by faith in Christ alone. Please
take time to make sure that everyone in your group UNDERSTANDS the SIMPLE,
STRAIGHTFORWARD message of the GOSPEL. Make sure no one is trusting in
something like ‘infant baptism’ or any kind of good works to provide them with
the GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE. Church traditions are very strong in this area –
Lutheran and Catholic churches believe and teach that ‘baptism saves’ people.
These false beliefs run very deep and people hold to them without even really
considering that they are not ‘trusting in Christ’ to save them but they are
trusting in some ‘good work’ to save them. This is a serious error and it is very
important to be absolutely clear on fact that it is FAITH in JESUS, The Christ
ALONE that saves. It has always been (people in the OT era looked ‘forward’ in
faith to the coming Messiah) and it always will be (in this age we are looking
back on the death of Christ on the Cross as the basis for our FAITH IN CHRIST
1. JESUS FORGIVING the Unnamed, Sinful woman – Lk. 7:48-50
-Remember the woman washing, wiping, kissing & anointing Jesus’ feet
-Remember Jesus ‘allowing’ her to touch Him & Simon the Pharisee’s reaction
-REMEMBER – Jesus declaring this woman’s sins forgiven and that her “FAITH” had
saved her!
-The Good News – the Gospel of Jesus, The Christ: “whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
**Jesus never left any room for ‘fence-sitting’ or ‘neutrality’ or ‘middle
ground’ regarding Him. There are only TWO OPTIONS: Believe in Him or NOT.
Receive Him by faith or Reject Him in disbelief.
35th Sermon in Series
Series on the Book of Luke
October 26, 2014
Take time to talk in your group about how you present the Gospel to people
who do not yet know Christ. Make sure that there is no confusion. People
MUST BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be eternally saved. They
must understand that there is no one else in the UNIVERSE who can offer
Eternal Salvation. They must understand that He offers ETERNAL LIFE to
anyone and to everyone – WHOEVER – believes in Him. The matter of your
previous life – how good or how bad you have been – IS IRRELEVANT!
2. JESUS PRESENTING Himself as More Than A Prophet – AS GOD! – Lk. 7:49
-Jesus was concerned about everyone – was presenting Himself to all
-“…who is this who even forgives sins?!” - is it a question or a complaint?
-NO FENCE SITTING!!! NO NEUTRAL GROUND!!! Either you receive Him or you
reject Him
**This beautiful verse of Scripture talks about Jesus preaching “GLAD
TIDINGS” of the Kingdom of God. This is the same word that Luke used in 2:10
when the Angel gave the “good news” to the Shepherds about the Birth of
Christ. Jesus is GOOD NEWS! Jesus brings Good News! Talk about the relative
value of the good news of Jesus amidst all the things we generally consider
good news – things of value and that bring joy. Of course there is no
comparison but the “real” good news does often get lost in the shuffle of our
lives here on this earth. It is important to put things back into perspective.
3. JESUS PREACHING & BRINGING Glad Tidings - Lk. 8:1
-“Afterward” – Jesus’ “ITINERANT” ministry
-Give everyone an opportunity
-BRINGING GLAD TIDINGS – here is real “good news”
**These three women & the others who accompanied Jesus and His Disciples on
this itinerant ministry are truly an encouragement to all of us. They provide us
with hope and they give us a sense of how we can be part of accomplishing
God’s purposes with our lives. This is such an important point to be made from
these verses. Take time to discuss them in your group and make sure everyone
has an opportunity to talk about how they understand the Lord designing and
gifting them to be useful and most effective for Him and His glory.
4. WOMEN (& MANY OTHERS) PROVIDING Eyewitness, Personal Testimony and
Financial Support – Lk. 8:2-3
- These women and others were first of all – Personal, Eyewitness Testimonies
-Mary Magdalene
-Joanna, wife of Chuza
35th Sermon in Series
Series on the Book of Luke
October 26, 2014
-What Place in His Purposes has God assigned to YOU???
-Are YOU fulfilling your God-ordained purpose in/with your life??
In our time here on this earth, we have two fundamental decisions to make: The first one is
to believe in Jesus, The Christ as Savior. The second one is to decide to serve Him and fulfill
His purpose for giving us life.
Remember, someday every human being will be required to give an account of what they
had decided regarding each of those fundamental matters. Those who have never believed
in Jesus Christ will be judged on the fact that they rejected Him (The Great White Throne
Judgment – Rev. 20:11-15). Those who have believed in Him will be evaluated on how they
have lived their life in service for Him (1 Cor. 3:10-15, 2 Cor. 5:10-11). These two decisions
are the most fundamental, important and essential decisions of life on this earth. Make
sure you have answered both in a way that pleases and honors God .