AVS SAMPLES REQUEST CONTACT: Annetta Quinn 937-645-4602 aquinn@algaevs.com 13311 Industrial Pkwy. Marysville, Ohio 43040 Request for Information & Evaluation AVS Representative: Company: Customer Type: Request Date: February 9, 2016 Customer (Other): Material Name: Approx. Particle Size (Microscopy): Approx. Starting Concentration (TSS): Desired Moisture Content Percentage: Where does the above described material fall in your operations? : Is there any pretreatment, flocculation, or temperature concern with the material? Describe what the goal of testing is, or what would be considered “success”: Special Handling Instructions/Need for specialized cleaning/Safety Precautions, attach any necessary documents (MSDS if available): Disposal Instructions: **A HARD COPY OF THIS PAGE IS TO BE SENT WITH THE INCOMING SAMPLE PACKAGE** **PLEASE SEND TRACKING NUMBER WHEN AVAILABLE TO AVS SAMPLES REQUEST CONTACT** Services Requested (Descriptions on Back of Form): Lab Service Service Number Totals Bench-top Testing -$210 Extended Benchtop Package - $340 RAC Testing -$340 Bomb Calorimetry -$75 FlowCAM Analysis -$300 SLS Analysis [Dewatering] -$850 TOTAL CHARGES FOR LAB SERVICES (Payment by Credit Card Preferred): -Prices good for 30 days and subject to change- ---CUSTOMER SIGNATURE NEEDED--The undersigned assures that the materials provided does not pose safety or disposal risk. Any and all handling and safety precautions are clearly identified. Signature: Printed Name: AVS SAMPLES REQUEST CONTACT: Annetta Quinn 937-645-4602 aquinn@algaevs.com 13311 Industrial Pkwy. Marysville, Ohio 43040 Laboratory Services for Customer Specific Technology Evaluation Benchtop Testing -$210 - This helps to understand how effectively 3 different filter sizes work for your culture/solution - This test also experimentally determines the optimum filter size to use - The results can generally be translated to SLS performance in dewatering your culture/solution RAC Testing -$340 -Evaluates how fast/well RAC works on a solution -RAC remediation effectiveness on a given solution -Includes 3X TSS Test -1 Gallon Sample Needed Bomb Calorimetry -$75 -Provides information into how much energy (calories) is in a given material -Two energy content tests and a report sheet outlining these numbers and the process SLS Analysis -$850 -An Extended Benchtop Package (Listed Above) -A full scale run on our SLS dewatering unit with comprehensive analysis of the results -A report summarizing and highlighting the results in a context relevant to the customer. Extended Benchtop Package - $340 -A TSS (total suspended solids) test to determine the concentration of the algae (grams/liter) This will help to ensure the most accurate calculations about algae collection efficiency -Basic Microscopy to get a range of cell sizes and shapes in the culture solution This helps to get an understanding of which filter sizes will work the best -Moisture Content Analysis of the filtered algae will be measured to determine the amount of dewatering without heating -A report summarizing and highlighting the results in a context relevant to the customer FlowCAM Analysis -$300 -Provides a rigorous particle analysis -Determines: Average particle size, size distribution, particle shapes, particle concentration, frequency of particles, % of particles possessing specific characteristics -Provides library of pictures of various particles -Files all particle data